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>投稿者 クエスチョン 日時 2004 年 7 月 16 日 06:51:50:WmYnAkBebEg4M
Bush's magnanimity at stake in Jenkins case
How many soldiers has the U.S. military lost through desertion in connection with the war in Iraq?
In one of the few cases reported by the media, a 25-year-old U.S. serviceman, who fled to Canada in January after refusing a tour of duty in Iraq, said, ``I am not willing to kill or be killed.''
A Canadian newspaper quoted him as saying, ``The U.S.-led war is contrary to international law.'' He believes he would be ``a criminal'' if he were to take part, the newspaper reported.
Two soldiers, including that one, have so far deserted from the United States to Canada during the war in Iraq. During the Vietnam War, about 125,000 Americans-draft dodgers and deserters-crossed the border into Canada.
The Vietnam War spawned a movement to help deserters in Japan. Critic Shunsuke Tsurumi hid two U.S. servicemen at his father's house. When one of them started talking of returning to his unit, Tsurumi took him to a public bathhouse at his request.
With pale sunlight coming in from the window, silence reigned inside, and the American wordlessly soaked in the bath. After a while, he told Tsurumi that he had decided against returning.
The critic said that the soldier had evidently changed his mind under the influence of Japanese culture embodied in the bathhouse.
Repatriated abductee Hitomi Soga and her family arrived in Tokyo from Indonesia on Sunday evening. Her husband, Charles Jenkins, appeared to be very weak as he came down the ramp.
Where a Japanese would first seek a soak in the bath, the condition of Jenkins, who came here for medical treatment, probably precludes that. For the time being, I hope that he will make an all-out effort to recover his health.
Jenkins crossed into North Korea from the vicinity of the demilitarized zone 39 years ago. The U.S. government still regards him as a deserter.
Explaining himself, he has reportedly said he wanted to avoid being assigned to a tour of duty in Vietnam.
Vietnam-era draft dodgers were pardoned while Jimmy Carter was U.S. president. The Jenkins case poses a test of the Bush administration's magnanimity.
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 19(IHT/Asahi: July 20,2004) (07/20)
Triangular car headlights a sign of the times
We have many idiomatic expressions concerning eyes. For example, when we say ``Me-o sankakuni suru'' (make eyes like triangles), we refer to the look of a furious person. To stretch the metaphor, the roads are filled with angry eyes-vehicular headlights, I mean.
A letter I recently received was titled ``Fukigen-na kao'' (Look of displeasure). Vehicular headlights, the writer noted, used to be circular or nearly square in shape. They were replaced with rectangular models, which were in turn succeeded by more slender ones. Now the number of headlights shaped like pointed triangles has increased. The writer concluded the letter by saying that a sort of hostility is sensed on the roads through the displeased and angry look of these headlights.
To be sure, cars that appear in American movies set in the 1950s usually have circular headlights. Sometimes, headlights almost look like popeyed goldfish, jutting out from the body. In those days, headlights were solid as well as facetious.
The recent displeased aura that seems to surround headlights is enhanced by a shift in car design from boxlike shapes to slick, round designs.
My renewed concern about the look of headlights has been provoked by Mitsubishi Motors Corp.'s seeming indifference to major safety problems. The company has made news daily for months since it was revealed the automaker repeatedly concealed defects in its products. Tires have come off moving trucks, while incapacitated vehicles have totally lost control. In other cases, Mitsubishi-built vehicles have caught fire. A disaster could strike anytime and anywhere. The situation is terrible to the point where we do not know how to show our anger beyond ``making triangle eyes.''
A former Mitsubishi president along with other Mitsubishi officials have been indicted. What is worrying now is the slow pace of recalls to check on defects. More than a month has passed since the company reported defects to the authorities that cause parts to crack and fall off or brakes to fail.
Yet, only about 10 percent of the vehicles covered by the free checkup program have been brought in for inspection.
Perhaps, business pressures make it difficult to take vehicles out of operation, but keeping potentially dangerous vehicles on the roads amounts to consumers inheriting the risks from the defect-hiding automaker. Accidents resulting from a failure to have the defects fixed must be avoided. Everyone should keep that in mind.
Even without such avoidable accidents, nearly 8,000 human lives are annually lost on the roads of our vehicle-dependent society.
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 3(IHT/Asahi: July 19,2004) (07/19)
Mr. Hashimoto, tell us about the 100 million yen
Let's say, I am 100 million yen. For now, let's say my name is LDP Hashimoto Faction's Bank Balance.
Originally, I lived with the Japan Dentists Federation, which is a political organization of dentists.
It was shortly before the Upper House election of three summers ago that I left home to take a short journey.
One day, I became a check and was put into an envelope.
A federation official took me out on the town. Later, I heard that the person who appeared before me was former Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto.
I seem to have been handed to the Hashimoto side there and then.
Soon, the Hashimoto side discovered me, in check form, inside the envelope.
Someone from the Hashimoto office took me to a bank where I became an account balance.
It's been a while since I was transformed into an electronically transferable balance. But even now, when I look back, I think it was a strange journey.
It is the people more than the account balance who find the story very strange. Just the other day, we heard plans about the creation of the world's largest bank with total assets of 190 trillion yen. We also hear that there are still trillions of yen in bad loans.
Although it is no longer uncommon to hear stories about big money much greater than hundreds of millions of yen, it is quite rare for us to hear that 100 million yen was handed to a politician in a single delivery.
There is no way a sum as large as 100 million yen-with no strings attached-can change hands in the world of politics.
Not only as a former prime minister and leader of his own faction but as a politician, Hashimoto has a responsibility to explain how the money found its way to him.
Listen again to what the balance is mumbling:
I just told you what I heard during my journey. If I heard wrong, Mr. Hashimoto, please correct me and provide a clear explanation. What was the real purpose of my journey? I have yet to find an answer.
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 16(IHT/Asahi: July 17,2004) (07/17)
Unsound logic can backfire on its advocates
Once upon a time, there was a very strong country. The country's president warned of a far-off dangerous country. It had a dangerous president and dangerous weapons, which could be used at any time to attack others.
So the strong country decided to attack the dangerous one before it could do any damage. It beset the far-off country's soldiers and captured its dangerous president. But no matter how hard it tried, the strong country could not find the dangerous weapons. In the meantime, a report that the dangerous country did not possess the deadly weapons was submitted to the strong country's congress. Still, the president of the strong country justified the attack:
``We have not found stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, but we were right to go into Iraq. We removed a declared enemy of America, who had the capability of producing weapons of mass murder, and could have passed that capability to terrorists bent on acquiring them. In the world after September the 11th, that has a risk we could not afford to take.''
The moral cause of the Iraq war initially advocated by U.S. President George W. Bush was to counter ``the danger of an attack by weapons of mass destruction.'' But with no weapons in sight, it was gradually downgraded and has now been reduced to ``a potential threat.'' Saying the United States can make a pre-emptive attack against a potential threat is like allowing potential enemies to apply the same logic to attack the United States.
Referring to the way Bush is making repeated excuses and sophistries, a Washington Post column said: ``When it comes to telling you right to your face that black is white, maybe no one compares with George W. Bush.''
The prime minister of a country who claims to be close to the president of the strong country also jumped on the defense, saying, ``Just because dangerous weapons are missing, it doesn't mean they're not there.'' When his party was defeated in a recent election, he said, ``Even though the tide was against us, I'm grateful that we could secure a stable majority.''
Close friends and couples who act alike make us smile and put us at ease. But when powerful leaders who are two of a kind use sophistry to justify themselves, it only makes us feel bleak and empty.
July 15(IHT/Asahi: July 16,2004) (07/16)
Koguryo art rises above identity dispute
Even in a photograph, the angelic inhabitants of heaven that adorn the walls of the tombs of Koguryo-an ancient kingdom thought to have existed on Korean Peninsula-were stunningly beautiful. Whoever painted them used bold colors to depict weightlessly moving nymphs.
Judging from the quality of the picture distributed by a Chinese news agency last week, it is unimaginable that the nymphs now, thousands of years later, are any less vivid or beautiful than when the mural was painted.
This year the Koguryo tombs, including the one with this painting inside, were named World Heritage cultural site by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Prior to this, though, the ancient tombs were engulfed in a wave of international politics. Because those tombs span beyond the North Korean border into China, an obvious dispute arose: Did the Kingdom of Koguryo exist in China or on the Korean Peninsula.
Objections raised by China reportedly led UNESCO to put off its approval of a North Korean request for World Heritage classification last year. This year, China and North Korea agreed on a compromise, which allowed them to file separate applications.
Even so, protests against China have gained momentum in South Korea, partly because of a Chinese newspaper's assertion that Koguryo was a Chinese kingdom. Late last year, a South Korean academic society issued a statement of protest, fearing that Koguryo might eventually be incorporated into Chinese history.
Japan played a hand in putting the Koguryo tombs on the World Heritage list. Well-known painter Ikuo Hirayama led an intensive lobbying effort in the hope that UNESCO's approval of the ancient tombs as World Heritage cultural site might prod the reclusive North Korea to open its doors to the world.
It may even be conceivable that Japan will emerge as a ``bridge'' for promoting joint research and mutual interchanges among China, North Korea and South Korea.
Don Shou, who sought asylum in 336 from China, is said to be buried in one of the largest Koguryo painted tombs on the Korean Peninsula. The giant tomb attests to his having held an exalted post in the kingdom.
According to Lee Sungsi, author of a book published by Iwanami Shoten that deals with ancient East Asian races and states, Dong Shou is thought to have played an important role when the kingdom faced a diplomatic crisis with China.
The influence of Koguryo culture is strongly in evidence in the wall paintings inside the Kitora tumulus in Asuka, Nara Prefecture. Considering this, the registration of the Koguryo tombs as World Heritage site offers an excellent opportunity to look back over cultural links and the movement of people in ancient East Asia.
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 14(IHT/Asahi: July 15,2004) (07/15)
People may choose reform beyond Koizumi
An illustration of Junichiro Koizumi I saw three years ago on the cover of the weekend supplement of a British newspaper showed the prime minister dressed like Elvis Presley. He was wearing a flashy snow-white suit dotted with golden buttons and holding a guitar emblazoned with the Hinomaru rising sun flag.
Koizumi was at the height of his popularity. He enjoyed exceptionally high public approval ratings, due to his articulate way of speaking.
Foreign media also lionized him as ``a maverick politician,'' alluding to the possibility that he may change Japan's politics. But referring to the results of Sunday's Upper House election, the British newspaper that once compared Koizumi to Presley observed coolly that ``Koizumi was dealt heavy blow'' and ``voters sent a message they are disenchanted with the party and its leader.''
In Monday's news conference, Koizumi failed to deliver impassioned and obstinate arguments for which he is renowned. Rather, his attitude seemed no different from that of other LDP executives who were also with him. They included Mikio Aoki, leader of the LDP Upper House caucus. With the LDP's Upper House election setback hanging around his neck, Aoki looked uncomfortable as he rolled his neck to relieve tension again and again.
Still, the election may go down in history as one that marked the beginning of change. The Koizumi administration brought about a clash of interests within the LDP with proposals for reforms, including the privatization of postal services, and split its support base. Once the heat of high public approval ratings cooled, the rift became more visible. As if in keeping with the trend, clashing interests that remained hidden in Japanese society also began to surface.
To quote Koizumi's speech on Monday, ``an administration cannot keep going without the support of unaffiliated voters.'' People who have no ties with conventional organizations or parties increasingly are the driving force for change. Moreover, the people may choose to follow the path of change beyond Koizumi's intent.
The following are the words of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, whom Koizumi deeply admires: ``I do not like elections, but it is in my many elections that I have learned to know and honor the people of this island.''
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 13(IHT/Asahi: July 14,2004) (07/14)
Head wind against LDP, tail wind for Minshuto
About a month ago, an article in the prefectural news section of The Asahi Shimbun caught my attention: ``No one has yet bought a copy of the Liberal Democratic Party's campaign poster with a photograph of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, an item that sold like hot cakes in the previous Upper House election.''
I took it as a sign that the nation's mood was changing. The outcome of Sunday's latest Upper House vote shows that the velocity of the head wind against Koizumi and the LDP continued to gain.
Koizumi made his debut as prime minister with phenomenally high approval ratings. Riding on that tail wind, he advocated reforms and sought to impress the public with his ability to break the status quo.
Even now, the approval ratings for his Cabinet are by no means low, when compared with the figures for previous Cabinets. But his ability to sell himself to the people has clearly decreased.
It is not hard to identify the factors that caused the wind to blow differently in this latest Upper House poll.
Voters were worried about a prime minister being too close to the Bush administration, as exemplified by Koizumi's decision to allow Self-Defense Forces members to join the multinational forces in Iraq. Voters were also concerned about the way Koizumi handled other nationally divisive issues, making irresponsible and irrelevant remarks when his record as a contributor to the pension system was questioned and ramming pension reform bills through a Diet panel to assure their enactment.
It would be natural to think that these concerns generated a tail wind for the main opposition Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan).
In a comment on such a wind, James George Frazer, Britain's famed anthropologist, said that of all natural phenomena beyond control, the wind leaves civilized people most frustrated by a sense of powerlessness. (The comment appears in Lyall Watson's ``Heaven's Breath,'' whose Japanese translation has been published as a Kawade paperback with the title of ``Kaze-no Hakubutsushi,'' or a book of natural history on the wind.)
Which way the wind blows in a national election is determined by the sum of choices made by the electorate. Once the wind starts blowing in a certain direction, any amount of effort to change it by parties and politicians becomes futile. Trying to change the electoral wind's direction is like attempting to alter the path of a typhoon.
Takeda Shingen (1521-1573) is known as a warlord who used kaze, or the wind, in the mottoes he devised for his soldiers. ``Strike fast like the wind'' was one of his mottoes, all taken from ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Zi's book and written on the colors carried by his vaunted cavalry and other troops.
Besides the wind, ``forest, fire and mountain'' provided key words for the ``Furinkazan'' mottoes championed by the famous warlord.
Getting back to reality, the question now is whether Koizumi's electoral setback will evolve into a political situation where raging gale-force winds could make it difficult for him to stay on in office.
Incidentally, I inquired about the above-mentioned LDP campaign posters.
I was told that by Saturday, no order had been received for the posters from non LDP-affiliated voters within that prefecture.
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 12(IHT/Asahi: July 13,2004) (07/13)
Nation's tofu industry in for a sticky summer
Daizu Sojo (Archbishop Soybean), a Buddhist high priest in medieval Japan, was said to eat nothing but soybeans. According to one of many legendary episodes about this cleric, he was something of a medicine man who cured an emperor of an eye ailment. Some claimed he was a tengu (legendary mountain goblin) in human guise.
Folk traditions and proverbs abound about the magical powers of soybeans. Japanese today still observe the mame-maki soybean-throwing ritual every year on Setsubun in February-the day before the beginning of spring according to the lunar calendar. An old record also shows that people ate soybeans and adzuki beans to ward off illnesses on the morning of Tanabata-the star festival held on July 7.
``Soybeans symbolized people's communion with the `other world' that transcended their humdrum daily lives,'' notes Kazuaki Komine in Iwanami paperback ``Setsuwa-no Mori'' (Forest of tales).
Many health-conscious people today continue to swear by soybeans, but their prices have been soaring for some time now. This worries me.
Due to last year's unseasonably cool summer and other climatic anomalies, domestic soybean prices jumped threefold this spring from the level of the year before. Imported soybeans, too, have nearly doubled in price partly due to a poor harvest in the United States.
The United States is the world's leading soybean producer and accounts for about 40 percent of the global output. Next in line are Brazil, Argentina and China. The soybean market is said to be affected largely by what's happening in the United States, but the recent price hikes are also believed to be caused by China's transformation into a soybean importing nation because of growing domestic demand.
Including soy oil, Japan relies on imports for about 95 percent of its soyfood needs.
``The situation is severe for soybean farmers,'' lamented Emiko Taira, secretary-general of an Okinawa prefectural association of tofu and abura-age (fried tofu) makers. ``On top of the farmers' inability to find their successors, the soaring prices are hurting them badly.''
The price of shima dofu, an Okinawa specialty, began rising in some parts of the prefecture this month, and the trend could grow in August, Taira explained. Shima dofu is an essential ingredient for a uniquely local stir-fry dish known as champuru.
Not only in Okinawa but around the nation, the tofu industry, made up of small-time operators, is in for a rough ride this summer.
I hope the situation will not deprive tofu lovers of the delight of eating chilled hiyayakko tofu on a muggy summer day. A haiku by Hino Sojo translates that pleasure: ``Soy sauce becomes thin/ Adding to the coolness/ Of chilled hiyayakko.''
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 8(IHT/Asahi: July 12,2004) (07/12)
Grimm brothers' fairytale a timely lesson
What is the ultimate consequence of pursuing one's unbridled greed? ``The
Fisherman and His Wife,'' a fairy tale by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, is a timeless
and scary reminder of human weakness.
The story revolves around a fisherman and his wife who live in a very modest
abode. One day, a fish that the husband caught starts to speak and identifies
itself as an ``enchanted prince.'' The fisherman spares the fish's life and lets
it go.
When he recounts this episode to his wife, she nags him into asking the fish for
a ``little hut.'' The fisherman obliges, and returns home from his meeting with
the fish to discover his wife living indeed in a charming little cottage.
But the wife's contentment does not last long and she begins to want more.
Despite his qualms, the fisherman reluctantly continues to accommodate her, and
the fish continues to fulfill her every wish. She gets a ``great stone castle,''
and then goes on to become king. Next, she wishes to be made emperor, and
finally pope.
In connection with the 1995 shooting of the then-chief of the National Police
Agency and other crime, the Metropolitan Police Department arrested a former
officer as well as three former Aum Shinrikyo cultists Wednesday. The latter
three held senior positions in what the doomsday cult called the Secretariat of
``Ho-o,'' the retired and sacerdotal emperor, the ``defense agency''and the
``construction ministry.''
It horrifies me anew to recall that as this once-insignificant cult grew in
status, its greed for power and delusions of self-grandeur escalated to the
point of styling itself as a ``nation'' with its own government ministries and
The Tokyo police have yet to arrest a suspect for the actual shooting. I hope
investigators will follow due process in trying to solve this case.
Back to the story by the brothers Grimm. The fisherman's wife ultimately wishes
to become ``God who orders the sun and moon to rise.'' When the fisherman
repeats this wish to the fish, the couple find themselves back in their hovel.
The story ends there, but the terrible damage done by Aum Shinrikyo can never be
undone, nor will there be any end to the suffering of Aum victims.
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 9(IHT/Asahi: July 10,2004) (07/10)
Campaign posters leave room for revision
Red seems to be the favorite color of ink among the parties and candidates vying
for votes in Sunday's Upper House election.
This was fairly obvious when I checked a campaign poster board erected near a
small park. Most of the 10 posters on the board used red to highlight the names
of candidates and their affiliated parties.
Red was also the color chosen to denote the names of many candidates who ran for
the Lower House four years ago. Those candidates' names were printed in red on
253 of the 685 campaign posters included in a survey discussed in the book
``Senkyo Posuta-no Kenkyu,'' a study on campaign posters published by
Posters emerged as a popular campaign tool when the nation's first universal
suffrage election was held for the Lower House in 1928. Candidates were allowed
to use up to two colors in that election. Up until the day before the election
day, posters could be put up anywhere, and candidates were free to put up as
many as they pleased.
As a result, a total of nearly 35 million posters were plastered everywhere,
according to ``Posuta-no Shakaishi,'' a book on the social history of posters
published by Hitsuji Shobo.
Campaign posters count on arresting words as well as the color scheme to gain
the most effect.
What do the posters of the main parties have to say?
The Liberal Democratic Party's poster reads: ``Konokuni-wo omoi/ Konokuni-wo
tsukuru'' (Caring for this country/ Creating this country). This seems like a
concise and powerful message.
But on second thought, it strikes me as odd that the party that has in effect
been shaping this country for half a century should speak of ``creating'' it.
The LDP should remember the magical effect of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's
earlier words. A new poster that reads ``Caring for this country/ Destroying
this party'' would be more consistent with the secret of Koizumi's climb to
The main opposition Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan) is trying to convey its
message by these words: ``Massugu-ni, hitamuki-ni'' (Going straight ahead with
devotion). This sounds nice, but the trouble is that it is not clear just what
the party proposes to achieve.
Just three Chinese characters, ``Jitsugen-ryoku'' (Ability to get things done),
sum up the message of New Komeito, the No. 3 party that has formed a ruling
coalition with the LDP. The slogan is followed by double exclamation marks to
attract attention. Somehow, that seems to be a little too much. A single
exclamation mark would likely have been enough. The move to double punctuation
was probably influenced by the last character ryoku, which can be translated as
``power'' as well as ``ability.''
The Japanese Communist Party uses a lot of words to make various points on its
poster, exemplified by its main slogan: ``Kaiaku nenkinho-no jisshi-wo
yamesaseyo'' (Let us stop the government from implementing its poorly revised
pension laws). Evidently, the party thinks the wordiness will induce voters to
read its campaign poster, but it remains to be seen whether voters will stop to
read it.
In contrast, the message from the Social Democratic Party is brief: ``Ima koso
`min'-ism'' (Now is the time for the people's will). I wonder if the party has
abandoned its entire platform in favor of this new ``ism.''
Campaign posters may vary, but each voter has only one vote.
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 5(IHT/Asahi: July 9,2004) (07/09)
Indonesia a fitting venue for the Soga family
Indonesia's Wayang shadow puppet show is probably one of the longest plays in the world. It begins around 8 p.m. and continues through the next morning. Besides manipulating marionettes made of water buffalo hides, the puppeteer, called dalang, improvises narratives and also directs the musicians on hand.
In that country, Wayang-related words sometimes enter conversations between politicians. For example, when Suharto was president, Cabinet ministers likened him to the dalang. They said they were marionettes because whether they would leave the stage or remain, it was entirely up to the puppeteer to pick and choose as he saw fit.
Just before stepping down as president, Suharto, Sukarno's successor, said, ``Let us follow the Wayang philosophy about handing over political power.'' This was taken as implying that the outgoing president intended to continue pulling the strings.
Wayang plays are mostly performed on wedding and other celebratory occasions. Most children grow up seeing them, and Wayang narratives and puppets make up part of life in Indonesia.
``Wayang keeps changing. It's being renewed all the time,'' says Ryo Matsumoto, head of the Japan Wayang Association, of the puppet show. He has seen the shadow play in Indonesia for more than 30 years.
The Wayang stories are chiefly based on ancient epic poems. But there are no restrictions about the way they are presented. The flexibility puppeteers show seems to suggest that they are not afraid of shifting from the traditional patterns.
The genre includes a story of ``separation and reunion,'' a story running the gamut of the protagonist's sorrowful separation, the overcoming of hardships, and a tearful reunion at the end.
The protagonist's fate echoes the saga of repatriated abductee Hitomi Soga, who is set to see her family in Indonesia on Friday. The reunion is taking place a year and nine months after she left her family in North Korea to return home. She has been separated from her family longer than Vega (Shokujo, or weaving girl) and Altair (Kengyu, or cart-drawing bull), the two stars that are romantically linked in Japanese tradition and celebrated with the tanabata festival. Incidentally, their annual reunion across the Milky Way supposedly came about Wednesday night.
Indonesians are said to speak of ``rubber time,'' an expression that accounts for their ``generous'' sense about keeping time, according to Tadashi Ogawa's ``Indonesia,'' a paperback published by Iwanami Shoten. The author says that the opening time and duration of meetings and concerts can be changed freely and flexibly.
Soga seems determined to talk her family into living with her in Japan. I hope that she will be able to bring a Wayang-style happy end to her saga. I think the best way for her to succeed is to take a laid-back ``rubber time'' approach in her persuasion effort.
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 7(IHT/Asahi: July 8,2004) (07/08)
Freedom Tower locked in by hasty decisions
During this year's American Independence Day celebration in New York City, the cornerstone of the Freedom Tower was laid on the site where the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center Building stood until the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
When completed, the Freedom Tower will be the tallest structure in the world at 1,776 feet (about 540 meters)-the figure matching the year of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.
While many Americans welcome the construction of this symbolic reminder of the Sept. 11 national tragedy, some 9/11 families are critical of redeveloping the former site of Twin Towers, which they refer to as ``footprints.''
A man whose brother was killed in the attack told CNN: ``We are not opposed to the rebuilding moving forward. We just don't want it to move forward and the physical remains of the footprints to be destroyed in that process.''
Kenneth Foote, professor of geography at the University of Colorado at Boulder, wrote ``Shadowed Ground: America's Landscapes of Tragedy and Violence'' in 1997. The book was translated into Japanese as ``Kinenhi-no Kataru Amerika-Boryoku-to Tsuito-no Fukei'' and published by the University of Nagoya Press in 2002.
In his foreword to the Japanese edition, Foote observes that in the haste to sanctify the former WTC grounds, hardly enough time was given to the discussion of plans for memorializing the site. As a result, he laments, the entire discussion became myopic and focused only on how best to extol the 9/11 victims.
Foote's book researches and examines various historic landmarks as well as sites of tragedies, accidents and catastrophes in the United States. The author also points out that whereas a thorough, collective examination of conscience preceded the construction of the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial in Washington D.C., there was no such soul-searching for the Freedom Tower.
In his Independence Day speech in Charleston, West Virginia, President George W. Bush declared, ``Because we acted, Iraq today is a free and sovereign nation.''
But in reality, Iraq's freedom seems to still be off in the future.
Neither Iraq nor the Freedom Tower should be allowed to become a ``Tower of Babel'' erected without self-examination.
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 6(IHT/Asahi: July 7,2004) (07/07)
Passionate Brando was always a contender
Those who watched ``The Godfather'' probably remember the scene in which Don Vito Corleone dies.
Death suddenly comes to him while he is clowning, with a piece of orange skin in his mouth, to please his grandchild, in a kitchen garden where plants heavily laden with tomato-like fruits are growing.
Marlon Brando, the actor who played the mafia boss in the movie directed by Francis Coppola, died last Thursday at age 80.
Even though his performance in ``On the Waterfront'' and ``Apocalypse Now'' made a lasting impression on audiences, Brando was probably the actor best suited to playing Corleone, with his presence in the film peerlessly commanding.
If he were a baseball superstar, the team to which he belonged would have honored him by retiring his uniform number.
But he was not satisfied with his acting as the mafia boss. When he watched ``The Godfather'' for the first time, he was horrified, he says in his autobiography, ``Songs My Mother Taught Me.'' All that he noticed, he said, were his goofs, and he got thoroughly sick of himself. (A Japanese translation has been published by Kadokawa Shoten.)
Brando won a best actor Academy award for his performance as Corleone. But he refused to accept it. The actor is said to have explained that it would be rediculous for him to take part in the movie industry's festivities because of the way Hollywood had treated American Indians.
In addition to speaking up for American Indians, Brando joined the civil rights movement. He was intuitively hostile to those in positions of power.
Political corruption, he said, should be drastically reduced. Instead of letting politicians take their oath with a hand placed on the Bible, he said, it would be a good idea to tell them when they are sworn in that if they broke their promises, they would be thrown into the Potomac, with their feet in concrete.
The actor's remarks and behavior often amazed the world. Some aspects of his private life were also amazing.
Few people were as passionate as he was. The mafia boss he played in ``The Godfather'' was taciturn, but it was apparent that profound sentiment was stirring inside him all the same.
The occasional low mumbles he made in his role as Corleone sounded as if they were coming from the bottom of a dark pit.
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 4(IHT/Asahi: July 6,2004) (07/06)
Warps put new twist on Mona Lisa mystery
A health checkup for a 500-year-old woman? Of course, no human being can live that long. The checkup is starting for ``Mona Lisa,'' the picture drawn by Leonardo da Vinci early in the 16th century.
Officials at the Louvre, the national museum of art in Paris, have admitted that the painting is in a ``somewhat worrying'' condition. The board on which da Vinci drew the famous painting has been warping over the years. Apparently, the problem now is that the board has warped unevenly, raising the possibility that the ``eternal smile'' worn by Mona Lisa might become distorted.
But that still seems to be a remote possibility. As assessed by Louvre officials, the picture has been damaged to a degree that should cause anyone to refrain from understating or overstating the gravity of the problem. So, there is no need to rush to pessimistic conclusions.
When Mona Lisa's estimated age was about 480, I interviewed a woman staff member in charge of the painting at the Louvre.
The museum was closed on that day I went for the interview. The staff member and I had the normally crowded room to ourselves. We moved a bench, so that we could sit and talk in front of the picture in its bulletproof glass case.
``Da Vinci painted directly on a poplar board, not on a canvas,'' she told me. ``That makes the painting very vulnerable to any change in its environment.''
There is a small room behind where the Mona Lisa hangs on the wall. Every spring, the painting is lowered from the wall and brought into this room for detailed examination by staff members of the Louvre's science laboratory.
Among others, they check on the board's warp and the cracks in the painting. No change had been found since 1961, when the Louvre began the annual inspections, to the year of my interview with the woman staff member.
Da Vinci's dissertation on paintings divulges the secret of his success with the Mona Lisa: ``When you draw a portrait of someone, the important thing is to show what purpose the person has in mind and to give the person an appropriate pose to show it. Otherwise, your work of art will not be worthy of commendation.'' (A Japanese translation was published by Atelier-sha.)
In the da Vinci masterpiece, Mona Lisa wears a faint smile, with her right hand placed over her left wrist. Da Vinci posed her in that way to express what she was thinking about. But what she had in mind may never be known, just as the meaning of her mysterious ``eternal smile'' may forever elude us.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 27(IHT/Asahi: July 5,2004) (07/05)
Recent quotes that left a lasting impression
Below are some recent quotes.
``It's what I'd call a miracle when I find something at a garbage dump,'' said Titi Matsumura, a member of the Gontiti acoustic guitar duo who has been foraging for treasures in garbage for 20 years. ``I call it a miracle because it's a purely accidental encounter between myself and an object that was being used by someone and then thrown away.''
Before a nationwide campaign kicked off to turn off excessive city lights at night, cartoonist Shigeru Mizuki observed: ``True darkness has ceased to exist in Japan. If you go to the remotest regions of New Guinea, for instance, you even begin to believe in the existence of ghosts. Total darkness and utter quiet can make you feel spooky, but it's also a fascinating experience.''
Bioscientist Keiko Yanagisawa: ``It scares us to think that perhaps we are all born with a capacity for cruelty or brutality. But should it ever be proven that we are indeed cruel by nature, then we must learn to rely on reason to try to control this primitive urge and accept it for what it is, rather than run away from it.''
Writer Kazutoshi Hando: ``We have the benefit of hindsight to understand that the Showa Era (1926-1989) underwent a major historic transition around the time of the Manchurian Incident in 1931, but the people who were living through it didn't know that. I think we are in the same boat today.''
Yukiko Hashida, the widow of slain Japanese photographer Shinsuke Hashida, met the media together with 10-year-old Mohamad Haytham Saleh after the boy's successful eye surgery. ``I want him to survive (the Iraq war) at all costs. I want him to keep looking at the world and Iraq in the place of the two Japanese who lost their lives in Iraq.''
Senior high school student Sanenori Kinjo read his own poem during this year's memorial ceremony to mark the end of the Battle of Okinawa in June 1945. His poem went: ``We are alive/ Because we are alive/ We are able to think/ We are able to talk about things out among ourselves.''
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 28(IHT/Asahi: July 3,2004) (07/03)
SDF turns 50 after many twists and turns
It's not an easy exercise to short-list places of major significance to modern and contemporary Japanese history. But if we limit the time frame to the Showa Era (1926-1989), Ichigayadai in Tokyo's Shinjuku Ward definitely is worth mentioning.
During the Pacific War, Ichigayadai was home to the Imperial Headquarters Army Department, the War Ministry and the General Staff Office. In other words, Ichigayadai was effectively the nerve center for prosecuting the war.
The facilities were requisitioned by the U.S. military after Japan's defeat in the war. And it was at Ichigayadai that former Prime Minister Hideki Tojo and others were tried for war crimes by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East.
After the facilities were returned to Japan, the Ground Self-Defense Force established its Eastern District Army Headquarters there, and it became the site of novelist Yukio Mishima's ritual suicide in 1970. Today, the high-rise Defense Agency building soars into the sky
and Ichigayadai is automatically associated with the SDF.
On Thursday those forces marked the 50th anniversary of their founding.
From the start, there were questions about the SDF's legitimacy in relation to the war-renouncing postwar Constitution. Now that SDF troops are in Iraq as part of a multinational force, I am reminded of how drastically the SDF, Japanese politics and diplomacy have changed over the past half century.
A survey by The Asahi Shimbun in the spring showed that 60 percent of respondents were opposed to revising Article 9 of the Constitution, while 73 percent said the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty should remain. Article 9 and the security treaty are basically incompatible, but these survey figures seem to indicate that the public has come to accept this situation as well as the SDF's existence.
The Self-Defense Forces were created during the Cold War. In the ensuing years, voters sometimes became anxious about the SDF's excessive expansion or participation in overseas missions and voted against such activities. Had the public not applied this sort of brake from time to time, I wonder if Japan could have remained in peace for as long as it has.
Hypothetical argument is useless in the discussion of history. But at this point in the history of the SDF, I would like to think, ``What if.''
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 1(IHT/Asahi: July 2,2004)(IHT/Asahi: July 2,2004) (07/02)
Bare-bones handover gives the skinny on Iraq
Apparently, a variety of plans had been worked out about the proper way to hold the ceremony for handing back sovereignty to Iraq.
It was to be a modest safety-first affair. No fireworks display, and no fanfare for hoisting the Iraqi national flag. Similarly, the Iraqi national anthem was not to be sung. Those were the planning prerequisites.
A protocol official at the Coalition Provisional Authority told American reporters that the handover ceremony would be ``an event, a performance.''
He also said, ``The nebulous act of transferring sovereignty requires a tangible act that high and low alike can watch and applaud.''
The holding of the ceremony on Monday, two days ahead of schedule, must have been a bolt out of the blue to this official.
L. Paul Bremer, the top U.S. administrator in Iraq, handed a blue folder to the Iraqi prime minister, Iyad Allawi. Tucked inside the folder was a formal letter recognizing Iraq's sovereignty.
This procedure, the crowning moment in the ceremony, took place, just as the protocol official had reported in advance.
Lauding the ceremony, the Iraqi president, Sheikh Ghzi al-Yawar, said, ``This is a historic, happy day.''
But it also seems likely to be remembered as an event that took five minutes behind closed doors.
For a ceremony dealing with the transfer of sovereignty, undoubtedly a serious business, everything about it was not what one would expect.
I asked myself: ``Did the occupation authorities rightfully take charge of Iraq's sovereignty? Did they rightfully hand it back?''
On Monday, a Jordanian named Raed Jarrar who posts comments on the Internet came up with a scathing comment on the ceremony: ``In Arabic, we say the worst catastrophes make you laugh.''
He is a friend of Salam Pax, who has been written about in this column before because he posts his diaries from Baghdad on the Internet.
Raed is conducting a survey on civilian casualties in the Iraq war.
He is driven by a question: ``What did we gain after all of those years of the war on terror?''
As he sees it, the answer is ``thousands of bodies and more hate.''
Every day, I vainly wait to see good news from Raed.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 30(IHT/Asahi: July 1,2004) (07/01)
Extinct wolf a symbol of what Japan has lost
The Japanese wolf officially became extinct 99 years ago. More accurately, there has not been a confirmed sighting since the last of the species was captured in the village of Higashi-Yoshino, Nara Prefecture, in 1905.
But is the species really extinct? My thoughts turned to various extinct animals when the Paleontological Society of Japan last Sunday released a picture of a wolf's skull, said to be the largest ever discovered.
Two years ago, a forum titled ``Nihon Okami-no Sonogo'' (What's become of the Japanese wolf?) was held in the village of Otaki in Saitama Prefecture. There had been reports of wolf sightings and howls heard. In this village, they once tried to lure wolves by playing an audio tape of howling Canadian forest wolves.
Folklorist Kunio Yanagita was also interested in the Japanese wolf. In the early Showa Era (1926-1989), Yanagita wrote in his book ``Okami-no Yukue'' (Wolf's whereabouts): ``I do not subscribe to the theory that this species is extinct.''
However, he was unable to conclude the animals were still around, either. With too little evidence to go on, he noted, ``My sense tells me we may never know the answer.''
In Australia, a cloning project is under way to bring an extinct species back to life. The project team has taken a DNA sample from the preserved specimen of a Tasmanian tiger, and has succeeded in partially duplicating this sample. The Tasmanian tiger is believed to have been extinct for 68 years.
The concept of ``regeneration'' is the theme of ``Warai Okami'' (Laughing wolf), a novel by Yuko Tsushima published by Shinchosha.
The author draws a parallel between Japanese wolves and a boy and a girl who are living in the chaos of post-World War II Japan.
In the novelist's mind, the Japanese wolf is a symbol of what Japan is losing today, and the wolf also stands for the vitality that can ``regenerate'' contemporary society.
A monument inscribed with a haiku was erected in the village of Higashi-Yoshino five years ago. The haiku by Toshio Mihashi says: ``I walk/ With that wolf/ That is no more.''
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 29(IHT/Asahi: June 30,2004) (06/30)
Cold War finally ending on Korean Peninsula
On the evening of June 25, 1950, novelist Akiyuki Nosaka, then a freshman at Waseda University, heard that war had broken out on the Korean Peninsula. He was in Tokyo's fashionable Ginza district when he learned the news.
Nosaka later wrote about his fears and thoughts at that moment: ``I had expected something like this all along. The United States would strike with atomic bombs. So would the Soviet Union. From the Soviet perspective, there were enemy bases in Japan-Itazuke and Sasebo, if they looked at bases in Kyushu. In the vicinity of Tokyo, there are also bases for the Soviet Union to strike-Atsugi, Zama, Yokota and Yokosuka. The great majority of Tokyo citizens would die.
'' (The excerpt is from ``Nijusseiki Seishin-shi,'' Nosaka's book on the spiritual history of the 20th century, published by The Mainichi Shimbun.)
Nosaka acted quickly to save his life. As soon as he heard the news, he took the subway to Ueno Station, where he caught a long-distance train out of Tokyo.
Just after the outbreak of the war, the Foreign Ministry convened a meeting of experts to discuss how the conflict might escalate. One participant direly predicted an 80-percent probability that World War III was about to erupt.
Joseph Stalin, too, seems to have expected world war, according to his secret files, which were released about 10 years ago. The declassified files contain documents that show the Soviet dictator told Chinese leader Mao Zedong in the fall of 1950, when the tide was turning against North Korea, ``If we must make war, let us do it now, not a few years from now, because Japanese militarism will have made a resurgence by then.''
In the more than half a century since that time, military conflicts have broken out repeatedly around the world. None has escalated into a world war, and the Korean Peninsula remains divided.
Yet, the two Koreas recently stopped making propaganda broadcasts after decades of mutually criticizing each other's system across the demilitarized zone.
In its final broadcast, the South said: ``We end this service today together with the North. Members of the (North Korean) People's Army, we thank each of you. And we wish you good luck for the future.''
The North's last broadcast responded in kind: ``Let us meet on the day of unification.''
The two countries' delegations to this summer's Athens Olympic Games will march together in the opening ceremony, just as they did in Sydney four years ago, to the sound of the popular Korean song ``Arirang.''
The road to unification remains long and hard. Perhaps it can be said that only further joint action between the two Koreas will be able to help them reach that ultimate goal.
June 26(IHT/Asahi: June 29,2004) (06/29)
Saving Lake Biwako's reeds for ecology, art
By his own account, the late novelist Ryotaro Shiba was not a man who would take the first plunge concerning unfamiliar food and drink. So it was with great apprehension that at the urging of a guide, he drank water in Lake Biwako, the largest in Japan, by scooping it into a tea cup where there are reed fields.
``It was quite tasty,'' he later wrote of the experience in one of his long series of travel essays, published by The Asahi Shimbun. (The description of water in Lake Biwako appears in the 24th volume of the ``Kaido-wo Yuku'' old highway travel series.)
Reed fields do not just purify water. They serve as a cradle for the spawning and growing of fish. They provide a habitat for water birds. Further, they keep the lake shores from being eroded.
An encounter with an old fisherman and the reed fields has led Mitsuhiko Imamori, known as a photographer specializing in ``satoyama,'' or mountainous areas easily accessible by villagers, to publish two photo albums on Lake Biwako. One of the albums, published by Sekai Bunka-sha, is titled ``Mizube'' (Lake shores). The title the other bears is ``Aoi Uchu'' (A blue universe).
``You feel good as if you were an infant in the arms of your mother,'' Imamori says, recalling the first time he was taken to the reed fields by the 80-year-old man fishing in Lake Biwako. The reed fields, he says, make a unique universe in which your tired body feels re-energized just by being there. To the photographer, these fields yield the same easy comfort as the mountainous areas he has shot for a long time.
Going through the photo albums, one finds that Lake Biwako plays out its complex and richly diverse aspects in the course of a day. Instead of just photographing the beautiful scenery, Imaizumi characteristically breathes life into the portraits of people living on the shores of the lake.
The reed fields of Lake Biwako have been in steep decline in the postwar years. Last year, the government's urban renewal task force decided to launch a project for their rebirth. Private groups are going forward with similar attempts.
Imamori points to what he calls ``wisdom for symbiosis'' among the people living on the shores and depending on the lake's product for their livelihood like the old fisherman. This wisdom, he says, should be fully incorporated into renewal plans.
Omi is the old name for Shiga Prefecture, in which Lake Biwako is located. A poem on the Sea of Omi by Kakinomoto-no Hitomaro, one of Japan's greatest poets, goes: ``Plovers skimming over the waves/ In the Sea of Omi/ Are something to see in the evening/ But sadness comes over me when I hear you sing/ I just cannot wrest my mind from the old affair.''
Indeed, the lake has been the source of diverse sentiments since ancient times.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 20(IHT/Asahi: June 28,2004) (06/28)
Einstein tells us the real purpose of science
The American physicist Linus Pauling, who died in 1994 at age 93, won the Nobel prizes for chemistry and peace. According to ``Ainshutain wa Kataru'' (Einstein speaks, published by Otsuki Shoten), Albert Einstein once wrote to Pauling, ``I have made one mistake in my life.''
That mistake was his signing of a pre-World War II letter to U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt in 1939, recommending that an atomic bomb be developed.
Einstein had been driven by a sense of urgency, fearing the consequences of Nazi Germany developing a nuclear bomb ahead of the United States. Still, to later admit that his earlier thinking was a mistake took grave moral courage.
Recent advances in scientific technology have created more situations that require scientists and laymen alike to decide whether or not to allow scientific research that is medically feasible.
A bioethics subcommittee of the Council of Science and Technology Policy under the Cabinet Office on Wednesday approved research for the production of cloned human embryos. The panel says, however, that the project must be limited only to basic research and will remain frozen until thorough controls have been put in place to prevent the creation of cloned humans.
Because cloned human embryos can help minimize adverse reactions in cell and organ transplants, they promise great advances in regenerative medicine. Considerable research is being conducted in the United States and other countries.
On the other hand, many people automatically associate the government panel's decision with the inevitable birth of cloned humans down the road.
Einstein cautioned us that all technological advancements must be motivated first and foremost by concern for human beings and their fate-what scientists create must be a blessing, not a curse.
He urged all scientists to always bear this in mind, even when deeply immersed in their charts and formulae.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 25(IHT/Asahi: June 26,2004) (06/26)
Pension reform laws face voters' judgment
If the pension reform laws were to be likened to one's life, one would probably mutter, ``Nothing ever goes right in my life.''
The laws were finally enacted after a number of twists and turns, but a clerical error has been found in one of the clauses. It has been one tough ride.
British writer Cyril Connolly once said, ``Life is a maze in which we take the wrong turning before we have learned to walk.''
The blueprint was defective to begin with. Officials used statistics that were unreliable at best, so that estimates of benefits and premiums kept changing. In fact, the blueprint was based on a birthrate that was miscalculated, and it is highly likely that the designers of these laws withheld information on the birthrate until after the Diet passage of the bills.
Politicians who supported these laws were also irresponsible and slovenly. Some resigned from their posts in a chain reaction triggered by the discovery that many politicians had not paid into the national pension program at some point or other. Others simply refused to take responsibility.
And though unrelated to the non-payment issue, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi was nevertheless appallingly flippant when he remarked to the effect that people's lives vary.
There is no erasing the bitter awareness that the pension reform laws were made a plaything of politicians, and that they were enacted by sheer force of numbers.
I am reminded of these famous words by novelist Ryunosuke Akutagawa: ``Life is like a box of matches-too trite to treat seriously, but dangerous not to do so.'' Koizumi and many others were obviously too insensitive to appreciate the gravity of the issue.
The pension reform laws have still to face tough times. During the Upper House election campaign that kicked off Thursday, the laws' many defects are bound to come under scrutiny. They will face voters' judgment as they are-flawed throughout, from the design stage to their enactment.
``Life is more hellish than Hell,'' wrote Akutagawa. Laws, however, are easier to redo than life.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 24(IHT/Asahi: June 25,2004) (06/25)
Remembering those who fell in Okinawa
With Typhoon No. 6 gone, cloudless blue skies returned to Tokyo on Tuesday, and the mercury climbed to mid-summer levels. It seemed as if the rainy season had come to an end.
What with the unseasonal frequency of approaching typhoons and the heat wave, the weather seems a bit crazy.
According to the Meteorological Agency, typhoons normally move northward along the western rim of the high pressure area prevailing over the Pacific.
Accordingly, most typhoons head for China during this season. This year, however, the high pressure area sits northeast of its normal location, and this is what is sending typhoons churning toward the Japanese archipelago.
As for the heat wave, agency officials say such temperatures are not so rare in late June.
In Okinawa Prefecture, the rainy season is coming to an end.
A poem by Tokuzo Makiminato comes to mind:
``The rainy season comes to an end in June/ War came to Okinawa in June/ Throwing the whole island into a battleground.''
This poem, titled ``Shima-wo Amega Oouta'' (Rain enveloped the island), is one in a collection of poems, ``Okinawa-no Hikoku'' (The wailing of Okinawa), published by Shueisha.
The poem details the Battle of Okinawa, a savage 1945 land war in which residents were forced to play supplementary roles.
沖縄はそろそろ梅雨明けだ。「六月は雨期のおわる頃」と始まる牧港(まきみなと)篤三さんの詩「島を雨が蔽(おお)うた」は「その六月に 島全体を 戦争が 蔽うた」と続く(『沖縄の悲哭』集英社)。住民を巻き込んでの地上戦を強いられた1945年の沖縄戦の描写だ。
As told by Makiminato, a war correspondent on the ground, conscripted civilians ``suffered from rain, mud and hunger.'' Some were caught by gunfire as they tried to escape.
After the end of World War II, Makimoto devoted himself to recounting Okinawans' brutal battlefield experiences.
The poet, who died this spring at age 91, asserted that ``the military never protects the people'' and that ``humans stop being humans in a war.''
Organized fighting in Okinawa supposedly ended on June 23. So, Wednesday was a day to mourn for the victims of the Battle of Okinawa. It is estimated that more than 200,000 civilians and soldiers died during the battle.
Among dignitaries attending the memorial service was Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who has decided on Japan's participation in multinational forces in Iraq.
A local senior high school student recited a poem titled ``Senso-wo Shinaito Kimeta Konokuni-de'' (In this country that has renounced war).
The memorial day often coincides with an official announcement that the rainy season has come to an end.
Tuesday's dazzling sunlight in Tokyo was a reminder that utterly blue skies and a blazing sun were also looking down when I attended the memorial service years ago.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 23(IHT/Asahi: June 24,2004) (06/24)
Tiny ants akin to humans in armies, altruism
Something inching up a wall caught my eye, and I stopped in my tracks to look. The wall was a white concrete retaining one, about the height of an adult, and it marked the property line of an elementary school.
On this wall, I saw tiny black dots moving around something that looked like a brown rubber band.
Looking closely, I realized these were ants dragging a coiled earthworm up the sheer wall.
They'd already worked about 50 centimeters up, but they still had nearly 1 meter to go before they got to the top of the wall.
Three ants pulled the earthworm from above, while two pushed from below.
From time to time, other ants came to help or crawled over the worm. Working on and off, they dragged their load millimeter by millimeter. The worm swayed in the breeze, but the work continued.
A formidable obstacle waited above. The top of the retaining wall formed an overhang about 7 or 8 cm deep. I wondered if the ants were aware of this obstacle when they started their climb.
Just when I thought they were going to give up, the earthworm dangling from the overhang, suspended by two ants that were clinging upside down to the underside of the ledge. Keeping this position, the two ants successfully inched their way to the edge of the overhang.
It was a stunt that seemed to defy the law of gravity, and I watched mesmerized. But had the day been windier, the load would have dropped to the ground.
Maurice Maeterlinck, author of ``The Blue Bird,'' also wrote a book about social insects such as ants and bees. (The book has been published in Japanese as ``Ari-no Seikatsu,'' or ant life, by Kosakusha.)
Maeterlinck describes ants as ``the noblest and the most compassionate, tolerant, dedicated and altruistic'' creatures on Earth. Yet, he adds, ants are also the only insects that form armies to invade enemies.
Tiny as they are, they are capable of going from one extreme to the other. On this particular score, they remind me of humans.
The ants I watched disappeared behind a clump of ivy in the schoolyard.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 22(IHT/Asahi: June 23,2004) (06/23)
Ancient tomb's white tiger deserves rescue
The researcher at first thought it was perhaps a patch of blue mold. On closer inspection, what looked like tree roots or strings emerged on the wall.
After a while, Yoshinori Aboshi's eyes grew accustomed to the darkness inside the rock chamber as more sunlight entered.
As Aboshi, a professor emeritus of Kansai University, stared at the wall, he began to recognize the faint shape of a person dressed in blue clothes, held together by near-brown strings. ``It's a person! It's a mural!'' he cried.
目が慣れてきた時、日差しが少し強まり明るくなった。凝視する。茶色に近い色の緒を結び、青い服を着た人の姿が、かすかに見えた。「人物だ! 壁画だ!」
Aboshi's March 1972 discovery of seventh-century wall pictures inside the Takamatsuzuka tumulus in Asuka, Nara Prefecture, is described in his book on the tumulus excavation published by Gakuseisha.
This month, another publisher released photographs taken 30 years later that reveal the shocking erosion that is destroying a mural of a white tiger on the west wall.
The pictures are contained in a book from Chuo Koron Bijutsu Shuppan which is called ``Kokuho - Takamatsuzuka Kofun Hekiga'' (National treasures-Wall paintings at Takamatsuzuka Tomb).
72年3月、奈良県明日香村の高松塚古墳での壁画発見の瞬間を、網干善教・関西大名誉教授が記している(『飛鳥高松塚古墳』学生社)。それから30年たって撮影され、今月刊行された『国宝 高松塚古墳壁画』(中央公論美術出版)の写真で、西壁の白虎の部分が劣化していることがわかったという。
The whole situation reminded me of scenes in the 1972 film, ``Fellini's Roma.'' The camera goes into a subway construction site, where an excavator drills holes in a wall. Suddenly, an ancient wall emerges.
On the wall are pictures of people. No sooner does the viewer see them as a new discovery, than the images begin to dissolve and vanish, as if to exaggerate the effects of the modern air. The speedy dissolution made the scene memorable.
Judging from the recently published photographs, the lines of the white tiger have faded tremendously. The animal's ferocious face has blurred, leaving it looking more like a house cat than a tiger.
I hope that steps will be taken to stop the discoloration. Fortunately, some other figures on the tomb's walls appear to be well preserved, apparently unaffected by the march of time. The lips of beautiful women from the Asuka Period (592-710) remain a bright, vivid vermilion.
Next to the Takamatsuzuka tumulus is a mural museum containing reproductions of the tomb's images. Even though copies, the pictures have a forceful impact on the senses. It's as if visitors can feel the ancient murals ``breathing'' in the darkness close by.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 21(IHT/Asahi: June 22,2004)(IHT/Asahi: June 22,2004) (06/22)
Ox-walk drama in Diet fails except as a farce
If you are a theatergoer, the scene of lawmakers walking at a snail's pace to the ballot box in the Diet was perhaps not an entirely unfamiliar sight. You might have watched similar scenes before in a series of pantomimes staged in the 1980s under the direction of Shogo Ota.
Inching to the ballot box is a time-honored delaying tactic in the Diet. After years of disuse, the gyuho senjutsu, or ox-walk tactic, was revived earlier this month when parties clashed over a package of pension reform bills.
Among Ota's pantomimes, ``Mizu-no Eki'' (Watercourse station) particularly impressed me. It was a play in which actors walked at an amazingly slow speed. As I watched the slowly moving lawmakers on television, stage scenes from the series came back to mind.
They came back with a sense of guilt. Whereas Ota's pantomimes were hailed as epoch-making theater, in the Diet, the revived delaying tactic might have struck some people as an anachronism. So it occurred to me that recalling the stage performance might be impolite to the director.
A newspaper headline on the ox-walk tactic that I found dates back to 1946, the year after the end of World War II. The headline says: ``Plenary session called off as ox-walking lawmakers time their pace to the clock.'' Apparently, it was the first time the tactic had been used in the Diet.
Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, who had organized his first Cabinet, was at the helm of state then. The Japan Socialist Party and other opposition parties submitted a motion of no-confidence against the speaker of the Lower House. Yoshida's numerically superior ruling party sought to kill the motion by putting it to a vote promptly, while the opposition countered by resorting to the ox-walk tactic. The opposition tactic proved a success as the voting continued past midnight, causing the plenary session to be called off.
The following years yielded a run of headlines rather unfavorable to the opposition, such as: ``Japan Socialist Party resorts to ox-walk tactic again.'' Another example: ``Ox-walk drama leaves even players sick and tired.'' The tactic rarely succeeded, leaving the participants with a sense of unrewarded labor and futility.
以来、こんな見出しが並ぶ時代が続く。「社会党また牛歩」「役者もうんざり 牛歩劇」。牛歩が成功を収めたことはほとんどなく、徒労感とむなしさばかりが残ることが多かった。
This month, the ox-walk drama was re-enacted for the first time in long years. In the run-up to it, players had quit one after another for failing to pay pension premiums. The nonpayment controversy was not scripted in advance. Although important themes relating to the lives of people a long time into the future were at stake, the deliberations conducted on the substance of the bills were hardly sufficient.
Also disappointing was that the curtain was dropped as in an old play, with the opposition resorting to the ox-walk tactic to delay the plenary voting after the bills were rammed through a committee.
Ota's pantomimes earned a favorable comment: ``Ota slows the movement of players to extremes as if to challenge the patience of the audience. By following a style of impatiently slow expression, he has succeeded in letting areas missed by the conventional eye emerge quietly.'' (From Akihiko Senda's ``Gendai Engeki-no Kokai,'' or The voyage of contemporary theater, published by Libro Port)
What has emerged from the slapstick over the pension reform bills? If the end result was that voters, the genuine leading players, were ignored, it is an unbearably depressing conclusion.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 6(IHT/Asahi: June 21,2004) (06/21)
Demanding answers-before it's too late
What if Japan had also been a target of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks? Reading the report released by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, I could not help but ask myself.
According to the report, the mastermind of the attacks had originally planned not only to attack the U.S. mainland, but also to hijack and blow up U.S. airliners flying over Southeast Asia. The extremists also planned to attack U.S. targets throughout the world, including Japan. It brought to mind the ``Bojinka'' plot I read about in ``FBI wa Naze Terorisuto ni Haiboku Shitanoka'' (Why did the FBI succumb to terrorists?), written by Fukiko Aoki, a Japanese journalist living in the United States, and published by Shinchosha.
According to Aoki, Ramzi Yousef, who was arrested in 1995 for masterminding the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York and is now serving a prison sentence, planned to simultaneously blow up 12 U.S. commercial airliners over the Pacific, including six departing from Narita International Airport. If the plan had succeeded, it would have killed an estimated 4,000 people.
With Yousef's arrest, the Bojinka plot supposedly fell apart. Then how did it come to be revived? According to the report, Yousef is the nephew of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the man apparently behind the 9/11 attacks. The two apparently developed the Bojinka plot while taking refuge in the Philippines.
But what I find even more difficult to understand is the ``moral cause of the Iraq war'' that U.S. President George W. Bush advocates. Just like the case of the ``missing'' weapons of mass destruction, investigators have not been able to find evidence to prove the link between al-Qaida and the Saddam Hussein regime.
Criticizing the Bush administration's seemingly vague justification of the war and the way it puts so much confidence in military force, former U.S. diplomats and retired military officers issued a statement demanding a policy review. Although such a move is uncommon before a presidential election, they must have thought the matter could not wait. In Japan, too, the administration will soon face a test as the Upper House election approaches.
-The Asahi Shimbun, June 18(IHT/Asahi: June 19,2004) (06/19)
No applause for Koizumi's cheap magic show
``The Prestige,'' a novel by Christopher Priest, has been published in Japanese under the title of ``Kijutsushi'' (Magicians) by Hayakawa Shobo.
There is one section where the author describes the inner torment of talented magicians who pull off spectacular tricks that awe the audience. The torment arises because the magicians themselves are fully cognizant of the cheapness of the tricks they use. They are often disgusted, and even horrified, at the shallowness of their art.
Listening to the government's ``basic understanding'' of the role to be played by the Self-Defense Forces in the multinational force in Iraq, I felt as if I was being forced to watch a bad magic show.
The government has shamelessly resorted to every cheap verbal trick to cheat the Constitution.
The word ``participation'' is a case in point. By strict definition, SDF participation in the multinational force violates the Constitution. So, the government tried to justify its position by arbitrarily stretching the meaning of the word. Realizing this trick was not working, the government simply dropped the word from its official statement.
``Command'' is another word the government had to skirt around. If the SDF comes under the unified command of the multinational force, Japanese troops may be ordered to engage in armed action, which is in violation of the Constitution.
The government, therefore, went the traditional, tried-and-tested route of ``liberal interpretation.'' In translating into Japanese the U.N. Security Council resolution concerning ``unified command,'' the government took the liberty of translating this expression liberally to suit its own purpose.
Because of these cheap tricks, I could not possibly applaud this cheat-the-Constitution magic show.
Priest's book features a Chinese magician famed for his dazzling act of pulling a fish bowl out of thin air. But his trick was quite primitive: Under his flowing Chinese costume, he held the fish bowl between his knees.
Naturally, he had to drag his feet when he moved on stage. And lest he give away his secret, he walked like that everywhere throughout his life.
Any attempt to fool people by covering up blatant inconsistencies is bound to cause trouble in the future.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 17(IHT/Asahi: June 18,2004) (06/18)
A breakfast buffet of literature and history
The gun tower eternized by Irish novelist James Joyce in ``Ulysses'' is not far from Dublin. Take a train southeast about 10 kilometers from central Dublin. Get off at a small station and walk just a few minutes along the coast. Then, the low cylindrical tower, built by the British military to prepare for Napoleon's invasion, comes into view.
The famous novel gets off to a start with a conversation between young men living in the Martello Tower on June 16, 1904.
In real life, Joyce is said to have had his first date with his future wife, Nora Barnacle, on that day.
The principal characters include Leopold Bloom, a middle-aged salesman for newspaper ads, his wife Molly, and Stephen Dedalus, a literary-minded young man. With Dublin as a backdrop, the novel documents what these people do, think and imagine in a single day.
The novel's title comes from the hero of the Greek epic poem ``Odyssey,'' Ulysses being the English name for Odysseus. Joyce borrowed only the structure of the ancient epic poem for his story and kept it free from the great and heroic adventures and wanderings.
As an alternative, he counted on a technique, known as ``the stream of consciousness,'' for his narrative. Readers and researchers around the world have been drawn to ``Ulysses'' as one of the greatest literary achievements in the genre.
According to ``James Joyce'' in the Penguin Critical Studies, ``Ulysses'' represents the essence of everything he saw and heard of, only expressed in sanctifying or sacrilegious ways, the novelist being dead serious and comical at the same time. At one time, readers hear the rythmic lapping of little waves on the shore. Sometimes, they see a horse galloping or a bull walking lazily across the pages.
It also strikes me as a novel in which you find yourself in a labyrinth, turning corners one after another and still unable to reach your destination. It may be said that a city itself constitutes a maze, given the fact that it is a hive of intricately connected human activities. The same thing may be said of human relations and the human body's organs.
A free breakfast meeting was held in Dublin the other day to commemorate Bloom's century-old breakfast scene in the Martello Tower and drew many people, according to a British newspaper.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 16(IHT/Asahi: June 17,2004) (06/17)
Is it really the last inning for 2 Japan leagues?
``Each spring when the cherry blossoms come into bloom, the Land of the Rising Sun starts its annual love affair with the game of baseball,'' writes Robert Whiting in ``The Chrysanthemum and the Bat: The Game Japanese Play.'' (The Japanese translation was published by Simul Shuppankai under the title of ``Kiku-to Batto: Puro-Yakyu-ni Miru Nippon Sutairu.'')
In this 1977 publication, Whiting makes an illuminating cultural comparison between Japan and the United States, using baseball as his reference point.
``Almost overnight, Japan is transformed into a nation of starry-eyed pitchers, catchers and home-run hitters; a nation of besuboru nuts.''
One of the teams that shone during that era of Japan's love affair with the sport was the Kintetsu Buffaloes.
But now that era may be over. Kintetsu officials announced Sunday the Buffaloes were planning to merge with the Orix BlueWave, another Pacific League team.
Skippered by Yukio Nishimoto, arguably one of the greatest managers of his time, the Buffaloes clinched the league pennant in 1979 and 1980, but lost the Japan championship series both times.
The national love affair with baseball cooled during the 1980s. According to ``Puro-Yakyu-yo!'' (Oh pro baseball!) published by Tojusha, essayist Shigeru Ekuni was asked during the mid-1980s to predict the future of professional baseball in Japan.
``Whatever will be, will be,'' he responded with resignation, and went on, ``I have to wonder if a small nation like Japan really needs two leagues. And if I may wax nostalgic a bit, I miss the good old days when we had only one league of eight teams.''
The Kintetsu-Orix merger suggests the possibility of Japan reverting to the one-league system. This may indeed be in keeping with the times, given the recent exodus of star ballplayers to the U.S. major leagues and people's growing enthusiasm for soccer over baseball.
Still, I prefer not to jump to conclusions. Just because one team has disappeared doesn't mean that the whole league must go, too.
And I certainly sympathize with the players who have been told about the merger when the season is not even halfway through.
It couldn't be pleasant for them to realize there will be no second chance if they don't win the Japan championship this season.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 15(IHT/Asahi: June 16,2004) (06/16)
The other side of the late Ronald Reagan
When Ronald Reagan's daughter went into her father's room as a child, he would often lift his eyes from memos he was reading and greet her with the look of a man wondering who the girl was. Patti Davis recounts the experience in ``The Way I See It.'' (A Japanese translation has been published by KK Bestsellers with the title of ``Waga Musume-o Aisenakatta Daitoryo-e,'' meaning ``To the president who could not love his own daughter.'')
Her mother, Nancy, was drug-dependent and ``abused'' Patti. Her father, indifferent to his children, insisted that any form of ``abuse'' was just impossible. As Patti saw it, gloom ruled the Reagan household environment when she was a girl.
Yet, the home of an actor-turned-politician had to be different from ordinary homes. When there was a guest, Patti recalls in the book, the Reagans would promptly transform themselves into a happy family. The guest became a spectator and watched the ``show.''
For a long time, Patti rebelled against her parents. The reason she became an anti-nuclear activist was that she had been offended by her father's pronouncements as U.S. president that denounced the Soviet Union and advocated a massive American arms buildup. She was also hooked on narcotics in those years.
In the 1990s, Patti stepped up her efforts to reconcile with her parents as Alzheimer's disease made Reagan more sick.
When the coffin of the former president returned to California Friday evening, Patti offered affecting words of farewell, recalling a small cross her father made from twigs for the burial of a dead goldfish she had kept as a pet.
In a Time magazine article, Nancy Reagan described her husband as an ``eternal optimist.'' So, the former president probably had a vision of his family different from that of his daughter. Looking at old family portraits, Reagan always said his was not a broken family, as indicated by the mutually loving looks of everyone in the pictures.
The Reagans were a specially destined family, even though they seemed like an ordinary one at a glance. With Ronald Reagan dead, the family went through a ritual of bidding farewell to that fate.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 13(IHT/Asahi: June 15,2004) (06/15)
G-8 photo glosses over pushy U.S. attitude
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi stands right behind U.S. President George W. Bush in the official group photo for this year's G-8 Summit at Sea Island, Georgia. This is the 30th summit of advanced industrialized democracies since the first such gathering at Rambouillet, France, in 1975. And this is the fifth summit hosted by the United States.
Before Koizumi, Yasuhiro Nakasone was the only Japanese leader who ever stood so close to his U.S. counterpart.
In the 1983 Williamsburg summit group photo, Nakasone stands next to then-President Ronald Reagan. The headline of a newspaper article on the subject says, ``Yasu in high spirits, takes center spot with Ron.''
The two were positioned so closely together that some photographers voiced surprise, according to the article.
I suppose Koizumi's display of ``intimacy'' with Bush is a repeat of what Nakasone managed with Reagan at Williamsburg.
Television coverage of the Sea Island summit shows the leaders conferring in a relaxed atmosphere. That's fine in itself, but fighting is continuing in Iraq. Watching television, I thought of a passage from a book I read recently.
Titled ``Iraku: Tairyo-hakai Heiki Sasatsu-no Jijitsu'' and published by DHC, this is the Japanese edition of ``Disarming Iraq'' by Hans Blix, a former Swedish foreign minister who led the U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) in the hunt for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
Blix says to the effect that it was clearly a mistake to conclude that WMD existed, and then to reject any question that was raised about that conclusion.
「大量破壊兵器が存在するとの断定的な主張をしたこと、そしてその主張に対する疑問を退けたことは明らかに誤りだった」(『イラク 大量破壊兵器査察の真実』DHC)。著者は、元スウェーデン外相で、国連監視検証査察委員会(UNMOVIC)の長としてイラクでの査察を率いたハンス・ブリクス氏だ。
He then goes on to criticize the leaders of the United States and Britain, and points out they and their advisers lacked the power of critical thinking.
Reagan wanted a ``strong America,'' and the United States eventually became the world's sole superpower. America's ``go it alone'' attitude probably began then.
Summit talks ought to be held in earnest, but one part of the group should not take the liberty of soaring above the rest.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 11(IHT/Asahi: June 12,2004) (06/12)
D-Day ceremonies high on symbolism
Many speeches were delivered on the 60th anniversary of D-Day.
``France will never forget those men who made the supreme sacrifice to liberate our soil, our native land, our continent, from the yoke of Nazi barbarity and its murderous folly,'' said French President Jacques Chirac.
The Associated Press reported U.S. President George W. Bush as responding: ``The nations that battled across the continent would become trusted partners in the cause of peace. And our great alliance of freedom is strong. ... America would do it again for our friends.''
It was as if the distance between France and the United States had shrunk for the first time since the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
Attending the 60th anniversary of one of the most significant military campaigns in history, perhaps the two leaders imagined how they themselves would be remembered in history.
``Perhaps the most moving of all the speeches of the day was given by (German Chancellor) Gerhard Schroeder, at a Franco-German commemoration in Caen last night,'' The Independent of Britain reported.
Schroeder spoke at a peace memorial museum in the Normandy city, away from the main international celebration site at Arromanches.
The first leader of a former Axis nation to attend a D-Day ceremony, Schroeder was born in 1944-the year of the Normandy landings-and his father died in action in Romania.
``We Germans know we unleashed the heinous war,'' The Independent quoted him as saying. ``We recognize the responsibility our history has laid upon us and we take it seriously. ... Thousands of Allied soldiers ... paid the ultimate price for freedom. German soldiers died because they had been sent on a murderous campaign to crush Europe. But in death soldiers were united, regardless of the uniform they wore.''
According to The Financial Times of Britain, Schroeder and Chirac ``embraced emotionally in front of a crowd of students, mixed with war veterans from both countries.''
I wondered whether the embrace was just a matter of protocol, or a spontaneous expression of feelings for all fallen soldiers ``regardless of their uniforms.''
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 8(IHT/Asahi: June 11,2004) (06/11)
Putting rare event into historical perspective
Venus was pitch black as I observed it passing between Earth and the sun for the first time in my life. With a white sun as a backdrop, the solar system's sixth-largest planet appeared as a black dot. The rare transit of Venus, as the phenomenon is known, was last observed in Japan 130 years ago.
Rain-soaked skies prevailed over Tokyo on Tuesday. When the veiled sun peeped through the clouds, I went to a building adjacent to The Asahi Shimbun that is occupied by a Japan Coast Guard department that deals with oceanographic information. I asked to see telescopic images of the transit in progress.
The sun engulfed most of the screen. Venus was a black dot that had moved slightly from the sun's rim toward its center. It seemed like a small table tennis ball floating in front of a white disk the size of a basketball. The sight provided graphic confirmation that Earth, the sun and Venus were on a straight line.
The previous transit of Venus occurred in 1874, or the seventh year of the Meiji Era (1868-1912). We can see how Japan played host to teams of astronomers from the United States, France and Mexico from old records kept at the oceanographic information department.
These teams had chosen Japan as a vantage point to observe the rare celestial event. The names of senior government officials, such as Prime Minister Sanjo Sanetomi (officially, still known by the archaic title of Dajo Daijin) and Minister of the Navy Katsu Yasuyoshi (alias Kaishu), often crop up in the old documents, titled ``Kinsei Shiken Tenmatsu'' (Accounts of Venus observation programs in Japan).
The five-member team from Mexico observed the transit of Venus in Yokohama. The leader was Francisco Diaz Covarrubias. A speech given by a Japanese official at a farewell party so impressed him that he kept a record of it. According to the astronomer, the Japanese official said: ``Unlike Europeans, you did not greet us with the boom of arms. Instead, you greeted us with a spirit of friendship like scientists. Diplomatic relations still do not exist between our two countries. Such state relations should be established sometime in the future. But it can be said with a certainty that thanks to your agency, a bond of friendship has come into being between us as individuals.'' (From a book titled ``Kinsei Kajitsu,'' or the passing of Venus.)
In a photograph taken by the Mexican team, Venus seems like a black stone for the board game go. Those words came back to me as I looked at the picture, and I pondered about how Japan later came to deal with foreign countries with the ``boom of arms'' itself.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 9(IHT/Asahi: June 10,2004) (06/10)
Old thanks, new rebuffs for Bush in Europe
Nazi generals running the occupation of Rome during World War II went to the opera one night. After the curtain came down, they began to pull out. That was on June 3, 1944.
The attendance at the opera was a ruse to deceive residents, according to Christopher Hibbert's ``Rome: The Biography of a City.'' (A Japanese translation has been published by The Asahi Shimbun.)
The day after the Germans started to withdraw, Allied forces entered the city. There was no heavy fighting and Rome's cultural assets survived the war almost intact. One other probable reason the city was spared havoc was that it had declared itself to be undefended.
A papal warning also helped. The pope warned that anyone who attacked Rome would be guilty of committing matricide against the entire civilized world and faced God's eternal judgment.
The 1945 masterpiece movie ``Roma Citta Aperta'' (Rome Open City), directed by Roberto Rossellini, was set in Rome under Nazi occupation. It provides raw documentary-like sketches of citizens being brutally killed as they carried out their resistance movement activities. The film focused on people's suffering, not damage to the city.
U.S. President George W. Bush arrived in Rome on June 4, the 60th anniversary of the city's liberation. While U.S. troops were enthusiastically welcomed as liberators 60 years ago, there was no hope that the president would receive such a welcome.
More than 60 percent of Italians support the withdrawal of Italian troops from Iraq. Pope John Paul has repeatedly expressed his opposition to the U.S.-led war in Iraq.
Giulio Andreotti, the postwar prime minister who served seven times, proposed a unique way for Italians to greet Bush.
According to Britain's Financial Times newspaper, he suggested that Italians should divide June 4 into two halves-``a morning when there is a united show of gratitude to the United States for the liberation, and an afternoon when whoever wants can express opposition to the pre-emptive war in Iraq.''
From Rome, Bush traveled to Paris and then on to Normandy. In these places, U.S. troops were welcomed as liberators 60 years ago.
But quite apart from the gratitude the local residents felt about liberation, the commander-in-chief's reputation has inevitably suffered from Europeans' dim view of the war in Iraq.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 5(IHT/Asahi: June 9,2004) (06/09)
Olympic torch carries tidings of war, peace
Rain was falling quietly. As I watched, the runner slowly came down the road, holding the Olympic torch. The flame was brilliant against the rainy-season sky overhead. For the first time in 40 years, Tokyo witnessed a torch relay for the summer Olympics.
As usual, the flame had come from Greece's Olympia, birthplace of the Olympic games. In Tokyo, the torch wound through crowded Ginza, Asakusa, Roppongi and other areas on the day the Meteorological Agency declared the start of the rainy season. After passing through five continents for the first time, the torch will head to Athens, site of the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.
The torches used this time to hold the sacred flame look like big olive leaves. It's charming to think that the flame atop them had its origin in ancient times and is being carried over long distances to wherever the next Olympics are held.
In ancient Olympic games, sacred flame relays took place as part of running events, according to a book on the subject, published by Kodansha. Being of a highly religious nature, such relays are thought to have been held since time immemorial.
More often than in Olympia, flame relays served as an opening event at athletic festivals in places like Athens and Sparta.
Teams were organized, and members held lighted torches as they ran. The goal was the altar where sacrifices were offered. The final runner of the fastest team had the honor of kindling the symbolic festival flame with his torch.
Sacred flame relays for the modern Olympics began with the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, which Adolf Hitler used as a vehicle to enhance national glory.
As in ancient times, the torch flame was lit by sunlight at Olympia. The flame was then carried across the Balkan countries to Berlin. Three years later, Nazi Germany invaded Poland and began World War II.
On Sunday, though, a festive mood enveloped the Olympic torch as it passed through Tokyo. The date coincided with the 60th anniversary of the D-Day Allied invasion of Normandy, which led to Nazi Germany's defeat.
As I watched the Olympic torch, its shape a bit like the olive branch, a symbol of peace, I was struck by the thought that the first sacred flame relay in modern times was closely associated with the outbreak of World War II.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 7(IHT/Asahi: June 8,2004) (06/08)
Disgraced Mitsubishi must `recompose' itself
Koyata Iwasaki, who led the Mitsubishi group in the prewar period, had a taste for haiku. According to ``Iwasaki Koyata,'' a Chuko Shinsho pocket book authored by Takayasu Miyakawa, a 1933 haiku by Iwasaki went: ``No newspaper delivery/ I am glad/ Snowy morning.''
The year before, on May 15, Prime Minister Tsuyoshi Inukai was assassinated and Mitsubishi Bank was also raided the same day. At the time that haiku was written, zaibatsu business conglomerates were coming under increased criticism from the military and rightist elements, and Iwasaki must have been loath to see what was in the morning newspaper every day. In his haiku, Iwasaki frankly expressed his sense of relief when the morning paper could not be delivered to his home because of snow.
Perhaps the same reluctance to look at newspapers is shared today by Mitsubishi group employees. The revelation Wednesday of more coverups of defective products by Mitsubishi Motors Corp. (MMC) to escape recalls was effectively the final blow to the automaker, whose credibility has been thoroughly smeared already by a spate of recall scandals.
Four years ago, it came to light that the company was systematically concealing customer complaints and recalls from government inspectors.
The president at the time admitted ``secrecy'' had become something like a part of MMC's ``corporate culture.''
How difficult it is to outgrow that culture. The MMC chairman this week reiterated the word ``clean.'' He promised to ``clean up everything,'' insisting it was the company's priority.
The company will keep walking a tightrope, teetering between self-cleansing and self-destruction.
``Shoji Komyo,'' which translates as something like ``all things to be exposed in clear light,'' is one of the slogans of the Mitsubishi group. This is said to mean all Mitsubishi people must shun anything that is illegal or lacks class, and always strive to conduct business fairly.
The spate of coverup scandals certainly went against this call for openness and fairness.
In June 1945, a U.S. air raid burned Iwasaki's home to the ground. A haiku recalls his sentiments as he stood before the ruins: ``All my cherished belongings/ Burned to the ground/ The moon shines cool.''
MMC, too, has lost everything that was dear. The company must start again from scratch.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 4(IHT/Asahi: June 5,2004) (06/05)
Online chats undermine real communication
Tuesday's fatal slashing of a sixth-grader by her 11-year-old classmate at an elementary school in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, shook me deeply. The two girls are just children, and the scene of the crime was their school, of all places. But also disturbing is the possibility that the Internet may have played a part in this tragedy.
The 11-year-old reportedly told police she lured the victim to an empty room with the intention of killing her because the 12-year-old had offended her on a Web chat site. Whether this was her real motive for murder is still not certain, but it does appear to be a fact that the two girls chatted frequently on their Net instant-message board.
This new type of cyberspace conversation is obviously devoid of the body language that accompanies any face-to-face exchange or the intonation of a telephone conversation.
People have traditionally resorted to letter-writing when trying to convey thoughts and feelings they'd rather not say to the other person's face or on the phone. Written words take the edge off expressions that could come across as harsh or too strong if spoken. And the time it takes a letter to reach the recipient also helps defuse tension.
In contrast, online chats are like exchanges of express-delivery mail, except there is effectively no waiting time for delivery. And because online chat users write what they would refrain from saying face-to-face or on the phone, the elimination of delivery time probably adds to the harshness of these messages, which may become stronger than face-to-face talks or telephone conversation.
According to the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications, the nation's Net subscribers were estimated at 77.3 million people at the end of 2003-roughly 60 percent of Japan's population. Among youngsters aged 6 to 12, Net users accounted for 61 percent, while the correspondent figure was 91 percent for the 13 to 19 age group.
There is a growing generation of Japanese born and bred in this cyber era. It is vital that measures are taken to prevent further deterioration of human conversation and communication between flesh-and-blood people. Meantime, it will be just as important to teach people how to use the Net effectively and help them understand what that takes.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 3(IHT/Asahi: June 4,2004) (06/04)
Final curtain for behind-the-scenes diplomat
Richard Sorge, who spied for the Soviet Union, had a glowing reputation in Moscow. In a recently published book, a former Soviet military intelligence officer is said to describe him as a man in a class by himself, with peerless talent, his only flaw being that he was reckless enough to ride a motorcycle in Tokyo.
Sorge was arrested on suspicion of spying on Oct. 18, 1941. On the same day, the Cabinet organized by Gen. Hideki Tojo took office. The Tojo Cabinet's foreign minister was Shigenori Togo. Toshikazu Kase, who died at age 101 on May 21, served Togo as a secretary.
Kase was a division chief in charge of North American affairs at the Foreign Ministry when Japan went to war with the United States. Thus, he was at the forefront of diplomacy in the turbulent days on the eve of World War II, specifically dealing with mounting tensions between Japan and the rest of the world.
By his own account, Kase was a prized diplomat when he served two Japanese ambassadors to Britain, Shigeru Yoshida and Mamoru Shigemitsu. (This account is found in a book ``Janarisuto-no Nijusseiki,'' or the 20th century for a journalist, published by Dentsu.) When Shigemitsu signed papers formalizing Japan's surrender in World War II aboard the battleship USS Missouri, he was on hand as an aide.
Japan was admitted into the United Nations in 1956, the year after Kase was appointed the first ambassador to the world organization. ``After his acceptance speech,'' Kase recalls in the book, ``Foreign Minister Shigemitsu strongly embraced me and said, `You have granted my last wish in life. I have nothing more to do. Thank you.'''
There is an anecdote about how Prime Minister Yoshida's residence in Oiso, Kanagawa Prefecture, came to be known as ``Umisen Yamasen Ro,'' which could be translated as ``the house of a sly old fellow.'' Kase was told by Yoshida to think up a name for the new residence when he was invited there before its completion. ``It must be a name befitting the master of the house,'' Kase said. ``How about Umisen Yamasen Ro?'' Yoshida accepted the proposal. (This snippet comes from ``Gekiteki Gaiko,'' or dramatic diplomacy, published by Seiko Shobo.)
Kase played a behind-the-scenes role to have former Prime Minister Eisaku Sato awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1974, a nomination that was both surprising and baffling to most Japanese. Acknowledging what Kase did for him, Sato wrote in a diary, ``I cannot allow myself to forget that Mr. Kase's efforts were what brought me the award.'' (Sato's diaries were published by The Asahi Shimbun.)
When the world was divided into East and West blocs after World War II, Japan chose to join the West bloc. Not just observing the decision-making process up close, Kase used his influence to prod the nation to make that choice.
Roughly half a century since Japan's U.N. admission, the world has radically changed, with the East-West division during the Cold War years replaced by a new set of confrontations.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 2(IHT/Asahi: June 3,2004) (06/03)
Rewritten signboards shift the sands in Iraq
The encampment of the Ground Self-Defense Force troops deployed in southern Iraq is identified by a signboard that says ``Samawah Shukueichi'' (billeting area). The Japanese government has always explained that this unit is engaged solely in humanitarian relief work in Iraq, and that it does not belong to the coalition forces, of which the United States and Britain are principal members.
But something strange has happened.
The U.S. Department of Defense has renamed the coalition forces in Iraq ``multinational forces,'' and the official Web site of the coalition forces now identifies 33 nations, including Japan, as members of the multinational forces.
My understanding was that those multinational forces were to be formed by a United Nations resolution before the transfer of power to the Iraqi people at the end of this month.
As matters now stand, however, the GSDF unit at Samawah may well be regarded as a contingent of the multinational forces.
For Japan, whether to join the multinational forces is a decision that not only concerns the safety of GSDF troops, but also affects the nation's direction itself.
Assuming the multinational forces will come into being, they will probably be led by the United States. And the supreme commander of the U.S. forces-President George W. Bush-was reportedly showing off to White House visitors a handgun Saddam Hussein had at the time of his capture.
This is pretty pathetic for a man who alone is in a position to hang up a ``shop sign'' that says ``president of the world's sole superpower.''
In Japan, the first documented reference to shop signs or signboards is said to be in an annotative document called ``Ryonogige,'' concerning an eighth-century law known as ``Yororyo.''
According to ``Kanban-no Sekai'' (All about signboards) published by Taikosha, the law required every store to put up a signboard proclaiming its line of business, such as ``silk store'' or ``fabric store.''
A ``humanitarian relief project unit'' is not just different in name from a ``member of the coalition forces'' or a ``member of the multinational forces.'' Obviously, the line of work must also differ among the three.
I resent being misled by people who rewrite signboards just to suit their own purposes.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 1(IHT/Asahi: June 2,2004) (06/02)
War reporter pursued the `unidentifiable'
The last black-and-white picture taken by Robert Capa shows eight or nine soldiers walking away from the camera against the backdrop of a rise like a river bank, accented by grassland spreading below its slopes-two men to the right, a knapsack-carrying soldier in the center, and a straggling group of soldiers in the distance.
The picture was taken on a battlefield in Vietnam when it was called French Indochina. Capa died when he stepped on a land mine just after taking it. The tragedy struck him 50 years ago, on May 25.
Capa's purpose in photography was to record facts he ascertained with his own eyes. To that end, he tried to move closer to the subject. The same professionalism and dedication are discernible in the work of the two Japanese freelance journalists who were attacked and killed near Baghdad last week.
For more than 30 years, Shinsuke Hashida, 61, the older man of the pair, had covered battlefields-in Vietnam, Cambodia, Bosnia, Palestine and Iraq.
``At one time, I was scared to death, and at another time, going over a battlefield was an act of desperation,'' he recalls in an article included in his book ``Senjo Tokuhain'' (War correspondent), published by Jitsugyo No Nihon Sha.
He wrote the article just after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Over the years, a question troubled Hashida: ``Why does war break out?''
According to the book, he reached the conclusion that a handful of militarists cannot lead a nation into a war and a war cannot be carried out without winning at least an understanding from a majority of the people.
``What generates the pressure for war,'' he writes, ``is something unidentifiable that persists in our society.''
Hashida wanted to know what sort of flowers were in bloom on a battlefield and what sort of worms inhabited it. ``I wish to ascertain these things by walking around on foot,'' he says in the book.
He probably chose Kotaro Ogawa, 33, for his companion in Iraq to teach him what he had ascertained over the years. At the same time, he was presumably trying to inform the world of the battlefield realities that spring from what he calls ``something unidentifiable.''
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 31(IHT/Asahi: June 1,2004) (06/01)
A rose by another name may be a fire alarm
``I still can't decide what scent to choose,'' says Daisuke Kozeki, a researcher in charge of developing a fire alarm for the hearing-impaired at the National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster.
Unlike the conventional fire alarm, his device is to be smelled, not heard.
Any odor that is too commonplace would not serve the purpose. It must be sharp enough to awaken even sleeping people. On the other hand, anything too irritating may cause unnecessary fear. There are also health considerations to be made. Kozeki's quest for the ``right scent'' continues.
Karin Matsumori lost her hearing while in high school. In ``Hoshi-no Oto-ga Kikoemasuka'' (Can you hear the stars?), published by Chikuma Shobo, Matsumori notes, ``After you lose your hearing, your other sensations become heightened as a matter of course.''
Matsumori became especially sensitive to smell. She started collecting perfume and then moved on to making perfume herself, devoting her life at that point to experimenting with various fragrances.
It was then that she learned of a product named ``Keitai-kunkun,'' a cellphone accessory that reacts to the electric pulse of incoming calls and emits a scent. (Kunkun is the Japanese equivalent of ``sniff-sniff.'')
This product convinced Matsumori that the day might not be far off when cellphone users would be able to smell a scent, rather than hear a melody, when there is an incoming message. And she imagined herself receiving a message from a dear friend and smelling the friend's favorite perfume.
The maker of Keitai-kunkun had already developed an alarm clock that emits the fragrance of coffee before the alarm goes off.
When Kozeki of the fire and disaster research institute learned of this clock, he decided to partner with this manufacturer in the development of his fire alarm for the hearing-impaired.
Matsumori is eagerly awaiting the completion of the alarm device. She once mistook a fire drill for a real fire and ran in a panic. On another occasion, she could have been killed at a railway crossing because she could not hear the warning signal of an approaching train.
Kozeki's dream is to be able to introduce his successful product to the world.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 25(IHT/Asahi: May 31,2004) (05/31)
War on terrorism has endangered the world
The U.S. magazine Newsweek ran a feature titled ``Bin Laden's Invisible Network'' one month after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Among suspected members of the al-Qaida international terrorist network, the magazine mentioned Lionel Dumont, a French citizen of Algerian descent, as being ``described by the French press as `the invisible Public Enemy No. 1.'''
It was recently found that Dumont, who was arrested in Germany last year, had slipped into and out of Japan.
While in Japan, Dumont is believed to have repeatedly transferred funds in and out of the country. Some say he was involved in money laundering. The forged passport he used to enter Japan was his tool for ``laundering'' his identity.
One has to wonder, though, how he managed to keep fooling Japanese immigration authorities amid the heightened security alert.
Japanese police have arrested foreigners who were allegedly in contact with Dumont here. One of these suspects reportedly had an office in front of the U.S. Yokosuka naval base in Kanagawa Prefecture, and entered the base on multiple occasions.
Al-Qaida means ``the base'' in Arabic. I wonder what sort of base the network was planning to build in Japan.
The Bush administration warned Wednesday that al-Qaida may stage massive attacks against the United States in coming months.
On the same day, Amnesty International issued its 2004 annual report. While condemning ``cruel and criminal attacks by armed groups such as al-Qaida'' as ``serious crimes against humanity,'' the human rights organization also denounced the Bush administration for ``violating rights at home ... and resorting to pre-emptive military attacks,'' which has ``damaged justice and freedom, and made the world a more dangerous place.''
Fighting terrorism can lead to innumerable human rights violations as well as putting the world at greater risk. The world is trapped in this dilemma.
-The Asahi Shimbun, May 28(IHT/Asahi: May 29,2004) (05/29)
E-mail just can't replace heartfelt snail mail
Many books are out that are collections of people's private letters. There are series devoted to letters written by famous novelists to their families.
According to one book editor, pickings are always slim when it comes to letters by women of bygone years. The reason, the editor explained, was that most women writers lived with their families and had little need to rely on letters for communication. That was reflective of their eras, the editor pointed out.
One such rare letter is found in ``Kazoku-e-no Tegami 3'' (Letters to families, Vol. 3) published by Yumani Shobo. The letter was sent 70 years ago by Kanoko Okamoto to her painter son, Taro, who was living in Paris. Back then, overseas travel was certainly not what it is today.
``I want to see my Taro so badly, I'm sick and tired of writing letters. I just want to see you in person, period,'' she wrote.
I thought about repatriated abductee Hitomi Soga, who continues to exchange letters with her husband and daughters left behind in North Korea. Unlike Kanoko, who was fiery and direct, Soga is demure and seems unlikely to express herself as forcefully. Still, her feelings must be no different from Kanoko's. I am so sorry for Soga who must be suffering the anguish of having to rely on letters until her much-awaited reunion with her family.
It appears Japanese today are not particularly keen letter writers. According to international statistics for 2001, Japan ranked third in the world-after the United States and China-in the volume of mail handled per year. In terms of per-capita volume, however, Japan placed 18th, and the volume was less than one-third of top-ranking Switzerland's.
A Japan Post earnings report for fiscal 2003, published Tuesday, said mail delivery declined for the second year in a row. There is no question the widespread use of e-mail is transforming the nation's letter-writing custom.
Last summer, Soga said of a letter she had received from her daughters: ``Looking at my older daughter's handwriting for the first time in quite a while, I was overwhelmed with emotion.''
There are feelings that only handwritten letters can evoke in the recipient.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 27(IHT/Asahi: May 28,2004) (05/28)
Bush stays course as his popularity dwindles
Michael Moore, director of ``Fahrenheit 9/11,'' a stinging critique of the Bush administration that won the top prize at this year's Cannes Film Festival, accepted the Palme d'Or with a joke.
``What have you done?'' he said to Quentin Tarantino, president of the festival's jury. ``You just did this to mess with me, didn't you?''
On the same day, President George W. Bush fell from his mountain bike while riding it at his ranch in Texas.
Doctors had counseled cycling for the president as therapy for knee trouble that had resulted from too much jogging, according to an American newspaper. As shown by the paper's photograph, the abrasions he suffered looked painful. I felt sorry for him.
There was no cause-and-effect relationship between the award for Moore's movie and Bush's injury. But surely a set of causes has brought about serious consequences for the president.
In the latest CBS Television poll, only 34 percent of the respondents supported Bush's Iraq policy, while 61 percent said they did not support it. Asked if the United States was moving in the right direction, 65 percent replied in the negative-the highest since pollsters started asking the question in the 1980s.
Iraq is only nominally an occupied country. Heavy fighting still continues in extensive areas. Along with the abuse of inmates at the Abu Ghraib prison, the general disillusionment among Americans probably accounts for the dip in Bush's popularity.
The president's speech on Monday drew attention for its timing. As it turned out, there was no indication that the causes for Bush's falling approval ratings had been coolly analyzed. Hence, Bush failed to lay out countermeasures based on such an analysis.
He promised to demolish the Abu Ghraib prison and replace it with new modern prisons in Iraq. Even if the prison buildings are demolished in a hurry, as if to erase letters written on a blackboard, the wounds Iraqis have sustained there will not easily go away.
I wanted to hear a different speech. I wish Bush admitted that his ``hit the bad guys relentlessly'' approach had failed and announced an explicit policy change to muster the resources of the international community to bring peace and law and order to Iraq.
I fear that Bush's failure to take appropriate action could further deteriorate security in Iraq and the rest of the world.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 26(IHT/Asahi: May 27,2004) (05/27)
Swallows have soft solution to a hard problem
Sightings of swallows busy making nests are being reported by readers from around the country.
One person sneaked a peek into a swallow's nest and reported a surprise finding for the Hitotoki (For a while) column in the Nagoya edition of The Asahi Shimbun
: ``The floor was laid with a mohair-like carpet of finely crushed grass. You couldn't imagine it from the mud nest's craggy exterior. The chicks have an amazingly comfortable mattress to sleep on. I was impressed.''
Not just swallows, but all kinds of birds exercise innate wisdom when it comes to building their nests. To protect them from enemies, they surround them, say, with twigs, bark and moss. The purpose is to camouflage their presence. When they proceed to compact the interior with mud and layer it over with feathers, then they have created a natural down-filled futon, prized by Japanese.
For an adhesive agent, they use their own saliva. Sometimes, they use spider-web threads to sew things together. They spare no effort to make their nests safe and comfortable.
Recently, I visited an exhibition of bird nests (running through June 1 at Gallery Shinjuku Takano in Tokyo's Shinjuku district). On display are 33 nests, collected around the world by picture-book writer Mamoru Suzuki, and pictures of birds.
The exhibit mainly consists of items Suzuki presented in an earlier exhibition held in New York in 2002. The nests impressed me for their unusual compositions and the precision of the artistic touches.
While looking at the diverse and beautiful bird nests from abroad, I thought about the difficulties encountered by birds living in Japanese cities. Crows, a tough species, have no trouble converting clothes hangers and pieces of wire into nest-building materials. But that is out of the question for swallows. For them, nest-building is difficult without having mud and dried grasses available close by.
To survey the difficulties facing swallows, the Wild Bird Society of Japan inaugurated a nationwide network of swallow observers this spring. The network will use the Internet to tabulate reports from observers of the dates when swallows arrived and on their nesting activities.
Here's an apt haiku by Kusatao Nakamura: ``Swallows have become/ A bird dazzling in more than one sense.''
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 24(IHT/Asahi: May 26,2004) (05/26)
Relatives still left in N. Korea dampens mood
For all but one of the former abductees from North Korea, the return of their sons and daughters over the weekend was a dream come true.
In ordinary circumstances, the joy of the reunions would have been immeasurable. But the number of family members who arrived was just five-not eight as the former abductees had hoped.
I object to using the word kikoku, or homecoming, in this context. There is no doubt that Japan is the homeland of the five family members. But this was their first visit to their homeland. That is why the term kikoku does not apply.
The five were born in North Korea to Japanese parents who were abducted in a government-authorized operation and later married. Having grown up in that country, they were separated when their parents returned to Japan in October 2002. Now they are finally here.
A new cruel fate awaits them, though. They have to come to terms with the fact that the country of their birth committed crimes. At the same time, we should be aware of the heavy responsibility Japan has assumed in admitting the family members of the former abductees.
I once visited an exhibition of pojagi or wrapping cloths, perhaps a South Korean counterpart of Japan's furoshiki. In each home, women make pojagi by sewing together stitch-by-stitch - as in making patchwork - leftover patches and parts of old clothes.
Pojagi comes in all sizes. But there is a common quality: One senses strength and warmth inside, belying the outward impression of being plain and soft.
Pojagi-making is said to have originated before the Korean Peninsula was divided. That would mean that making the handicraft represents a peninsula-wide tradition.
At their news conference, the five former abductees, mutually comforting and remaining firmly united, gave the impression they were woven from pojagi cloth.
Concerning the fate of 10 other Japanese presumed abductees, said to be dead or unaccounted for, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi came back empty-handed. He did not even get new information on their fate.
Hitomi Soga, the former abductee still awaiting the arrival of her family, bravely put up with her sorrow over this delay. In an effort to encourage the families of the 10 missing Japanese, Soga voiced her hope that the findings of a promised North Korean inquiry would soon be made available.
I have a dream. Isn't it possible for Japan to become a country that would softly wrap the kidnap victims and their families like pojagi? I also envision a future in which pojagi cloths of various sizes would be pieced together across national borders.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 23(IHT/Asahi: May 25,2004) (05/25)
World's wild bamboo forests face extinction
There is something uniquely refreshing about bamboo forests. Especially around this season, it is sheer pleasure to feel the breeze. The green of the bamboo trees, their smell and the rustling of the leaves harmonize into a delightful prelude to early summer.
While Japanese feel a special affinity to bamboo forests, the rest of the world does not necessarily share our sentiment. In fact, aside from the Chinese who influenced our love of bamboo, most people around the world perceive it merely as some ``exotic'' plant and have no real interest.
In a wake-up call meant to shake them out of their indifference, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) recently released a report on the world's wild bamboo forests at risk. The report was co-produced with UNEP's World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR).
Touted as the ``most comprehensive ever undertaken on the subject'' using unique satellite mapping techniques to identify the world distribution of bamboos, the study found more than half of the world's 1,200 woody bamboo species in Asia, Africa, South America and other places face extinction as a result of massive deforestation.
And for 250 of those species, the study also revealed, their growth areas have already shrunk to less than the size of London.
Stressing the importance and uniqueness of bamboos, the UNEP executive director has been quoted as noting, ``Bamboos are some of the oldest and most fascinating life forms on Earth.'' Researchers also concur on the commercial value of bamboo products for food, furniture and paper.
The potential extinction of the bamboo species have a grave impact on animal species that depend on them for survival-the giant panda, for instance. The report also cites such rare animals as African mountain gorillas, ploughshare tortoises of Madagascar, and spectacled bears and many endangered bird species of South America.
A haiku poem by Boitsu goes: ``A bush warbler sings/ In a bamboo garden/ Like a bird cage.'' In the poet's eye, a bamboo garden is like a bird cage.
The UNEP report nudges one's attention from the gentle world of poetry to the ominous reality of world-scale destruction of forests.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 18(IHT/Asahi: May 24,2004) (05/24)
Dylan's wise words still `Blowin' in the Wind'
I could almost hear Bob Dylan's raspy voice singing those famous lines from his hit song, ``Blowin' in the Wind'': ``Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly, before they're forever banned?''
A U.S. airstrike reportedly killed more than 40 civilians Wednesday in a western Iraqi village where a wedding reception was in progress.
If so, this was a repeat of a wedding feast massacre in Afghanistan in July 2002.
I doubt the world has seen the last of this kind of ``mistake.''
A court-martial began Wednesday in Fort Stewart, Georgia, for Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia. An infantry squad leader in the Florida National Guard, Mejia refused to return to duty in Iraq after a two-week furlough last October and proclaimed himself a conscientious objector in March.
While in Iraq, Mejia recalled, he was deeply troubled by the number of Iraqi civilians being killed. ``They don't want us there; we don't want to be there.''
Mejia was dispatched to Iraq in spring last year and put in charge of processing detainees at an air base occupied by U.S. forces. There, he witnessed detainees being ``deprived of sleep. Sometimes soldiers would bang on walls with a sledgehammer to keep prisoners awake, or would load a pistol next to their ear.''
Mejia's defense team includes former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, who argued Wednesday that the United States is ``seeking to court-martial soldiers (in Iraq) for outrageous abuses at the same time it prosecutes a soldier halfway around the world because he could not stand for horrifying mistreatment of Iraqi war prisoners.''
A military tribunal convened on the same day in Baghdad to try U.S. soldiers charged with prisoner abuses at Abu Ghraib.
Britain's Guardian newspaper carried Mejia's words earlier this month, ``There comes a point when you have to realize there is a difference between being a soldier and being a human being.''
More than 40 years have passed since Dylan wrote: ``Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows, that too many people have died?''
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 21(IHT/Asahi: May 22,2004) (05/22)
Linguist Kindaichi led a life of perpetual quest
The linguist Haruhiko Kindaichi was 88 years old in 2001 when he picked shunpu shuu (spring wind, autumn rain) as one of his favorite expressions.
In his book ``Nihongo-wo Hansei Shitemimasenka'' (Shall we reflect humbly on the Japanese language?) published by Kadokawa Shoten, Kindaichi explained: ``Just when flowers are in bloom in spring, spring winds blow them away. Just when the leaves are ablaze with color in autumn, autumn rains spoil their beauty. This is to say there are many things in life that are beyond your control.'' And he says he wants to enjoy spring wind and autumn rain in the remaining short time.
This is a typical expression for Kindaichi who was indeed a master of self-expression in simple language.
Regarding recent changes in colloquial Japanese usage, Kindaichi took the view that this was nothing new, since language is a tool of human communication that is bound to change over time.
``Rather than be angry at today's young people for mutilating the language, I wish you'd look upon them kindly and with patience,'' he commented.
In 2000, Kindaichi wrote his own obituary in ``Watashi-no Shibokiji'' (My obituary) published by Bungei Shunju.
``During his life, Haruhiko was notorious for misplacing things,'' he wrote. Cited among those ``lost items'' were important research materials and his finished manuscripts. ``Haruhiko used to say he must have been destined for a life of perpetual quest. He could not have said it better.''
One of his ``quests'' was to become a music composer. As a high school student before World War II, he sought the tutelage of Nagayo Motoori (1885-1945), the creator of many classic children's songs, including ``Akai Kutsu'' (Red shoes).
But overwhelmed by Motoori's mastery of the piano, Kindaichi decided music was not his thing and turned to academics-a decision that would prove crucial to the study of linguistics in Japan.
Kindaichi, however, kept composing at his own pace. In 1998, he published his first collection titled ``Shiroi Boto'' (White boat).
``Saijo Yaso Doyo Zenshu'' (Collection of children's songs by Yaso Saijo), a book published by Shinchosha, contains his song:
``A white boat bobbing peacefully/ And reached a distant shore''
In my mind's eye, I could imagine Kindaichi humming this song on a distant shore, having completed his odyssey that took him out of his study to all sorts of places. (Kindaichi died on Wednesday at the age of 91.)
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 20(IHT/Asahi: May 21,2004) (05/21)
Stradivarius: Unrivaled violin after 300 years
To violin maker Jin Chang Hyeon, what he was hearing from a corner of a cultivated field seemed like the sound of a Stradivarius. At first, he thought something might be wrong with his ears. He listened more and decided that it was unmistakably a Stradivarius.
But he asked a passing farmer what was making that sound. With a smile, the farmer replied that some earthworms were singing.
Jin tells the episode in his book ``Kaikyo-wo Wataru Baiorin'' (Violins crossing the strait), published by Kawade Shobo Shinsha.
In his effort to make a violin that would sound like the Stradivarius, he used an earthworm powder for laying the ground coat under the varnish. The experiment did not work. But it was a demonstration of his eagerness to make sublimely sounding violins.
In his admiration for the Stradivarius, Jin points out that when a run-of-the-mill instrument is used in a large concert hall, muted notes are not clearly audible for the audience in the last row of seats.
``By contrast,'' he says, ``an exquisite instrument like a Stradivarius does an assured job of conveying unweakened notes to the last row of seats either in the orchestra or in the gallery.''
Violinist Mariko Senju makes the same point. Another thing about the Stradivarius, she adds, is that one cannot make it sound at first. A violinist has to keep up the effort for a year or two, sometimes nearly 10 years. ``You just keep trying. After a certain period of time, your Stradivarius begins to produce clear notes,'' she continues in her book ``Kiite, Baiorin-no Uta'' (Listen to the songs of the violin), published by Jiji Press.
So, the Stradivarius violins that were made three centuries ago are still a marvel for both violin makers and violinists. But the secrets that make them so wonderful have yet to be unraveled.
Whenever a noted violinist comes here, Jin visits the artist backstage and asks for permission to touch his or her violin. Sometimes, he secretly licks the instrument when no one is looking.
I mused on the mysteries of the Stradivarius while listing to a performance by a Jin-made violin on a CD.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 10(IHT/Asahi: May 20,2004) (05/20)
Coalition fears head-rolling domino theory
South Georgia Island in the South Atlantic is inhabited by large flocks of emperor penguins. In 2000, the British Royal Air Force investigated eyewitness reports that these penguins fall backward like dominoes when surprised by flying aircraft.
The witnesses were men who piloted low-flying fighter planes during the Falkland Islands war of 1982. But the investigation failed to ascertain their reports.
In the Japanese Diet, the number of members found to have failed to pay premiums into the national pension fund and subscribe to the fund has increased in a scandal that has snowballed like falling dominoes. More than 100 lawmakers have been embroiled, and the list will grow longer if the Liberal Democratic Party releases records of payments by all of its legislators.
The Lower House passed legislation to reform the pension system by feigning ignorance about this reality. This calls for the Upper House to conduct serious deliberations on the bills, starting from scratch.
In Iraq, America's plan to make the country the centerpiece of a democratization-domino drive has stalled. Washington was supposed to spread democracy throughout the Middle East on the strength of success in establishing democracy in Iraq.
Instead, the occupation has spawned problems, like the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners, that could provoke ``reverse dominoes,'' such as troop withdrawal decisions by coalition countries.
Apparently, the United States has a penchant for domino theories. In the 1950s, there was a Communist domino theory that said if a nation became a Communist state, the nations nearby would also follow suit. This theory was advocated to justify U.S. military intervention in Vietnam.
To play the game of dominoes, 28 pieces, each shaped like something linking two dice, are used. The name domino is said to have derived from the fact that the reverse side of the black wood pieces that were used in the initial stage of evolution resembled the priest's black hooded cloak, which was called domino.
The reform of the pension system is an urgent matter. So the prompt release of data on LDP lawmakers' payments is indispensable.
None of the senior New Komeito officials, found to have been remiss in their premium payments, has resigned in an obvious effort to preclude a head-rolling domino effect from occurring. This underscores an unhealthy relationship between the LDP and its coalition partner.
If New Komeito kept a proper distance from the LDP, there would have been no need to worry about such a domino effect taking place in either of the two parties.
As things stand, the Diet might be likened to a plane spinning at a rooftop altitude. When we look up and watch it, we run the risk of falling backward like dominoes.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 16(IHT/Asahi: May 19,2004) (05/19)
Iraqi soccer team keeps peace goal in sight
Some movies turn out to be unforgettable because of their impressive titles, rather than their superb scenes and stories. A good example is Richard Attenborough's 1987 movie ``Cry Freedom,'' which was released in Japan under the title ``Toi Yoake'' (A long wait until dawn).
South Africa, where the movie is set, has been chosen as the host country for the 2010 World Cup soccer finals. The choice struck me as a sort of dawn for that country.
The chief thread of the film is the bond between a black activist who was tortured to death in police custody during the apartheid era and a white journalist who tries to sue the authorities.
With South Africa steeped in all forms of discrimination, the dawn of a new age was far away then. But no matter how removed it was, the dawn was to break in time. The movie's title seemed to say: Keep working for the realization of hopes that cannot completely be abandoned.
Iraq has now qualified to compete in the Olympic soccer games.
``There are things more important than soccer for Iraq now,'' said Bernd Stange, the German coach of the Iraqi national team. ``I know that. This is a country where there is no safety, children die, and terrorist strikes occur every day. Even so, Iraqis need to play soccer.''
With the help of coach Stange, young soccer players of the war-torn land blazed the long and difficult way to Athens.
Poet-playwright Shuji Terayama (1935-1983) once explained his love of soccer, when he wrote that it was because soccer originated from hatred.
``It seems to me that kicking the ball is a tremendously emotional act,'' Terayama wrote. ``The sight of these warriors running toward the opposition goal while kicking the ball, the size of a skull, should do us some good,'' he continued. ``I think we should regain something we have lost by watching them in action.'' (From a Shincho paperback ``Ryote Ippai-no Kotoba,'' or Words that fill both hands)
Hate-driven deeds are a pronounced phenomenon around the world now. For the moment, we can take some comfort in the latest developments in the soccer world that encourage us to hope that things will improve in time, even though we have to wait.
The Federation Internationale de Football Association, the world's soccer's governing body, will mark its centennial on Friday.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 17(IHT/Asahi: May 18,2004) (05/18)
Dali rated Vermeer's works above all others
About a fortnight ago, I noticed a long queue in front of a movie theater in Tokyo's Ginza district. The film was ``Girl With a Pearl Earring,'' inspired by a painting of that title by Dutch master Johannes Vermeer.
I killed time until the line grew shorter and walked in to watch.
This film recounts how Vermeer came to paint this work. The plot revolves around interactions among the artist's family, patrons and, of course, the young servant girl who became his model. The cinematography skillfully captures the serenity that characterizes Vermeer's works. Particularly superb is the depiction of changes in the light filtering in through an antique window.
Known for such masterpieces as ``View of Delft'' and ``The Painter's Studio,'' Vermeer was an acknowledged expert at capturing subtle transitions from light to shade and highlighting sharp contrasts in color. But even though he was one of the greatest Dutch masters of genre painting in the 17th century, less than 40 of his works still remain.
In ``Dari-tono Taiwa'' (Dialogue with Dali) published by Bijutsu Koronsha, the surrealist painter Salvador Dali is said to have named a Vermeer in response to the question, ``Assuming the entire human race is doomed for obliteration in one hour and you are allowed to choose and save just one painting that is not your own work, which would that be?''
A self-proclaimed genius, Dali devised a unique system of his own to rate paintings, according to ``Tensai-no Nikki'' (Diary of a genius) published by Futami Shobo.
Called a ``table of comparison of various values based on Dali's own analysis,'' it lists nine items, including technique, inspiration, genius and originality. The highest score for each item is 20 points, which makes the total 180 points.
Using this table, Dali rated Leonardo da Vinci, Sanzio Raffaello, Pablo Picasso and other painters. He gave Vermeer the highest score of 179, only one point shy of perfect. The missing point had to do with originality.
Dali rated himself, too. He scored higher than Picasso.
Dali died in 1989. Were he alive, he would have celebrated his 100th birthday on May 11.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 11(IHT/Asahi: May 17,2004) (05/17)
Some reflections on poison-free blowfish
A haiku by 17th century poet Matsuo Basho goes: ``Ah, yesterday passed without incident/ So much for the blowfish soup.'' The sentiment is a mix of relief and something like a sense of denouement. It comes from learning the nervousness he felt after venturing to eat blowfish the previous day was unwarranted.
Anyone who has eaten blowfish-fugu in Japanese-can probably identify with this sentiment.
Had Basho died from fugu poisoning, I am sure the history of Japanese literature would have evolved quite differently. I am glad the poet survived his fugu dinner ``without incident''
Here is another fugu haiku by 18th century poet Yosa Buson: ``Having eaten blowfish soup/ I woke from sleep/ To find myself alive.''
Kobayashi Issa, who arrived on the scene some years after Buson, was also apparently fond of fugu. It appears haiku poets of the Edo Period boldly savored this delicacy at their own risk.
But what were the prescribed cures back then for fugu poisoning?
One well-known folkloric method was to bury the patient neck-deep in the ground, according to Kiichi Kitahama, the author of ``Fugu Hakubutsushi'' (Natural history of blowfish) published by Tokyo Shobo.
Kitahama says there were also various antitoxins for ingestion, such as the the stem of an eggplant, juice of myoga or Japanese ginger and a lump of camphor ground into fine powder. Another recommendation was to grill dried squid and inhale the smoke.
But whether any of these cures worked is anyone's guess.
Studies have since contributed greatly to the present understanding of blowfish toxin.
Its chemical composition was explained exactly 40 years ago. Further research has revealed the basic mechanism by which the fish stores poison in its body by feeding on substances that are partly toxic themselves. However, exactly how that mechanism works and why the fish store toxic substances in their bodies in the first place are among many questions that still remained unanswered.
Recently, a Nagasaki University team reportedly succeeded in mass-cultivating blowfish with ``toxin-free'' innards by raising them on certain kinds of food. Applying these research results to a commercial use is now in sight.
The Saga prefectural government will reportedly soon make a proposal to the central government to create a special ``fugu-deregulation zone'' where restrictions will be eased on fugu transactions-especially on fugu liver.
The day may not be so far away when the fugu haiku by Basho and Buson no longer portray reality.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 14(IHT/Asahi: May 15,2004) (05/15)
Iraq abuses put U.S. officers in a quandary
On the treatment of POWs, Article 17 of the Geneva Convention stipulates: ``No physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatsoever.''
This clause has suddenly come to global attention because the string of reported abuses of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. troops at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad could have violated the convention.
Military courts-martial are scheduled shortly for soldiers charged with the abuses. U.S. President George W. Bush told an interviewer ``the practices that took place in that prison ... represented the actions of a few people.'' The Pentagon also stressed the ``individual,'' rather than the systematic nature of the actions.
However, in a U.S. forces internal report, the officer who authored it hints at CIA involvement. One soldier facing court-martial told an interviewer that members of the military police were under instructions from intelligence officers to deprive Iraqi prisoners of sleep and ``give them hell'' to force confessions.
How is a soldier to respond to a superior officer who orders prisoner abuse? The issue boils down to how the individual decides to act when ordered to do something unpalatable. It reminds me of Japanese soldiers who were charged as Class-B and Class-C war criminals after World War II.
``Watashi-wa Kai-ni Naritai'' (I want to be a shellfish) was the title of a superb TV drama created in the early years of television in Japan. It was later made into a movie.
Played by character actor Frankie Sakai, the protagonist is a barbershop owner who is called up for military service as a common soldier. During his military service, he is ordered by his superior to stab an American POW to death.
Discharged upon Japan's defeat, he is arrested and eventually hanged as a war criminal.
The story climaxes with the protagonist's haunting monologue: ``I do not want to remain a human being anymore. I'd much rather be a shellfish at the bottom of a deep sea.''
In the upcoming courts-martial, the parties who issue orders are going to try and condemn the parties who take orders. Given the highly ``special'' nature of the trials, I seriously wonder whether they will be capable of judging the legitimacy of the issued commands.
The International Criminal Court began functioning last year to try war crimes, civilian abuses and other crimes against humanity across national borders. More than 90 nations have joined this court, but Japan and the United States have yet to do so.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 13(IHT/Asahi: May 14,2004) (05/14)
Ultimately, it's the people who set things right
In a fairy-tale country called Acorn, working people took a fixed number of acorns each month to a large storehouse in the recess of a forest. They did this as part of their preparations for old age.
Here, acorns were the country's stable food, and the stockpile was set up specifically for distribution to the elderly.
The imagery mirrors how the pension system works in Japan, where the proportion of elderly people is rapidly growing as a result of steadily decreasing birth rates.
Eventually, the Acorn Cabinet submitted a bill to the Acorn Parliament to reform the acorn pension system. Under this plan, the people were required to stash more acorns in the forest storehouse and to receive fewer benefits in their old age.
But serious problems arose. A number of Cabinet ministers were found to have failed to pay their acorn dues. The revelations naturally caused a furor in the parliament.
Going on the offensive, the leader of the main opposition party branded derelict ministers as donguri mino kyodai (acorn nonpayment brothers). But revelations that he, too, was remiss forced him to resign.
It then emerged that a former leader of another opposition party had skipped contributions. That development embroiled all the major parties in the noncontribution scandal.
Along the way, questions were raised about the generous amounts of acorns that MPs were entitled to receive from their own heavily subsidized pension fund.
The drama in Acorn then took a different turn. The public demanded that records of acorn contributions by all lawmakers be released. This demand was met because legislators realized it would be a shameful state of affairs to ask the public to put up more while they themselves had neglected to make their own contributions.
The Acorn government's pension reform bill was fundamentally rewritten. The idea of unifying the diverse pension plans, devised for people engaged in different lines of work, was seriously debated in the parliament.
Although a similar attempt was made in Japan, unification sounded like an excuse for shelving the issue. What lawmakers of Acorn had in mind was nothing of the sort. Their target was to strike a balance between contributions and benefits.
The original reform bill was aimed at collecting large amounts of acorns from people easy to levy. The moral of this story: In the end, it was the voice of the Acorn people that forced the government to correct the unfair collection policy.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 12(IHT/Asahi: May 13,2004) (05/13)
Book, movie point to an ever-present danger
Ray Bradbury's classic novel ``Fahrenheit 451'' portrays a book-burning world in the ``near future.''
The title of the book (a Japanese translation is published by Hayakawa Shobo) refers to temperature-approximately 230 degrees Celsius, or the gratin-baking temperature inside the oven-at which paper naturally ignites.
In the fictitious world of thought control that Bradbury writes about, reading and owning books are prohibited. A squad of men dressed like firefighters has the job of not putting out fires, but to burn books.
It was a particular pleasure, a squad member says, to see books blacken as they are consumed by flames. In the book, squad members fan the flames of the fires by squirting crude oil through a bronze nozzle of a massive hose that resembles a giant snake.
One of the members finally ``encounters'' the written word and wakes up to the richness of the human spirit.
Distribution of the movie ``Fahrenheit 911,'' Academy Award-winning director Michael Moore's latest film, has been held back.
This development is said to have resulted from pressure brought to bear on the distribution firm by the parent company, the Walt Disney Co.
The documentary portrays relations between the Saudi royal family, including the line of Osama bin Laden, and the Bush family. The film takes potshots at post-9/11 policies adopted by President George W. Bush.
French director Francois Truffaut turned Bradbury's novel into a movie in 1966. ``In any country around the world,'' Truffaut wrote then, ``books are still something to be persecuted and confiscated ... sometimes to be burned on the street.'' He went on to say: ``This is not necessarily a story that materializes in a fictitious future society. When and where doesn't matter.'' (From a Japanese translation of Dominique Rabourdin's ``Truffaut par Truffaut,'' or an account of Truffaut by himself)
The movie ``Fahrenheit 911'' will be screened for the first time at the Cannes Film Festival, which opens shortly. Personally, my interest in the movie focuses on one point: What is the ``911'' meant to ignite in the movie?
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 9(IHT/Asahi: May 12,2004) (05/12)
Key Koizumi aide leaving in a political shadow
As chief Cabinet secretary, Yasuo Fukuda was variously labeled-the ``face'' of the Cabinet, banto, or the highest-ranking servant, and an aide playing the role of a wife for the prime minister.
The multiple labels suggest that being a chief Cabinet secretary promises a complex and busy job for the holder of the office.
We can get a glimpse of that job from former Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita's memoir ``Seiji-towa Nanika'' (What is politics?). Like Fukuda, who resigned on May 7, Takeshita served as chief Cabinet secretary under two prime ministers.
A passage from the book, published by Kodansha, goes: ``The day gets off to a start again with consultations-rounds and rounds of meetings. On top of the succession of meetings, I have to see the press twice a day.
``Perhaps,'' he continues, ``my kanbo chokan portfolio deserves a new name-hanbo chokan (a play on words meaning a chief Cabinet secretary with a heavy workload). And I admit I sometimes transform myself into ranbo chokan (again a play on words standing for a chief secretary who plays rough to get things done).''
Fukuda's days were probably even more hectic when he was chief Cabinet secretary under Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, who earned notoriety for a series of gaffes. Busy with damage-control efforts, Fukuda called himself benmei chokan (a chief secretary whose job is to offer explanations to calm outcries).
Eventually, though, Fukuda turned against Mori and criticized him for continuing to play golf even after being informed that a senior high school fishery training ship, the Ehime Maru, was sunk in a collision with a U.S. nuclear-powered submarine off Hawaii.
``Personally, I think the prime minister should not have gone off to play golf on that day in the first place,'' he told a news conference. It was unusual for a chief Cabinet secretary to criticize a prime minister.
His father, former Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda, famously observed, ``Human lives are heavier than the Earth,'' to justify his decision to comply with hijackers' demands. ``Members of the Cabinet put forward various opinions over whether respect for human lives should come first or whether it is more important to maintain the legal system,'' the senior Fukuda writes in his memoir ``Kaiko Kyuju-nen'' (Recollections of 90 years), published by Iwanami Shoten. ``Finally,'' he continues, ``I concluded that human lives are heavier than the Earth. I decided to comply with the hijackers' demands through recourse to a `supra-legal' measure-a step taken because there is no other choice.''
When three Japanese nationals were taken hostage in Iraq, the younger Fukuda was asked about the action taken by his father in what came to be known as the Dhaka incident. Ruling out a similar action to rescue them, he replied: ``Times are different. Besides, it seems to me that perceptions about a hostage crisis have changed since then.''
Last month, Fukuda set a record as the longest-serving chief Cabinet secretary. On that day, he asked reporters, ``Want me to comment on my being himitsu shugi chokan (a chief secretary who keeps things secret)?'' After pointing out that he has been called the shadow foreign minister and the shadow defense chief, he said, ``I have been given various nicknames, but I am no more than a shadow player.''
There was a certain charm about the way Fukuda fielded questions at news conferences, with a nihilistic air belying his generally polite answers. He looked an utterly different man when he refused to answer questions about whether he had been paying premiums into the national pension fund, insisting that it was personal information.
Fukuda's resignation in the pension-premium scandal was obviously aimed at drawing the curtain on the controversy.
It is greatly regrettable that someone who has been calling the shots in the government has rendered such service as his last act.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 8(IHT/Asahi: May 11,2004) (05/11)
New to EU, Prague's rich tradition is its own
A diary, discovered in February in the United States, has turned out to be that of Albert Einstein's ``last girlfriend'' who stayed with him through the final years of his life. The girlfriend was Czech-born Johanna Fantova, who died in 1981 at age 80.
Einstein took his post at Princeton University's Institute for Advanced Study as a refugee from Nazi Germany. Fantova was a curator at the university's Firestone Library. The two had already met before.
The April 24 issue of The New York Times quotes an old mutual acquaintance as saying that for Einstein who missed prewar Europe and never felt at home in Princeton, ``she was part of the old world.''
When Einstein and Fantova first met in prewar Berlin, Einstein was already acquainted with Fantova's mother, Bertha Fanta, who was a well-known patroness of culture in Prague at the start of the 20th century.
Young Einstein was a frequent visitor at her ``salon,'' where he met novelist Franz Kafka, a resident of Prague. Kafka is said to have taken interest in Einstein's theory of relativity.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart loved Prague. His 1787 opera ``Don Giovanni'' premiered in this city, and his Symphony No. 38 is popularly known as ``Prague.''
I imagine Einstein's relationship with Fantova helped him recall the cultural atmosphere of the good old Europe that Prague stood for.
The European Union expanded east and south on May 1, from 15 member countries to 25. I hear there were festivities in Prague.
Though a newcomer to the EU, Prague is certainly an ancient capital with a rich tradition of its own.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 4(IHT/Asahi: May 10,2004) (05/10)
`Torture' is the right word for what they did
Television and newspapers are rife with images of horrendous abuses committed against prisoners in Iraq by U.S. soldiers at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad.
In ``Sekai no Shikei/Gomon Joho'' (Global data on executions and tortures) published by Tairiku Shobo, Amnesty International points out that Iraqi prisoners were being tortured just as brutally more than 20 years ago under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein. They had electric shocks applied and were sexually abused while blindfolded with their hands bound behind their backs.
The images and reports that have come out in recent days are so starkly reminiscent of these old Amnesty accounts, they have only deepened my conviction that the war in Iraq is wrong.
History has repeatedly proved how war drives people to inhuman acts. The U.S. government could not have been ignorant of this, and yet its own citizens, of all people, reverted to the abominations perpetrated by the Iraqi dictatorship while their leaders claimed to be ``democratizing'' Iraq.
U.S. newspapers are taking a severe stand against the Bush administration. One editorial insisted the nation should express a collective apology, while another pointed out the brutalities were ``systematic'' and confirmed suspicions that had lingered about the treatment of prisoners in Afghanistan.
Quoting Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who described the acts as ``un-American,'' The Washington Post noted that Americans were quite wrong to think they alone were immune from performing such atrocities.
Nearly a year ago, the director-general of Amnesty International criticized the United States for human rights abuses in the name of the ``war against terror'' and countenancing abuses that had been considered unacceptable up to the eve of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
The trivialization of human rights in the post-9/11 United States is likely what induced the prisoner abuses.
I like others have been calling these acts ``abuses,'' but such things happen outside prisons, too. Such wanton pain is also inflicted on animals. But when an abusive act is committed with the intent of eliciting information or forcing a confession from a prisoner, ``torture'' is a more accurate choice of word.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 7(IHT/Asahi: May 8,2004) (05/08)
Teaching children one of life's hardest lessons
When Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy compiled ``A Calendar of Wisdom'' late in his life, he is said to have surmised that while he expected his works to fall into oblivion over time, he felt confident this book alone would always be remembered.
The book has been translated into Japanese as ``Fumi Yomu Hibi'' and published by Chikuma Shobo. I leaf through it from time to time.
It is a bulky anthology of maxims and quotations, including his own, culled from world literature of all ages and arranged by each day of the year.
For May 5, there are quotations about children and adult-child relations.
``Children must be taught only things that they can understand perfectly and need no further explanation when they grow up,'' goes one maxim.
``Always keep your promise with a child, or you will be conditioning him to take falsehood for granted,'' warns another.
I get the strong impression Tolstoy expected people to deal strictly and scrupulously with children-a rather tall order, I must admit.
``The Wisdom of Children'' is another work by Tolstoy. It takes the form of children asking questions and adults answering them. The format suggests the author's intention was to delve into vital issues such as religion, nationhood and education through children's unclouded and incisive observations of life.
The book quotes a mother as saying, ``Truth issues forth from the lips of a child.''
Children may be defined as people who are still too young to understand the constraints placed on people by society. As an adult, life oscillates between society's ``accepted common sense'' and the ``truth'' shoved in your face by people who are either unfamiliar with what is deemed common sense or refuse to accept it.
Passing by a kindergarten on Tuesday, I saw koinobori, a set of traditional carp-shaped streamers that are hoisted around this season to pray for children's healthy growth. The ``papa carp'' and ``mama carp'' were ``swimming'' in the breeze, but the little blue ``boy carp'' had wound itself tight around a rope and only the tip of its tail could be seen.
It made me think of someone trapped by society's constraints. I felt sorry for the little carp and wanted to free it, but it was too high to reach.
On Children's Day, which falls on May 5, it is an old custom in Japan to put the leaves of shobu Japanese iris in the hot tub to enjoy the ritual shobu-yu. I vowed to pretend the bunch of leaves in my tub would be my carp family, so the little carp could at least swim freely there.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 5(IHT/Asahi: May 7,2004) (05/07)
Americans listening to voices of the war dead
What are the dead soldiers going to tell them? In the United States, debate has broken out over how news organizations should report the growing number of American casualties in Iraq.
On April 30, the names of more than 700 U.S. troops killed in the war in Iraq were read out on ABC Television's news show ``Nightline.'' Photographs of the fallen simultaneously rolled across the screen. It took 40 minutes to finish the roll call of the dead.
Critics promptly charged ABC with exploiting the war dead politically to fan anti-war awareness. The anchor in charge of the program countered by saying it was not intended either for or against the war in Iraq. The show's producer contended that the recitation of names served only to put a human face and a name to the statistics on soldiers who had died.
Earlier, photographs were posted on the Internet of coffins bearing the remains of U.S. war dead arriving back home from Iraq. Publication by newspapers and television networks quickly followed suit. The pictures were obtained following a request filed under the Freedom of Information Act.
The Pentagon and the White House expressed displeasure and ordered limits on the release of such sensitive material. The sight of coffins draped with the Stars and Stripes deeply stirs the emotions of Americans, and the U.S. government presumably feared it could cause more people to oppose the war in Iraq.
Soon after the end of World War II, poet Ryuichi Tamura wrote: ``Don't let my corpse lie on the ground/ There is no resting place for your dead bodies/ Put my corpse in an upright coffin/ So that I will remain standing in death.'' (From the poem titled ``Tachikan,'' or upright coffin)
This poem is an attempt to sum up the last thoughts of the vast number of people who died in World War II, regretting their premature deaths and wishing they had more years to live.
It falls on the living to discern what the dead wanted. The debate on the handling of the war dead in Iraq probably indicates that Americans are trying to hold a sincere dialogue with them. What are the dead soldiers going to tell them?
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 2(IHT/Asahi: May 5,2004) (05/05)
Calls for peace go answered by U.S. in Iraq
From the banners shown on the television screen, anyone could tell it was a close-up shot of a demonstration. The banners covered the entire screen with the word pace, meaning peace in Italian.
PACE(パーチェ) PACE PACE……。「平和」という言葉を連ねた横断幕が、テレビ画面いっぱいに広がる。
Calling for the release of Italians held hostage in Iraq, thousands of citizens, including the families of the hostages, marched in the San Pietro Plaza at the entrance to the Vatican.
They did not shout a demand for the withdrawal of Italian troops in Iraq. Only the word ``pace'' appeared to be silently telling of their unspoken anguish.
A full year has passed since U.S. President George W. Bush declared that large-scale military operations in Iraq were over.
But heavy fighting is still continuing. Bush's declaration especially sounds hollow alongside the large-scale U.S. military attack on Fallujah, an operation severely affecting the lives of local residents.
The attack on Fallujah elicited criticism from Lakhdar Brahimi, the U.N. special envoy who is charged with the unenviable task of playing a mediatory role to establish a provisional Iraqi government. He pointed out that people everywhere saw television footage of an attack on a mosque by U.S. forces.
As a senior U.N. official put it, the way the United States uses its right hand is entirely different from the way it uses its left hand. He was accusing Washington of reaching out a hand to the world body to request a mediatory effort in Iraq and then attacking Fallujah with the other, the hand one wields to greater effect.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan also called for U.S. self-restraint.
Dag Hammerskjold, the second U.N. secretary-general, wrote in his diary: ``Acts of violence are bitter paradoxes, regardless of their scale. This is because to die is profoundly meaningful and to kill is meaningless.'' (From the Japanese translation, ``Michishirube,'' or signpost, published by Misuzu Shobo)
Hammerskjold died in 1961 when his plane crashed on his way to the Congo, where he was to play a mediatory role in the turmoil following the territory's independence from Belgian colonial rule. He was posthumously awarded a Nobel Prize for Peace.
Images of the countless ``pace'' signs that were delivered from Rome should have found empathy in television viewers around the world.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 1(IHT/Asahi: May 4,2004) (05/04)
Local currencies might coin a success phase
Novelist Ihara Saikaku (1642-1693) famously observed, ``There is nothing more interesting than money in this world.''
Likewise, I am amused by the increasing ``community currencies,'' money in circulation only in certain areas or among certain groups.
First, what is so amusing about them is that they bear names associated with local tourist attractions or regional products.
The currency issued by a residents' group in Beppu, one of the most famous hot spring resorts in Japan, is called yuro (hot-spring road). The residents' group calls itself ``the achi-chi central bank.'' (The name is also rooted in Beppu's identity because achi-chi is a cry of surprise uttered at finding something too hot.)
Community currencies are named after their special products and provoke a smile. A community currency, named silk, is in circulation in Gunma Prefecture, while Iwate Prefecture has a currency called warabi, or bracken, an edible wild plant. What is in circulation in Ibaraki Prefecture has the unique name of gamal. This comes from Gama no abura (literally, toad's grease), a traditional nonprescription remedy for dermatitis.
Community currencies are mostly used to make token payments to volunteers for the services they render, such as helping the elderly, weeding and sweeping at old people's homes, reading books aloud for the aged or teaching them how to operate personal computers. Volunteers can use the money to pay for other services or goods.
The token compensation in those currencies encourages people to participate in community activities for mutual assistance or render volunteer services. Given the virtue of pushing people into action, merchants operating in a not-so-flourishing shopping area may be able to count on a local currency to bring back business.
A community currency, called cupola, was issued in Kawaguchi, Saitama Prefecture, last year. Kawaguchi used to be known as the town of cupolas, cylindrically shaped furnaces for melting cast iron. Part of the issue has been used to help finance relief activities for Laotian children.
Donations in cupolas made to the city's ``Cupola Contribution Box'' were entrusted to a Laos assistance group, SALA, in January after being converted into cash.
Moves are also afoot to create a system that would make different community currencies exchangeable. Other interesting experiments are in progress.
The Bank of Japan, which issues legal tender, is watching these developments with favor. Welcoming the surge of community currencies, BOJ chief Toshihiko Fukui said last summer, ``Those currencies create new values and spur the development of local societies.'' Pitching in to boost the trend, the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications embarked this spring on a project to develop a model for a network of community currencies.
Many local currencies fail to take off. But there is no reason to be dejected. We can take the view that success cannot come easily in such projects that offer many ways to ensure the well-being of a community.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 24(IHT/Asahi: May 3,2004) (05/03)
A tempest of thought in a Japanese teapot
As soon as you are seated in a Japanese restaurant, a cup of tea is placed before you. You sip it while waiting for your meal. Like water, tea is on the house, and you can have as many cups as you want. And no meal is complete without that final cup of tea before you leave the restaurant.
What I have just described is indication of how integral tea is to the daily lives of Japanese. After a trip overseas where restaurants don't usually serve free beverages, you really come to appreciate the uniqueness of Japan's ``tea drinking culture.''
But it is also true that even this culture is no longer set in stone. There are more occasions today to drink bought tea rather than free tea. About 20 years ago, canned green tea made its debut amid considerable doubts about its success. However, with the eventual addition of PET-bottled tea, the beverage became the mainstay of the soft-drink industry. In 500-milliliter PET bottle equivalents, about 3.5 billion bottles of green tea are now sold annually.
Tea shops are springing up where you can enjoy the luxury of savoring expertly brewed green tea. Most shops offer various brands of sencha and powdered matcha to choose from, along with trays of traditional Japanese sweets. There is an atmosphere of serenity you do not usually find in more Westernized establishments that serve coffee and black tea.
And we even have ``tea sommeliers'' now-tea experts who hold the title of Nihoncha insutorakuta (Japanese tea instructor).
This title was created in 1999 by a tea-industry association called Nihoncha-gyo Chuo-kai. To qualify, candidates must pass two tests. The first is a written test to determine one's knowledge of the history of tea and various cultivation methods. The second is a test of one's practical knowledge-determining the grade of tea leaves and knowing where they came from, how to best brew certain brands of tea, and so on.
More than 1,000 people have passed the tests so far, according to the association.
Tenshin Okakura, a scholar who contributed to the development of Japanese arts, wrote a book in English titled ``The Book of Tea'' in 1906 after the Russo-Japanese War.
Okakura noted with dripping sarcasm that Westerners vilified Japan as a barbarous nation when it was at peace, but the same Westerners later began to call Japan a civilized nation when it became a bloodthirsty, warring power. If that is the case, Okakura argued, he would much rather that Japan remained a barbarous nation. He went on to discourse on the Japanese sense of beauty, which, he claimed, found its ultimate expression in the ``culture of tea.''
I am going to brew a pot of fragrant new tea while I contemplate what Okakura said in his book.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 30(IHT/Asahi: May 1,2004) (05/01)
Spring reflections on `ryokuu,' or green rain
Saito Ryokuu, an unorthodox literary figure of the Meiji Era (1868-1912), died
in April just 100 years ago at the age of 37. His obituary, which he himself had
dictated to an acquaintance, ran in newspapers the day after his death. It
read: ``I am pleased to announce the good news of my demise on this date ...''
Born in the year before the start of the Meiji Era, Saito studied under the
tutelage of popular fiction writer and journalist Kanagaki Robun. Saito
blossomed, not only as a novelist but also as an author of witty and sardonic
maxims. The pen names he used included Shojiki Shodayu and Tosenbo.
Two months before his death, the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) broke out and
Saito's younger brother was called up for military duty. Saito had a lung
condition and was running a high fever, but went to see his brother off at a
train station.
``Saito Ryokuu Zenshu'' (Complete works of Saito Ryoku), published by Chikuma
Shobo, contains a letter he sent to anti-war journalist Kotoku Shusui who was
writing for ``Heimin Shimbun'' (Common people's newspaper).
``Suddenly, I find myself wanting to write an anti-war piece myself,'' he wrote.
``My fellow well-wishers at the train station were all crying `banzai' for a
great victory at the tops of their lungs. ... The soldiers looked pleased and
flattered by all the adulation, and I believe they were fantasizing about the
``Kinshi-kunsho'' (Order of Golden Kite) medals of honor they coveted.''
マシタ」。兵士たちは「人々ノオダテニ乗ツテ ソシテ内心ニハ金鵄勲章ノ夢ヲミテヰル
And here is a maxim by Saito: ``Justice is to be cried for, to be printed and
marketed, but never to be pursued as an end in itself.''
While his stinging words earned him many enemies, Saito was also friends with
literary greats such as Mori Ogai and Koda Rohan. According to ``Meiji Bungaku
Zenshu'' (Complete works of Meiji literature) also published by Chikuma Shobo,
novelist Higuchi Ichiyo wrote in her diary: ``Shodayu (Saito) is 29. He is
rail-thin and has a menacing face, but there is something indescribably sweet
and charming around his mouth. ... I have met him only twice, but I feel as we
have known each other for 1,000 years.''
Ichiyo lived in dire poverty and died young. Saito was just as destitute, but
did everything he could to arrange a decent funeral for Ichiyo and publish her
works posthumously.
口一葉が日記に記す。「正太夫としは二十九 痩せ姿の面やうすご味を帯びて唯口もとに
All over Tokyo, trees are turning greener every day.
On Wednesday, there were thunder showers just before noon. The rains that fall
around this season are called ryokuu, which literally translates as ``green
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 29(IHT/Asahi: April 30,2004) (04/30)
Baghdad orphans ask ex-hostage to return
With April coming to an end, it is, once again, time to offer recent quotable
Nahoko Takato, one of the victims in the recent Japanese hostage crisis in Iraq,
received this message from a Baghdad orphanage: ``The boys at this orphanage
are your sons. They are praying for your return here, so that they will be able
to see you again. We need you very much.''
So Kuramoto, a playwright living in Hokkaido, wrote an encouraging letter to the
families of the hostages. ``The interest of the nation is certainly
important,'' he wrote, ``but I believe that what I call kokkaku (national
character)-take it as the equivalent of personal character-is something that
contributes to the dignity of a nation better than national interest.''
He went on: ``For the sake of national interest, the government, from the
beginning, gave up on the primary option to rescue the hostages. No matter what
reasons the government may have had to take such an attitude, I am just furious
about it.''
Speaking of the hostages, novelist Kenzaburo Oe, a Nobel laureate, had this to
say: ``Terrorism and counterterrorism are both the product of intolerance. It is
only natural for an internationalized democratic society to produce citizens
who wish to find a third solution.''
On the same subject, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said, ``I'm pleased
that these Japanese citizens were willing to put themselves at risk for a
greater good, for a better purpose.''
Concerning the situation in Iraq, U.S. President George W. Bush said, ``It's
hard to tell (whether the turmoil would calm down anytime soon). I just know
this, that we're plenty tough and we'll remain tough.''
Michel Barnier, France's new foreign minister, said, ``I believe in forging
closer friendly relations with the United States. But a one-way-street
allegiance doesn't make an alliance. You need two pillars and an appropriately
balanced relationship between them.''
Poet Tetsuo Nakagami, winner of the Takami Jun Award, said at the presentation
ceremony: ``Man is the prisoner of stories, and the task of a poet is to turn
the human struggle into poetry. I have my own life to tell about, and I intend
to tell my story in my own way.''
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 28(IHT/Asahi: April 29,2004) (04/29)
Can citizen judges handle the responsibility?
A bill to create a system whereby citizens take part in trials for murders and other serious crimes passed the Lower House and is expected to become law during this Diet session. Plans call for the system to be implemented five years from now.
Recently, the Koe (Voice) letters column in The Asahi Shimbun's vernacular Tokyo edition carried this letter from a senior high school student: ``I think people who try cases that could result in the death penalty or life imprisonment with no legal knowledge carry a heavy responsibility.''
These words show how seriously the student, who will come of age in five years, is thinking about the new system. Addressing the requirement for citizen judges to observe strict confidentiality and the actions that could result in penalties, the student closed the letter with this thought: ``I hope I won't be chosen by lottery.''
Cases that involve the death penalty or life imprisonment are few. But they would weigh heavily on any citizen judge chosen for a criminal trial. According to an Asahi Shimbun public opinion poll conducted last month, people who generally supported ``citizen participation in court proceedings'' outnumbered those against it.
At the same time, however, when asked whether they would want to participate if they were chosen, more people said no.
French philosopher Michel Foucault once wrote this warning about the danger of tolerating a similar situation: ``Free from anxiety, under what name are judges passing judgment?... Who am I to pass judgment? They avoid troubling themselves about such numerous questions and continue to involve themselves in adjudication alone.'' (Translated from the Japanese edition of ``Michel Foucault: Dits et Ecrits,'' published by Chikuma Shobo.)
When we substitute ``citizen judges'' for ``judges'' in the above quotation, we begin to wonder whether citizen judges will be able to squarely address such fundamental questions.
Citizen participation in the judicial process is a growing inevitability. The bill requires members of the public to take their turn at shouldering the responsibility of judging people. I intend to keep a wary eye on the Diet's discussions of this important change this session.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 27(IHT/Asahi: April 28,2004) (04/28)
Train explosion raises specter of Chernobyl
The exact cause of Friday's massive train explosion at a station in North Korea near the Chinese border is still unclear. The paucity of information on this terrible tragedy does not allow for idle speculation. Still, Pyongyang has gone public with the accident, an unusual move for the highly reclusive country.
Presumably, the North Korean leadership had intense discussions before making the announcement with regard to how much information to release and when.
The presumed behind-the-scenes drama made me think of the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union, which occurred on April 26, 18 years ago.
Scandinavian countries were the first to surmise that an accident had taken place at a Soviet nuclear power plant. The guess was based on unusually high levels of radioactivity they had detected.
The Soviet Union initially denied the assumption in dealing with inquiries that flowed in from the West. But this position soon proved untenable as radioactive fallout crossed international borders.
Based on his coverage at the site, Vladimir Gubaryev, a reporter for the Soviet newspaper Pravda, penned a play that scathingly attacked the bureaucratic bungling. The drama, ``Sarcophagus,'' takes the form of conversations between prosecutors probing the cause of the accident and the people involved.
A sample conversation from the play goes as follows:
A system operations engineer at Chernobyl: When were the townspeople evacuated?
Prosecutor: Sunday (April 27) noon. As many as 1,000 buses transported all of them in 2 hours.
Engineer: Why wasn't an announcement of the accident made over the radio at once? Everyone could have fled on foot in an hour.
Prosecutor: People were waiting for the arrival of a government commission.
Engineer: Could the commission have made a different decision?
Prosecutor: Nobody could make a decision.
Engineer: Were they unable to make a decision, or did they not want to make a decision?
Prosecutor: They just didn't decide anything.
The Soviet Union collapsed about five years later.
「運転技師 町の人はいつ避難したのですか/検事 日曜日(27日)の昼だ。千台ものバスが2時間半でみんな運んだ/技師 でも、なぜすぐラジオで公表しなかったのですか。歩いても1時間でみんな逃げられたのに/検事 政府の委員会が着くのを待っていたんだ/技師 委員会は違う決定をすることができたのですか/検事 だれも決定できなかったのだ/技師 できなかったのですか、決定したくなかったのですか/検事 決めなかったのだ」。事故の約5年後にソ連は崩壊した。
The train explosion in North Korea caused many deaths and a huge amount of damage.
While there is no need to relent on the serious issues outstanding between Japan and North Korea, we should extend a helping hand to the people now suffering because of the accident.
It strikes me that the impact of personnel, goods and information flowing in under an aid program might cause cracks in that country's tightly closed shell.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 26(IHT/Asahi: April 27,2004) (04/27)
Postwar gargoyle's exhortations to endure
For the first time in years, I went to look at a rooftop gargoyle in downtown Tokyo. With its wide, gaping maw, the monster appeared to be shouting at the world below, cupping its hands on either side of its mouth to make its silent screams seem louder.
The gargoyle is ensconced on the edge of the roof of the nine-story Hibiya Park Building, about a block from JR Yurakucho Station. It was installed in 1952 as a talisman to protect the building, which was then known as the Nikkatsu Kokusai Kaikan.
The 1.5-meter-tall monster has the face of a bird on a human's body, with wings sprouting from its back. Cast in white cement and kneeling on a pedestal, the ferocious creature has been exposed to the elements for years-so now it has blackish marks around the neck and torso. But other areas remain spotlessly white.
The gargoyle was created by sculptor Yoshiharu Kuroda, who was a board member of Nitten (Japan Fine Arts Exhibition), a prestigious art organization. About 20 years ago, I asked him what the monster was shouting. Kuroda replied that in 1952, there was lingering postwar confusion, and he had wanted to create an art object urging Japanese to work harder. By ``lingering postwar confusion,'' Kuroda was making reference to the presence of prostitutes, vagrants and black-market merchants plying their trade under the railway tracks near Yurakucho Station, a symbol of the unsettled times.
In designing his gargoyle, he studied similar creatures on the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris.
When I interviewed Kuroda, the left half of his body was paralyzed, the result of a celebral thrombosis. Even so, he would knead clay with his right hand whenever a Nitten exhibition approached.
``Even though the computer-namely, my brain-survived the stroke, one of my hands and one of my legs-namely, the parts that are supposed to function like a robot-are crippled,'' he lamented. ``My art cannot be satisfactory now, but I make these pieces as a testimony to my continuing life,'' he said.
Not long afterward, however, he died at age 76.
Demolition work has begun on the Hibiya Park Building. A high-rise hotel is to go up on the site. The company that owns the building, Mitsubishi Estate Co., intends to move Kuroda's gargoyle to a corner of the new hotel.
So the omens are good that, depending on where it ends up being installed, one of the sculptor's testimonials to life may continue exhorting the world below well into the 21st and 22nd centuries.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 19(IHT/Asahi: April 26,2004) (04/26)
Egypt's ancient past fires the imagination
During his Egyptian campaign in the late 18th century, Napoleon Bonaparte is said to have pointed at the Pyramids from his mount and shouted out to his troops, ``Soldiers! From the top of these Pyramids, 40 centuries are looking at us.''
It was during this expedition, in 1799, that Napoleon's soldiers discovered the Rosetta Stone, the ancient artifact that became the key to deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. His soldiers found the stone while reinforcing a Nile delta fortress in the village of Rashid (known as Rosetta to Europeans), according to ``Ejiputo'' (Egypt) published by Shinchosha.
A few days ago, a a similar stone was unearthed in the ancient city of Bubatis, southeast of Rashid.
The latest discovery was made by a team of German and Egyptian archaeologists working in the ruins of a temple in the Nile delta. Like the Rosetta Stone, this artifact is also engraved in three scripts-Greek, hieroglyphic and demotic (a cursive and simplified form of the hieroglyphic system), according to a German news agency report.
The writing on the original Rosetta Stone praises King Ptolemy V, who ruled from the 3rd century to the 2nd century B.C.
The newly discovered stone, on the other hand, records the achievements of Ptolemy V's grandfather, Ptolemy III, who reformed the ancient Egyptian calendar.
Ptolemy I, the founder of the dynasty, was a friend of Alexander the Great and responsible for construction of the great library at Alexandria. The dynasty ended with Queen Cleopatra.
Without question, the German-Egyptian team has unearthed a fascinating piece of ancient history that fires the imagination.
Last winter, I visited Rashid on my way from Alexandria to Cairo. Rashid is a nice little town, where palm trees sway in the wind. A plaque marks the site where the Rosetta Stone was excavated from the ruins of the fortress, but I did not see another soul around this historic place.
Where the 6,600-kilometer Nile flows into the Mediterranean, white-crested waves rippled. Napoleon's final words were said to have been ``France, tete (head) ... armee (army),'' according to ``Naporeon Genko-roku'' (Napoleon's words and deeds) published by Iwanami Bunko.
Watching the waters of the Nile, I felt as if those words of Napoleon were riding the waves up the river.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 23(IHT/Asahi: April 24,2004) (04/24)
Free the wild tuna to roam the boiling seas
Spring is at its peak. As the weather gets warmer, I somehow begin to crave food flavored with vinegar.
``Hiyashi chuka'' (cold Chinese-style noodles with sweet-and-sour sauce) sounds tempting. But for something traditionally Japanese, I think I would choose sushi.
I can't afford too many visits to a sushi restaurant, but just imagining those finger-size mounds of vinegary rice topped with various colorful slices of fish and seafood is sheer pleasure.
Tuna, or maguro, is the king of all sushi toppings. Last month, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) warned that tuna farming in the Mediterranean Sea was going ``totally out of control'' and ``business interests were being put ahead of the urgent need to conserve tuna stocks.''
Tuna farms aim to fatten wild tuna in cages to secure a steady supply of toro, the fatty and expensive flesh that is considered a great delicacy by sushi and sashimi connoisseurs. According to the international wildlife protection watchdog, tuna farming in the Mediterranean is ``driven mainly by the Japanese demand for sushi and sashimi.''
Tuna farming renders it hard to determine how many wild tuna are being caught, because the catch is immediately transferred alive to the farming pens, rather than sold on the market. This practice is also believed to cause overfishing of smaller fish.
There is an international organization to monitor the conservation of tuna stocks, but nations that do not belong to this organization are stepping up tuna farming. Last year, a Japanese trading house was suspected of involvement in such a venture, and last month the international organization asked the Japanese Foreign Ministry to deal appropriately with this trading house.
``Hemingway on Fishing,'' a collection of Ernest Hemingway's writings on the sport, has been published in Japanese as ``Heminguwei Tsuri Bungaku Kessaku-shu'' by Kimoto Shoten.
The collection includes ``Tuna Fishing in Spain.'' A passage from the latter in Japanese goes to the effect: ``The tuna made the sea boil. Knifing the water with a cracking sound, the fish's 6-foot frame leapt into the air and then dropped into the sea, making a tremendously noisy splash as if a horse had fallen off the pier.''
Being penned and fattened is hardly the sort of existence I would wish upon wild tuna. One should stay out of any venture that abets it.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 22(IHT/Asahi: April 23,2004) (04/23)
U.S., Israel in conjunction like binary stars
While many national flags sport stars, none has more than America's Stars and Stripes. The Israeli flag features the Shield of David, an emblem of two triangles. This looks like a blue star too.
The two national flags remind me of binary stars up in the sky.
Binary stars revolve around a common center of gravity, each affected by the gravitational pull of the other. Two stars in the constellation Perseus, known as Algol, offer a famous example. Exceptionally keeping to themselves in the vast universe, they seem to be isolated from other celestial bodies.
The United States and Israel seem to stand out in the international community for their heavy reliance on military force to get things done, the former starting the war in Iraq and the latter mounting concentrated attacks on the radical Palestinian groups.
In Iraq, the U.S.-led ``coalition of the willing'' has started to crumble, with Spain and Honduras set to withdraw their troops. And Israeli forces killed the top leader of an Islamic militant group even after Prime Minister Ariel Sharon conferred with U.S. President George W. Bush. I wonder what the two leaders discussed.
The magnitude of Algol changes. The constellation they belong to is thought to resemble a perceived scene in Greek mythology-the hero Perseus holding the severed head of Medusa, a monster with snakes for hair.
The binary stars are located in the forehead of the monster. The name Algol is derived from Arabic. Variable stars were uncanny to Arabians. (All this according to ``Seiza Daizen,'' an encyclopedia of constellations published by Sakuhinsha.)
The magnitude changes much the same way as a solar or lunar eclipse, growing dim when another star moves in between the bright star of the pair and Earth.
I wonder if the massive fighting in Iraq may be similarly tempering the shock of Israel's frenzied recourse to military action. But for the war in Iraq, Israel's behavior would have stood out in sharper relief.
I hope that the United States and Israel, isolated like binary stars, will dissolve such an alliance, correct their orbits and start moving in the direction of light with surrounding stars.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 21(IHT/Asahi: April 22,2004) (04/22)
Hostages not to blame for what happened
The term jiko sekinin (personal responsibility) has become something of a buzzword following the recent crisis involving Japanese hostages in Iraq. In most cases, the expression was used when criticizing the actions and decisions of the Japanese civilians held captive, or in objecting to the use of taxpayers' money to bring them home following their release.
Given the context in which this expression has been uttered, I find its repeated use ominous and offensive.
I looked up the definition of jiko sekinin in several dictionaries, but none of them carried this entry. I assumed this was perhaps because the expression is still new, but further research proved me wrong.
A Diet record dated 1947-two years after Japan's defeat in World War II-refers to jiyu shugi (liberalism), and says anyone who subscribes to it is ready to ``take the initiative at one's jiko sekinin.''
In recent years, I have frequently heard investors and entrepreneurs talk about jiko sekinin to stress their sense of ``personal responsibility.'' It would seem the expression is used quite commonly in the business world.
But it is rare to hear this expression used to question the responsibility of each victim whose life was being threatened.
The word sekinin (responsibility) is standard Japanese and can be found in any dictionary. Translated, it means: ``Any duty one must pursue and perform personally'' and ``a duty which, if unfulfilled, one will be held accountable for.''
It seems to me that the term sekinin has implications of ``his or her own actions.''
But what really irks me about using the term jiko sekinin is that the people who are attacking the freed hostages want them to bear all the blame for what befell them.
The five civilians were taken hostage in a country where Japanese troops are present, even though half the population did not agree with the government policy of sending Self-Defense Forces there in the first place.
All this harping on about ``personal responsibility'' causes me to suspect there must be people in Japan who want to divert the public's attention from the background of the abductions and what caused the chaos in Iraq.
Obviously, the five former captives had some responsibility. But didn't they take responsibility for the result of what they did by having guns pointed at them and being threatened with death?
I hope the time will come when they will be able to say what happened to them without being harassed.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 20(IHT/Asahi: April 21,2004) (04/21)
Bribery scandal as painful as pulling teeth
``I have been plagued by a toothache all through my life.''
With these words, novelist Saisei Muroo (1889-1962) begins a short story.
A tooth would begin to throb when he set about his work, according to an account in ``Ha-no Shogai'' (Lifetime of teeth). ``As the tooth gets inflamed, the gum begins to act up, turning all the teeth in the mouth into irregular sets. Then my body becomes feverish.'' (Quoted from Muroo's complete works published by Shinchosha)
Indeed, a decayed tooth brings far-reaching consequences.
In Europe, people are said to look for help from a female saint named St. Apollonia in times of toothaches. In the third century or so, she encountered mob violence against Christians. She died a martyr after her captors pulled out her teeth and otherwise tortured her.
A portrait of her I have seen showed a young, smiling woman holding a pair of long pliers for tooth extraction in her right hand.
With all due deference to dentists, they sometimes look like pliers to patients. That makes them professionals to fear. But they are also dependable, though in a way different from St. Apollonia. The painful extraction procedure gives most people trouble deciding whether to see a dentist or whether to defy the need to do so.
The bribery scandal revealing a picture of corrupt ties came to light over fees paid to dentists under the social insurance system. Members of a government advisory council that sets the amounts of such fees allegedly accepted bribes designed to induce them to act in favor of the trade organization that paid them.
Since times of old, politicians have been closely implicated in scandals of this sort. I hope that if only for the benefit of dentists who are seriously treating patients every day, investigators will press to inquire into this alleged wrongdoing.
Muroo wrote: ``I feel sorrow over a tooth that has been extracted by a dentist. What one loses is not just a tooth. The death of a tooth translates into the death of a microcosm of the whole human body.''
I think that such circumstances warrant a call to dentists to use their pliers with more care and consideration.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 17(IHT/Asahi: April 20,2004) (04/20)
A veneer of rhetoric masks the hard facts
Language sometimes blurs reality. The words used in media reports to describe the situation in Iraq are no exception to the rule.
For example, the U.S. military operation in Fallujah is referred to as soto, which means sweeping away the enemy.
But in the five days of fighting up to April 9, an estimated 450 residents were killed.
One Japanese report described the reality of the operation this way: ``Women and children were caught in the battle as U.S. forces attacked residential areas with missiles launched from helicopters.'' I don't see what distinguishes this from an indiscriminate attack.
Who is America's enemy? A U.S. soldier, who joined the operation intending to ``shake hands with residents and beat the enemy,'' said in perplexity that he found everyone to be the enemy.
Distinguished service in an operation like this can be performed only at the expense of residents, making the battle all the more tragic.
``Rescue tragic Fallujah'' has become the slogan of Iraqi Muslims of all denominations, perhaps a call to arms to defend Fallujah from being attacked by U.S. forces. From the American perspective, however, Fallujah was the scene of another tragedy, when the bodies of four American civilians were burned and suspended from the girders of a bridge.
The term senryo tochi, or government by occupation, seems to be far removed from the reality of Iraq. Faced with clashes all across the country, the Governing Council, appointed by the Provisional Occupation Authority set up by the United States and Britain, called for a sokuji teisen, or immediate cease-fire, between U.S. forces and insurgents. It was an exceptional statement of objection to the American response to the Fallujah killings.
One other word to consider is fukko, or reconstruction. This word, the antithesis of destruction, can have the ring of truth only when the fighting finally and completely comes to an end. The fact is that a year after the fall of Baghdad, destruction is continuing on an increasingly wider scale. The deterioration of security has led the Ground Self-Defense Force contingent stationed in Iraq to suspend its reconstruction support activities outside its camp at Samawah.
We have seen how reality differs from the words intended to describe it. For me, I have learned to pay closer attention to determine what exactly the news reports coming in from Iraq really convey.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 11(IHT/Asahi: April 19,2004) (04/19)
Hostages may be free, but worries still grow
Thankfully, the three Japanese hostages in Iraq were set free Thursday.
Watching the developments on television, I thought they were surprisingly composed. They looked unhurt and apparently in good health. Their video images helped dispel the terrible anxiety I had over the past week.
Two days ago, I wrote about Antoine de Saint-Exupery's ``Letter to a Hostage'' in this column. The author was held captive by armed militia during the Spanish Civil War. I wanted to believe in the hostages' safe release on the strength of what Saint-Exupery termed ``respect for humanity''-that which allows human beings to respect one another's lives.
People may hate and fight one another, but we were all helpless babies once-brought to life on this Earth by no design of our own.
I had no idea where the three Japanese hostages were being held or how they were being treated, but I kept praying they would be among people who understood the fragility of life and the finality of death.
Detailed reports have yet to come of the circumstances that led to the hostages' release.
But I want to offer my prayers of gratitude to the Being that did not let their lives get snuffed out. And I renew my prayers for the safe return of all remaining hostages of various nationalities.
I was anchoring my hope to whatever was being reported in an unfamiliar language from a distant land.
I heard the word Yapani (Japanese) over and over on the Arabic satellite news channel Al-Jazeera.
It struck me how little the Arab news viewers know about Japan, and how little we ``Yapani'' viewers know about the Arab world.
I also felt the sequence of events was sadly wrong, in that it was only after everyone had been dragged into merciless war that they finally began groping around to see where they stood.
I imagine this is felt most strongly by front-line soldiers who are trapped in a situation where they cannot really tell who their enemies are.
Vastly relieved as I am that the three hostages are now safe, the very bad feelings I have about this war keep growing by the day.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 16(IHT/Asahi: April 17,2004) (04/17)
We want Bush's honest thoughts on mistakes
During a Republican Party debate for the 2000 presidential race, then-Texas Governor George W. Bush was asked what his greatest mistake in life might have been.
A former Texas Rangers owner, Bush quipped in good humor, ``I traded Sammy Sosa.''
When the same question was posed to him during his White House press conference Tuesday night, the president reacted as if he had never expected it.
Winging it, Bush responded: ``I wish you would have given me this written question ahead of time, so I could plan for it. I'm sure historians will look back and say, gosh, he could have done it better this way, or that way. ... I'm sure something will pop into my head ... but it hasn't yet.''
This exchange stood out, as Bush had a ready answer to every other question.
Generations of U.S. presidents before him were involved in war in various ways.
``Amerika Daitoryo Enzetsu-shu'' (Speeches by American presidents), a book from Hara Shobo, mentions what George Washington said shortly before he resigned from his commission as the first president of the United States.
According to this book, Washington admitted to the effect that while he could not be aware of the mistakes he must have made unknowingly, he was not so blind to his own shortcomings as to refuse to think that he might have made many mistakes.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president, was shot on April 14, 1865, and died the next day.
That year, Lincoln had made his second inaugural address. His people were miserable and weary from the four-year Civil War, and he tried to comfort them.
He said, ``Let us strive to finish the work we are in ... to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.'' (A booklet published by Iwanami Shoten has translated Lincoln speeches.)
The words of these past presidents make me want to ask the 43rd president what his honest thoughts are about ``mistakes,'' and what comes to his mind when he hears the words ``among ourselves and with all nations.''
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 15(IHT/Asahi: April 16,2004) (04/16)
Praying for captors' `respect for humanity'
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the Frenchman known as the author of ``The Little Prince,'' was held captive by armed militia while he was covering the Spanish Civil War as a war correspondent. An account is given in ``Letter to a Hostage,'' which was published in 1943, the year before he went missing during World War II.
The French writer-aviator knew that he was in the hands of men who had a reputation of executing people by shooting with hardly a prick of conscience. As he awaited his fate in their midst, he fondly reminisced about the 37 years he had lived. With a smile on his face, he asked a captor on guard duty for a cigarette. (A Japanese translation has been published by Misuzu Shobo.)
Unexpectedly, the militiaman smiled back. ``Seeing the man smile, I felt as if the sun was up,'' Saint-Exupery wrote. ``This is respect for humanity! ... Indeed, here is the touchstone.''
In what condition are the three Japanese hostages in Iraq being held? And exactly what group is holding them? There has been little information about these matters. It is painful to see their worn-out families frantically doing what they can to secure their freedom.
A memoir by another Frenchman comes to mind, someone who handled a hostage case, a kidnapping and other crimes committed by the Japanese Red Army extremist group, as an investigator for the Paris police. The title page sums up what the book is about: ``A leader who would control and accomplish something faces three different sorts of people-people who are willing to cooperate, people who do the opposite, and the great majority of the populace who do nothing, even though they take the most critical view of things.'' (A Japanese translation, titled ``Hitojichi Koshonin,'' or hostage negotiator, has been published by Soshisha.)
The hostage crisis in Iraq is a hard nut to crack without precedent. In my mind's eye, I see a spectrum of people trying to find a solution in their diverse capacities, a line running from where the Japanese nationals were taken captive to their families and homeland.
The role each of these people can play may be limited. Yet, their efforts have the potential of saving the lives of the hostages by bringing together the captors' ``respect for humanity.'' I hope that the life-saving strands will gain strength from closer twining.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 14(IHT/Asahi: April 15,2004) (04/15)
Aug. 6 warning haunts Bush 3 years later
Aug. 6 marks the date the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, and every year, a peace ceremony is held in the city on that day. In 2001, those proceedings went ahead as usual.
A CIA memo to U.S. President George W. Bush with that same date drew worldwide attention with its release last Saturday. This presidential daily brief (PDB) is titled ``Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.''
At the insistence of the bipartisan National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, which is investigating whether anything could have been done to avert the Sept. 11, 2001, disaster, the White House broke its silence and declassified this PDB.
This memo is anything but frivolous. Here is an excerpt: ``FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks.''
The memo also says: ``CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our embassy...saying that a group of Bin Laden supporters was in the U.S. planning attacks with explosives.''
Over the weekend, however, Bush replied to the effect that, had he known the attacks were coming, he would have ``moved mountains'' to avert them-except there was no telling exactly ``by whom, when, where and by what means'' the attacks would be launched.
But let's go back to Aug. 6, 2001. Bush was on a 30-day vacation at his family ranch in Crawford, Texas, and some people felt this was too long a holiday for the president of the United States to take. The day after the PDB was given to him, Bush set out to play golf at dawn. Just before leaving, he explained to reporters that he was an outdoors person, someone who needed plenty of fresh air to refresh his mind.
There is nothing wrong with the president taking a vacation. But the nation's crisis management is a 24/7 job, day in and day out.
I would like to think that while on his farm, Bush received every briefing necessary and did whatever work his presidential office required of him. But wanting to think so and actually believing it are two different things altogether.
The Sept. 11 attacks occurred five weeks later. America would go to war in Afghanistan, and then move on to a pre-emptive strike in Iraq.
Bush probably never thought that memo dated Aug. 6, 2001, would come back to haunt him three years later.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 13(IHT/Asahi: April 14,2004) (04/14)
A story of Vietnam atrocities still relevant
The Blade, a newspaper in Toledo, Ohio, has been awarded the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting for a series of articles tracking down atrocities committed by U.S. troops during the Vietnam War. The Blade carried the series under the title ``Buried Secrets, Brutal Truths'' in autumn last year.
The atrocities in question were committed in 1967 by an elite U.S. Army platoon called Tiger Force. On patrols, the unit beheaded Vietnamese children and severed the ears and scalps of villagers, among others, the newspaper reported.
Although the military conducted an investigation, no charges were filed and no public report was issued. The Blade brought the atrocities to light by obtaining copies of the military's secret report on the incidents and interviewing former platoon members.
In the series, The Blade, while noting that military discipline is far better in Iraq than in Vietnam, quotes a former military officer as saying that in a guerrilla war, soldiers can easily succumb to a ``kill them all'' mentality when they cannot tell who is the enemy.
This is a grave observation. Presumably, many battlefields have seen atrocities committed by fear-driven soldiers. Dread is almost another word for timidity. There are old sayings that ``brutality springs from timidity'' and that ``timidity is the mother of cruelty.''
The fighting in Iraq appears to be turning into a quagmire. Apart from whether it has worsened to the level of the Vietnam War, the situation is quite serious. The means to rescue the three Japanese nationals held captive by a militant group has yet to be found. Although Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has repeatedly stated that rescuing the hostages is the government's first objective in the crisis, everyone is feeling impatient in the absence of promising news.
Above all, I fear an escalation of fighting to the point where the kind of ``free-for-all'' battles that make the enemy and friendly forces indistingushable will rage all across Iraq.
The fall of Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh City, to Communist forces came in April 1975. Nearly 30 years since then, The Blade's ``Buried Secrets'' report is a fresh reminder of the depth of scars left by war.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 10(IHT/Asahi: April 13,2004) (04/13)
Koizumi locked in a crisis he can't gloss over
I was dreading something like this might happen, and now it appears my fear was not unfounded. On the eve of the April 9 first anniversary of the fall of Baghdad, the Arabic satellite news channel al-Jazeera reported that three Japanese citizens had been taken hostage. The group holding them is demanding that Japan withdraw its Self-Defense Forces from Iraq within three days.
The kidnappings and blackmail are simply unpardonable. The three Japanese have nothing to do with the SDF mission in Iraq, nor with the U.S.-led occupation. To seize civilians and hold them hostage is an utterly deplorable crime.
Even so, assuming the al-Jazeera report is correct, questions must be raised about Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's preparedness for this sort of eventuality. He was repeatedly warned of the potentially detrimental consequences of his Iraq policy.
As the supreme commander of the SDF, Koizumi sent his men on a mission that could cost them their lives. But he said as if this was none of his concern when he told the Diet flippantly, ``Don't ask me which parts of Iraq are a combat zone. How on earth would I know?''
He was one of the world's first leaders to support the Bush administration's unilateral and pre-emptive strike against Iraq, carried out in total disregard of international public opinion. He sent the SDF to Iraq, even though Japanese public opinion was split over this move, which could well be in violation of the nation's pacifist Constitution.
Firefights are escalating all over Iraq. Amid this mess, the government is stuck with the new dilemma of the three Japanese hostages.
Koizumi can no longer get away with just mouthing off inane ``explanations'' that don't really explain anything. Faced with a dreadful worst-case scenario, Koizumi must think fast-and he better have something to say that is not pure jibberish.
-The Asahi Shimbun, April 9(IHT/Asahi: April 10,2004) (04/10)
Koizumi must consider effects of shrine visit
American-Indian tribes are known to say ``mitake oyase.'' It means all things are interrelated, according to ``Amerika Indian-no Shomotsu-yori Kashikoi Kotoba'' (a translation of ``Native American Wisdom'') published by Fusosha.
This phrase popped in my mind upon hearing the Fukuoka District Court ruling Wednesday that Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's visit to Yasukuni Shrine violated the Constitution. Wondering why I suddenly thought of these foreign words of a faraway world, I tried to find my answer as I mulled over some American-Indian proverbs.
``Whatever the decision, it must be made with seven generations ahead in mind,'' goes an Iroquoi saying.
Assuming 30 years to be one generation, that's a time span of about 200 years. This is certainly not an easy maxim to live by. But perhaps less so for any prime minister whose office requires him to think long-term for the sake of posterity. Koizumi, however, lashed out when a similar lawsuit was filed in Osaka three years ago.
``There certainly are some very strange people in this world.'' he said. ``I don't even want to deal with them.''
His flippancy, I am sorry to say, is hardly indicative of a mind that is capable of envisioning anything far ahead.
〈どんなことも 7世代先まで考えて 決めなければならない――イロコイ族の格言〉。30年を一世代とすれば約200年。なかなかできることではないが、国家百年の計を求められる首相なら心がけているとしても不思議ではない。3年前に大阪で同様の訴訟を提訴された時こう述べた。「世の中おかしい人たちがいるもんだ。もう話にならんよ」。残念ながら、この軽々しさからは、ずっと先を見ているとは思いがたい。
``Humans are to be positioned midway between mountains and ants,'' according to the Onondagas, another American-Indian tribe. This offers an interesting insight on where humans should be positioned in nature and among all living beings.
Koizumi insisted Wednesday, ``I am a private individual and a public figure at the same time.'' In the Fukuoka litigation, the defendant-the state-argued Koizumi's Yasukuni visit was of a ``private nature.'' Japan does not seem to know where to position its own prime minister.
〈ひとは 山と蟻(あり)の中間だ――オノンダガ族の格言〉。自然や生き物の中への、人間の置き方が興味深い。昨日小泉さんは「私は私人であり公人だ」と述べた。裁判では、国は「私的な参拝」と主張した。一国の首相の位置があいまいだ。
The Cheyenne people have this saying: ``Judge not with your eyes but with your heart.'' This apparently teaches the importance of imaginative power.
``I don't see how (my visit) could violate the Constitution,'' Koizumi complained bitterly, and reiterated his resolve to continue visiting the shrine.
I can imagine how he must feel, but he needs to stop and think about the consequences of his action.
The prime minister's deeds affect not only the Japanese people, but people in the rest of the world as well. It is a case of ``mitake oyase,'' as the American Indian would say.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 8(IHT/Asahi: April 9,2004) (04/09)
A season of worries for new first-graders
It was a typical scene at this time of year, with an ``Admission Ceremony'' sign and a Rising Sun flag standing at the gates of an elementary school amid falling cherry-blossom petals. I came across the scene on my way to the train station.
An admission ceremony held for new first-graders marks an important milestone in their lives. Removed from the care of parents, they enter a school society on that day. For parents, it is a day of conflicting sentiments: While delighted that their children have reached school age, they are worried about their kids' ability to get along.
A book called ``Ichinensei-no Jinsei Sodan'' (Counseling first-graders), authored by the late Michio Matsuda, provides advice about the worries of new first-graders and their parents.
Matsuda doubled as a pediatrician and a critic.
Published by Chikuma Shobo in 1976, the book is still highly relevant in many respects.
In the book, Matsuda listens to the mother of a girl named Hisae, seeking his counsel about her ``hatred'' to eat her school lunch. The mother says: ``Hisae's teacher tells everyone not to leave anything on the table uneaten. This gives her a really hard time trying to obey, because she just can't eat much.'' After being assured by the mother that Hisae is quite healthy, the pediatrician replies: ``I see no problem with your daughter. Being a light eater is her personality.''
Matsuda also takes up the cases of Hideo, described as a ``school-detesting boy,'' of Atsushi, a boy with a habit of leaving things disorganized, and of Hiromu, a boy passive about everything.
In all cases, the pediatrician seems to give basically the same advice: ``Even good things should not be forced on children.''
The sight of new first-graders makes everyone wish that they will grow up freely and without constraint. Conversely, this means they see practically no chance that their wish will be granted. If children are to grow up unfettered, the school society also needs to be free and without restraint.
There was something touching about the Rising Sun flag being sprayed with falling cherry-blossom petals at the gates of the elementary school I passed. But I sometimes ruefully recall the road this nation once treaded by holding up the same flag.
The descent of cherry petals seemed to have a pattern, flowing like the shi character of the cursive Japanese hiragana syllabary, twisting like the ku character, and swirling like the no character. I was seeing in the falling petals the softness and flexibility of the hiragana alphabet, a great invention of this country.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 7(IHT/Asahi: April 8,2004) (04/08)
Living in `automatic human disposal machines'
In Osaka last week, a woman died after being struck on the head by a sun umbrella outside a supermarket that was blown suddenly from its anchor by strong winds.
A few days earlier, a 6-year-old boy was crushed to death between an automated revolving door and its frame at Tokyo's Roppongi Hills complex.
These tragic accidents remind us anew of how the conveniences of city life can suddenly and unexpectedly turn deadly.
Automobiles, without which modern city life would not be possible, continue to cause fatalities. But even when not being operated, vehicles can kill inadvertently. For instance, we sometimes hear of babies and toddlers being left inside closed cars and dying of heatstroke. While such tragedies are caused by parental negligence, we should nevertheless be always mindful of the dangers inherent in any such small, closed space.
And although there seem to be fewer cases today than in the past, push-button power windows can also be lethal. Small children have had their necks caught and suffocated. Manipulating the button swiftly is simple for adults, but not so for youngsters.
I feel strongly that the power window issue and the accident at the Roppongi Hills complex are closely related, in that they both represent contemporary society's obsession with automation. As new and larger buildings are constructed, their designers compete to see how efficiently the automatic doors can suck people in and spit them out.
Escalators are indispensable to high-rises and structures with multiple underground floors. But even as I every day take advantage of such modern conveniences as automobiles and automated devices, I sometimes wonder if cities have not become something akin to ``automatic human disposal machines.''
There were many warning signs prior to the Roppongi accident. One week after the tragedy, it was discovered that more than a few revolving-door accidents had been reported in cities nationwide. Yet, in the days after the Roppongi tragedy, most revolving doors were operating as usual.
The accidents make us ask ourselves to examine our love of automation-perhaps a source of new ``weapons''-and consider whether we are being insensitive to tragedy.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 3(IHT/Asahi: April 7,2004) (04/07)
Grisly deaths may spur 2nd thoughts about Iraq
The Euphrates, one of Iraq's main waterways, is reported to be practically bursting its banks right now.
The river is mentioned in the tale of an ancient Mesopotamian hero's odyssey:
``I will tell you the secrets of gods. You know Shuruppak. It is a town on the banks of the Euphrates, as you know. ... The great gods attempted to cause flooding through the workings of their minds.'' (Quoted from a Japanese translation of ``The Epic of Gilgamesh,'' the ancient Mesopotamian hero, published by Iwanami Shoten.)
Images of the badly burned bodies of Americans dangling from a bridge over the Euphrates west of Baghdad have circulated around the world. As I looked at a photograph of this grisly sight, I felt I could hear legendary jazz singer Billie Holiday's number ``Strange Fruit'' playing in the background.
The song portrayed the way the body of a lynched black swayed from a tree in the old South of America. Holiday sang the song as if she were chanting it.
I tried to will it away, telling myself the song had nothing to do with Iraq. But a voice inside of my head kept telling me that the humiliated Americans in Iraq and the lynched black met similar deaths, in that they were killed and their bodies strung up for everybody to see.
And so, Holiday's song kept ringing in my ears, while my mind flinched.
A White House spokesman said the U.S. government would not flinch in the face of such attacks by heinous criminals. It is surely natural for people in power to take this stand.
But flinching was probably the first reaction of Americans in general to the gruesome treatment handed out to human beings. They may well have asked themselves if there was any way to prevent this tragedy from being repeated.
Similar circumstances led the United States to withdraw its forces from Somalia. This time, however, I have a feeling that the tragedy of the American civilians in Falluja is likely to provoke a more profound self-examination back home.
On the front page of The New York Times, a photograph of the bridge scene over the Euphrates was printed just below the paper's slogan: ``All the news that's fit to print.''
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 5(IHT/Asahi: April 6,2004) (04/06)
Turning anger into a worldwide call for peace
The Nagasaki Foundation for the Promotion of Peace since its founding in 1983 has published a periodical bulletin for its members called Heiwa (Peace). March was special for this modest journal-it produced its 100th issue.
This anti-bomb organization uses its journal to publish the words of atomic bomb victims and to inform group members of its activities. The foundation aims to make known the appalling destruction caused by nuclear arms through accounts given by bomb victims and bomb exhibitions.
One of its founders was Tatsuichiro Akizuki, now 88, a physician and a recipient of the Asahi Award in 1974. Prior to the group's forming, there had been a split in the protest movement against atomic and hydrogen bombs, and the divided groups were coming under the influence of political parties. In urging the creation of the foundation, he emphasized that anti-bomb groups should set aside their minor differences and join hands to spread their peace message around the world.
When Nagasaki was bombed in 1945, Akizuki was exposed to radiation at the hospital where he headed the medical staff. While suffering the effects of radiation, he treated the injured in a hospital ward gutted by fire.
The doctor was baptized into the Roman Catholic church after World War II. He was quietly critical of the silence of Nagasaki Christians who responded to the atomic attack by simply praying for peace, accepting their pain as a trial ordained by God.
In 1968, Akizuki launched a campaign called ``Nagasaki's testimony'' to clarify the overall picture of the bomb's destruction. He said he had been prompted by the collective grievances of bomb victims who had died without being able to receive adequate treatment.
In the world's hot spots of conflict, the blood of many civilians is shed in the name of self-defense or vengeance. This reminds me of what Akizuki wrote in the first issue of the foundation's bulletin: ``These days, my thoughts keep coming back to the diversity of human beings. There is no need for our appeals for peace to all be the same. There should be diverse arguments for peace. ... I believe it takes diverse arguments for peace to build a genuinely robust peace.''
A person obsessed with hating the bomb would not write something like this, nor would a mind that thinks prayer will solve everything. Such a statement could come only from someone with the capacity to empathize with other people.
This deep-thinking doctor has come a long way since that August day when a single atomic bomb killed 70,000 people in Nagasaki.
The anti-bomb organization now owes its continued existence to support provided by 1,500 members and the Nagasaki municipal government. But Akizuki can no longer tell anyone how he feels about the foundation he helped to establish in 1983. Twelve years ago, an asthma attack left him in a coma. He lies in a bed in the same hospital where he worked night and day to relieve the sufferings of those who were injured in the bombing.
--The Asahi Shimbun, March 28(IHT/Asahi: April 5,2004) (04/05)
Fiscal year reminds us to balance the books
Bookshops and other stores are doing brisk trade now in a variety of ``fiscal year'' pocket calendars. The fiscal year started April 1, and many of these diaries can be used from March through early April next year. Apparently, a good number of people like to equate the beginning of the fiscal year with a fresh start.
Japan's fiscal year is determined by Article 11 of the Finance Law. But while during the Meiji Period (1868-1912) the nation was adjusting from the lunar calendar to the solar calendar, the fiscal year was anything but set in stone. At the start of that period in 1868, for instance, the fiscal year began with the calendar year. Later, there were October-September and July-June fiscal years, but eventually the nation settled on the present April-March routine in 1886.
Britain and India have the same fiscal year as Japan. China, France and Russia go by the calendar year, while the U.S. fiscal year is from October through September.
While checking Article 11 of the Finance Law, I went on to read Article 12, which says: ``Expenses incurred during each fiscal year must be defrayed with revenues for that fiscal year.'' Put simply, I suppose it means you have to cut back on your expenses if you aren't earning enough that year.
This is simple common sense. However, the nation's fiscal 2004 budget presents a very different picture. Expenses total about 82 trillion yen, but tax revenues are only half that much, at 41 trillion yen. New government bond issues amount to a whopping 36 trillion yen.
I heard a comment on April 1 to the effect that ``the government always wanted to scrap Article 12, and now it has finally decided to go ahead.'' While that was just an April Foos' Day joke, who can be absolutely sure it will never happen, given how the government keeps digging deeper and deeper into debt?
If you have to borrow money to pay expenses that exceed your income this year, then at least you should try to minimize the debt you will be carrying over to next year and beyond. Perhaps the fiscal year end was meant to serve as this kind of ``psychological brake'' on overspending.
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 2(IHT/Asahi: April 3,2004) (04/03)
Cherry tree's homeland is now at war
They say the cherry blossoms are now in full bloom along the Potomac River in Washington, D.C. The 3,000 cherry trees are gifts from Japan. It was the Russo-Japanese War of 100 years ago that gave statesman Yukio Ozaki, aka writer Gakudo, the idea of presenting cherry trees to the United States.
It took Japan only one year to win that war and make peace with Russia in 1905, with the help of mediation by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. Ozaki, who was mayor of Tokyo at the time, wished to send Roosevelt a gift as a token of his gratitude.
According to ``Ozaki Gakudo Zenshu'' (Complete works of Gakudo Ozaki, published by Koronsha), Ozaki later recalled, ``Since the Japanese people were rejoicing in their victory, convinced they had defeated the Russians all by themselves, I knew my plan (to send a gift to Roosevelt) wouldn't work if I revealed my true intentions. I, therefore, kept it a secret.''
Normally, sending official gifts to foreign nations is handled by the government. Ozaki knew, however, that the Cabinet was not considering sending anything to the United States.
When he eventually learned of a project to ship Japanese cherry trees to the U.S. capital and transplant them along the Potomac River, Ozaki proposed to the Tokyo legislature in 1909 that the city sponsor this project, and his proposal was accepted.
The cherry trees left Yokohama the same year. But when they arrived in Washington, they were all found blighted and had to be incinerated.
Upon being informed of this by a U.S. embassy charge d'affaires, Ozaki replied with a reference to the famous cherry tree episode from George Washington's childhood: ``It is typically American to reveal the whole sorry truth of the cherry trees that had to be destroyed. Honesty has been your national tradition since your first president, George Washington. ... You should be truly proud of yourself.''
The new trees that were sent three years later took root along the Potomac and still grace the Tidal Basin.
After World War II, seedlings from some of the trees were given back to Japan on two occasions. I saw one ``offspring'' tree at a Tokyo park. Its budding flowers were redder than those of nearby someiyoshino cherries, forming a beautiful contrast with the white petals of oshimazakura trees next to it.
Cherry trees that went to the United States after Japan's war with Russia were ``repatriated'' after Japan's war with the United States. The tag on the offspring tree read: ``Sakura America.''
The homeland of that tree is now embroiled in a conflict.
_The Asahi Shimbun, April 1(IHT/Asahi: April 2,2004) (04/02)
Man of mystery remains an elusive figure
Years ago, I visited the grave of Edgar Allan Poe in Baltimore. I found the white grave bearing an embossed portrait of Poe at the back of a small out-of-town church.
As might be expected of someone known as ``the father of mysteries and detective novels,'' there is a mystery about his grave. It is said that when Poe's birthday in January comes around, a man dressed in black always shows up early in the morning and places three red roses and a bottle of cognac at the grave. Although the mysterious mourner has been continuing the routine for more than half a century, his identity remains unknown.
The circumstances of Poe's death are also a mystery. He was found lying in a Baltimore gutter, spattered with mud, in the fall of 1849. He was taken to a hospital where he died several days later. A variety of theories have been offered about the cause of his death, ranging from speculation that he was dead drunk to the view that he was killed. But none has been established as the truth.
The strange thing is, when he was found in the gutter, Poe was dressed in someone else's clothes.
French poet Pierre Charles Baudelaire who greatly admired Poe wrote a poem about a ``mysterious man.'' The man is described as someone with no family, not knowing what country he came from. He is asked, ``What do you love?'' He replies, ``Clouds. Look, there go some clouds over there.'' This is a succinct portrayal of Poe's almost self-destructive life.
Poe himself professed his love of clouds in a poem titled ``Alone,'' in which he mentions ``the cloud that took the form of a demon in my view.''
Although he lived a lonely and hapless life, Poe has had a long line of ``successors'' who would write in his vein-ranging from a French poet to Edogawa Ranpo, a pioneer mystery writer in Japan. (``Edogawa Ranpo'' is supposed to be a Japanese rendition of Poe's name.)
Natsuo Kirino's thriller ``Out'' has been nominated for an Edgar Allan Poe Award for full-length mystery. She is the first Japanese writer to be nominated. The awards are given by the Mystery Writers of America Organization.
Kirino has a reputation for depicting evil with a cold passion. Her award-winning work takes readers into a world resembling Poe's.
--The Asahi Shimbun, March 31(IHT/Asahi: April 1,2004) (04/01)
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