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(回答先: 【元MK工作員の告白より抜粋】 アメリカの超能力戦略の一端 投稿者 狂的電磁波 日時 2003 年 11 月 24 日 20:28:20)
There is one man who used to re-program me in Atlanta. He would actually dress up in female costumes somtimes with a wig, and dresses, and the whole nine yards. I knew a number of men who would actually dress in female outfits, with wigs and such. It was silly how they did that because they didn't look like right and it wasn't too hard to figure, and you would remember the same face and think "I can't believe he did that".
I was talking to someone the other day and one of the reasons the McMartin case was thrown out was because the kids had mentioned that they were raped by Santa Claus. It was a man dressed up like Santa Claus. They were telling the truth. But the jury I believe found them not credible because of that. Kids in Cobb County have shared that they had been used in bestiality with lions. That one was real. But people could not believe that happened and therefore the kids were considered not credible. Sometimes they would actually bring in things that are real, that are legit, but it is so beyond what people can comprehend that humans can do to humans ... that they are considered incredible.
Stun guns - I was absolutely terrified of electricity because it was extremely painful - but for me - all someone would have to do is hold a stun gun out like they were going to do it - maybe push the button and let the little electrical arc go between the prongs - and I would do anything they said. I was just that terrified.
There were several other ways they did it. They had a choker type thing - I don't know what you would call it - but it was around my neck - they had a little box - I guess it was battery operated and remote controlled, and they could shock my throat. In fact I had to break through a lot of that in the past couple of weeks just to do this interview because they conditioned me to believe they owned my throat and my vocal cords.
Another thing they did that was extremely painful, and I still have a lot of painful body memories is that they would put a thick belt around my waist and they would have the box on my back, and by remote control they would shock the lower spine. Believe me, that will put you on the floor real quick, crawling, and begging that they stop, and you do whatever they say. That's why I say electricity was one of the worst.
But drugs are also -- they had one particular drug, and it is connected with curare somehow -- it has kind of the same name -- I can't remember it right offhand. When they gave me that drug, I could still think pretty much, I could see, I could hear, but I could not move my body at all. They would induce such a sense of helplessness that again, it was absolutely terrifying knowing that if somebody did something to me, I could not even lift my hand to defend myself. That drug, especially, unfortunately worked pretty well on me too.
Here's the list of some things I was used for. Smuggling. Believe it or not, I was used to help smuggle missiles. Krugerands, which I learned are often used because they cannot be traceable, or at least could not, because they didn't have any code numbers, ID; diamonds; drugs; unfortunately they used me to transport children to pedophiles and such a lot. I was used to do bodyguarding for politicians and other dignitaries, also children of politicians in situations where again, they would prefer to use MK victims because these politicians and dignitaries were involved in illegal activities. They would rather have bodyguards who would not be able to testify.
What they did also ... it's really bizarre. They started working my schedule where I wasn't busy working on one of these ops, they would have me do bodyguarding for politicians, which was a big favour for them, it makes them feel beholden to somebody for my doing that garbage for them. Bringing them drugs, children, stuff like that.
I was used in disposing of bodies of people who were killed on ops. That's gross. I participated in some of those acted-out scenarios for the development of screen memories, so I was on both ends of that. I participated in quite a few porn movies, all kinds. The worst. And believe me, those are extremely lucrative, as well as the selling of children is extremely lucrative. They had me do what they call "pillow talk" which was having sex with dignitaries and other people they wanted to get information on. I was actually kind of good at that. I am not proud of it, but I was good at it.
Back home I participated in the cult rituals which probably were filmed a lot of times to be used later on, and actually some people are real into those kind of films, and they can be very money-making. Sometimes they used me to torture and interrogate people. As a child and adult both, they would have me sexually service people.
This is another area I want to touch on because a lot of survivors are feeling uncomfortable talking about this. As an adult they had parts of me that were programmed specifically to have sex with females, particularly female politicians, and wives of politicians. Some say the truth will be known about some of these females in DC, but right now, obviously not.
Another odd thing that one President had me do was to pretend to be channelling a message from a dead person where he was trying to get a certain person at that party to believe that her husband as giving her instructions. There are so many different ways that one person can be used, especially when they had cross-training in many different areas.
Glad you asked. There were a number of groups that I did a lot of this stuff for. There is one group I have recently been getting verifications on, I knew them as The "Octopus". They actually did OCTOPUS programming on me, creating a part of me that really thought it was an octopus, and they did that by putting me in aquariums with octopii and putting a lid on so I nearly drowned. Actually I did kind of drown and they resuscitated me. They had really cute ways of doing some of this stuff. I have remembered that Oliver North was involved and I don't mind saying that because that's information that is already pretty much out there.
There was LARKSPUR. There was a kind of programming they did that used torture -- extreme heat and extreme cold. Unfortunately I see a lot in commercials now called FIRE & ICE. There was DELTA BLUE. A project DEEP BLUE which seemed to be extremely important but I don't have enough memory on that. There was, I did get get verification on this one, GOLD STAR OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS ... George Bush's baby absolutely, he was so proud of it, and it is directly connected to NASA and DARPA. CHRONIC HEADACHE, MARIGOLD.
「LARKSPUR」というのがありました。彼らが行った、拷問を用いたプログラミングの一種がありました― 極端な熱さと極端な冷たさによるものでした。不運にも、私は今、「FIRE&ICE」と呼ばれるコマーシャルで多く見ています。それに、「DELTA BLUE」。とても重要に見えたプロジェクトに、「DEEP BLUE」という一計画がありました。しかし、私はそれについて、十分な記憶を持っていません。私は得たのです、これについては立証を得たのですが、「GOLD STAR OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS」というのがありました・・・絶対にジョージ・ブッシュの赤ん坊です、彼はそれをとても誇りにしていました。また、それはNASAとDARPAに直接に関係しています。「CHRONIC HEADACHE」、「MARIGOLD」なんていうのもありました。
I did get some verification on that in the library, where they were trying to shut down a lot of the Aryan connections to all this because a lot of these federal agencies realized that if they didn't do something, we were going to end up with a Nazi run country (gap here) but at the same time would ask for, or open, investigations into the Nazi influence in our government. I think this very seriously needs to be done because one of the things my father and others had talked about was that when the Nazi criminals were brought here from Germany through Operation Paperclip and all, they were very angry people.
私は、図書館でそれについてのいくらかの立証を得ました。図書館で彼らは、この全てのことに対する多くのアーリア主義の関連資料を閉鎖することを試みていました。 なぜならば、多くのこれらの連邦政府機関は、もし彼らが何かをしなかったら、私たちは結局ナチが運営する国となるということを気づいていたからです。
From what I understand, the OSS and the military were both aware that they needed to get more informed about how to use such technology because other countries were beginning to experiment with it, and I think what kicked in during Operation Paperclip was when they found out ... Dachau was a big place where a lot of this stuff was being done ... there were several other concentration camps where they were doing actual psychological experiments on a lot of the prisoners.
What they seemed to do was they wanted to get some of these scientists who had been doing these specific experiments and finding out what they were able to accomplish, bringing them over to the United States, cleaning up their records, and then having them work for our government and teach our government how to do this.
Two more Aryan type code names that I heard a number of times were PAX ROMANA ... used in connection to the words "The Plan", that is connected to S.H.A.R.E. International. This is fascinating to me, and I am going to throw a name out here, Henry Kissinger who is a Luciferian, he is a staunch member of Lucis Trust. He was one of the people that used those words a lot. There is a group that is strongly Mob connected called "Satanic Hierarchy" and it was based in New York City, although one of the leaders who flew over to New York City a lot from Britain was Robert Maxwell.
もう二つのよく聞いたアーリア主義タイプの暗号名は、「PAXROMANA」でした・・・これは、「S.H.A.R.E. International」に関係する「The Plan」という言葉に関連して使われていました。これは私には魅力的です。私はここで一つの名前を出してしまいましょう。ヘンリー・キッシンジャー、彼はルシファー信者なのですが、彼は「Lucis Trust」の信条に徹したメンバーなのです。彼はあれらの言葉をよく使う人々の一人でした。「Satanic Hierarchy」と呼ばれる、強く暴力団と関係している一つの団体があります。それは、ニューヨークに基地を置かれていました。イギリスからよくニューヨークへ飛んで来たリーダーたちの一人はロバート・マクスウェルでした。
He supposedly suicided a number of years ago in the ocean off his boat. I seriously question that it was a suicide. My Dad was also a member of Satanic Hierarchy at Mount Hood. I do not know what state that was in, but it was where they did traumatic baseline also known as near-death torture and conditioning. Really awful stuff.
彼はだいぶ前に、海でボートから落ちて自殺したことに推定上なっています。私は真剣にそれが自殺だったのかを疑問に思います。私の父もMount Hoodにあった「Satanic Hierarchy」のメンバーでした。私はそれがどんな状態にあったのか知りません。しかしそれは、臨死拷問や臨死条件づけとしても知られる、基本的にトラウマを与えるようなことをしていたところなのです。本当に恐ろしいことです。
One thing I ran across a lot was called SHELL Programming. This was one of my Dad's very twisted specialties. At a warehouse either at or near Georgia Tech University in Atlanta ... children were sent from different parts of the country for Dad to program. He would actually split these kids' personalities. He would have the kids get into these huge (I supposed they were papier mache) white, upright shells, and then Dad or one of his assistants would pour large quantities of certain types of special ordered bugs into the shells. You can imagine what that will do to a child's mind ... He had a few problems where kids went into catatonic states. To him that was a problem, to me the entire thing was.
They had another code name they used for people like me. What my family basically did with me (I don't like to use the word "basically" ... that's a George Bush code) was that they pretty much gave me to the White House and then I was exposed to other things there as a child. I knew the White House as 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I have run across other MK ex-operatives who also knew it as that.
A lot of times they would call D.C. "The Hub" or they would call it "Emerald City", and the President would be known to me as "Oz" or "God". One of the things they conditioned in me was to see myself as a homing pigeon and no matter where I go, I will go back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue which I was made to believe was my home. I had extreme loyalty, and unfortunately still do, to the residents there now. Need I say more?
彼らは、よくワシントンを「The Hub(中枢)」と呼んだものでした。もしくは、彼らはそれを「Emerald City」と呼んでいました。そして、大統領は私に「Oz」または「God」として知られていました。彼らが私に条件付けたことの一つは、自分自身を巣に戻るハトとして見ることでした。私はどこへ行こうと、私は自分の家と信じさせられた「ペンシルベニア通り1600」へ戻るでしょう。私は極端な忠誠心を持っていました。そして今のそこの住人に対しても、不幸なことにいまだにそうなのです。もっと言う必要がありますか?
I am going to touch on one little thing that I have gotten some verification on, but may get me in the most trouble, and I don't want to keep any secrets in this interview, because that will make it even more hazardous for me later on. For at least a decade, the CIA and KGB had been working together on a lot of operations. Most of the cross-training for this took place in Minsk, in Russia. If I hear a person talking Russian, I automatically space out. I am supposed to have a part that speaks in Russian although I am not about to let that happen. It would terrify me.
One of the code names they used ... or handed me a candy bar ... was DARK CHOCOLATE ... dark chocolate is a way of blocking memory (does it to us chemically, something in this type of chocolate). Some of the code names they used for alter states there were "Sasha", "Mink", "Ermine", "Sable", and "Luna" or "LaLuna". They had some simple number codes that they also used ...positive (+) 3, 2 and 1 had to do with CIA activities, then O would mean ... I can see this on an envelope sent to me, and I would know what it meant by code without even having to think ... it would automatically kick in something in my head.
彼らが使用した暗号名の一つは・・・あるいは、私にキャンディーバーを手渡しました・・・「DARK CHOCOLATE」でした・・・黒ずんだチョコレートは記憶を閉鎖する一方法です。(それは私たちに化学的に影響を与えます。この種のチョコレートの中に何かが入っているのです。)いくつかの、彼らが(人格の)交替状態のために使用した暗号名があります。「Sasha」、「Mink」、「Ermine」、「Sable」および「Luna」または「LaLuna」というのがありました。彼らがさらに使用した、いくつかの単純な数信号がありました・・・陽性(+)3、2および1はCIAの活動と関係していました。それから、Oは・・・私は、私のもとへ送られた封筒でこれを見ることができます。また私は、それがを意味したことを、考える必要さえなしに信号によって分かりました・・・それは自動的に頭の中の何かにおいて反応したのです。
O meant that I was at home, regular job, regular activities, in other words I was not active. Negative (−) 1, 2 and 3 had to do with KGB activity. They work behind each other's backs a lot too ... it's just one of those deals ... they were stabbing each other's backs while they were working with each other as well. Oh gosh. That's the main one.