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(回答先: 【元MK工作員の告白より抜粋】 アメリカの超能力戦略の一端 投稿者 狂的電磁波 日時 2003 年 11 月 24 日 20:26:58)
There has been a fair amount of information coming out about the Soviets' research into these kinds of areas, along with the United States, at Stanford University, in terms of remote viewing. Do you remember how it felt, in terms of using this kind of technology? Did it feel like you were having an out-of-body experience?
Absolutely. It is really rather fascinating. One of the things I have been finding out (in little bits and pieces I heard from those people) is that one reason survivors of child abuse and/or survivors who had generational abilities to do this kind of stuff ... I had a Swedish grandmother who was a healer in that area. She did what she called "pain drawing". I haven't got any confirmation that it was called by the Swedes, but that's what she told me it was when I was a little girl. I would be tortured and then she would come to me and put her hands on me, and literally draw the pain energy into her own body. It was the darndest thing. She actually taught me how to do that.
What I was taught and I will say this much ...James Jesus Angleton, who was the Director of Operations for the CIA when I was a little girl ... he was one of the people who taught me a lot about this stuff. One of the things he taught me is that anyone can do this. Although people who have a generational tendency and raised up to believe that yes, this can happen, so they don't have mental blocks ... they are more able to do it quickly and purely, which is very important as well.
If you have a lot of doubts about it, and are confused and worried, it doesn't work too well. I read an article by a well-known psychic who also said he doesn't like the word "psychic" ... he said the same thing, and I thought it was great, he said, "anyone can do this." I think it would be wonderful if more people could learn to use it for good, or healing and not take advantage of it. But it's like anything else, if there are people who learn about it, there is also going to be an element of our society who will try and use it for nefarious purposes.
You mentioned James Jesus Angleton was the Director for Counter Intelligence for the CIA. How did you become involved in this, talking with him about it?
My dad and him seemed to be awfuly close, and in some ways I don't really like to talk about it. He treated me very oddly. He talked to me like I was an adult. He didn't seem to like children at all. All I can figure, and I am always analyzing these people because it helps me to understand their motives better ... his middle name was Jesus, and he used Jesus in the New Testament as the model for this. One of the things he kept telling me is where Jesus Christ, according to the Scriptures, said that what "He" did, we can do more of. He took that literally, he took that scientifically.
Where Jesus Christ said that if you say to a mountain "be cast into the sea" it will be cast into the sea, if you have enough faith. And what he was teaching me was that if I have enough faith in my brain ... so in a way, I am glad that he taught me some of those things. I don't like what some of it was used for, but he took it very seriously and I understand why. Even as far as the remote viewing ... oh man ... the things you can do with that in spycraft is outstanding. It's like being able to be in a room with somebody and being able to pick up on their thoughts. Or know when somebody has a physical illness without them knowing yet. It's amazing what they can do with this stuff.
How would people go about learning more about this, or how they can develop?
I really don't know unless you want to be an MK victim ...
No thanks ...
Now there is a company or organization that I have yet to find any verification on. The initials for this company were AOR (or in Italy, it was AORI).The people who were clients of this company were not told that it actually stands for "Austrian Order of the Reich" - an absolute Nazi organization. It was run by a man I knew as Paul Devereux. He had two other aliases, known as Paul Dubois and Paul Dupeche. One of their facilities was in France, close to a shoreline, but I don't know where exactly. He told me, and whether this is true or not I don't know, but the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation were helping to fund this business.
今、私がまだ、どんな立証も見つけていない、ある会社もしくは組織があります。この会社に対するイニシャルはAOR(またはイタリア語でAORI)でした。この会社のクライエントだった人々は、それが実際は「Austrian Order of the Reich(第三帝国のオーストリア秩序)」― 絶対的なナチの組織―を表わしていると教えられませんでした。それは、私がポール・デヴェルーとして知っていた人によって運営されていました。彼は、ポール・デュボアおよびポール・デュペシュとして知られる、他の二つの別名を持っていました。彼らの施設のうちの一つは、海岸線の近くに、フランスの中にありました。しかし、私はそれがどこにあるか正確には知りません。私はこれが本当かどうか知りませんが、彼は私に、ロスチャイルド家、ロックフェラー家、そしてフォード財団がこの事業に資金を提供することを助けていると言いました。
What they were doing there was bringing government leaders from different countries and people in high positions in these countries, to their facilities where they taught to increase the Theta brainwaves basically. To do the same things that were already being taught in the Pentagon, in the CIA, and several other stateside organizations. In time they were trying to recruit World leaders to be part of a New World Government, under their jurisdiction, which I assume is Nazi oriented.
They called me "Plain Jane" a lot when they would have me do bodyguarding for politicians. I did work side by side with secret service operatives (I call them operatives sometimes). I think again, they used me in these situations because I was not an employee, I was not easily identifiable that way. They especially would use us to work crowds because of the Theta conditioning and abilities that they had honed in us. A lot of secret service people have these abilities as well.
彼らが私に政治家たちのためにボディーガードをさせた時、彼らは私をよく「Plain Jane」と呼びました。私は、シークレット・サービス作業員(私は時々彼らを作業員と呼びます)と並んで仕事をしました。私は再び考えます―私は被雇用者ではなかったので、そう簡単に身元確認できませんでしたから、彼らはこれらの状況の中で私を使用したのです。彼らが私たちの中で磨いてあったシータ調整およびシータ能力のために、彼らは私たちを、群衆を動かすために特に使用しました。多くのシークレット・サービスの人々も同様に、これらの能力を持っています。
They can actually pick up on hostile thoughts of a person in a crowd, like where the President is, and they can actually approach that person and disable them and take them out physically before they can even do anything. It is just wonderful how this works. Usually they would have me dressed in a plain brown jacket and skirt at that time.