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Kelly's Death Linked With Ian Langford's says Editor of Jane's
Posted by: outerbongolia on Sep 25, 2003 - 06:51 PM
'John Eldridge, editor of Jane's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Weekly, told a national newspaper that Dr Kelly's and Dr Langford's deaths were linked, and thought other microbiologists should be concerned for their safety. The Royal Navy expert Mr Eldridge said scientists involved in microbiology were terrorist targets and under close scrutiny from the US and Russia. He branded Dr Langford's death "mysterious",'
Academics today poured scorn on conspiracy theorists linking the death of a Norwich researcher with the apparent suicide of Government weapons expert Dr David Kelly.
The half-naked dead body of Dr Ian Langford was found under a chair at his home in Marlborough Road, Norwich, in February last year.
The walls of his living room were covered in blood, but tests concluded the 40-year-old University of East Anglia researcher had died from natural causes. An inquest into his death never took place.
Conspiracy theorists have since speculated Dr Langford could have been murdered -- along with another 24 scientists -- because of their links to biological or chemical weapons. Dr Kelly is the latest death in unusual circumstances to set the theorists gossiping. The suggestion that the deaths of a string of weapons experts could be linked was first reported in the Evening News last year. A spokeswoman for Norwich Coroners Office today confirmed they had never received any details of Dr Langford's death, with police listing it as natural causes. John Eldridge, editor of Jane's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Weekly, told a national newspaper that Dr Kelly's and Dr Langford's deaths were linked, and thought other microbiologists should be concerned for their safety. The Royal Navy expert Mr Eldridge said scientists involved in microbiology were terrorist targets and under close scrutiny from the US and Russia. He branded Dr Langford's death "mysterious", although Norwich Coroner's Office said they had no reason to suspect any foul-play.
A spokeswoman said: "It was a natural causes death. It wasn't a death which required an inquest."
Dr Langford was found dead when he failed to answer the door to his neighbours on February 12 2002. He was believed to have fallen over several times in his home, which would explain the blood found on the walls in his house.
Annie Ogden, spokeswoman from the University of East Anglia, today urged people to let Dr Langford "rest in peace" and said accusations of a cover-up were totally false.
"As far as I am aware, none of our academics have raised concerns as a result of this highly speculative and inaccurate claim," she said.
Dr Langford was known to be a heavy drinker and was a leader and senior researcher in the field of environmental risk at the UEA. He had previously advised the World Health Organisation on public health issues and had studied for a PhD into childhood leukaemia and infection.
Dr Kelly, 59, was found dead after seemingly slashing his wrist in a wood near his home at Southmoor, Oxfordshire, days after being named as the Iraq dossier mole. An investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death continues.
Full list of microbiologists who have died in suspicious circumstances here
Dr Kelly just the latest in a LONG list..a must read
Posted by: outerbongolia on Jul 20, 2003 - 07:02 AM
19 die in suspicious circumstances in the last 20 months....In chronological order they are...
【1】November 6, 2001: Jeffrey Paris' body was found sprawled next to a three-story parking structure near his office. Mr. Wall, 41, had studied at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was a biomedical expert who held a medical degree, and he also specialized in patent and intellectual property.
【2】November 16, 2001: Dr. Don Wiley, 57, disappears during a business trip to Memphis, Tennessee. He had just bought tickets to take his son to Graceland the following day. Police found his rental car on a bridge outside Memphis. His body was later found in the Mississippi River. Wiley was one of the world's leading researchers of deadly viruses, including HIV and the Ebola virus. He was an expert on the immune system's response to viral attacks.
【3】November 21, 2001: World-class microbiologist and high-profile Russian defector Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, 64, dies of a stroke. Pasechnik, who defected to Britain in 1989, succeeded in producing an aerosolized plague microbe that could survive outside the laboratory. He was connected to Britain's spy agency and recently had started his own company. "In the last few weeks of his life he had put his research on anthrax at the disposal of the [British] Government, in the light of the threat from bioterrorism.
【4-6】November 24, 2001: Three more dead microbiologists: A Swissair flight from Berlin to Zurich crashes during its landing approach; 22 are killed and nine survive. Among those killed are Dr. Yaakov Matzner, 54, dean of the Hebrew University school of medicine; Amiramp Eldor, 59, head of the haematology department at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv and a world-recognized expert in blood clotting; and Avishai Berkman, 50, director of the Tel Aviv public health department and businessman
【7】December 10, 2001: Dead microbiologist: "Dr. Robert Schwartz, 57, was stabbed and slashed with what police believe was a sword in his farmhouse in Leesberg, Va. His daughter, who identifies herself as a pagan high priestess, and three of her fellow pagans have been charged." [Globe and Mail, 5/4/02] All were part of what they called a coven, and interested in magic, fantasy and self-mutilation. The police have no motive as to why they would have wanted to kill Schwartz, who was a single parent and said to be very close to his children. Schwartz worked at Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology on DNA sequencing and pathogenic microorganisms.
【8】December 14, 2001: Dead microbiologist: Nguyen Van Set, 44, dies in an airlock filled with nitrogen in his lab in Geelong, Australia. The lab had just been written up in the journal Nature for its work in genetic manipulation and DNA sequencing. Scientists there had created a virulent form of mousepox. "They realized that if similar genetic manipulation was carried out on smallpox, an unstoppable killer could be unleashed,"
【9-10】January 2002: Two dead microbiologists: Ivan Glebov and Alexi Brushlinski. Glebov died as the result of a bandit attack and Brushlinski was killed in Moscow. Both were well known around the world and members of the Russian Academy of Science.
【11】February 9, 2002: Dead microbiologist: Victor Korshunov, 56, is bashed over the head and killed at the entrance of his home in Moscow, Russia. He was the head of the microbiology sub-faculty at the Russian State Medical University and an expert in intestinal bacteria.
【12】February 11, 2002: Dead microbiologist: Dr. Ian Langford, 40, is found dead, partially naked and wedged under a chair in his home in Norwich, England. When found, his house was described as "blood-spattered and apparently ransacked." He was one of Europe's leading experts on environmental risk.
【13-14】February 28, 2002: Two dead microbiologists in San Francisco: While taking delivery of a pizza, Tanya Holzmayer, 46, is shot and killed by a colleague, Guyang Huang, 38, who then apparently shot himself. Holzmayer moved to the US from Russia in 1989. Her research focused on the part of the human molecular structure that could be affected best by medicine. Holzmayer was focusing on helping create new drugs that interfere with replication of the virus that causes AIDS. One year earlier, Holzmayer obeyed senior management orders to fire Huang.
【15】March 24, 2002: Dead microbiologist: David Wynn-Williams, 55, is hit by a car while jogging near his home in Cambridge, England. He was an astrobiologist with the Antarctic Astrobiology Project and the NASA Ames Research Center. He was studying the capability of microbes to adapt to environmental extremes, including the bombardment of ultraviolet rays and global warming.
【16】March 25, 2002: Dead microbiologist: Steven Mostow, 63, dies when the airplane he was piloting crashes near Denver, Colorado. He worked at the Colorado Health Sciences Centre and was known as "Dr. Flu" for his expertise in treating influenza, and expertise on bioterrorism. Mostow was one of the country's leading infectious disease experts.
【17】November 12 2002: Dr. Benito Que, 52, was "an expert in infectious diseases and cellular biology at the Miami Medical School. Police originally suspected that he had been beaten on in a carjacking in the medical school's parking lot. Strangely enough, though, his body showed no signs of a beating.
【18】June 24, 2003: Dr. Leland Rickman, a UC San Diego expert on infectious diseases and, since Sept. 11, 2001 a consultant on bioterrorism. He was 47. Rickman died while on a teaching assignment in Lesotho, a small country bordered on all sides by South Africa. He had complained of a headache, but the cause of death was not immediately known. The physician had been working in Lesotho with Dr. Chris Mathews, director of the UC San Diego Medical Center's Owen Clinic, teaching African medical personnel about the prevention and treatment of AIDS.Rickman, the incoming president of the Infectious Disease Assn. of California, was a multidisciplinary professor and practitioner with expertise in infectious diseases, internal medicine, epidemiology, microbiology and antibiotic utilization
【19】July 18, 2003: David Kelly, a British biological weapons expert, was said to have slashed his own wrists while walking near his home. Kelly was the Ministry of Defence's chief scientific officer and senior adviser to the proliferation and arms control secretariat, and to the Foreign Office's non-proliferation department. The senior adviser on biological weapons to the UN biological weapons inspections teams (Unscom) from 1994 to 1999, he was also, in the opinion of his peers, pre-eminent in his field, not only in this country, but in the world.
from Interview With Author
Steve Quayle
[Editors note: According to a report from Michael Ruppert of From The Wilderness: "On October 4, 2001, a commercial jetliner traveling from Israel to Novosibirsk, Siberia, was shot down over the Black Sea by an 'errant' Ukranian surface-to-air missile, killing all on board. The missile was over 100 miles off course. Despite early news stories reporting it as a charter flight, Air Sibir 1812 was a regularly scheduled flight. According to several press reports, the plane is believed to have had as many as five passengers who were microbiologists. At the time of the Black Sea crash, Israeli journalists had been sounding the alarm that two Israeli microbiologists had recently been murdered, allegedly by terrorists." And there have been a number of other "accidents" concerning the demise of such scientists -- especially in the United States and England. ]
Quayle: And look at the correlation. We're talking about weapons of mass destruction. They just found the medical examiner in Memphis tied-up with barbed wire, who had done theautopsy on Dr. Wiley. He not only had barbed wire around him, but he also had bombs on him.
Martin: And Dr. Wiley is who?
Quayle: Dr. Wiley is the guy who is dead, who was on the bridge, who disappeared, and they said: "Oh, he probably just drove someplace." But they found him in the water a month later, one of the foremost DNA-sequencing scientists in the world.
Martin: When you were on Art Bell [May 15], you mentioned 19 scientists have been killed. Has the number gone up?
Quayle: 20.
Martin: It's now 20?
Quayle: Yes. And the interesting thing is, the most curious recent contemporary, as of a couple of days ago, was the Memphis coroner, who did the autopsy on Wiley, who was tied-up with barbed wire, and bombs were attached to his body to go off. Now, the Memphis police are pursuing that right now, and according to local police there, there was a lot of heat from certain federal agencies to, what would you say, to quiet-up and hurry-up the investigation of Dr. Wiley, and just rule it a suicide or an accident -- which, obviously, is not the case. His family, his loved ones, and others believe he did not commit suicide, nor do I, when you put him into the context of all the dead scientists -- and we can run through those in a minute. Obviously someone is killing the greatest, or some of the most well-known, biological scientists and molecular biologists in the world.
Martin: And this is not just domestic, this is everywhere.
Quayle: It happened with Boris Paschenik. He was the guy who supposedly figured out how to aerosolize Ebola. He was a Russian defector. He was under the control of British intelligence when he was found "murdered". They don't call it murder. I'm calling it murder. Let's just say this: "Dead under strange circumstances." And how many "deaths under strange circumstances" before the pattern proves itself ?
Martin: Now, on a global scale, who would have the motive to take all these scientists out?
Quayle: The only ones who I can think of, right offhand, are the New World Order people who want population reduction, because these scientists would be able to genetically type, or they could find the finger prints of who is behind this. Follow me?
Martin: I do.
Quayle: The guy in Australia was working on the "Doomsday" weapon, which was an alternative to mousepox.
Martin: Did he finally develop that?
Quayle: Oh yes, the Australians came forward and said that they had developed it. And it was called "The Doomsday Weapon". The guy's name from Australia was Set Van Nguyen. Let me try to put this in chronological order for you. Nguyen died in an air-lock accident in Australia, was working on the Doomsday version of mousepox.
[Editors note: He was found dead in the airlock entrance to a walk-in refrigerator in the laboratory where he worked in Victoria State, Australia.] That was December 11. December 10th, Dr. Robert Schwartz was killed. He was working on DNA sequencing of pathogenic microorganisms. He was the "occult" case, remember? Supposedly his daughter and a bunch of occult people carved a pentagram onto him? [Editors note: He was found murdered in his rural home in Loudoun County, VA.]
Martin: I'm not familiar with that.
Quayle: OK. Who's who: this guy's one of the foremost DNA sequencing specialists in the world. Don C. Wiley was probably one of THE three or four foremost micro-biologists in the world. He was an expert on immune system response to biological weapons. He disappeared on November 16, 2001. His body was found December 20. By the way, for the record, I stated on the 16th, when I got the news he was missing, I said he's been murdered. Everybody said I was over-reacting, and I told them he was murdered. Bottom line: now the official "spin" on it is he, quote, "either committed suicide or was blown off the bridge by a semi". But the problem with being blown off the bridge by a semi,
the rail is too high, and the speed limit on the bridge, which was under construction, was only 30 miles an hour. [Editors note: He vanished, and his abandoned rental car was found on the Hernando de Soto Bridge outside of Memphis, TN. He supposedly "accidentally" fell over the side of the bridge after a minor car accident. Wiley was a noted Harvard University biophysics scientist and anthrax, Ebola, AIDS, herpes, and influenza expert.]
Martin: He was suicided.
Quayle: Yeah, he was suicided. And the medical examiner for him in Memphis, Tennessee, is the one who was tied-up with barbed wire, and bombs hooked to his body, just several days ago. I forget his name, right now. On November 23, 2001, Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik, a Russian defector who was tied-in with British MI-6, which is [very] Secret Service. He is a pathologist who figured out how to not only capsulate and aerosolize Ebola, and the most virulent viruses known to man. He worked with Dr. Ken Alabeck. [Editors note: At age 64, Pasechnik was found dead in Wiltshire, England, not far from his home.]
On November 24, one day later, there was a Swiss air crash in which you had three top Israeli bio-scientists killed, who were the head of hematology or blood, public health officials, and their expertise is pretty much known around the world. That's three of them. I'm trying to keep this in somewhat of a chronological order. We'll go right to Benito Que, Miami Medical School, working on infectious diseases, a scientist. He was found clubbed to dead on November 12. He died December 6. He was in a coma. He was beat-up outside his laboratory, supposedly by 4 thugs with baseball bats.
Martin: Just roughly, of the 20 scientists, how many have died in the United States?
Quayle: Half. On October 4, five Israeli scientists died on the way to Novosibirsk, Siberia, in the aircraft shot down over the Black Sea. Novosibirsk is interesting because they were enroute to some research facilities there. That is one of the head areas where they dealt with chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons development.
[Editors note: That's also a very secret and specialized location for the development of much more advanced "Tesla technologies" such as might be used for mind control and to remotely "broadcast" nasty bugs "over the airwaves" in a manner of speaking]
Ok, let's go into February 2002 now. Ian Langford he was at the University of East Anglica. Another world-class scientist, his murder was ruled "suicide".
Martin: Was he an American?
Quayle: He was British.
[Editors note: On February 11, Ian Langford, 40, was found dead in his home in Norwich, England.]
February 9, in Russia: Victor Korshunov was a bio-vaccine and bio-weapons designer who taught at the Russian State Medical University. He was an expert on worldwide intestinal bacteria. So, when you see that, that would lead you to believe he was developing stuff that would be food- or water-carried pathogens.
[Editors note: Korshunov, 56, was found dead on a Moscow street.]
These guys ALL died.
February 26, in the United States, Tania Holzmayer was murdered. She, supposedly, was murdered by a fellow microbiologist, Mathew Huang. The next one was David Win Williams. He was, supposedly, hit by a car. He was an interesting guy. He was an astrobiologist. He was killed by a car while jogging. He studied outer-space microbes. In other words, if you were to decide what could grow in outer space, or what from outer space could grow here. Do you remember that old movie The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton? This is the guy. David Win Williams. The other guy is Steven Mostow, killed in a plane wreck in Denver; he was an expert on influenza and bio-terrorism.
[Editors note: For even more extensive information about Dr. Benito Que, Dr Don C. Wiley, Dr. Robert M. Schwartz, and Dr. Set Van Nguyen, refer back to the May 2002 issue of The SPECTRUM, page 57, Gordon Thomas's article titled "Ml-6/CIA Probe Into Death Of Top Scientists In BioDefence Secrets Programs: Were They Victims Of China's Secret Intelligence Service For Refusing To Cooperate On Doomsday Weapons?"]
Martin: Doesn't bode well for being a bio-scientist today.
Quayle: Especially in those research areas! Now, one of the interesting things I told Art Bell, the first time I was on his show, my concern was that when we were talking about Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever that had broken out in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran?
Martin: Which is really scary.
Quayle: Right. I told him, the concern I have -- we were also talking about Ebola and Gabon -- I went on record' and this is kind-of a good call, and I thank God for it. I went on record as saying I would certainly, if I were the "powers that be", be monitoring the villages that broke-out in, because it wouldn't surprise me to see some people go down there and take samples. Well, no sooner had I said that when, two weeks later, there was a group of Arabs who flew-in, in complete Level-4 suits -- Level-4 meaning positive-pressure suits with portable
refrigeration containers -- and took body fluids from the dead.
Martin: Sick!
Quayle: Not only sick, but unbelievable. What people don't understand is, there have been so many of these people dead' or dying if you saw this, there is NO WAY these deaths are accidental. Especially when you look at the compression of time. We're talking from October 2001, to February 2002.
Martin: This is a HUGE story!
Quayle: Oh, this is beyond that! I'll tell you something: in my opinion, it's not just because it's my thing, this is SO BIG! IT IS SO BIG!
Martin: When we talk about the nuclear threat, and the chemical, and biological threat, the biological is the most deadly.
Quayle: Well, the biological will not only be the most deadly, but it will be the most psychologically devastating.
Martin: Right, and the most uncontrollable. At least with nuclear you know where the "zone" is. With biological, you have mobility factors creeping in, where people can be in one place and travel to another. It's just horrific, beyond description, in my opinion. It's hard to do a story like this one without becoming a complete paranoid; and also, without creating a great deal of fear and panic.
Quayle: I've got news for you: I'm accused of being a "panic monger". I tell people, I'm on record' and you must make this point: I was the guy who said, prior to the Tokyo nerve-gas release, which was a chemical weapon, Sarin, that a major event would happen in a major city of the world, within 4 weeks, and it happened' to the day. I didn't know where, but I knew it was coming. The reason I knew it was coming was because I was interviewing people who told me just how much crap was out there being sold by former Russian
scientists. You've got to understand, the Russian nuclear scientists -- and obviously The Sum Of All Fears shows you a pretty good "Hollywood" adaptation of guys who used to work for the Soviet Union in their weapons development, out on the market, selling their talents to the highest bidders.
Martin: What should we be looking for? As you look at the world scene, obviously India and Pakistan are "hot" right now. But so is the U.S.
Quayle: It doesn't do any good, Rick, to have smallpox vaccination for, let's say, one variant form of smallpox, if you've got 61 others. And if you've got hemmorhagic smallpox, which is the combination of Ebola and smallpox, that has been genetically altered, then you've got mortality rates that are up to the 70-80% realm.
Martin: Well, and there are those who believe that vaccines, anyway, will kill you.
Quayle: I'm one of those.
Martin: I am, too.
Quayle: Yeah. Someone said to me, would I take a smallpox vaccine? I said: "No way. I'd go into self-imposed exile." That's my statement to that.
Martin: There certainly is a school of thought that the United States is moving toward mandatory vaccinations, at some point, and there are those who also say that will be the time that people are "chipped", and those who resist will be incarcerated. I don't see that as being all that far-out.
Quayle: No, I don't either. Remember, Health & Human Services, Tommy Thompson, made the statement that there's a dose of smallpox vaccine "with everyone's name and number on it".
Martin: Now THAT'S scary!
Quayle: That IS scary! You know, this breaks my heart to have to say this stuff. But again, I wrote the book Breathe No Evil before this stuff was on anybody's radar screen. So, again, I want you to make that point, so people don't think I'm trying to capitalize on fear to sell my book. That's not it, at all. It's just, I guess, when you've got foresight, you've got the ability to project this stuff. The bottom line is, people are going to become even more frightened -- because then that gives me credibility, then I'm even more to be feared. You follow me?
Martin: Yes.
Quayle: Getting back to what's going on, just in the last several months the Army has been doing aerial spraying tests in the Gulf Coast, in the Florida area, and it's panicked and angered the Florida Keys residents. The Army admitted to that aerial spraying test. Now, also, we've had an outbreak of "black water" in the Florida region, actually in the Gulf Coast, and around some of the Florida region, where everything is dying in the ocean. The question is: Is there a cause and effect between both the Army's aerial spraying tests, or this
spray-plane incident that happened on the Mississippi, that seemingly got lost. Are you familiar with that incident?
Martin: No.
Quayle: Some people on barges said that they watched spray planes dumping powder into the mouth of the Mississippi. They called the FBI, and the FBI didn't do anything about it. [Seems to be a chronic problem.] But, after that, the "black water" started to appear. For instance, if you wanted to spray everything in the oceans, you would come up with some type of a biological agent that would begin to annihilate the phytoplankton, which is the lowest rung on the food-chain ladder.
Martin: The foundation.
Quayle: The foundation, that's a better word. I'm suggesting that, not only do these [New World Order] people have a plan to kill-off a lot of people, but they have a plan to kill-off the ability to feed the people. I think it's something like 75% of the world's population lives off the ocean. That means they are in close proximity, or eat protein out of the ocean. So, understand this: I believe the New World Order boys want to kill-off 5 1/2 billion people -- that's what they've said.
Martin: They're on record.
Quayle: And that's something to refer to in your article.
Martin: Sure.
Quayle: Another clue is the racespecific and genetic-specific nature of some of these weapons systems. Let me give you the name of a guy who's been in the news. You can go on the BBC and type in this name on the Internet, and you'll get the whole background. The name is: Wouter Basson. He's known as "Dr. Death" in South Africa, and he was working on race-specific biological pathogens.
Martin: I've heard about that.
Quayle: The British Ministry of Defense stated that between 1940-1980 they ran over 100 different tests of germs on the British citizens.
Martin: Porton Down has been busy for a long time.
Quayle: And' by the way, I'm on record as stating that both Mad Cow and the virulent form of Hoof-and-Mouth Disease, both came from Porton Down, and they were intentional releases.
Martin: That would make sense.
Quayle: Also, in Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), in the United States, spreading through the deer and elk populations of the midwest, and the Rocky Mountains, I believe THAT was genetically engineered. The whole thing with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) -- both CWDs and BSEs are called TSEs; they're transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. And the deal is, we, the United States, sent our people down to New Guinea 40 years ago, when the headhunters were dying of Kuru. They would eat the brain of the vanquished victims. This is kind-of gross, but then they would come down with it. We sent a bunch of our people down there and cultivated that. And they try and go back
and say: "Oh, it was in this country a long time before that." Well, first of all, too, Alzheimer's patients and Parkinson's Disease, I believe a LOT of them are TSE. There was a Boston medical school test that was done, and I think when it was done, 20 out of 100 brains were found to have the TSE.
Martin: I think Len Horowitz would agree with you.
Quayle: Len's a friend of mine. And, by the way, the test for TSE in humans, and CWD in animals, has to be done at an autopsy. The person has to be dead' so you can go cut out their brain.Now, they may have some new system, supposedly, or some new investigative techniques to identify it, but you know, that's a mixed bag because you hear they do, but then you talk to them and they say they don't.
Martin: The usual. [Laughter]
Quayle: For instance, in Wisconsin, we're talking about 15,000 deer having to be destroyed. In Colorado, there have been hunters who have died from CWD. And they claim it doesn't jump from one species to another; in other words, they're claiming it's not transgenic. I'm claiming IT IS.
Martin: Again, dangerous stuff.
Quayle: The whole anthrax attack that was on Senator Tom Daschle's [D-SD] office, I said it wasn't domestic, meaning localized, right-wing fanatics, because that had I trillion spores per gram. That's unheard of. That's the most sophisticated' weaponized and aerosolized version of anthrax ever designed -- 1 trillion spores per gram.In my book Breathe No Evil, on page 46, I talked about the American Stamp Collectors' society being concerned that the stamp glue, or glue on the envelope that seals, that this could be a growing medium for Anthrax spores.And, now, they still are trying to figure out where it is. And I said: "It's the stamp and the seal."
Martin: What do you think is going to happen next?
Quayle: What am I looking for?
Martin: The next "incident".
Quayle: I believe that it's going to be a "simultaneous" type of thing.That is, I don't believe it will be a single incident. I believe it will be multiple incidents. Given the fact that nuclear power plants are so vulnerable, I think these guys have already pretty much demonstrated that vulnerability and ease are very much in their "methodology". I would say that, given the lack of correct, protective measures being taken by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (them whining about not having the budget, etc.), I'd say that a "dirty" bomb, meaning either conventional explosives blowing-up a nuclear power plant, or a radiological bomb, are probably the most likely scenarios in the near-term, from that standpoint. From a biological standpoint, I think that these guys are going to hit us with CCHF. CCHF is Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever. Now, I'll take you to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. I believe that, basically, that's what happened there. Typically they claim that it can be transferred from tick to animal to humans, ok? But the point that I'm making is, some of these areas are so vastly remote, and so separated, that no tick, no animal, and no human came into contact with each other. I believe it was a "trial test" to see the rate of spread' the time of spread' and the degree of spread. In other words, it was a biological weapons test, done on live people, in a very remote part of the world. And that's what I believe we're headed for. I believe we're headed for some combination. First of all, I think we're going to get hit with something VERY CONTAGIOUS, like a genetically altered form of smallpox, ok? I really believe that. Whether it is Ebolapox or Mousepox or something, it will be smallpox plus something else -- that there absolutely is no vaccine for.
Martin: Is there any immune system mechanism for fighting this?
Quayle: Even in that, the best fight that everyone has is to build-up the immune system, because you don't get 100% mortality rate with any of this stuff. The difference seems to be that the people who have the strongest immune systems fare the best. By the way, I'm convinced there was purpose behind the Army's aerial spraying test in the Florida Keys. The Florida Keys have a very large gay population, and one of the things that no one has put forth is?
Martin: Right, they're already suppressed; their immune systems are already suppressed.
Quayle: What an ultimate laboratory for suppressed immune systems. Do you follow my thinking?
Martin: I do.
Quayle: Because the homosexual population down there already has compromised immune systems. That's the only thing that makes sense. Why would they, specifically, do it inthe Keys?
Martin: The whole thing is just so sick; and yet, that's the New World Order agenda.
Quayle: And it goes beyond even this. I mean, when we say sick, I use the word diabolical, in its truest sense: El Diablo, the Devil. This is total contempt for the human race by something, and I believe that something is supra-natural with just a complete hatred for mankind. And I think-and I'd like you to quote me on this -- that never before in history have the words of Jesus been so pronounced: "Except the days be shortened, there'd be no flesh left alive." Because these guys are absolutely planning, by their own writings and testimony, to lessen the planet by 5-1/2 billion people. By the way, I see the Human Genome Project as incredibly dangerous. Everyone is hailing it as such a wonderful thing, but I think there is a sinister side to it, too.
Martin: There has to be.
Quayle: By typing the Human Genome, then they can develop anything they want to kill anybody, anywhere, anytime. They could even put in a biological pathogen that could be activated in a field of specific electro-magnetic radiation. In other words, they press a button and it activates, and the person is dead within hours.
[Editors note: This is certainly one of the more suspicious possibilities ascribed to HAARP-type systems. Keep in mind that the New World Order misfits want to reduce the population down to an easily MANAGEABLE size. That implies the application of technologies to essentially robotize that remaining smaller population. Thus you can assume it is an equally critical agenda item to develop some advanced mind-control techniques perhaps utilizing such electromagnetically induced adjustments to brain DNA. The absolute arrogance
of this New World Order gang is exceeded only by their stupidity about how resilient is God's engineering of His Creations.]
Martin: It's like 12 Monkeys, the movie.
Quayle: Yep.