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Tuesday July 22 2003
Iraq rows slash Labour's poll lead
Lead down to two points, says poll.
BBC stakes all on Gilligan
I'll decide extent of inquiry, says judge
Special report: David Kelly
Iraq rows slash Labour's poll lead
Lead down to two points, says poll.
BBC stakes all on Gilligan
I'll decide extent of inquiry, says judge
Special report: David Kelly
Prime minister vows to cooperate fully
Politics: Blair prepared to break off summer holiday to be interviewed by Lord Hutton.
How the dossier row unfolded
Leader: Gunning for the BBC
Guardian Unlimited Politics
Special report: David Kelly
Lord Hutton's inquiryI'll decide extent of inquiry, says judge
July 22: Critics from the three main parties demand wider review of the government's use of Iraq intelligence.
Profile: Lord Hutton
Coroner says Kelly died from cut to left wrist
July 22: The Oxfordshire coroner, Nicholas Gardiner, said Dr David Kelly had died from an "incised wound" to the left wrist.
Judge to decide scope of Kelly inquiry
July 21: The law lord appointed to conduct an inquiry into the death of government scientist David Kelly will insist on some independence in how wide-ranging his investigations should be.
Full text: Lord Hutton's statement
'A classic establishment figure'
July 21, profile: If Lord Hutton's name has previously penetrated the public consciousness, it would have been for his role in the extradition case against General Augusto Pinochet.
Political falloutPrime minister vows to cooperate fully
July 22: Blair prepared to break off summer holiday to be interviewed by Lord Hutton.
Outing of scientist's identity approved 'at highest level'
Party chiefs defend Kelly's questioners
July 21: Andrew Mackinlay, the MP who accused the government scientist David Kelly of being 'chaff' and 'a fall guy', was today defended by his constituency party chairman.
Campbell 'disturbed and dangerous', says journalist
July 21: Alastair Campbell is 'out of control', according to the Mail on Sunday's deputy editor following a bruising face-to-face encounter with the No 10 spin chief.
A futon on Fuji helps Blair's recovery
July 21: A night's sleep in the foothills of Mount Fuji on a futon lying on a specially woven straw mat appeared to revive Tony Blair yesterday as he resumed his round-the-world tour after one of the most wretched days of his premiership.
A welcome break
Audio: As the row over David Kelly rages at home, Tony Blair has had the quietest day of his world tour so far, reports Nicholas Watt from Beijing. (1min 46s)
Media falloutBBC stakes all on Gilligan in face of Downing Street onslaught
July 22: Blair silent but spin machine gears up for fight with corporation.
How the dossier row unfolded
Leader: Gunning for the BBC
Dyke defends Kelly revelation
July 21: BBC director general Greg Dyke has told staff he thought it 'right and proper' to reveal David Kelly as the principle source for Andrew Gilligan's infamous Iraq dossier story.
Mangold: Kelly 'caught in a nutcracker between BBC and No 10'
July 21: Tom Mangold, the former BBC correspondent and close friend of David Kelly, has accused Andrew Gilligan of 'taking the apple Kelly gave him and mixing it with an orange from another source'.
Murdoch papers open fire on BBC
July 21: Newspapers controlled by Rupert Murdoch launched a barrage of attacks on the BBC today, seeking to lay blame for the death of government advisor David Kelly at the feet of the corporation.
Cracks appear in BBC ranks as executives face staff revolt
July 21: Senior BBC executives seemed isolated from their own staff last night when the corporation implicitly accused David Kelly of failing to be entirely open when he appeared before MPs last week.
Gilligan is 'loose cannon', says Mandelson
July 21: Labour MP Peter Mandelson today heaped further pressure on the BBC following its admission that David Kelly was the source of Andrew Gilligan's Iraq dossier story.
Role of BBCBBC said no to truce on dossier row
July 21: BBC bosses blocked a compromise which might have prevented the suicide of David Kelly, the weapons expert confirmed by the corporation yesterday as its source for the story of the 'sexed-up" dossier.
Full text: BBC statement
Full text: Gilligan's statement
Corporation in deep water over nature of source
July 21: BBC news chief Richard Sambrook promised earlier this month that if the corporation 'fell short of what we believe to be acceptable, we shall say so'. Yesterday, it failed to do so.
What the papers say'How can we trust the BBC?'
July 22, The editor: Andrew Gilligan's admission puts the BBC under intense scrutiny.
'Politics has been polluted'
July 21, world press review: Questions mount and the blame game begins.
'Who lied?'
July 21, UK press review: What the UK papers say about the David Kelly affair.
Were MPs to blame?Don't blame the MPs; they perform a crucial role
July 21, Simon Hoggart: Among the reverberations round the terrible death of Dr David Kelly, one worrying myth seems to be spreading - that he was sent to his grave by the Commons foreign affairs committee.
Read Dr Kelly's evidence to MPs
Read the foreign affairs committee report on the dossier (pdf)
How I watched the ordeal of a quiet man unfold
July 19, Patrick Wintour: I was sitting immediately behind Dr Kelly as he gave evidence. Within seconds it became clear that it was going to be one of the strangest select committee hearings I had attended in more than 15 years.
Comment and analysisIf politicians want power, they must give some away
July 22, Hugo Young: This crisis is not about a dossier, but the political elite that made it.
Don't attack the BBC - you can't win
July 22, John Tusa: The British public won't forgive such shameless scapegoating.
Another casualty of the fourth estate
July 21, Roy Greenslade: After the why-did-we-go-to-war game and the hunt-the-source game comes the blame game.
Standing firm
July 21, Emily Bell examines the BBC's role in the David Kelly story and how it has conducted itself in the face of enormous pressure.
In defence of the BBC
July 21, Rod Liddle: The corporation was right not to name its source. If only it had been able to hold the line.
Spinning out of control
July 21, Jackie Ashley: While David Kelly's family call for a pause, a bit of silence, the hysterical headlines only get wilder. There's blood on Blair's hands, or the BBC's journalism killed him, or this is the New Labour Watergate.
At the heart of free speech
July 21: Lawyer Sarah Thomas argues that, had David Kelly lived, there was plenty of legal precedent to protect him as the BBC's source.
And how do you find the accused?
July 20, Peter Preston: How the editors sat in judgment on the 'hounds who mauled Kelly'.
Such blatant bias
July 20, David Aaronovitch: A return to plain reporting and cool analysis would be a fitting mark of respect for Dr Kelly's life.
BBC has put self-regard ahead of the truth
July 20, Peter Mandelson deplores the poisonous and destructive relationship that has developed between politicians and the media.
Your lettersWho's to blame for this tragedy?
July 21: Within hours of the prime minister calling - out of respect for Dr David Kelly's family, he said - for people to wait until the judicial review was completed, his spin machine was back in action (The vendetta's victim, July 19).
Committee became a sideshow to spin
July 21: David Kelly was ill served by the one body from which he was entitled to expect some protection (Inquisition by MPs that left scientist tormented, July 19).
ObituaryDavid Kelly
July 19: Biological weapons expert with a reputation for thoroughness.
More political obituaries
Recent articles
22.07.03 BBC stakes all on Gilligan in face of Downing Street onslaught
22.07.03 I'll decide extent of inquiry, says judge
22.07.03 Solid conservative is unlikely to make waves
22.07.03 Coroner says Kelly died from cut to left wrist
22.07.03 Outing of scientist's identity approved 'at highest level'
22.07.03 David Aaronovitch
22.07.03 How the dossier row unfolded
22.07.03 Prime minister vows to cooperate fully
22.07.03 The editor: 'How can we trust the BBC?'
21.07.03 'A classic establishment figure'
21.07.03 'Who lied?'
21.07.03 BBC said no to truce on dossier row
21.07.03 BBC statement
21.07.03 Corporation in deep water over nature of source
22.07.03 Hugo Young: If politicians want power, they must give some away
22.07.03 John Tusa: Don't attack the BBC - you can't win
22.07.03 Leader: Gunning for the BBC
22.07.03 Letters: Questions for Hutton
22.07.03 Letters: Trouble over sources
22.07.03 Letters: What's wrong with saying sorry?
21.07.03 Simon Hoggart: Don't blame the MPs
21.07.03 Another casualty of the fourth estate
21.07.03 Rod Liddle: In defence of the BBC
21.07.03 Jackie Ashley: Spinning out of control
21.07.03 Letters: Who's to blame for this tragedy?
21.07.03 Standing firm
21.07.03 Respite for ministers in blame game
21.07.03 The editor: Government suffers a terrible week
21.07.03 Letters: Committee became a sideshow to spin