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A "Mysterious Illness" is Killing G.I.s in Iraq
Tom Chittum July 28 2003
The July 17th edition of the Saudi newspaper Al-Watan reported that a "military source close to NATO" said that "Several mysterious diseases were reported among a number of American troops within the vicinity of Baghdad airport ...
U.S. soldiers deployed around Baghdad Airport started showing symptoms of a mysterious fever, itching, scars and dark brown spots on the skin ... three soldiers who suffered these symptoms did not respond to medical treatment in Iraqi hospitals and were flown to Washington for medication."
Al-Watan's source said that the U.S. officials had imposed a media blackout because they feared "waves of panic and anger among the troops, particularly after announcements that American troops would remain in Iraq indefinitely."
All the above information and more was contained in an Islam Online web article entitled "Mysterious Diseases Haunt U.S. Troops In Iraq." The article noted that the depleted uranium bombs were used "particularly in striking Iraqi Republican Guard forces who deployed to defend the vicinity of Baghdad airport."
The July 16th edition of the Springfield, Missouri News-Leader had an article entitled "Mystery Illness Kills Missouri Soldier." The article reported that "Missouri National Guard Spc. Josh Neusche, 20, died Saturday at the Homburg Hospital in Germany from a mysterious illness. Cindy Neusche said her son collapsed July 2nd while in Baghdad (he was stationed at the airport!) and was transported to Germany. Doctors there told the family they believed Josh suffered from pneumonia due to fluid that had collected in his lungs. But then his liver, kidneys and muscles started to break down, his mother said. 'I know the doctor over in Germany said he got into some type of toxin,' Mark Neusche said. 'Several soldiers were in similar conditions while we were there.'"
I'm going to keep checking the home page of the News-Leader to see if they have any follow-up stories about guardsman Neusche, and I've put in the above link to their home page so you can do the same. They'll try to slip this one past us, but the cat's already out of the bag, and I bet every G.I. in Iraq will soon know all about how they are being microwaved like fast food burgers. Those guys in Iraq are not only sitting ducks, they are as dead as fried chicken, too. Maybe the survivors can rent themselves out as side show attractions when they get back, because there are no jobs. Hey, that may sound callous, but let's get real. How much demand is there for terminal, radioactive mutants that glow in the dark?
It is the stated policy of the Glorious Imperial United States Army and the Glorious Imperial United States Marine Corps that most fighting in the future will be in urban areas. Three Block Warfare is their battle plan in a nutshell for subduing urban aborigines. You can click on the link above for a full explanation, but here's a useful quote from the linked article.
"One way the military prepares soldiers for combat is the three-block warfare concept. The first block is where combat occurs. Troops clear rooms and seize buildings. On the next block, troops could encounter cheering civilians, as they did in Baghdad. On the third block, they might find a massive humanitarian problem."
This optimistic snapshot of Three Block Warfare was written on April 14, 2003, hence the reference to the "cheering civilians .. in Baghdad." The Three Block plan is easy to remember: First Block, combat. Second Block, riots and such. Third Block, humanitarian aide.
Just for fun, let's see how recent exploits of our Glorious Imperial Legions fit into the Glorious Imperial Battle Plan. The link below describes an attempt at some Third Block humanitarian aid to swoon the restive aborigines.
"The 2nd Brigade, for example, has since May been policing Fallujah -- one of the most restive of Iraq's major cities. The Los Angeles Times reported on July 15 on the reaction the brigade received when it attempted to give away frozen chickens in an attempt to "win the hearts and minds" of the population. At a number of mosques, the local Sunni imams refused to accept the food. One cleric told the American troops: "We would rather eat rocks than eat chickens from Americans. Even the poorest person in Fallujah doesn't want chickens from you." Soldiers were forced to drive the truckload of chickens back through a hail of stones and bricks from local children."
And now let's take a look at a recent example of how the troops are doing with the Second Block, where the Glorious Imperial Battle Plan deals with either cheering civilians or, more likely, putting down riots and maintaining law and order. For ordinary policing and such, the Pentagon War Roomers came up with the infamous "Sitting Duck" concept. The following is from the July 21, 2003, Washington Post.
"Of the 39 U.S. soldiers killed in attacks in Iraq since May 1, at least seven were on guard duty at "fixed sites," and at least three more were directing traffic or manning check-points. Military commanders and soldiers on the ground say that those duties have been unavoidable given the looting and insecurity of post-war Iraq. ... Manning a .50-caliber machine gun atop an armored personnel carrier still pock-marked from the bombing, Pfc. Thomas Poorbaugh kept an eye on passing traffic and summed up the job: "We're sitting ducks here, pretty much," he said."
And what about the First Block war, the block where actual combat takes place? To solve this problem, the brass have reinforced their Second Block sitting duck with its close cousin, the "Third Block" arcade duck. You know, those little ducks in the shooting gallery that run back and forth and change directions when you hit them. Well, actually, there isn't much real combat for these hapless arcade ducks in the usual meaning of the word, and that's likely by design. There's certainly a lot of killing, but it isn't really much actual combat, because just like bombing from 30,000 feet it's all giving by one side and all receiving by the other. I am referring to the repeated instances of Iraqis bushwhacking everything we roll down a road. The Iraqis either set off a bomb by remote control, or just hose down our arcade duck conveys with RPGs and then boogie off for a few cool ones at Abdullah's Place before the helicopters show up.
It's gotten so bad that even Ted Kennedy is calling our Glorious Imperial Legions sitting ducks, and you got to admit that he's a guy who knows how to knock off somebody and get away with it. The private contractor banditos siphoning up Iraqi oil know they are sitting ducks, and if the Iraqi people get their hands on these rent-a-looters they're going to be dead ducks The cartoonist Bill Day thinks the troops are sitting ducks. The Arab Times says our soldiers are sitting ducks, "Often vulnerable and exposed on the streets, the troops are sitting ducks for Saddam followers who let loose with a barrage of RPGs or sneak up from behind and shoot them point blank." .Gen. Powell says our troops are sitting ducks. "A prolonged, expensive American-led occupation is also possible, one that could turn US troops into sitting ducks for Islamic terrorists. Whether any or all that can be avoided is frighteningly unknowable."
Speaking of Gen. Powell, he's been doing a lot of third-class gofer work that is surely beneath the dignity of a Secretary of State. He's busy flying all over trying to scrape up foreign rent-a-goons to replace our Glorious Imperial Legions in Iraq because the War Roomers know we can't take casualties at our present rate.
Secretary Powell has been literally running around in circles, flying around and around the entire globe, like a panicked chicken, flapping his wings and going "BAWK! BAWK! BAWK! Help Us ! BAWK! Save Us! BAWK! We're Hiring Mercenaries! BAWK! Call the Cavalry! BAWK! We'll Even Take Polocks! BAWK!"
And lo and behold it came to pass that Beloved Emperor Bonehead II did announce that a "multi-national peacekeeping division headed by Poland," would soon join our Glorious Imperial Legions in subduing the ingrate barbarians of Iraq. Ladies and gentlemen, surely we are on the cusp of military history. Ladies and gentlemen, Sgt. Skull says that if you assembled all the greatest military geniuses that ever lived, including Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Wellington, Rommel and soforth, and then you instructed them to come up with a plan for the utter defeat and humiliation of the American military in Iraq, those assembled geniuses couldn't come up with a worse disaster than the one that is slowly devouring our army in Iraq. I think they're all good as dead right now, and I think the American Empire is just as terminal as our phosphorescent army.
Previously by this author: Restore the Republic or Starve