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> Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 17:06:26 +0900
> JON RAPPOPORT www.nomorefakenews.com
> May 13.
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『9・11事件の真相と背景』(副題:「テロ」か? 自作自演の戦争挑発謀略か?アメリカ=イスラエル=世界支配構想の核心を突く)
(1) スクランブル発進の迎撃がなかった。
一応、国家偵察局と訳しておくが、電網検索してみると、約16万2000件ありと出るNational Reconnaissance Officeが、9・11当日、自らの司令部の高層ビルの一つに、飛行機を衝突させる模擬訓練を予定していたのである。ところが、9・11事件が起きたので、この模擬訓練を中止し、重要な者以外の約3000人の職員のほとんどを、帰宅させていたというのである。[後略]
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> From: 木村愛二 こりゃ、大変、いや、実は、まったく大変ではなくて、ごく普通の事実解明が、アメリカで順調に進みつつあるのである。こうでなくては、一昨年来のわが苦労が報われない。 このNROの件は、上記のごとく、「迎撃がなかった」疑問点の解明になる。イェニーが担当していたとか、彼らが「神経を尖らせていた」とか、「少数の会合が開かれ」たとか、その概略の記録)(conference brochure)があるとか、こりゃ、もう、これが公開の場での裁判なら、決定的な物的証拠出現か、傍聴席と報道陣席が総立ちの様相である。 http://www.nomorefakenews.com/ All articles written by Jon Rappoport THE GREAT 9/11 COINCIDENCE "...one US intelligence agency [NRO, National Reconnaissance Office] was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 [2001] in which an errant aircraft crashed into one of its buildings." The same morning. As. The 9/11 attacks. Accrding to the NRO, their exercise was canceled when the real thing began. Barbara Honegger, who worked in the White House under Reagan, points out another coincidence. Rsearching press reports, she found a 9/16/01 Washington Post story about the pilot of AA flight 77 that, on the morning of 9/11, was said to have crashed into the Pentagon. The pilot, Charles Burlingame, an ex- F4 Navy flyer, had, as his last Navy mission, helped craft Pentagon response plans in the event of a commercial ariliner hitting the Pentagon. Pilot drafts plan for response to Pentagon hit. Pilot winds up on plane that hits Pentagon. Honegger states that Dick Cheney was ultimately in charge of the NRO exercise on the morning of 9/11. He was in the White House Situation Room for that purpose. How do you like all these apples? The limited hangout on this would be: "The hijackers had found out about the upcoming 9/11 mock exercise. They ran their op on top of that, hoping the confusion between Real and Mock would keep the US government from responding to the actual attacks." Or, one could take this another step: NRO uses many CIA employees. Some element of the CIA was involved in the tactics of the actual 9/11 attacks. All the above coincidences certainly defy the laws of probability. Since AP eventually ran a story right out in the open about the mock exercise, one would think the Hill would have exploded in outrage. A hearing would have been held pronto. The "bizarre coincidence" would have become front-page news for a week or so. Didn't happen. The uncanny ability of the press to suppress---by sheer accident---a story that could have taken the lid off Washington---THAT should have become a story in itself as well. Didn't happen. Where did AP get its story from? It got it from a classic limited hangout, revealed in an announcement, in 2002, about an upcoming Homeland Security conference to be held in Chicago. One of the key speakers at the conference would be John Fulton, a CIA officer who worked for NRO. The announcement reads: "On the morning of September 11, 2001, Mr Fulton and his team...were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day." Sure. NRO/CIA/Cheney/the White House were nervous about this story coming to light. So a limited hangout was arranged. The conference brochure would admit to part of the truth. Mayor Rudy of NYC was the main speaker at the conference. Perfect. As in, "See, we're giving you a fascinating tidbit about 9/11. Why in the world would we do this if there were more to the whole thing? We've got Rudy himself on the podium. Don't you think he would go nuts if there were more to this, if his city had been devastated as part of some plan in which the federal govenrment were actually INVOLVED?" Worked like a charm. It should be noted that, right after 9/11, the White House denied that the intelligence community had any clue that a-plane-into-a-building was a possible terrorist scenario. When, in fact, a mock exercise for exactly that eventuality was in progress on the morning of 9/11. There is one other possibility here we need to consider. On the morning of 9/11, THERE WAS NO MOCK EXERCISE UNDERWAY. The whole idea of such an exercise was fabricated to explain otherwise mind-boggling communications traffic among intelligence and military and civilian agencies of the US government----traffic that would have exposed the complete and casual disregard for the very real events that were underway in the air. "Oh, all THOSE messages? They were just part of the mock exercise. They had nothing to do with the real thing. We were slow to catch on that the actual attacks were happening, because we had this practice deal running. What a coincidence." When events like 9/11 occur, if you underestimate the devious quality of the cover stories, you can miss the true thread. JON RAPPOPORT www.nomorefakenews.com 2)・・・・・・・・・・ 本日(2002/08/23)、アメリカ通の友人から、そこらの週刊誌が飛びつきそうなアメリカの記事が転送されてきた。 辞書にも載ってないので、一応、国家偵察局と訳して置くが、電網検索してみると、約162,000件もあると出るNational Reconnaissance Officeが、911当日、自らの司令部の高層ビルの一つに、飛行機を衝突させて、模擬訓練を予定していたのだが、911事件発生のため中止し、重要な者以外の約3千人の職員のほとんどを、帰宅させていたというのである。 メディアには「暇種」という言葉がある。「暇だね」と言われそうで馬鹿馬鹿しいが、皆がどう読むか、ともかく広めてみる。 Agency Was to Crash Plane on 9/11 以上。 ≪≪≪BCC方式配信・重複失礼・会員以外にも配信・迷惑なら一報ください≫≫
> Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 19:06:43 +0900
> To: a-a-english-only
> Subject: 9/11 COINCIDENCE/Agency planned drill for plane crash/pilot of AA
> flight 77/helped craft Pentagon response plans/Cheney was in charge
> 9/11 COINCIDENCE/Agency planned drill for plane crash/pilot of AA flight
> 77/helped craft Pentagon response plans/Cheney was in charge
しかも、アメリカ発の新研究情報の後半には、以下の一部抜粋のごとく、上記の「情報機関」こと「国家偵察局と訳して置くが、National Reconnaissance Office」、略称NRO、CIA、チェニー副大統領、アメリカ政府(Cheney/the White House)が、この物語が明るみに出ることに、神経を尖らせていたので、少数の会合が開かれており、その概略の記録によって、真相の一部が明らかになるであろうと、記されているのである。
NRO/CIA/Cheney/the White House were nervous about this story coming to light. So a limited hangout was arranged. The conference brochure would admit to part of the truth.
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9/11 COINCIDENCE/Agency planned drill for plane crash/pilot of AA flight 77/helped craft Pentagon response plans/Cheney was in charge
May 13. On August 22, 2002, the Associated Press ran a story about 9/11. "Agency planned drill for plane crash last Sept. 11."
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Wed Aug 21, 6:11 PM ET
By JOHN J. LUMPKIN, Associated Press Writer
In what the government describes as a bizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings. But the cause wasn't terrorism ― it was to be a simulated accident.
Officials at the Chantilly, Va.-based National Reconnaissance Office had scheduled an exercise that morning in which a small corporate jet would crash into one of the four towers at the agency's headquarters building after experiencing a mechanical failure.
The agency is about four miles from the runways of Washington Dulles International Airport.
Agency chiefs came up with the scenario to test employees' ability to respond to a disaster, said spokesman Art Haubold. No actual plane was to be involved ― to simulate the damage from the crash, some stairwells and exits were to be closed off, forcing employees to find other ways to evacuate the building.
"It was just an incredible coincidence that this happened to involve an aircraft crashing into our facility," Haubold said. "As soon as the real world ( news - Y! TV) events began, we canceled the exercise."
Terrorism was to play no role in the exercise, which had been planned for several months, he said.
Adding to the coincidence, American Airlines Flight 77 ― the Boeing 767 that was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon ( news - web sites) ― took off from Dulles at 8:10 a.m. on Sept. 11, 50 minutes before the exercise was to begin. It struck the Pentagon around 9:40 a.m., killing 64 aboard the plane and 125 on the ground.
The National Reconnaissance Office operates many of the nation's spy satellites. It draws its personnel from the military and the CIA ( news - web sites).
After the Sept. 11 attacks, most of the 3,000 people who work at agency headquarters were sent home, save for some essential personnel, Haubold said.
An announcement for an upcoming homeland security conference in Chicago first noted the exercise.
In a promotion for speaker John Fulton, a CIA officer assigned as chief of NRO's strategic gaming division, the announcement says, "On the morning of September 11th 2001, Mr. Fulton and his team ... were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day."
The conference is being run by the National Law Enforcement and Security Institute.
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altmedka:Alternative Medium by KIMURA Aiji
電網速報『亜空間通信』(2001.09.01.創刊 2003.05.15.現在、599号発行済)