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(回答先: アジズ副首相「フセイン大統領は生存」 米紙報道 [朝日新聞] 投稿者 あっしら 日時 2003 年 4 月 29 日 01:46:46)
Aziz may have been spy inside Saddam's regime
By Con Coughlin in London
April 28 2003
Well connected ... former Iraqi deputy prime minister Tariq Aziz.
The favourable surrender terms agreed between coalition commanders and Tariq Aziz has prompted speculation that Saddam Hussein's trusted foreign policy adviser provided the intelligence responsible for the cruise missile attack on the Iraqi dictator's bunker in southern Baghdad in the opening salvoes of the war.
Intelligence officials have said that the information they received that allowed them to target Saddam came from a "senior official" within the Baath regime, and as a leading member of the ruling Revolutionary Command Council Mr Aziz would have known Saddam was planning to hold a meeting at one of his heavily fortified bunkers.
"You get the feeling, now that Aziz is safely in American custody, that he will be getting re-acquainted with people he has known for quite some time," said a former CIA officer who specialises in Iraq.
"The information that enabled the coalition forces to target Saddam in the opening hours of the war could only have come from someone like Aziz who had access to Saddam's inner circle."
Saddam's security chiefs placed members of Mr Aziz's family under arrest shortly before the invasion to make sure that the former deputy prime minister did not defect to the West.
Concern about the fate of his family - in particular his eldest son - was Mr Aziz's primary concern during the lengthy negotiations that finally resulted in his decision to give himself up at the end of last week.
"Tariq was still terrified of what the remnants of Saddam's regime would do to his family if he surrendered to us," a Western security officer said. "Even if Saddam were dead, he knew that there were still Baath party loyalists who would want to exact revenge on his family."
As part of Mr Aziz's surrender terms, coalition commanders agreed to place his immediate family under the equivalent of protective custody to ensure that they were safe from revenge attacks by Saddam loyalists.
At the end of last week, President George Bush said he believed Saddam had either been killed or critically injured in the March 20 attack, and paid tribute to the "brave soul" who provided the intelligence that enabled the attack to take place. Asked if the Iraqi spy was still alive, Mr Bush replied: "Yes he is. He is with us. Thank God."
When, shortly after the war started, Washington dropped heavy hints that Mr Aziz had defected, he appeared before journalists in Baghdad angrily denouncing the claims, saying he would rather die than be taken into custody by the Americans.
The Telegraph, London