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world exclusive
by Daniel Hopsicker
VENICE, FL--April 24
For at least four years while living in Hamburg during the 1990's terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta was part of a 'joint venture' between the U.S. and German Governments, the MadCowMorningNews has learned, an elite international “exchange” program run by a little-known private organization with close ties to powerful American political figures like David Rockefeller and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
The jointly-funded government effort picked up the tab for Atta on sojourns in Cairo, Istanbul, and Aleppo in Syria during the years 1994 and 1995, as well as employing him as a “tutor” and “seminar participant” during 1996 and 1997.
Moreover Atta's financial relationship with the U.S.--German government effort may even extend back to his initial move from Egypt to Germany in 1992, after being “recruited” in Cairo by a mysterious German couple dubbed the “hijacker's sponsors” in a recent news account in the Chicago Tribune.
Mohamed Atta, before becoming a ‘terrorist ringleader,' enjoyed the patronage of a government initiative, known as the “Congress-Bundestag Program," overseen by the U.S. State Department and the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, the German equivalent of the U.S. Agency currently supervising the secretive bidding race for tens of billions of dollars of post-war reconstruction contracts in Iraq, the Agency for International Development.
●●All the news that fits...under the rug
News that Mohamed Atta had been on the payroll of the elite international program first surfaced a month after the 9/11 attack, in a brief seven-line report by German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on Oct. 18, 2001, under the headline “ATTA WAS TUTOR FOR SCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS.”
The story quoted a spokesman for “Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft,” described as a “German international further education organisation,” as having admitted paying Hamburg cadre principal Atta as a “scholarship holder” and “tutor,” between 1995 and 1997.
But the newspaper concealed the shocking revelation that this meant Atta had been on the payroll of a joint U.S.--German government program through the simple expedient of neglecting to mention that the “Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft” was merely a private entity set up to administer the official U.S. and German government initiative.
The U.S. end of the program is run out of an address at United Nations Plaza in New York by CDS International ( http://www.cdsintl.org/ ). The letters stand for Carl Duisberg Society, which is also the name of its German counterpart in Cologne, the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft ( http://www.it-ab.net/live/it_ab/content/e674/e943/index_eng.html ). Both are named for Carl Duisberg, a German chemist and industrialist who headed the Bayer Corporation during the 1920's.
The list of elite power brokers backing CDS International ranges from -- Kissinger and Rockefeller to former President Bill Clinton, and other -- Democratic heavyweights like former First Lady Hillary Clinton and Clinton White House adviser Ira Magaziner.
●●One reason Kissinger bowed out
Kissinger, to cite just one example, addressed over 100 international business leaders at a dinner organized and celebrating CDS International, at the River Club of New York on June 2, 1987.
At the dinner, Kissinger congratulated CDS International on its 20 years of service in keeping close business ties, not only between Germany and the United States, but more recently through career development programs for participants from other countries as well.
Then-President Bill Clinton, during his visit to Germany to commemorate the Berlin Airlift, also found a lot to like about CDS International, noting that the United States "will be working hard to expand our support" for the "Congress-Bundestag" exchange which "has already given more than 10,000 German and American students the chance to visit each other's countries."
Were he to give the same speech today he would no doubt change the speech's wording to read the chance to "visit and vaporize" each other's countries.
CDS International, states the organizations literature, provides opportunities for young German engineers. Mohamed Atta wasn't, strictly speaking, a "young German engineer," but apparently he came close enough.
"These young German engineers earn real world experience and are given assignments to contribute from the start,” a program spokesman enthused in a newspaper interview.
The organization is today understandably shy about mentioning that their most famous recent graduate's “real world experience” included murdering almost 3000 people in New York City in slightly less than two hours.
The fact that a financial relationship between the terrorist ringleader and the U.S. and German Governments has not previously even been hinted at may owe something to the program's ties with its raft of politically-powerful boosters.
●●Mysterious German couple called 'hijacker's sponsors'
Having powerful friends in such high places may also explain the curious omissions in a second story about Mohamed Atta's time in Germany which appeared recently, this time in the March 7,2003 Chicago Tribune, under the headline “9/11 haunts hijacker's sponsors; German couple talks of living with pilot Atta.”
The story describes the 1992 meeting in Cairo between Atta and a German couple, which the paper does not name, who were at that time running an international student exchange program, which the Chicago Tribune has decided should also remains nameless... even though the encounter was critical to leading Atta to move to Hamburg in the first place.
During a visit to the Egyptian capital in fall 1991, said the Tribune, the German couple had stayed with friends who knew Atta's father, a Cairo lawyer, and his father's friends had then introduced the German couple to Atta.
“Atta, who had recently graduated with a degree in architectural engineering from the University of Cairo, told the couple he wanted to study architecture in Germany, but he had no particular idea where he should go,” the paper reported.
Though the article neglects to mention it, the reason Atta found himself with “no particular idea where he should go” was because although he had studied engineering at prestigious Cairo University, he had not fared well enough to gain admission to its graduate school.
"In this first conversation, we suggested he continue his studies in Hamburg and offered him a place to live at our house," the paper quotes the German wife telling investigators from the BKA, the German equivalent of the FBI.
Atta, she states, accepted their offer right away.
Why did this unnamed German couple running an unnamed international exchange program leap at the opportunity to take Atta, a young man not considered promising enough to even gain entrance in a local Cairo graduate school, and offer him a place to live at their house?
The Tribune doesn't say.
●●Was "Shock & Awe' campaign used first September 11, 2001?
After studying German in Cairo, Atta arrived in the country on July 24, 1992, according to investigators' records, and then lived rent-free for at least the next six months in the couple's home in a quiet, middle-class neighborhood.
Although Tribune correspondent Stevenson Swanson cites the German couple for “having played such an important role in Atta's move to Germany,” he never gives either their names nor that of the organization they worked for.
This is something more than just curious. It is suspicious.
But since just two years later Atta was on the payroll of the “Congress-Bundestag Program,” we can today reasonably conclude -- no thanks to the Chicago Tribune -- that this government-funded exchange program was the one responsible for bringing him to Germany in the first place, under the aegis of the unnamed German couple.
CDS International's elite sponsors, apparently, are powerful enough to keep the organization's name out of the newspapers, or, at any rate, out of the Chicago Tribune.
One final note: when Atta returned home for his three-month visit to Cairo in 1995, the Egyptian government was in the midst of cracking down viciously on Islamic fundamentalists.
Yet, strangely, Atta chose this exact time to grow a beard, traditionally a sign of a devout Muslim, but also in Atta's case assumed to have been a defiant political gesture chosen to register his disgust at the secular elite that ruled his homeland.
Or, at least, that's the official story.
And indeed, his two German student traveling “companions” reported that Atta said he would not be cowed by his home country's "fat cats," who he believed were criminalizing religious traditionalists while bowing shamefully to the West in foreign and economic policies.
Or, at least, that's what they say he said.
But maybe growing the beard and assuming an "Islamic fundamentalist" pose was, instead, the gesture of a man “singing for his supper” by going undercover for “fat cats” from another part of the forest entirely...
It couldn't be.
Could it?
Daniel Hopsicker is the author of
Barry & 'the boys:The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History