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● ……と、前置きが長くなってしまいましたが、本題に戻り、
米国、北朝鮮が核燃料再処理した場合の爆撃計画作成=豪紙 (ロイター)
[キャンベラ 22日 ロイター] 22日付の豪紙オーストラリアンは、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(北朝鮮)が使用済み核燃料棒の再処理を行った場合、米国防総省が北朝鮮の核施設を爆撃する計画を作成した、と伝えた。
同紙のエディター、グレッグ・シェリダン氏は、米国の考えに通じた豪政府筋によるとして、北朝鮮が核爆弾を製造するた め、使用済み核燃料棒の再処理を行った場合、米国は北朝鮮の核施設がある寧辺を爆撃する計画を作成した、とした。
4月22日、豪紙によると、米国は北朝鮮が核燃料再 処理した場合に核施設や国境地域の拠点を爆撃する計画を持っている。写真は 国境地帯からみる北朝鮮。 16日撮影(2003年ロイタ ー/Kim Kyung-Hoon)
『The Australian』紙
Cheats on brink always prosper
April 22, 2003
THE existence of Pentagon plans to bomb North Korea's nuclear reactor at Yongbyon demonstrates what a devastating problem the world is facing on the Korean peninsula.
The basic formula the West has tried with North Korea has been repeated time and again.
In exchange for abandoning its nuclear weapons program, North Korea gets economic aid, security reassurances, technical assistance and even, under the 1994 Framework Agreement, two light-water nuclear reactors, from which it is difficult to extract material for nuclear weapons.
The problem is that in North Korea the outside world is not dealing with a reasonable player. Pyongyang always cheats, and it always wants more. It is, however, probably a rational player.
The North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-il, like his father, the late Kim Il-sung, has a pattern of extreme brinkmanship that, so far, has always stopped just short of war. However, the danger of miscalculation in such brinkmanship is huge.
It is too little remembered that in 1994, even the dovish Clinton administration was on the brink of war with North Korea, when Kim Il-sung backed away from the precipice.
The result was the Framework Agreement. It was ugly nuclear blackmail but it was certainly better than war.
Many commentators will be tempted to blame the renewed crisis on the Bush administration's tough rhetoric. They would be wrong.
It seems the North Koreans began their secret highly enriched uranium project while Clinton was still in office.
If the North Koreans make good on their threat to start reprocessing at Yongbyon, the international community will be faced with a stark choice -- something like the Pentagon surgical strike, or acquiescence to North Korea producing several nuclear weapons a year, and probably selling them.
The military boffins believe a strike on Yongbyon, provided no nuclear reaction was taking place at the time, would not produce catastrophic radioactive fallout. The political, security and human fallout might be something else, however.
Nonetheless, there are no easy answers. Provided the North Koreans walk back from the precipice, the pattern of cheat, blackmail and payoff probably can be sustained for a bit longer. But don't think it's assured.
http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,1658,250326,00.jpg 】
2003.02.28(金) 18:34
マイヤーズ合同参謀本部議長はNBC放送に出演、「北朝鮮に対する先制軍事攻撃計画が考慮されているのか」という質問に、「軍が世界のさまざまな地域に対する慎重な計画を相当数有しているというのは、誰でも考えられる」とした。その上で、「われわれはそのような計画を有しており、続 けてそれをアップデートしている」とし、「北朝鮮に対しても同じ」と述べた。
また、「ブッシュ大統領にそのような方案が報告されたのか」という質問 に、「大統領と話し合った内容についてはコメントしない」とした。
一方、米国防部で最近進められている最も内密かつ恐ろしい作業の中 の1つは、北朝鮮の核施設に対する軍事攻撃を可能にするための計画で あると、ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙のコラムニスト・ニコラス・クリストフ (Kristof)が28日「恐ろしい秘密計画」という題名のコラムを通じて主張し た。
このような計画には、核施設を狙ったクルーズミサイル攻撃から強度の 高い爆撃方策が含まれており、ソウルに向けられた北朝鮮の強固な野戦 砲の陣地を無力化させるため、戦術核兵器を使用する方策まで論議され ていると、このコラムは明らかにした。
米国の政府高官らは、今までこのような計画が非常事態における計画で あるだけと言っていたが、ブッシュ政権のさまざまな人物の外交が失敗し た場合の軍事攻撃を真剣に考えていると、このコラムは主張した。
一方、米国は北朝鮮の核実験を監視するための特別偵察機と潜水艦か らミサイル発射を誘導することのできるE6B飛行機、広範囲な地域を監視 することのできるレーダーを搭載したミサイル追跡艦艇である「インビンシブル(Invincible)号」などを北朝鮮に近接配置したと、ワシントンポスト紙が 28日報道した。
同紙は最近の北朝鮮と米国の軍事的動きは北朝鮮の核プログラムをめぐる対峙の渦中から、意図的であれ偶発的であれ、武装紛争の危険性を 増加させる可能性があると報じた。
28 February 2003
Secret, Scary Plans
New York Times
Some of the most secret and scariest work under way in the Pentagon these days is the planning for a possible military strike against nuclear sites in North Korea.
Officials say that so far these are no more than contingency plans. They cover a range of military options from surgical cruise missile strikes to sledgehammer bombing, and there is even talk of using tactical nuclear weapons to neutralize hardened artillery positions aimed at Seoul, the South Korean capital.
There's nothing wrong with planning, or with brandishing a stick to get Kim Jong Il's attention. But several factions in the administration are serious about a military strike if diplomacy fails, and since the White House is unwilling to try diplomacy in any meaningful way, it probably will fail. The upshot is a growing possibility that President Bush could reluctantly order such a strike this summer, risking another Korean war.
The sources of information for this column will be as mystifying as the underlying U.S. policy itself, for few will discuss these issues on the record. But it seems those interested in the military option - consisting primarily of raptors clustered around Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld and in the National Security Council - have until recently been slapped down by President Bush himself.
Recently Mr. Bush seems to have become more hawkish. He is said to have been furious when Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage (one of the few senior Bush aides who know anything about Korea) told Congress that the U.S. would have to talk to North Korea.
So the White House has hardened its position further, swatting away its old willingness to engage North Korea bilaterally within a multilateral setting. Now the administration has dropped the bilateral reference and is willing to talk to North Korea only in a multilateral framework that doesn't exist. The old approach had a snowball's chance in purgatory; now it's less than that.
"We haven't exhausted diplomacy," one senior player noted. "We haven't begun diplomacy. . . . We could have a slippery slope to a Korean war. I don't think that's too alarmist at all."
Other experts I respect are less worried. James Lilley, an old Korea hand and former ambassador to Seoul and Beijing, says my concerns are "much too alarmist." He says the State Department controls Korea policy and realizes that "the military option is almost nonexistent."
Maybe. But meanwhile, North Korea is cranking out provocations and plutonium. This week it started up a small reactor in Yongbyon. More worrying, America's spooks detected on-and-off activity at a steam plant at Yongbyon, which may mean that the North is preparing to start up a neighboring reprocessing plant capable of turning out enough plutonium for five nuclear weapons by summer. Look for reprocessing to begin soon, perhaps the day bombs first fall on Iraq.
Dick Cheney and his camp worry, not unreasonably, that the greatest risk of all would be to allow North Korea to churn out nuclear warheads like hotcakes off a griddle. In a few years North Korea will be able to produce about 60 nuclear weapons annually, and fissile material is so compact that it could easily be sold and smuggled to Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria and Al Qaeda.
The hawk faction believes that the U.S. as a last resort could make a surgical strike, even without South Korean consent, and that Kim Jong Il would not commit suicide by retaliating. The hawks may well be right.
Then again, they may be wrong. And if they're wrong, it would be quite a mistake.
The North has 13,000 artillery pieces and could fire some 400,000 shells in the first hour of an attack, many with sarin and anthrax, on the 21 million people in the "kill box" - as some in the U.S. military describe the Seoul metropolitan area. The Pentagon has calculated that another Korean war could kill a million people.
So if the military option is too scary to contemplate, and if allowing North Korea to proliferate is absolutely unacceptable, what's left? Precisely the option that every country in the region is pressing on us: negotiating with North Korea.
Ironically, the gravity of the situation isn't yet fully understood in either South Korea or Japan, partly because they do not think this administration would be crazy enough to consider a military strike against North Korea. They're wrong.