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(回答先: イラク戦争:バグダッドから市民避難 米政府は暫定政権樹立も [毎日新聞]【暫定政権樹立はさらに敵意を煽るだけ】 投稿者 あっしら 日時 2003 年 4 月 04 日 23:04:25)
4日のロイター通信が伝えた英文記事で、アメリカ軍筋は、この「国際空港奪取作戦」を熱烈に宣伝して語っている。アメリカ軍にとって、余程うれしかったのだね。しかし、この「民間」空港制圧は、やはり「シンボリック」でしか無いのだね。ロイター記事も、「The capture of Baghdad airport is a hugely symbolic victory for U.S. forces」と、言っているね。この記事は、下に転載しておこう。http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=X3BU0SUORUKKUCRBAELCFEY?type=focusIraqNews&storyID=2509204
Baghdad airport a crucial staging post
By John Chalmers
DOHA, Qatar (Reuters) - The capture of Baghdad airport is a hugely symbolic victory for U.S. forces and will ease supply line problems that dogged them earlier -- but it may not be a launch pad just yet for the final push on the Iraqi capital.
The U.S. forces will need to secure their foothold on a staging ground where troops and supply aircraft are still vulnerable to surface-to-air missiles, artillery fire and snipers, using airstrikes to disable Iraqi defensive positions.
"They need to hold the airport, make it secure, stop it being destroyed and then they can use it for flying in supplies," said Paul Beaver, an independent defense analyst. "I would expect them to consolidate their positions now."
They will probably also wait for reinforcements before flinging themselves into a sprawling city where special Republican Guard forces -- and perhaps regular Republican Guards who have melted away from the outskirts -- will be waiting.
It is unlikely, too, that U.S. forces commander Gen. Tommy Franks would place all his bets on the airport road for an entry into Baghdad in pursuit of the U.S. war goal of toppling President Saddam Hussein.
In a clear indication U.S. forces believe the capture of the airport will have symbolic value and a psychological impact, Central Command wasted no time announcing that it was now called Baghdad International and not Saddam International Airport.
Describing the seizure of the airport as "a big deal" for the transport of troops, munitions and humanitarian relief supplies, a U.S. defense official said airstrikes would now pick up to finish off Iraqi air defenses around the capital.
Once secure, the airport will be ideal for shifting supplies by helicopter. But it is unclear how accessible it will be for fixed-wing airlift, at least in the near term, because the runway was disabled to prevent Iraqi leaders escaping.
Less than a week ago, the U.S. military's plans were being criticized amid reports that troops on the front-line were down to one meal a day because of rickety and exposed supply lines stretching all the way down to Kuwait.
Possession of the airport should alleviate that problem, but more troops will be needed to assault Baghdad itself.
"There are only two battalions of U.S. forces at the airport, 1,500 men," said Sergei Sumbayev, a commentator for the Russian army newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda.
"It is clear that they will not enter Baghdad now because they have too few forces for such an attack and not enough to seize a 5-million-strong city. Everything lies ahead."
Philip Mitchell, an army analyst at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, said the airport would be of long-term rather than immediate tactical value.
He said it could be days, and maybe weeks, before Iraqi artillery within range of the airport is put out of action.
"My guess is that they'll hold themselves there, rest up and reorganize before they think of doing anything else," he said.
The relative speed with which the airport was taken deepens the mystery over what has happened to much of the 70,000-strong elite Republican Guard, which was widely expected to be girding for battle at the city's gates.
The U.S. military says that three of the guard's six full divisions have been smashed and put out of action, but fewer than 10,000 Iraqi soldiers have been taken prisoner.
There appeared to be some doubt even at U.S. Central Command in Qatar. Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks said Republican Guard forces may be repositioning, may have gone back into the city to fight another day or simply returned to their homes.
"The shock of what the Americans have done must have been very demoralizing, it's not what these soldiers were told would happen," said Beaver, suggesting that they may have given up.
He said it was possible that Baghdad's command and control had broken down so comprehensively that -- like Adolf Hitler's commanders in the dying days of World War II -- Iraq's military captains were too scared to report the truth to Saddam.
Analysts say it is possible that by pulling troops from around the airport, the Iraqis could be trying to isolate the U.S. forces for a chemical weapons strike.
Iraq says it has no such weapons but even if it does that would be a huge gamble. What if the wind were blowing the wrong way? In any case, Iraqi civilians and troops could still be hit harder than U.S. troops who are prepared for a chemical attack.
More likely, the Iraqis may simply be waiting to lure their enemies into a protracted and bloody urban battle to sap their resolve.
"That, all along, appears to have been Saddam's tactic -- to draw them into Baghdad and engage them in guerrilla-type urban warfare where he can inflict the maximum number of casualties," said Mitchell. "But the coalition is well aware of that tactic and won't be drawn in, so it's perhaps self-defeating."
Defense analyst Francois Gere said the U.S.-led forces could use armored units to seize control of main arteries, limiting themselves to patrolling the city.
Meanwhile, small groups of crack forces trained in urban combat could be sent in to take out very specific targets, including Iraqi leaders.