

[ フォローアップ ] [ ★阿修羅♪ ] [ ★阿修羅♪ 戦争・国際情勢4 ]

投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2001 年 11 月 14 日 21:04:57:

回答先: Re: アメリカのラディオ放送がアラブ人の声と9.11.モサド謀略説アラブ諸国蔓延報道 投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2001 年 11 月 14 日 17:39:25:


10. Nov. 7:00~8:00AM Japan Time.

Question from the National Public Radio: There have been many reports here in the united States,.....

Mohammed Sedahman: Yes

NPR: ....that, throughout Arab contries, many people believe in conspiratorial explanations of September 11th, that, it was'nt Osama bin Laden, it was'nt Al quaida, it was'nt a group of Saudies and Egyptians, rather, it was the Mossad, the Israeli secret service?

MS: We had better seek the source also,... I met. I am nervous. This is even been the thoery presented by Americans. I had stupidly unknown. We don't have so far complete conclusive proof of anything. We get a lot of imformation, that, there is a lot of contradictions when it comes in,..... imformations. Many hypothesis are still possible. And non could be totaly excluded a priori. So it is understandable that there shuould be conspiratorial thoeries.

NPR: But, in really, have you not precluded the thoery that the Israeli Mosad hijacked the planes and smashed them into the world trade center where .......you know.

MS: I mean this ......I don't like to jump to a conclusion without any clear evidence.

NPR: Mohammed Sedahman is a columnist of "Arafan" in Cairo .



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