Re: プーチン大統領、インターネットで多彩な意見表明


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投稿者 ばべる魚 日時 2001 年 3 月 07 日 11:57:40:

回答先: プーチン大統領、インターネットで多彩な意見表明 投稿者 日時 2001 年 3 月 07 日 11:45:44:

Respected visitors of site!

On 6 March 2001 of year took place the interview of the President of the Russian federation Of v.V.Putina Of
Interview was conducted to the Kremlin, in the compartment/room of television studio, in the presence of the
representatives OF THE SMI.
Interview continued 60 minutes, from 18:00 to 19:00 on Moscow time.
In the course of interview and on the eve of its conducting Of internet-SMI - by participants in the
interview, were assembled more than 21000 questions. The President of the Russian federation Of v.V.Putin
answered 22 questions.
It published the complete text of the interview of the President of the Russian federation Of v.V.Putina Of

( Vadim Malkin (To strana.Ru), Moscow ): How do you do, Vladimir Vladimirovich! First of
all it would like to thank you for the fact that you agreed to accept us and to answer our
questions and questions of our readers. You will permit me to represent participants in our
today's encounter. this is the editor in chief of Internet- publication To gazeta.Ru Vladislav
Borodulin, the international reviewer of the service of the news of Bi-Bi- SI Bridzhit
Kendell and 4, the editor in chief of the regional editorial staff of service To strana.Ru
Vadim Malkin. Also by means of the network/grid Internet in our today's encounter is
participated the multithousand audience/auditorium of our sites, they send to us questions.
4 I recall that it is possible to send questions to the end of today's interview. More than 16
thousand questions already entered. They continue to enter in the regime/conditions of real
time. We can look them on the screen. Of course we today can assign to you only small part
from these questions. We tried to select the objectively most important, interesting
majorities of our audience/auditorium, but, nevertheless, everything, naturally, to assign
we will not be able.

Question ( Vladislav Borodulin (To gazeta.Ru), Moscow ): Vladimir Vladimirovich, taking
into account this uncommon form, the journalists not of one of the publications will assign
15 thousand questions, but the readers our can this make. But you do not say, are such your
relations Internetom, do use you this form of communication or not?

V.v.putin: 4 I consider that Internet the very promising form of intercourse, the form of communication,
obtaining of information, very interesting. This greatly interests me, b ut it must say frankly, unfortunately,
little it use. In view of the innate/inherent laziness, from one side, and from other side, on the strength of the
fact that now i have many other possibilities, there are many colleagues of apparatus, assistants, who deal with
this they professionally/occupationally and give to me already seemingly finished result. But by the results,
which it gives It internet, 4 I use, in particular, refuse of different internetovskikh publications To gazeta.Ru
etcetera - this all exists in me, all this 4 I examine/scan, just as daily mail. But also some analytical things I
use, which there is in You internete.

Question (Gazeta.RU): But family, and daughter?

V.v.putin: Those use very actively. It can be, even excessively; therefore their mom already limits.

Question ( Vadim Malkin (To chtrana.Ru), Moscow ): Vladimir Vladimirovich, to us reaches
very many questions this theme. In particular, Muscovites are sealskin Aleksey, Gorshkov
Nikolai, Vladimir Benediktov from St.-Petersburg, Andrey Peremetin from Krasnodar, from
Novosibirsk and even from Toronto. Do consider you that the significant part of supervisory
personnel in the imperious structures in the center and at the places does need replacement?
If yes, then in what you see the source of new frames/personnel?

V.v.putin: First of all it would like to say that it is not possible to attain today on tomorrow whatever cardinal
change of the situation almost in one sphere. this all requires, including and cadre work, it requires attentive
relation to the matter, serious professional/occupational approach. this the first.

The second. We have and today many upravlentsev, completely qualified people, which act and work not for the
fear, but for the conscience. Such people majority. And 4, taking this opportunity, he would want to thank them
for this work. But, of course, contemporary conditions require contemporary upravlentsev, which are located on
the level of the corresponding knowledge and calls of time, how now fashionably to speak. Therefore, of course,
this work must sistemno be achieved.

What can be reserve? Only from the number of users Of interneta, because these are, as a rule, people moved,
young, energetic, educated. If it is entirely serious, then, of course, this is, first of all, young people, these are,
first of all, young people, which want to serve society, state, which see in this the method of samorealizatsii.

The question ( Bridzhit Kendell (Bbch), Moscow ): Vladimir Vladimirovich, 4 personally
and Bi-Bi - SI as a whole is very glad, that we have this possibility to take part in this
event. Also thousand questions. And the first question my reflects perhaps the preoccupation
of many people. this Jonathan Jones from Texas, USA, which it asks: " that are more
important for you - democracy or legality?" And 4 she wanted to still add from Dmitriy. To
it 16 years, it lives in Nijniy Novgorod and he writes as the representative of the new
generation: " me now greatly agitates the political situation in Russia. 4 I understand, that
the communism already never will revive, but nevertheless some your steps/pitches me
prick up ears ". How you do count, by what means of development must go Russia now?

V.v.putin: As far as interrelations or priorities in the sphere of democracy and legality are concerned, a
question is somewhat uncommon, because to me is presented in the classical understanding word " democracy "
not separated from the legality. If society is guided by the conventional rules, presented in the normative
documents, which are called laws, and if these laws start in accordance with the democratic procedures, then
this is a democratic society. To me it seems that to separate one from another is inexpedient and it is
detrimental. Therefore one of our basic directions of activity - this is the improvement of the legislative base of
state and judicial lawful system of the country.

However, as far as the possible preoccupation of some our citizens, or those, who sympathize with to our
country and live abroad, apropos of that, along which way the state will be developed, are concerned, I can say
one. As long as 4 I remain the chapter of state, we will adhere to the precisely democratic principles of
development, will develop the political structure of society, will develop civil/civilian society, will approach to
place state institutes under the control of community. Make this we will be persistent, consecutively/serially.
And it is confident, that no other alternative, except the democratic development and the market economy, in
state simply there exists.

Question ( Yuri Mukhin, Arkhangelsk ): Vladimir Vladimirovich, that also as you are
intended to make for increasing the prestige of our army?

V.v.putin: We much say on this theme in recent years. In order to increase the prestige of army, it is
necessary to make her effective. It is necessary that the society would understand, that it needs this army,
which attends the interests of people, entire society, shields the interests of state. In my view, this
understanding now in the society is. We must approach that so that our army would be highly professional, well
trained, would be equipped with contemporary technology. And, out of any doubts, it was located outside policy.
So that the army and other primary structures of the country would be under the control of society. All this
together, in combination with the worthy level of the welfare voyennosluzhashchikh, must lead, in my view, to
change situation in this sphere to the best.

Question ( Vladislav Borodulin (To gazeta.Ru), Moscow ): Vladimir Vladimirovich, we will
now constantly refer to our audience/auditorium. And this is not slyness, since questions
enter and enter. And very much, taking into account this youth composition of
audience/auditorium, very many questions concern formation. How you respond to the paid
formation? What you do think about the declared reform of formation in Russia?

V.v.putin: Generally, you know, it seems to me that some elements of our past life, an even Soviet life,
deserve about them to recall by good word. To one of such spheres relates the sphere of formation. Formation,
medicine, science - this all that which composed former Soviet Union pride, and rightfully. this can be explained.
And today even in those countries, which adhere to the planned principles of the economy, it is possible to
observe that in these spheres they achieve the specific successes. And it is understandable why. State has the
capability of skon *** TRANSLATION ENDS HERE ***



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