Re: 沈黙の兵器のドキュメントか? TM-SW7905.1


[ フォローアップ ] [ フォローアップを投稿 ] [ ★阿修羅♪ Ψ空耳の丘Ψ11 ]

投稿者 サイエントロジスト 日時 2000 年 10 月 26 日 23:32:15:

回答先: Re: 沈黙の兵器のドキュメントか? TM-SW7905.1 投稿者 サイエントロジスト 日時 2000 年 10 月 26 日 23:30:35:

P. 25


The industry 'Q' can be given a block symbol as follows.

i(1,Q) ____________________
1 o--------------->| |
2 o--------------->| INDUSTRY 'Q' | I(Q)
3 o--------------->| |------->O
4 o--------------->| |
5 o--------------->| |
o- - - - - - - ->| |
m o--------------->|____________________|

Block Diagram of Industry 'Q'.

Terminals #1 through #m are connected directly to the outputs of
industries #1 through #m, resp..

The equivalent circuit of industry 'Q' is given as follows.

>From output
of #
i(1,Q) --> ________
1 o------------| y(1,Q) |---|
---------- |
i(2,Q) --> ________ |
2 o------------| y(2,Q) |---|
---------- |
i(3,Q) --> ________ | i(Q) ----> I(Q)
3 o------------| y(3,Q) |---| --> _______ ---->
---------- |------O---| E = I |------o
i(4,Q) --> ________ | ^ --------- ^
4 o------------| y(4,Q) |---| | A(Q) |
---------- | | |
________ | | |
o- - - - - - | |- -| | |
---------- | E(Q) = I(Q) O V.
i(m,Q) --> ________ | | |
m o------------| y(m,Q) |---| | |
^ ---------- | |
| | |
O v. | |
| | |
v v v

P. 26

All inputs are at zero volts.
A - Amplifier - causes output current x(q) to be represented by a voltage
E(Q). Amplifier delivers sufficient current at E(Q) to drive all
loads Y(1,0) through Y(m,Q) and sink all currents i(1,Q) through

The unit transconductance amplifier A(Q) is constructed as follows.

["o<|" represents a NOT gate. -- Mark]

E == I
| I(Q) I(Q) |
| <--- ---> |
I(Q)| |----/\/\/----| |----/\/\/----| | I(Q)
--->| | 1 ohm | 1 ohm | 1 ohm | | --->
^ | <--- ^ | ^
| | I(Q) | | |
| |__________________________|________________| |
| /\ | |
E(Q) /--\ -E(Q) O v.
| / \Q | |
| i(Q) = I(Q) | |
v v v

* Arrow denotes the direction of the flow of capital, goods, and services.
The total demand is given as E(Q), where E(Q) = I(Q).

P. 27

------> ------------------------------->
-------| i(P,Q) |-------------------------------|
Ind. P | ------>| ________ |
| O---|-| y(P,Q) |--| Ind. Q |
| I(P) ^ | ---------- | ----> | I(Q)
|---> / | ________ | ________ | ---->
|----O ---|-| |--o----| E == I |---|------O
| ^\\ | ---------- | ^ ---------- | ^
| | \-->|- - - - - - -| | /\ | |
| | \ | ________ | E(Q) /--\ | O v.
| | ->|-| |--| | / \Q | |
| O v. | ---------- | | |
_______| | |________________|______________| |
Industry P | Industry Q | |
v v v

The coupling network I(P,Q) symbolizes the demand which industry Q
makes on industry P. The connective admittance y(P,Q) is called the
'technical coefficient' of the industry Q stating the demand of industry
Q, called the industry of use, for the output in capital, goods, or
services of industry P called the industry of origin.
The flow of commodities from industry P to industry Q is given by
i(P,Q) evaluated by the formula

i(P,Q) = y(P,Q) * E(Q)

When the admittance y(P,Q) is a simple conductance, this formula
takes on the common appearance of Ohm's Law,

i(P,Q) = (epsilon)(P,Q) * E(Q)

The interconnection of a three industry system can be diagramed as
follows. The blocks of the industry diagram can be opened up revealing
the technical coefficients, and a much simpler format. The equations of
flow are given as follows.

I1 = i(1,1) + i(1,2) + i(1,3) + i(1,0) = (sigma) i(1,K) + i(1,0)
I2 = i(2,1) + i(2,2) + i(2,3) + i(2,0) = (sigma) i(2,K) + i(2,0)
I3 = i(3,1) + i(3,2) + i(3,3) + i(3,0) = (sigma) i(3,K) + i(3,0)

P. 28


[The diagrams are too lengthy and complex to put here fully in ASCII
fashion. -- Mark]

[Stage #1: Like the 3-node diagram under title "INDUSTRIAL DIAGRAMS," with
an extra output added to each node's output: i(k,0), w here k = 1 to 3.]

[Stage #2: Too complex.]

Stage #3:

1,1 1,1
\ _____ /
2,1-o--| ==> |--o-1,2
/ ------- \
3,1 A1 1,3

1,2 2,1
\ _____ /
3,2-o--| ==> |--o-2,2
/ ------- \
2,2 A2 2,3

1,3 3,1
\ _____ /
2,3-o--| ==> |--o-3,2
/ ------- \
3,3 A3 3,3

P. 29


All of this may now be summarized.

Let I(j) represent the output of industry j, and

i(j,k), the amount of the product of industry j absorbed annually by
industry k, and

i(j,0), the amount of the same product j made available for 'outside
use'. Then

I(j) = i(j,1) + i(j,2) + i(j,3) + ... + i(j,m) + i(j,0)

= (sigma with k = 1 to m) i(j,k) + i(j,0)

Substituting the technical coefficients, y(j,k)

i(j,k) = y(j,k) I(k)

I(j) = (sigma with k = 1 to m) i(j,k) + i(j,0)
= (sigma with k = 1 to m) y(j,k) I(k) + i(j,0)

Matrix for
j = 1,2,3,....m { I(j) - (sigma with k = 1 to m) y(j,k) I(k) = i(j,0)

Let I(k) at the output of industry k be represented by a demand
voltage E(k) at its amplifier input, i.e., let E(k) = I(k). Then

i(j,k) = y(j,k) E(k)

which is the general equation of every admittance in the industry

P. 30


(sigma with j = 1 to m) i(j,0) = i(1,0) + i(2,0) + i(3,0) + ... + i(m,0)
is called

the final bill of goods or the bill of final demand, and is zero when the
system can be closed by the evaluation of the technical coefficients of
the 'non-productive' industries, government and households. Households
may be regarded as a productive industry with labor as its output product.


The quantities y(j,k) are called the technical coefficients of the
industrial system. They are admittances and can consist of any combination
of the three passive parameters, conductance, capacitance, and inductance.
Diodes are used to make the flow unidirectional and point against the

(epsilon)(j,k) = economic conductance, absorption coefficient
C(j,k) = economic capacitance, capital coefficient
L(j,k) = economic inductance, human activity coeff.


o---| Y(p,a) |---o
p ---------- a

["K|" = diode]

o----/\/\/----o | flow of product
P Q |
o-----||------o | storage in industry Q of capital -- in the form of
P Q | inventory of materials, stock of equipment, work in
| progress, intermediate products, etc... This stock
| fully reversible meaning that it can be sold or
| exchanged for other materials.

P. 31


o--o-/\/\/--o-o | -flow and stock control, stock is fully reversible,
P | | Q | e.g., can be sold or exchanged for other materials.
----||---- |
o--o-/\/\/--o-o | -flow, but stock not reversible, stock does not need
P | | Q | maintenance.
--||--K|-- |
o--o-/\/\/--o-o | -here the stock is not reversible, and it is subject to
P | | Q | depreciation. Can also represent capital tied up in
o-||-o-K|- | buildings which cannot be sold and are aging.
| | |
-/\/\- |
o--o-/\/\/--o-o | -- here we have partially reversible stock which may be
P | | Q | reversed at a slower rate than it is demanded during
-||-o-K|-o | production.
| | |
-/\/\- |
o-o--/\/\/--o-o | -here the stock reversibility and depreciation are
P | | Q | accounted for.
o-||-o-K|-o |
| | | |
-/\/\o/\/\- |
o----/\/\/----| | - stock buildup is delayed and stock consumption is
P ___________| | likewise delayed.
| |
|----||----o |
Q |

P. 32


The industries of finance (banking), manufacturing, and government,
real counterparts of the pure industries of capital, goods, and services,
are easily defined because they are generally logically structured.
Because of this their processes can be described mathematically and their
technical coefficients can be easily deduced.
This, however, is not the case with the service industry known as the
household industry.


Then the industry flow diagram is represented by a 2-block system of
households on the right and all other industries on the left, the
following results.

_______________ &(A) ____________
| All A |------>| Households |
| other | &(B) | as an |
input | industries B |------>| industry. | output
------>| | &(C) | |---->--|
| | C |------>| | |
| | | & | | |
| | |- - - >| | |
| | | &(U) | | |
| | U |------>| | |
| ----------------- -------------- |
| |

The arrows from left to right labeled A, B, C, etc., denote flow of
economic value from the industries in the left hand block to the industry
in the right hand block called 'households'. These may be thought of as
the monthly consumer flows of the following commodities. A - alcoholic
beverages, B - beef, C - coffee,...., U - unknown, etc..

P. 33

The problem which a theoretical economist faces is that the consumer
preferences of any household is not easily predictable and the technical
coefficients of any one household tend to be a non-linear, very complex,
and variable function of income, prices, etc..
Computer information derived from the use of the universal product
code in conjunction with credit card purchase as an individual household
identifier could change this state of affairs. But the U.P.C. method is
not yet available on a national or even a significant regional scale. To
compensate for this data deficiency, an alternate indirect approach of
analysis has been adopted known as economic shock testing. This method,
widely used in the aircraft manufacturing industry develops an aggregate
statistical sort of data.

Applied to economics, this means that all of the households in one
region or in the whole nation are studied as a group or class rather than
individually, and the mass behavior rather than individual behavior is
used to discover useful estimates of the technical coefficients governing
the economic structure of the hypothetical single household industry.
Notice in the industry flow diagram that the values for the flows A,
B, C, etc., are accessible to measurement in terms of selling prices and
total sales of commodities.
One method of evaluating the technical coefficients of the household
industry depends upon shocking the prices of a commodity and noting the
changes in the sales of all of the commodities.


In recent times, the application of Operations Research to the study
of the public economy has been obvious for anyone who understands the
principles of shock testing.
In the shock testing of an aircraft airframe, the recoil impulse of
firing a gun mounted on that

P. 34

airframe causes shock waves in that structure which tell aviation
engineers the conditions under which parts of the airplane or the whole
airplane or its wings will start to vibrate or flutter like a guitar
string, a flute reed, or a tuning fork, and disintegrate or fall apart in
Economic engineers achieve the same result in studying the behavior
of the economy and the consumer public by carefully selecting a staplecommodity such as beef, coffee, gasoline, or sugar and then causing a
sudden change or shock in its price or availability, thus kicking
everybody's budget and buying habits out of shape.
They then observe the shock waves which result by monitoring the
changes in advertising, prices, and sales of that and other commodities.
The objective of such studies is to acquire know-how to set the
public economy into a predictable state of motion or change, even a
controlled self-destructive state of motion which will convince the public
that certain "expert" people should take control of the money system and
reestablish security (rather than liberty and justice) for all. When the
subject citizens are rendered unable to control their financial affairs,
they of course, become totally enslaved, a source of cheap labor.
Not only the prices of commodities, but also the availability of
labor can be used as the means of shock testing. Labor strikes deliver
excellent test shocks to an economy, especially in the critical service
areas of trucking (transportation), communication, public utilities
(energy, water, garbage collection), etc..
By shock testing, it is found that there is a direct relationship
between the availability of money flowing in an economy and the
psychological outlook and response of masses of people dependent upon that
For example, there is a measurable quantitative relationship between
the price of gasoline, and the probability that a person would experience
a headache, feel a need to watch a violent movie, smoke a cigarette, or go
to a tavern for a mug of beer.

P. 35

It is most interesting that, by observing and measuring the economic
modes by which the public tries to run from their problems and escape from
reality, and by applying the mathematical theory of Operations Research,
it is possible to program computers to predict the most probable
combination of created events (shocks) which will bring about a complete
control and subjugation of the public through a subversion of the public
economy (by shaking the plum tree).


Let the prices and total sales of commodities be given and symbolized
as follows.

[In the following chart, and some equations that come after, there is a
symbol that looks like a cursive, capital S. I will use the '&' symbol in
its place (looks the same, only backwards). -- Mark]

| Alcoholic beverages | A | &(A) |
| | | |
| Beef | B | &(B) |
| | | |
| Coffee | C | &(C) |
| | | |
| Gasoline | G | &(G) |
| | | |
| Sugar | S | &(S) |
| | | |
| Tobacco | T | &(T) |
| | | |
| Unknown balance | U | &(U) |

Let us assume a simple economic model in which the total number of
important (staple) commodities are represented as beef, gasoline, and an
aggregate of all other staple commodities which we will call the
hypothetical miscellaneous staple commodity 'M'. (e.g., M is an aggregate
of C, S, T, U, etc..)

P. 36


Assume that the total sales, P, of petroleum products can be
described by the linear function of the quantities B, G, and M, which are
functions of the prices of those respective commodities. Then

P = a(PB) B + a(PG) G + a(PM) M

where B, G, and M are functions of the prices of beef, gasoline, and
miscellaneous, respectively, and a(PB), a(PG), and a(PM) are constant
coefficients defining the amount by which each of the functions B, G, and
M affect the sales, P, of petroleum products. We are assuming that B, G,
and M are variables independent of each other.

If the availability or price of gasoline is suddenly changed, then G
must be replaced by G + (delta)G. This causes a change in the petroleum
sales from P to P + (delta)P. Also we will assume that B and M remain
constant when G changes to G + (delta)G.

(P + (delta)P) = a(PB) B + a(PG) (G + (delta)G) + a(PM) M.

Expanding this expression, we get

(P + (delta)P) = a(PB) B + a(PG) G + a(PG) G + a(PM) M

and subtracting the original value of P we get for the change in P

Change in P = (delta)P = a(PG) (delta)G

Dividing by (delta)G we get

a(PG) = --------

This is a rate of change in P due only to an isolated change in G,
In general, a(jk) is the partial rate of change in the sales effect j
due to a change in the causal price function of commodity k. If the
interval of time were infinitesimal, this expression would be reduced to
the definition of the total differential of a function, P.

P. 37

[In the following equations, there is a symbol that looks like a backwards
'6', or a weird shaped 'a'. It looks like:
/ __\
/ |
/ /

According to the document, it is called "round," as in "round G." Don't
ask me what it means though. -- Mark]

For if a(j,k) = --------, and if P = a(PB) B + a(PG) G + a(PM) M

and B, G, and M are independent variables, then

a(PB) = -------- and

(round)P (round)P (round)P
dP = -------- dB + -------- dG + -------- dM
(round)B (round)G (round)M

Integrating, we get

(round)P (round)P
P = (integral) -------- dB + (integral) -------- dG +
(round)B (round)G

(integral) -------- dM.

If the a(jk) are constant coefficients, then the rates,
(round)j/(round)k, are constant also and can be taken outside of the
integrals. Therefore,

(round)P (round)P (round)P
P = -------- (integral) dB + -------- (integral) dG + -------- dM or
(round)B (round)G (round)M

| (round)P (round)P (round)P |
| P = -------- B + -------- G + -------- M + K. |
| (round)B (round)G (round)M |


(round)&(A) |(round)&(A)| | (round)&(A)
&(A) = ----------- B +|-----------|G|+ ----------- M + K(A)
(round)B |(round)G | | (round)M
| | |
(round)&(B) |(round)&(B)| | (round)&(B)
&(B) = ----------- B +|-----------|G|+ ----------- M + K(B)
(round)B |(round)G | | (round)M
| | |
(round)&(C) |(round)&(C)| | (round)&(C)
&(C) = ----------- B +|-----------|G|+ ----------- M + K(C)
(round)B |(round)G | | (round)M
| | |
| | |
(round)&(U) |(round)&(U)| | (round)&(U)
&(U) = ----------- B +|-----------|G|+ ----------- M + K(U)
(round)B |(round)G | | (round)M

P. 38

When the price of gasoline is shocked, all of the coefficients with
round G ((round)G) in the denominator are evaluated at the same time. If
B, G, and M were independent, and sufficient for description of the
economy, then three shock tests would be necessary to evaluate the system.
There are other factors which may be represented the same way. For
example, the tendency of a docile sub-nation to withdraw under economic
pressure may be given by

[In the following equation and chart '0' will represent "null." -- Mark]

(round)0 (round)0
0 = -------- G + ----------- W(P) + ...
(round)G (round)W(P)

where G is the price of gasoline, W(P) is the dollars spent per unit
time (referenced to say 1939) for war production during 'peace' time,
etc.. These quantities are presented to a computer in matrix format as

| (round)P (round)P (round)P | | G | | P - K(P) |
| -------- -------- ... -------- | | | | |
| (round)G (round)B (round)U | | | | |
| | | | | |
| (round)F (round)F (round)F | | G | | P - K(P) |
| -------- -------- ... -------- | | | | |
| (round)G (round)B (round)U | | | | |
| | | | | |
| ... ... ... ... |.| . |=| . . . |
| | | | | |
| (round)T (round)T (round)T | | . | | T - K(T) |
| -------- -------- ... -------- | | | | |
| (round)G (round)B (round)U | | | | |
| | | | | |
| (round)0 (round)0 (round)0 | | U | | 0 - K(0) |
| -------- -------- ... -------- | | | | |
| (round)G (round)B (round)U | | | | |
| | | | | |
^ ^
| |
or [a(jk)][X(k)] = [Y(j)] X(k) Y(j)

where the a(jk) are defined by a(jk) = -----------

P. 39

and X(1) = G Y(1) = P - K(P)

X(2) = B Y(2) = F - K(F)

X(3) = etc. Y(3) = etc.

Finally, inverting this matrix, i.e., solving for the X(k) in terms
of the Y(j), we get, say,

[b(kj)] [Y(j)] = [X(k)]

This is the result into which we substitute (null) to get that set of
conditions of prices of commodities, bad news on T.V., etc., which will
deliver a collapse of public morale ripe for take over.
Once the economic price and sales coefficients a(jk) and b(jk) are
determined, they may be translated into the technical supply and demand
coefficients g(jk), C(jk), and 1/L(jk).

Shock testing of a given commodity is then repeated to get the time
rate of change of these technical coefficients.



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