

[ フォローアップ ] [ フォローアップを投稿 ] [ ★阿修羅♪ Ψ空耳の丘Ψ10 ]

投稿者 佐藤雅彦 日時 2000 年 9 月 22 日 22:13:39:


●以下の記事は、米国の陰謀系ニュースサイト「 RMNews 」で先日紹介されたものです。

●それから、この金価格操作陰謀に関して、フランクフルター・アルゲマイネ紙の記事に告発者のキーパースンとして紹介されていた「Venerosa Associates 」をキーワードにして検索したところ、米国の弁護士事務所(Berger & Montague)が発表したプレスリリースと、98年に日本がなぜだか金を買いあさっていたという噂について分析した論説が見つかったので、紹介しておきます。 それにしても、日本政府のゴールド買いあさりが真実なら、あの時期に誰がどうしてそういうことをしていたのか、興味深い話ではあります。




●●編集者より:これから紹介するのは、ヨーロッパで最も高名な新聞のひとつが連続掲載した重要な記事の英訳である。この記事は、世界の金市場で実行されている行なわれている次のことがヨーロッパの世界の金市場で行われている良識を逸脱した金融スキャンダルを扱ったものだ。 ここに書かれていることは、米国とドイツの当局が捜査せねばならない重大犯罪である。 紹介する記事は、ドイツの『フランクフルト一般新聞』(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) に載ったもので、同紙は米国の『ウォールストリート・ジャーナル』や英国の『ロンドン・フィナンシャル・タイムズ』紙に相当する。



GATA(Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee)は、金融機関の間で金価格をコントロールしようとする陰謀が行なわれていることを示す数々の徴候が見られると指摘している。 同委員会はこうした金融機関と金地金保管銀行(各国中央銀行)が貴金属マーケットで膨大な空売り利益を蓄積してきたことを、立証しようとしている。 これらの金融機関は、投機を目的に、少なくとも1万トンの金塊を空売りしてきたと見られる。1998年に生産された金の総量は2529トンだから、これはその4年分にも匹敵する途方もない規模だ。

金市場で行なわれてきたとされる価格操作のせいで、国際金融体制に重大な脅威がもたらされたとGATAは結論づけている。 この認識にもとづき、GATAは米国議会に『金のデリバティヴ取引によってもたらされた銀行界の危機』(Gold Derivative Banking Crisis )と題する118頁にわたる書類を提出し、公式な実態調査を要請した。 なおこの文書は、 GATA の Web サイトで「GDBC Report 」というキーワードで検索・閲覧することができる。

同委員会が疑惑の核心だと睨[にら]んでいるのは、経済状況は実際には全く逆だったにもかかわらず、デリバティブ取引で金を少なくとも1万トンも空売りした結果、パニックが起きて「買い」が殺到し、それによって「買い」機運を強引に煽ったのではないか、という疑いだ。 同委員会は昨年秋に金価格が1オンス84ドルにも急騰し、これがきっかけでパニックに煽られた(空売りを決済するための)買戻しに直面することになったと見ている。 ヨーロッパの15ヵ国の中央銀行が99年9月26日に「当面5年間は金の売却と他の各種貴金属の(相場変動を目的とする)売買[オペレーション]を制限する」と発表したが、その後、金価格は爆発的に高騰した。

* * *

●●『フランクフルト一般新聞』(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)



金価格が安くなれば大銀行は助かり、貧しい金産出国は打撃を受ける / GATAが告発する金価格操作の「国際陰謀」 (第2部)


このような陰謀説を唱えているのは、米国のGATAグループである。 同グループは米国議会にこの理論と、その裏付けとなる事実を提出し、実態調査を要請した。

GATA の推論の根拠となっているのは、世界の金需要が産生量に比べて著しく高いという事実だ。 けれども、 GATA によれば、金価格は利害関係者によって人為的に低いまま維持されているという。

金価格の市場操作疑惑を力説する材料として、GATAは合衆国通貨管理局(Office of the Controller of the Currency )の統計データを引き合いに出している。つまり同局の調査では、もっぱら貨幣を扱っている米国の銀行の決算報告(貸借対照表)には公式に記載されることのないデリバティヴ取引の総額は、1999年末の時点でおよそ870億ドルに達していたという。 これは米国のおよそ8140トンを誇る米国の現行の金準備高を軽くこえる額だ。

モーガン・ギャランティー・トラスト社(Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. )だけでも、貸借対照表で公表されないデリバティヴ取引の“戦果”が、183.6億ドルから318億ドルへと膨張している。 GATAのメンバーで、ヴェネロザ・アソシエイツ社(Venerosa Associates )というコンサルティング会社の会長をつとめるフランク ヴェネローゾ氏が見積もったところでは、民間および公共セクターによる金の空売り総額は、昨年末までに9000〜1万トンに達しているという。 全世界の金の採鉱量は、1999年度に推計2579トンだったにすぎない。 ということは、当然、世界産生量をはるかに上回る量の金が空売りされていたことを意味するわけだが、このギャップを短期間に埋め合わせることは困難だろう。

19 99年9月26日にワシントンで開催された会合の席で金の売却を制限するという合意が成立し、その反響として金価格が84ドルにも急騰したが、これは一種のパニックの結果起きたことだ。 だがこの金価格の急騰劇は、その後に起きたことの単なる前兆にすぎなかったと、GATAは告発する。

GATA が作成した文書によれば、米国連邦準備制度理事会のアラン・グリーンスパン理事長と、米国財務省のラリー・サマーズ長官は、金地金市場にはいかなる関与もしていないと言明したという。 けれども彼らは、米国の為替安定基金が金価格操作のために使われたのではないか、という疑惑に対しては、コメントを拒否した。 さらに GATA は、いくつかの有名な金取引会社が、金の価格が上昇しはじめると必ず介入して価格を下落させてきた、とも指摘している。

GATA は、ワシントンの複数の公式筋と複数の金取引銀行が金価格を押し下げるために、外国政府に圧力をかけて、国際間の金融決済のためにそれぞれの国家が準備しておくべき金を実物市場にそれらの国の公式のの情報源と金取引銀行が価格を押し下げるために実物市場に放出させたとも指摘している。 英国ではイングランド銀行が金準備の半分以上を処分してしまう決定を下したのだが、会計監査局がもっかその再検討を行なっている。

さらに GATA は、米国政府が外国のワシントンの貸借対照表が外国の最高権威の金融機関(sovereign institutions )[各国の中央銀行のことか?]から金の払い戻しを受けたことを反映して、貸借対照表に虚偽の記述が行なわれている、とも主張している。


第1の答えは、金価格が安ければ最初に、ニューヨークの金地金銀行に安い資本資源を提供できるから。 これらの銀行は、金地金を年率わずか1パーセントの利子で借りることができるのだ。 その金地金を貸し与えているのは中央銀行であるが、金地金銀行はこれを公開市場で売却して現金を手にすることができる。 金地金の売却収入は借入金利より際立って高いので、収益は投資に向けることができる。 金価格が低く抑えられているかぎり、少数の経済エリートたちにとってはまさに「金が儲けを運んでくる」という旨味のあるカネ儲けができるわけだが、これは大方貧困に喘いでいる金産出国の犠牲の上に成り立っていることも忘れてはならない。 ただし、金価格の上昇を許せば、金地金の借り入れ利率は法外に上昇するはずだ。


「我々は、国家が支払準備のために蓄積している金を、極端なほど大量に売り払った例を目撃してきた。しかし、その根拠となった金が本当に実在するものかどうか、までは我々には判らない」とGATAは述べている。 国際通貨基金(IMF)に報告された世界中の政府の金準備量は3万3000トン以下だった。 99年9月に金の売却制限で合意した米国・IMF・欧州15ヵ国中央銀行の金保有量は、このうちの2万6000トンである。 消去法で考えると、金の売却をひそかに行なっていたのは米国政府だけということになる。

金地金マーケットでゴールドマン・サックスが果たしている中心的な役割と、この投資銀行と米国政府との親密な癒着が、結局、米国政府が金をひそかに売却している、という噂を生みだしてきた。 連邦準備銀行と米国財務省が「米国は準備用の金を現物売りで放出したことはまったくない」と宣言したので、“どこの金が売りに出されたか”という詮索のなかから、米国政府がデリバティヴ取引に積極的に関与して(実際には存在しない)金を空売りしたのだ、という推測が出てきたわけである。

(独⇒英翻訳協力者:Gus Broger, Reinhard Deutsch, and Joerg Schroeder)

●『フランクフルト一般新聞』(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) は原語(ドイツ語)版のほかに英語版がある。

● http://www.faz.com/IN/INtemplates/eFAZ/default.asp?width=800&height=575&agt=netscape&ver=4&svr=4.02




● http://home.bm.net/042299.htm

Investigation of Gold Price Manipulation Launched by GATA;
Berger & Montague Retained as Counsel

(Copyright (c) 1999, PR Newswire)

RYE, N.H., April 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Noted antitrust and securities
law firm specialist, Berger & Montague of Philadelphia, has been retained by
the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) in order to assist in its
investigation into the alleged manipulation of the gold market. The
law firm is best known for its successes in recovering billions of
dollars in damages in the Drexel Burnham/Michael Milken junk bond
case, The Exxon Valdez case, and recent tobacco and Holocaust cases,
and many others.

Bill Murphy, GATA Chairman stated that the organization now has
evidence that the price and supply of gold are being controlled by a cartel of
Wall Street investment houses and bullion banks with the possible
encouragement of the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury. "This
collusion," said Murphy, violates anti-trust laws and exposes the
perpetrators to triple damages. "It has been devastating to the
entire gold community."

The major federal antitrust laws are the Sherman and Clayton Acts, but
there are others, and many other states have their own such anti-trust laws.
Whenever two or more parties cooperate in limiting prices or supplies
of a product or service, the free market is defeated and antitrust law
may be broken.

"For the first time, the gold industry is speaking out on the record
and in specifics regarding what they have suspected for years," said Murphy.
He cited Friday's published report quoting Chris Thompson, Chairman of
South African-based Gold Fields Limited, one the largest producers of
gold in the world. Thompson accused "New York-based bullion dealers"
of spreading unfounded and persistent rumors about its forward sales
program in order to "talk the gold price down."

Speaking here today, Murphy stated, "In some cases the gold market
manipulators are quite open about their activities, though most are
conducted in secret. They don't think that the law applies to them,
or that anyone would be so bold as to try to hold them accountable
under the law." Murphy went on to say, "We believe one of the reasons
that various financial institutions are acting in concerted action to hold down
the gold price is that they are now short hundreds of tons of borrowed gold
and that the speculative community in toto is short 3,000 tons, or more."

Yearly worldwide gold mine supply in 1998 was only 2,529 tons.
Essentially, many of these institutions are borrowing gold at 1-percent
interest, selling the gold into the market, and using the proceeds to invest
elsewhere. This "gold carry trade" is similar to the "yen carry
trade" that caused such problems internationally last year."

Such gold loans are cheap only if the price of gold holds steady or
declines. Even a modest rise in the price of gold would make such a
loan terribly costly, as principal repayment would become onerous.
The evidence GATA has compiled suggests that gold loans have become
so large that an international "systemic risk" problem has now been

For if the price of gold rose unexpectedly even to a moderate degree,
many gold borrowers would not be able to find enough gold quickly enough
without driving the price into the stratosphere. That is one of the
reasons that we believe certain financial entities have been
manipulating the market in collusive fashion to make sure the gold
price does not rise sharply above $300.

The antitrust lawsuit GATA plans is now in the investigative and research
stage, and GATA is seeking help from the gold community: financial
contributions in sup port of the lawsuit; potential plaintiffs for the
lawsuit; and potential witnesses willing to provide information
confidentially about gold market manipulation.

GATA also hopes gold company shareholders all over the world will
contribute and support its efforts. Chairman Bill Murphy stated: "The supply
demand numbers tell us that if the excessive gold borrowings were just
normalized the equilibrium price of gold today would be between $400
and $500."

GATA is incorporated in Delaware and has applied for tax-exempt status
under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. The organization is actively involved
in alerting members of Congress to this situation including offering
its views on the proposed IMF gold sales.

GATA has already scheduled meetings in Washington with Jim Saxton,
Chairman of the Joint Economic Committees, among others. Contributions
to GATA may be sent in care of John D. Meyer, Treasurer, at Box 885 Great
Barrington, MA. 01230. /CONTACT: Bill Murphy, Chairman of Gold Anti-Trust
Action Committee, 603-433-9389, or lepatron@lemetropolecafe.com

/ 08:01 EDT


● http://www.gold-eagle.com/asian_corner_98/oracle061698.html


During the week of June 8, 1998 several rumors reverberated around the Internet that Japan had recently purchased up to 400 tonnes of gold. Many financially knowledgeable and well-connected financial types and organizations have reported the alleged event… however, until now there has been no hard-fast evidence of the gold purchase. Nonetheless, information about the event has been heard from numerous - and widely dispersed - sources, lending some credence to its validity. Furthermore, data collection at the GOLD-EAGLE website indicates unusual traffic activity, supporting the rumor that Japan is indeed buying gold.

●●Following are some of occurrences supporting the validity of the rumor.

A spokesman for the internationally known gold consultant, VENEROSO ASSOCIATES, stated it has received information from several sources stating the Japanese bought 400 tonnes of gold (via the Swiss).

A well informed New Zealand friend of VENEROSA ASSOCIATES (who owns gold companies in U.S.) alluded to this possibility one month ago. Moreover, a London source said he saw the Swiss buying in big through a London Bank (he heard it was for the account of the Japanese - however, it was not confirmed). Furthermore, a South African source told us 400 tonnes were being bought by an Asian bank - and strongly "hinted" it was the Japanese. Later, a dealer in New York confirmed an Asian Central Bank was buying for the purpose of strengthening its currency. The rationale given by the gold buyer was the following. The buyer wanted to avoid the Canadian and Australian currency weakness, result ing from the sale of their gold reserves. Again, the source would NOT reveal the identity of the gold buyer.

Access activity at the GOLD-EAGLE website last week also provided circumstantial evidence Japan was buying gold through the Swiss. Firstly, the Japanese accesses to GOLD-EAGLE exploded during the last 10 days. Although the Nippons have been weekly visitors to GOLD-EAGLE, it was heretofore unimpressive in frequency, However, last week witnessed a dramatic increase in hits from the Land of the Rising Sun. In total numbers Japan now ranks fourth - behind the US, Canada and Australia - however, its accelerated growth rate may soon overtake Australia in weekly visits to GOLD-EAGLE.

While the Japanese "invasion" was going on, the Swiss National Bank (read Central Bank) began to pepper our website with their visits. Coincidence, you say? Perhaps. But this writer does not think so. In light of the monumental importance of the Japanese buying gold, it seems only reasonable that the parties involved wanted to determine if any information about their activities leaked - which would necessarily mold their future gold buying strategy.

●●Confirmation of Japan's Gold Purchases... not until it is a fait accompli

A number of posters at several Internet Chat sites have asked if there is any evidence or confirmation of the rumored Japanese gold purchases. That's hardly likely - as neither the Japanese nor the Swiss are going to tip their hands for very obvious reasons. Nonetheless, common-sense provides a solid base to logically conclude the Japanese are indeed selling US Treasuries and buying gold with the proceeds.

A number of weeks ago Japan publicly announced that it sold SOMETHING like $20 billion in US Treasuries. Rest assured if they admitted to selling $20 billion, the real amount must unmistakably be much greater. The reason? They are NOT fools to inform the entire world that they are dumping US T-Bonds, so that everyone else beats them to the punch - causing Uncle Sam's paper to plummet before the Nippons can unload their HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS IN US TREASURIES.

And the only logical investment vehicle for the proceeds of T-Bonds sales is the only thing in the financial world NOT at all-time record levels: GOLD. More specifically, gold is at near 18-year lows - very convenient, indeed!

We must recognize the Bank of Japan (BOJ) still has a very vivid image of the January 1989 stock market peak - when the Nikkei reached the astronomical and untenable level of nearly 40,000 -- which is STILL DOWN more than 63% AFTER NEARLY 10 YEARS IN A BEAR MARKET - and continues to plunge as this writes speaks.

The Japanese are NOT going to jump from the frying pan into the fire by selling PAPER TO BUY OTHER PAPER. They have NO VIABLE ALTERMATIVE! There is only GOLD.

And as far as PROOF-POSITIVE confirmation of the rumor is concerned, FORGET IT!! We mustn't be naive. No one is going to confirm anything, until it is a fait accompli for the whole enchi lada. By that I mean, it will be after the Land of the Rising Sun has already sold about $100 BILLION of its US Treasuries hoard, and subsequently purchased GOLD with the proceeds - which are ear-marked to shore-up the BOJ's paltry reserves of a mere 754 tonnes of the shiny metal (per IMF data).

You may well ask where does the $100 billion figure come from? I assure you it was not pulled out of the air.

We all know Japan is in many ways as financially strong as the US. Nonetheless, the US is enjoying unprecedented economic prosperity, Wall Street prices are discounting the "HERE-AFTER," and the greenback reigns supreme in the entire world. All while the second mightiest financial economic power is caught in a maelstrom of spiraling DEFLATION, the Nikkei in free-fall to the 15000 level, where many banks and insurance companies are technically INSOLVENT - all in concert with the yen relentlessly sinking to Dante's Fifth Ring of HELL.

So, where DOES the figure of $100 billion come from?! Many economists and market analysts agree that the biggest disparity between the US and Japan is the level of respective indebtedness AND the level of gold reserves backing its currency.

Uncle Sam is the world's largest debtor, whereas Japan is the world's largest creditor. Per IMF data Uncle Sam possesses the world's largest stash of gold reserves (262 million ounces equivalent to 8,143 tonnes) - while the Land of the Rising Sun has a mere 754 tonnes of the shiny as reserves backing for the crumbling yen, whose supply has reportedly soared by 50% during the last 12 months. One does not have to be a Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman to comprehend these gross disparities as the cardinal source of Japan's malady.

Like any prudent person or entity suffering dire financial straights, the BOJ first identifies the problem. Subsequently, it estimates how much gold it should accumulate - and more importantly, how much it is willing to spend to achieve its goal.

Bank of Japan
Since the US and Japan economies are similar in many ways and size, it is reasonable to believe that the BOJ estimates it TOO should possess at least 8,000 tonnes of gold reserves. Understandably, to go from 754 to 8,000 tonnes requires utmost financial deft and acute discreetness in order NOT to upset market conditions by forcing the gold price into orbit due to uncommon and unusual demand. Therefore, painstakingly careful purchases must be the order of the day… all the while circulating mis-information so as to sustain the heretofore bearish market psychology, plaguing gold in recent years - and especially so in recent months.

Regardless of how much discretion is exercised by the BOJ, unconfirmed word will inevitably leak as it acquires more and more of the noble metal. Furthermore, the BOJ well realizes that its consistent accumulation will eventually cause gold's downtrend to reverse itself BEFORE THE BOJ HAS HAD ENOUGH TIME TO REACH THE GOAL OF 8,000 TONNES. Consequently, the BOJ will be paying higher and higher prices to accumulate - which is the reason for the $100 billion estimate of T-Bond sales.

For the sake of argument let us assume that the BOJ indeed has recently purchased 400 tonnes of gold. Theoretically, Japan would now possess 1,154 tonnes - still shy 6,846 tonnes from its hypothetical goal. It still needs about 220 million ounces. Therefore, gold prices will soon begin to rise as the Nippons build their gold reserves position. However, it only "spent" about $4 billion in accumulating the last 400 tonnes (about 13,000,000 ounces) - leaving $96 billion in the 'gold war-chest.' Indeed, a good margin of safety.

Although the BOJ is doing well in its gold accumulation, prices will inevitably rise as it cautiously picks up the remaining 220,000,000 ounces. On purely a simple mathematical basis the BOJ may conceivably pay an average price of $436 per ounce, AND STILL COME IN UNDER BUDGET (i.e. $100 billion).

An average gold purchase price of $436 for Japanese gold accumulation is reasonable and feasible based upon empirical data. The published report "1998 Gold Price Probabilities" analyzed gold prices over a 19-year period. Specifically, it displays the annual high and low values for the London PM gold fix from 1979 to 1996. The upshot of the report was the following.

Based upon gold's performance
during the last 19 years, the yellow metal
has feasible certainty in reaching the
$400 area, and more than fair probability
of approaching $459 in 1998.

The report "1998 Gold Price Probabilities" may be seen at URL:

Indeed, confirmation of the rumored Japanese gold purchases will see the light of day only when the BOJ's plan becomes a fait accompli.

16 June 1998



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