(「福島サウンドスケープ:震災3年目の音風景」「福島大学の除染をめぐって」「小鳥の森」「新浜公園」「信夫山」) NTSC (color),stereo 2011-2019
“Fukushima Soundscape” NTSC (color), stereo, 2011-2019
福島大学 共生システム理工学類 教授
What is a truth that we cannot visually see with our eyes. Fukushima Soundscape is an attempt to present the reality of Fukushima with “sounds.”
The project was launched by NAGAHATA in 2011, where he has continuously researched the “Soundscapes” of various locations in Fukushima. The work on exhibit is a videolized work, which is an extraction of the project with locations and photographs of where the sounds were collected added as slides.
Soundscape is literally ”The landscape of sound.”The term was popularised by R. Murray SCHAFER, who established a research methodology allowing a deepened perception of culture and social systems possible through focusing on acoustic environment.
One year after the March 11th accident, human voices had come back in parks, however, the forests were yet to remain silent. The sounds of decontamination of radioactive materials were much louder in areas in which have higher commercial values compared to residential areas. These were realities of Fukushima that had been disclosed through the work.
SCHAFER’s ideology had been kept at a distance in Japan, with its utopian point of view of criticizing civilization. NAGAHATA responded to SCHAFER’s ideology by deciphering Fukushima from a social perspective.
The work was exhibited at Oto no fukei (landscape of the sound) at Natural History Museum Institute, Chiba, in 2013, however, was subject to censorship where the artist accused the principle and administration of Fukushima University of their indefinite decontamination activity in the explanation text of the work. This part of the text was deleted by the organizer. Alternatively, the case became an example of showcasing the diversity of censorship. (ARAI Hiroyuki)
2018 『深沼サウンドスケープ』(深沼団:CD)
2017 WINDOW ON FUKUSHIMA, A WINFOW ON FUKUSHIMA,(福島大学行政政策学類棟大会議室・La Maison Laurentine〈フランス〉: 音響作品)
2013 「サウンドスケープ研究者の私が放射能汚染問題に対して発言を続けるのか」(『原発災害とアカデミズム』所収 合同出版)
2013 「福島サウンドスケープ:震災3年目の音風景」Creative Music Festival、岐阜:レクチャー+作品上映
1997 「島に響きわたる音 山口県・蓋井島」(中川真編『小さな音風景へ』所収 時事通信社)