2014年06月23日16:39 とある原発の溶融貫通(メルトスルー)
以下は,机の上の空 大沼安史の個人新聞さんからの引用です。
〔フクイチ・グローバル核惨事〕 ★ 高木仁三郎さんの盟友、マイケル・スナイダーさんが全世界に警告! 「フクイチは最悪の事故だった(過去形)――と考えられているが、違う。それよりはこれからもっと最悪になりうるものだ(現在・未来形)」「最大の問題は日本政府と東電の対処の仕方だ」「放出放射能はチェルノブイリの約3倍」
◎ ソース : インディペンデント・ヨーロッパ・デイリー・エクスプレス
Q & A with Mycle Schneider, nuclear energy consultant
(20日付け) ⇒ http://www.iede.co.uk/news/2014_4793/qa-%C3%A2%E2%82%AC%C5%93fukushima-accident-still-ongoing-after-three-years%C3%A2%E2%82%AC%C2%9D
◎ マイケル・スナイダーさんの日本語Wiki ⇒ http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%9E%E3%82%A4%E3%82%B1%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A5%E3%83%8A%E3%82%A4%E3%83%80%E3%83%BC
Q What did Fukushima represent regarding the safety of nuclear plants?
A Mycle Schneider, nuclear energy consultant: People think Fukushima was the worst case, but it was not. It can become much worse, it is not over. This accident is ongoing, it has been for three years. There are continuous leaks of radioactivity in the environment because the radioactive inventory is not stabilised. It’s an unprecedented event in complexity, in size and in consequences. The biggest problem is that the methodology chosen by Tepco and the Japanesegovernment appears inappropriate. We see that after three years the situation is very far from being stabilised.
Schneider : The amount of radioactivity that has gone into water that was leaked into the basements is estimated to be roughly three times the amount of radioactivity released during the Chernobyl accident. This issue is vastly underestimated.
◎ 関連: デモクラシーNOW(日本語字幕つき):高木仁三郎の盟友マイケル・シュナイダーが語るプルトニウムの恐怖と平和利用のペテン
⇒ http://democracynow.jp/video/20110414-9
Posted by 大沼安史 at 09:06 午後 | Permalink
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