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(Steve Kirsch)
From a friend of mine: “… On another note I had my annual Pap smear and unfortunately came back with very abnormal cells. Grade 3 is the worst and I’m grade 2. So I have to have an outpatient leep procedure and have them cut it out. What was most fascinating is my OBGYN asked me if I was vaccinated. I told her unfortunately yes and she said “it’s the vaccine that did this to you. We are seeing a huge increase in abnormal cells and cancers, especially estrogen positive cancers in women as well as reactivated viruses such as HPV.” I was shocked. This is a doctor I had never met before and she just threw that out there willingly.”
私の友人から: 「...別のことだけど、毎年恒例のパップスメア(子宮頸部細胞診)を受けて、異常が見つかったの。グレード3が最悪で、私はグレード2。それで、外来でループ切除手術で切除してもらうことになったの。最も興味深かったのは、産婦人科医が私にワクチン接種の有無を尋ねてきたこと。残念ながら打ちましたと答えると、彼女は「ワクチンのせいでこうなったのよ」と言った。「異常細胞やがん、特に女性のエストロゲン陽性のがんやHPVのような再活性化したウイルスが非常に増えているのよ」と言われた。ショックだった。初めて診てもらった先生だけど、さらりとそう言ったの」
1:58 AM Apr 19, 2024
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