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(ニュース) 私は、ケイト・ミドルトンがCOVID-19ワクチンで傷害を負ったのではないかととても心配していたが、正しかったかもしれない。
もしプリンセス・オブ・ウェールズがCOVID-19 mRNAワクチンを接種し、その後がんを発症したとすれば、これはおそらくCOVID-19 mRNAワクチン誘発ターボがんの可能性がある。
Last edited11:30 AM Mar 22, 2024
新しい記事: プリンセス・オブ・ウェールズ、ケイト・ミドルトンががんと診断された - 2021年に接種したCOVID-19 mRNAワクチンによるターボがんの可能性が高い。
腹部の大手術と "予防化学療法 "を必要とするmRNA誘発ターボがんはどの可能性が高いだろうか?
1. ターボ大腸がん - 最も一般的ながんのひとつ
2. ターボ卵巣がん - 増加傾向、予後不良
3. ターボ子宮がん - 子宮内膜がんまたは肉腫
4. まれなターボがん - 虫垂、胆嚢、膵臓、胃
ターボ大腸がんは最もあり得るシナリオであり、ファイザーまたはモデルナCOVID-19 mRNAワクチン接種後に発生するがんのトップ5である。
彼女はまた、COVID-19 mRNAワクチン誘発ターボがんという非常に現実的で危険な症状を理解する医師を必要としている。
Last edited4:22 AM Mar 23, 2024
「英キャサリン妃、写真の編集を認め謝罪 外出する姿が確認される」 (BBC 2024/3/12)
「キャサリン妃の体調めぐる憶測、やまず 医療情報が侵害されたとの報道も 英王室」
(BBC 2024/3/22)
「キャサリン英皇太子妃ががんを公表、治療の初期段階と」 (BBC 2024/3/23)
「BBC Reporter Admits Royals Using Kate Middleton ‘Body Double’」
(The People's Voice 2024/3/19)
NEWS: I've been very concerned about Kate Middleton being COVID-19 Vaccine Injured. I may have been correct.
If The Princess of Wales @KensingtonRoyal
had COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines and then developed cancer, this could indeed be COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancer.
Because Turbo Cancer is being covered up by the medical establishment and media, her doctors, good as they may be, will NOT provide her adequate or appropriate cancer treatment.
Kate Middleton should urgently seek out medical professionals who understand the phenomenon of mRNA Induced Immune system damage and Turbo Cancer and can offer her alternative treatments (high dose Ivermectin, Fenbendazole) that could save her life.
I am very saddened to hear this...
Last edited11:30 AM Mar 22, 2024
NEW ARTICLE: The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton has been diagnosed with Cancer - there is a high probability she has Turbo Cancer, caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines she took in 2021.
What are the most likely mRNA Induced Turbo Cancers that would require major abdominal surgery and "preventative chemotherapy"?
1. Turbo Colon Cancer - one of most common
2. Turbo Ovarian Cancer - on the rise, poor prognosis
3. Turbo Uterine Cancer - endometrial or sarcoma
4. Rare Turbo Cancers - appendix, gallbladder, pancreas, gastric
I go through each of these Turbo Cancer scenarios in detail in my article.
Turbo Colon Cancer would be the most common scenario, it is the top 5 cancer that occurs following vaccination with Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.
Turbo Colon Cancer is skyrocketing and presents now in younger and younger men and women. It grows rapidly and often doesn't respond to standard chemotherapy and radiotherapy regimens. Immunotherapy also doesn't work, which tends to shock Oncologists.
Turbo Ovarian Cancer is on the rise in younger women. These often present as ovarian cysts and in many cases are initially assumed to be benign.
Many cases of Turbo Ovarian Cancer have been ignored by doctors until they were so large that they had to be surgically removed - and only then is cancer discovered. These have a poor prognosis.
Turbo Uterine cancer is also skyrocketing and this could present with abdominal pain or bleeding, and thought initially to be benign tumors like fibroids. These are either endometrial cancers or sarcomas.
Rare Turbo Cancers in the abdomen would include appendix, gallbladder, pancreas, gastric, liver.
Appendix can present as appendicitis, gallbladder as acute cholecystitis - upon removal, cancer can be discovered, hidden and unexpected. These are not "major abdominal surgeries", however, so they are less likely.
My hypothesis and concern is that the major abdominal surgery The Princess of Wales had was a total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and the cancer is either an Ovarian cancer or a Uterine cancer that was discovered unexpectedly after pathological examination of the surgical specimen.
The need for "preventative chemotherapy" suggests a Turbo Ovarian Cancer, or a more advanced stage Turbo Uterine Cancer (or more aggressive subtypes such as Uterine carcinosarcomas, clear cell cancers, or serous cancers) which would also require chemotherapy.
If The Princess of Wales is suffering from Turbo Ovarian Cancer or an advanced or aggressive Turbo Uterine Cancer, she will need a much more comprehensive Cancer Treatment plan than her UK Oncologists will offer her.
Turbo Cancers in general don't respond to standard chemotherapy, radiotherapy or immunotherapy regimens.
This is especially true for Turbo Ovarian Cancers.
The Princess will need a Treatment plan that addresses some of the unique characteristics of mRNA Induced Turbo Cancer.
This will include a spike protein “detoxification” protocol (that involves spike protein breakdown agents such as Nattokinase and spike protein binding agents with anti-cancer properties such as Quercetin, Olive Leaf, Nigella Sativa or Curcumin)
as well as an “Alternative treatment plan” that includes high dose Ivermectin and high dose Fenbendazole/Mebendazole/Albendazole.
She must also eliminate sugar from her diet, as cancer thrives on sugar, and consider certain foods with powerful anti-cancer properties (Soursop, Turkey Tail mushroom, etc are great examples)
I hope The Princess of Wales @KensingtonRoyal can surround herself with doctors who didn’t abandon their Hippocratic Oath during the COVID-19 pandemic (unfortunately vast majority did, including virtually all Oncologists).
She also needs doctors who understand the very real and dangerous phenomenon of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancer.
Article Link in photo to avoid shadowban, just re-type the URL in the 1st photo at the top, into your browser to access
Last edited4:22 AM Mar 23, 2024
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