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「GLOOM BOOM: Depression rates in the US hit a record high, Gallup poll shows」
(Natural News 2023/5/18)
「うつブーム: 米国のうつ病率が過去最高を記録、ギャラップ社の世論調査で判明」
(Natural News) 現在の経済・政治情勢は誰もが落ち込むのに十分なものだが、多くのアメリカ人にとって、問題ははるかに深刻である。新しい世論調査では、臨床うつ病と正式に診断されるアメリカ人が増えていることが示されている。
ヤバい4つの症状とは (デイリー新潮)」 (拙稿 2023/5/22)
「脳のあらゆる部位から検出され」それらは一様に脳組織を破壊していた (In Deep)」
(拙稿 2023/4/13)
(Natural News) The current economic and political climate is enough to make anyone feel down, but for many Americans, the problem is far more serious as a new poll shows an increasing number of Americans are being officially diagnosed with clinical depression.
A newly released Gallup poll found that the percentage of American adults who report they have received a diagnosis of depression at some time in their life has hit 29 percent. This is a full 10 percentage points greater than 2015’s figure. Meanwhile, the percentage of Americans who report either being treated for depression in the past or currently receiving treatment has risen to 17.8 percent, marking a rise of seven points in the same time period.
The poll involved more than 5,000 American adults and was conducted during the last week of February. It is part of the ongoing Gallup National Health and Wellbeing Index. Gallup reports that these are the biggest rates on record since they started this particular measure of depression among Americans.
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