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「Horowitz: Earth-shattering document shows Pfizer & FDA knew about safety concerns
for pregnant and nursing women from day one」
(By Daniel Horowitz Conservative Review 2023/4/27)
妊 娠
・ 458人の妊婦のうち54%が有害事象を報告した。その中には、注射を受けた他の人が経験した有害事象と同じような症状が含まれていた。
・ 53人(11.6%)が流産を経験し、これは間違いなく予想される範囲の高い方である。
・ 最も注目すべきは、6人の赤ちゃんが重篤な症状を経験したことで、ファイザー社は、ワクチンが"胎盤を通過して"移行したことが原因であると認めている。このため、早産になった可能性が高い。つまりファイザー社は、注射が肩の筋肉にとどまらず全身に広がること、そしてスパイクタンパク質が胎盤に広がる可能性があることを最初から知っていたのである。
・ 2名の赤ちゃんは、母親が妊娠後半にワクチンを接種した後、スパイクたんぱくに関連する既知の呼吸器疾患(重度の呼吸困難と気胸)を患い、死亡した。
・ 乳児の1人は24週で生まれ、極めて不安定な状態であるにもかかわらず、ファイザー社はその赤ちゃんが "経胎盤経由 "で曝露されたと考えていたようだが、その結果についてフォローアップすることはなかった。
・ 別の未熟児は、母親が2回目の投与を受けたわずか1週間後に胎児頻脈(心拍数が速い)を発症した。この赤ちゃんは入院したが、同社はその結果についてフォローアップすることはなかった。調査によると、8%〜13%の人が注射を受けた後に心拍が速くなったという。
・ 接種人口の大部分において、比較的軽微な有害事象を軽視するのは一つの問題である。しかし、この報告では、215人の授乳婦のうち20%が、注射を受けた後に有害事象を報告した。つまり、たとえ発熱などの軽微な症状であったとしても、母乳を通して注射が移行しているということである。
・ また、顔面神経麻痺、リンパ節腫脹(がんと関連する可能性のあるリンパ節の腫れ)、目のかすみなど、重篤な有害事象もあった。6名の乳児に重篤な有害事象が発生し、皮膚の剥離、発疹、皮膚の腫れ、特定不能の疾患などがあった。
No wonder Pfizer and the FDA sought to hide these documents from the public for 75 years. To this day, the medical field is pressuring pregnant women to get these terrible shots, but now we know that Pfizer was tracking safety concerns for these women from day one. As we observe plummeting birth rates and skyrocketing fetal losses throughout the world, it is now clear that Pfizer and the FDA were aware that the vaccine could spread through the placenta and breast milk, as later studies seemed to confirm. Where is the action from Congress? This affects all of humanity, including a generation yet to be born.
The eight-page confidential document was dated April 20, 2021, but tracked 458 pregnant women and 215 lactating women from the time the shots were released until February 28, 2021. That was the same date that Pfizer already recorded over 1,200 deaths and over 1,000 categories of serious adverse events. Here are the gory details, courtesy of Trial Site’s Sonia Elijah.
・ 54% of the 458 pregnant women reported adverse events. These included symptoms in line with AEs experienced by others who took the shots.
・ 53 of the women (11.6%) experienced miscarriages, which is definitely on the high end of what we should expect.
・ Most notably, six of the babies experienced serious AEs that Pfizer admitted were caused by the vaccine transferring “transplacentally.” This likely caused them to be born prematurely. So Pfizer knew from day one not only that the shots do not remain in the shoulder muscle and do indeed spread throughout the body, but that the spike protein could spread to the placenta.
・ Two of the babies died after suffering from known respiratory ailments associated with the spike protein (severe respiratory distress and pneumothorax) after their mothers received the vaccine during the second semester.
・ One of the infants was born at 24 weeks, which is extremely precarious, yet Pfizer never followed up on the outcome, even though the company seemed to think the baby was exposed “via transplacental route.”
・ Another premature baby developed fetal tachycardia (rapid heart rate) just one week after the mother received her second dose. The baby was hospitalized, but the company never followed up on the outcome. Surveys have shown 8%-13% of people suffered rapid heartbeat after getting the shots.
Nursing Women
・ It’s one thing to shrug off relatively minor AEs in a massive portion of the population, but this report showed 20% of the 215 lactating women reported AEs after receiving the shot. So even if they were minor AEs, such as fever, that means the shots are transferring through the breast milk.
・ Also, some of the AEs were serious, such as facial paralysis, lymphadenopathy (swelling of lymph nodes that could be associated with cancer) and blurred vision. Six infants experienced serious AEs, included skin exfoliation, rashes, swollen skin, and unspecified sickness.
Let’s not forget that to this day, we still do not have a formal Pfizer study of the shot’s safety in pregnant women. What we do have is the study of 21 rats by pre-clinical trial investigator Charles River Laboratories, which found more than twice the rate of preimplantation loss in the trial rats than those in the control group (4.2% vs. 9.8%).
Although few people are getting new shots, OBGYNs are still terrorizing women to be “up to date” on COVID shots, and the FDA has now paved the way to make these permanent endemic shots as part of the annual schedule. With this information about reproductive health risks confirmed not just by outside studies and alarming epidemiological data, but by Pfizer itself, how come there is no sense of urgency from House Republicans to investigate Pfizer’s callous disregard for human life? This is doubly relevant as the FDA prepares to approve new shots for the RSV and mRNA-based flu shots.
How can Congress continue to allow multiple DOD and HHS agencies to funnel billions of dollars to Pfizer to continue producing similar biologics that are so harmful at the same time they are indemnified from liability? The company is able to use the taxpayer-funded revenue to then funnel money to powerful organizations to promote mandates. Earlier this week, Lee Fang posted on his Substack a copy of the disclosures showing some of the top medical and civic organizations took Pfizer funding before pushing the mandates.
These organizations included the Chicago Urban League, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the National Consumers League, The Immunization Partnership, the American Pharmacists Association, the American College of Preventive Medicine, the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, the American Society for Clinical Pathology and the American College of Emergency Physicians.
Thus, it’s quite evident that none of the decisions of “private” institutions to mandate or even endorse the shots were driven by free market factors, but by government funding, coercion, and denying those initially injured during the early weeks an ability to sue Pfizer, which is a gross violation of the Seventh Amendment.
In many respects, this “public-private” partnership is more fascistic than pure unvarnished government action because we cannot vote out the leadership of Pfizer. To that end, either the subsidies or the liability exemptions need to be repealed. Yet Congress hasn’t even precluded mandates in the future. What a disgrace!
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