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2023年1月11日(水) 記入者: JD Heyes
(Natural News) 保守派の大統領でドナルド・トランプの盟友であるジャイル・ボルソナロを失脚させ、極左の確信犯で一般に単に「ルーラ」と呼ばれるルイス・イナシオ・ルーラ・ダ・シルバ元大統領に置き換えた、広範囲な不正投票だとすることに腹を立てたブラジル人の海が、国家議会を含む政府の建物に押し寄せ、ここ数日間平和的にそれを行っている。
"政権を取った新しい左翼政権に狙われるのを避けるため、ボルソナロ大統領はブラジルから脱出せざるを得ず、米国に安全を求め、フロリダの自宅に愛するUFCの伝説的人物ホセ・アルドと滞在していると言われている "と、報告書は続けた。
「米国がラテンアメリカで戦略的に最も重要な同盟国であり、全世界で数少ないキリスト教国の一つであるブラジルで起きていることに対する懸念は、ここ米国の識者からも以前から指摘されていた」と、MPAのEric Simmons氏はBig League Politics reportで指摘している。"この地域における中国の影響力の増大により、ブラジルは、拡大し続ける中国政府よりも米国に有利な、米国の影響圏における最後のドミノの1つとなった"と。
Situation Update, Jan 9, 2022 - Brazil's UPRISING the first of MANY to come in 2023
Brazilians angry over massive vote fraud occupy government buildings including national congress
Wednesday, January 11, 2023 by: JD Heyes
(Natural News) A sea of Brazilians angry about what they claim is widespread vote fraud that swept conservative president and ally of Donald Trump Jair Bolsonaro out of office, replacing him with far-left convict and former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, commonly referred to simply as “Lula,” swept into government buildings including the national congress, but did so peacefully in recent days.
According to Big League Politics, “Brazilians flooded the streets in protest of what they strongly believe was a subversion of their democracy by the socialist leader and his allies in government, joining together in prayer and calling on the military to fix what they asserted was a leftist takeover of their nation.”
The report noted further:
These patriotic Brazilians, unwilling to see Brazil fall to convicted criminal Lula’s designs for their nation, recently occupied Three Powers square in Brazil’s capital, filing into the buildings that house Congress and the Supreme Court, along with the presidential palace, in another round of vastly peaceful protests. The protestors, along with Bolsonaro, insist that problems with electronic voting are responsible for inaccurate results — a claim increasingly common in Western nations —that handed the federal government of Brazil over to pro-China socialist Lula.
The protests began again in earnest about a week after Lula was inaugurated, but months after tens of millions of Brazilians concerned about mass election fraud have been ignored by military leaders, government officials, and the international community, many of whom are happy to see Bolsonaro go because he, like Trump, is anti-globalist and against the international COVID lockdown regime.
Per the usual reaction from leftist Western regimes, Brazilians who took part in the initial protests several months ago were economically punished, despite the fact that the protests were entirely peaceful in nature, but were deemed “inconvenient” by authorities. Reprisals by Lula’s government included the freezing of bank accounts, which was condoned by the same left-wing Supreme Court that ordered Lula freed from prison and thus cleared the way for him to be installed again like Joe Biden was installed in the U.S.
“In an effort to avoid being targeted by the new leftist regime taking power, President Bolsonaro was forced to flee Brazil, seeking safety in the United States, where he is reportedly staying with beloved UFC legend Jose Aldo in his Florida home,” the report continued.
In a national address during his inauguration, Lula — again, who was released from prison after being convicted on charges of money laundering and corruption — made what many believed were threats against members of Bolsonaro’s conservative government (sound familiar?) when he declared, “Those who erred will answer for their errors,” claiming that he has the backing of the “rule of law” as justification for taking political retribution against his opponents.
“The concerns about what is happening in Brazil — the most strategically important ally the United States has in Latin America and one of the few Christian nations left in the entire world — have been voiced by pundits here in the U.S. for some time now,” Eric Simmons, MPA, noted in his Big League Politics report. “China’s growing influence in the region has left Brazil as one of the last dominos in the United States’ sphere of influence to favor the U.S. over the ever-expanding Chinese government.”
Lula has often praised Communist China and has said he wants to more closely align Brazil with the ChiComs as part of the BRICS alliance, which consists of Brazil, India, China, and South Africa, among others. The alliance’s purpose is to supplant the United States as the world’s dominant financial and military power.
Why Joe Biden isn’t doing more to help Bolsonaro than Lula should tell you everything you need to know about where his administration’s allegiance lies. And it’s not with the American people.
WATCH the Health Ranger’s Situation Report on the matter here:
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