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“Those of You Who Think the Vaccine Kills People Can Use Me as a Test” ? Bodybuilding Icon and Author Doug Brignole Passes Away At 63
(By Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit 2022/10/15)
「『ワクチンで殺されると思う人は、私を実験台にしてほしい』 ボディビルダーで作家のダグ・ブリニョールが63歳で死亡」
「ボディビルダーとコロナワクチン」 (中村篤史/ナカムラクリニック 2021/11/12)
(GONG 2022/10/14)
Doug Brignole, an icon in the world of bodybuilding and an author, has died at the age of 63.
The cause of death has not been revealed yet.
Brignole strongly supports with vaccination against COVID. His last statement on the subject of vaccine safety has been widely shared on the internet.
“I have enough confidence in the vaccine, based on my research, to get it done,” Brignole said.
“Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test. If I die, you were right. If I don’t die, and have no ill effects, you were wrong, and should admit it (at least to yourselves). Better yet, you should admit that you were misled, and tell the world who misled you, so other people can benefit by avoiding those fearmongers.”
Brignole took the Moderna vaccine last year according to his Facebook post.
“I’m vaccinated ! Well, the first of two. Let’s get this done so we can get back to traveling, going to concerts, and having fun. My vaccine was yesterday, and I had no problem with it. My deltoid was a bit sore, but otherwise fine. We’re all in this together, so let’s do our share to beat it.”
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