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「PayPal Reverses Plan To Fine Users $2,500 For ‘Misinformation’ After Daily Wire Report」
(By Greg Wilson Daily Wire 2022/10/8)
「最近、誤情報を含む[Accepted Use Policy]の通知が誤って出された」とペイパル広報担当者は述べた。「ペイパルは誤情報に対して罰金を科すことはなく、この文言は私たちのポリシーに含まれることを意図したものではありません。このような混乱を招いたことをお詫びいたします」
彼らは12時間 "審査中 "の転送を延期している。しかし、少なくともそれは終わった。#ペイパルは死んだ
― Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) October 8, 2022
当初の発表では、ペイパルは11月3日に「既存の禁止行為リスト」を拡張するとしていた。変更の中には、「誤情報を拡げる」または 「ユーザーの安全や福利に対するリスクを与える」いかなるメッセージ、コンテンツ、または資料の送信、投稿、または公開のためにプラットフォームを使用することを禁止することが含まれていた。また、ユーザーは、「憎しみ、暴力、人種、その他の差別的な不寛容を促進すること」も方針で禁止された。
「現行の法律では、ペイパルは民間企業としてこの種の差別視点的な方針を実施することはできます」と、Foundation for Individual Rights and ExpressionのシニアプログラムオフィサーであるAaron Terrは本紙に語る。「ペイパルがどのような動機で、新たにこのような曖昧な禁止表現カテゴリーを設けたにせよ、ユーザーの言論に深刻な抑制効果をもたらすことはほぼ間違いないでしょう。定義が曖昧で差別視点的な言論統制によくあるように、支持者の少ない、あるいは少数派の視点を持つ人々が、こうした規制の矢面に立たされることになりそうです」
この発表と取り消しは、ペイパルがFree Speech Unionという非営利団体を運営するコメンテーターToby Youngに関連する3つのアカウントを取り消した数日後に行われた。この団体は、俳優でコメディアンのラッセル・ブランドなどのクライアントを擁護してきた。 彼は最近、以前のプラットフォームからの検閲に対抗して、彼のショーをYouTubeからRumbleに移動した。
ペイパルは、子どもの性的虐待に反対する団体「Gays Against Groomers」や、進化生物学者のコリン・ライト、ジャーナリストのイアン・マイルズ・チェンにも制裁措置を取っている。同社は6月中、ソーシャルメディアにレインボーカラーのバナーを掲載し、プラットフォームが「すべての人に開かれている」ことをアピールしていたが、PayPal U.K.では現在もこのバナーを掲載している。
「グローバル・ウォークアウト 第4ステップ 『できる限り多くの口座を組合や地方銀行に移すこと』
(purplepearl訳)」 (拙稿 2022/9/28)
A red-faced PayPal walked back a shocking new policy announcement that users who advance “misinformation” could face fines of $2,500 per offense, saying it was all a mistake after The Daily Wire called attention to the chilling scheme.
The financial services company, which has repeatedly deplatformed organizations and individual commentators for their political views, announced Saturday, one day after The Daily Wire story broke, that the announcement went out in error.
“An [Accepted Use Policy] notice recently went out in error that included incorrect information,” a PayPal spokesperson said. “PayPal is not fining people for misinformation and this language was never intended to be inserted in our policy. We’re sorry for the confusion this has caused.”
Just moved all money I had in my PayPal account out of it. And I very must suggest you do the same.
This is serious.
They are delaying the transfer “pending review” for 12 hours. But at least it’s done. #PayPal is dead.
― Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) October 8, 2022
The original announcement said PayPal would expand its “existing list of prohibited activities” on November 3. Among the changes were prohibitions on using the platform for “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that “promote misinformation” or “present a risk to user safety or wellbeing.” Users were also barred under the policy from “the promotion of hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory.”
Before posting its initial story, The Daily Wire reached out to PayPal for definitions of the added terms but received no response.
The report sparked outrage online, with many people tweeting pledges to dump the online payment facilitator. Particularly chilling was the fact that the policy said determinations of what could be deemed “misinformation,” or a threat to the “wellbeing” of other users was to be at the “sole discretion” of PayPal. The now-aborted policy said users could be liable for “damages” ― including the removal of $2,500 “debited directly from your PayPal account” per offense.
“Under existing law, PayPal has the ability as a private company to implement this type of viewpoint-discriminatory policy,” Aaron Terr, a senior program officer at the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, told The Daily Wire. “Whatever motivation PayPal has for establishing these vague new categories of prohibited expression, they will almost certainly have a severe chilling effect on users’ speech. As is often the case with ill-defined and viewpoint-discriminatory speech codes, those with unpopular or minority viewpoints will likely bear the brunt of these restrictions.”
The announcement and reversal comes days after PayPal canceled three accounts linked to Toby Young, a commentator who runs a nonprofit called Free Speech Union. The organization has defended clients such as actor and comedian Russell Brand, who recently moved his show from YouTube to Rumble in reaction to censorship from the former platform.
Platforms such as Amazon, Twitter, and Facebook have censored conservatives over their positions on controversial social issues, including transgenderism, vaccination mandates, and homosexuality. GoFundMe seized millions in funds raised for trucker protests in Canada earlier this year, while Google recently began suppressing search results for crisis pregnancy centers.
PayPal has also sanctioned Gays Against Groomers, a group that opposes the sexualization of children, as well as evolutionary biologist Colin Wright and journalist Ian Miles Cheong. The company featured a rainbow-colored banner on its social media platforms during the month of June affirming that the platform is “open for all” ― and PayPal U.K. still sports the banner.
“Whatever PayPal’s intentions may be, censorship and chilling free speech is precisely the effect of these kinds of vaguely worded policies,” Tedesco added. “We’ve seen social media companies use similar policies to stifle free speech on their platforms. We can expect a similar outcome with PayPal.”
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