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「Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk」
(JAMA Network Nazeeh Hanna, MD1; Ari Heffes-Doon, MD1; Xinhua Lin, PhD2; et al
「ヒト母乳中のMessenger RNA COVID-19ワクチンの検出について」
COVID-19パンデミックと戦う上で、ワクチン接種は重要な役割を果たす。しかし、最初のメッセンジャーRNA(mRNA)ワクチンの臨床試験では、幼児や授乳中の人など、いくつかの脆弱なグループが除外された[1]。 米国食品医薬品局は、6カ月未満の乳児に対するCOVID-19 mRNAワクチンの認可決定を、データが揃うまで延期した。これは、子どもの免疫反応を呼び水にして免疫を変化させてしまう可能性があるためである[2]。米国疾病対策センターは,母乳育児者へのCOVID-19 mRNAワクチンの提供を推奨しているが[3],母乳中にワクチンmRNAが移行し,6カ月未満の乳児が曝露する可能性については検討されていない。本研究では,出産後6カ月以内にワクチン接種を受けた授乳婦の発現母乳(EBM)中にCOVID-19ワクチンのmRNAが検出されるか否かを検討した。
■ 方 法
このコホート研究では、出産後6ヶ月以内にモデルナ製mRNA-1273ワクチン(n = 5)またはファイザー製BNT162b2ワクチン(n = 6)を接種した健康な授乳中の11人が参加した(表1)。参加者は、実験室に搬送されるまでの間、自宅でEBMサンプルを採取し、直ちに凍結するよう依頼した。EBMのサンプルは、ワクチン接種前(対照)とワクチン接種後5日間採取された。
ワクチン投与後1時間から5日後に計131個のEBMサンプルを採取した。順次遠心分離によりEBM中の細胞外小胞(EV)を分離し、ZetaView(Analytik)によりEV濃度を測定した(補足資料のeMethods)。異なるミルク画分(全EBM,脂肪,細胞,上澄みEV)におけるCOVID-19ワクチンmRNAの存在を,2段階定量逆転写酵素-ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応を用いて分析した.ワクチンの検出限界は、EBMの1 pg/mLであった(補足資料のeMethods)。
■ 結 果
参加した11人の授乳中の人のうち、5人の異なる参加者の7つのサンプルで、ワクチン接種後45時間までの様々な時間に、微量のBNT162b2とmRNA-1273 COVID-19 mRNAワクチンが検出された(表2)。EBMから分離したEVの平均(SD)収量は9.110(5.010)粒子/mLで、平均(SD)粒子径は110.0(3.0)nmであった。ワクチンのmRNAは、全乳よりもEVに高濃度で出現していた(表2)。ワクチン接種前および接種後のEBMサンプルでは、採取後48時間を超えると、ワクチンmRNAは検出されなかった。また,EBM脂肪画分やEBM細胞ペレットには,COVID-19ワクチンのmRNAは検出されなかった.
■ 議 論
EBMで検出されたCOVID-19ワクチンmRNAの散発的な存在と微量な量から,COVID-19 mRNAワクチン接種後の授乳は,特に接種後48時間以降は安全であることが示唆された.これらのデータは、乳腺細胞へのCOVID-19ワクチンmRNAの生体内分布、および遠隔の細胞に輸送することができるワクチンmRNAをパッケージ化する組織EVの潜在的能力を、我々の知る限り初めて実証するものである。COVID-19 mRNAワクチン接種後のヒト組織における脂質ナノ粒子の生体内分布および局在化については,ほとんど報告されていない.ラットでは、筋肉内投与後 3 日まで、心臓、肺、精巣、脳組織で低レベルのワクチン mRNA が検出され、その組織生物分布を示す[4]。 ワクチン投与後、ワクチンmRNAを含む脂質ナノ粒子は、血行性およびリンパ行性経路で乳腺に運ばれると推測される[5, 6]。
SARS-CoV-2ワクチンmRNAの残存性 ((NIH」 (拙稿 2022/5/10)
「未接種の子供の肝障害の急増は、接種済みの母親の母乳が原因か (Investment Watch)」
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翌朝娘が死んでいるのに気付く--中国メディア (Record China)」 (拙稿 2021/6/24)
Naomi Wolf博士「母親のワクチン接種によって、新生児死亡、胎児畸形、
Posted on 2:34 AM Aug 17th, 2022
Vaccination is a cornerstone in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the initial messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine clinical trials excluded several vulnerable groups, including young children and lactating individuals.1 The US Food and Drug Administration deferred the decision to authorize COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for infants younger than 6 months until more data are available because of the potential priming of the children’s immune responses that may alter their immunity.2 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends offering the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to breastfeeding individuals,3 although the possible passage of vaccine mRNAs in breast milk resulting in infants’ exposure at younger than 6 months was not investigated. This study investigated whether the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA can be detected in the expressed breast milk (EBM) of lactating individuals receiving the vaccination within 6 months after delivery.
This cohort study included 11 healthy lactating individuals who received either the Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine (n = 5) or the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine (n = 6) within 6 months after delivery (Table 1). Participants were asked to collect and immediately freeze EBM samples at home until transported to the laboratory. Samples of EBM were collected before vaccination (control) and for 5 days postvaccination. A total of 131 EBM samples were collected 1 hour to 5 days after vaccine administration. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) were isolated in EBM using sequential centrifugation, and the EV concentrations were determined by ZetaView (Analytik) (eMethods in the Supplement). The presence of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA in different milk fractions (whole EBM, fat, cells, and supernatant EVs) was assayed using 2-step quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. The vaccine detection limit was 1 pg/mL of EBM (eMethods in the Supplement).
Of 11 lactating individuals enrolled, trace amounts of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were detected in 7 samples from 5 different participants at various times up to 45 hours postvaccination (Table 2). The mean (SD) yield of EVs isolated from EBM was 9.110 (5.010) particles/mL, and the mean (SD) particle size was 110.0 (3.0) nm. The vaccine mRNA appears in higher concentrations in the EVs than in whole milk (Table 2). No vaccine mRNA was detected in prevaccination or postvaccination EBM samples beyond 48 hours of collection. Also, no COVID-19 vaccine mRNA was detected in the EBM fat fraction or the EBM cell pellets.
The sporadic presence and trace quantities of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA detected in EBM suggest that breastfeeding after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination is safe, particularly beyond 48 hours after vaccination. These data demonstrate for the first time to our knowledge the biodistribution of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA to mammary cells and the potential ability of tissue EVs to package the vaccine mRNA that can be transported to distant cells. Little has been reported on lipid nanoparticle biodistribution and localization in human tissues after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. In rats, up to 3 days following intramuscular administration, low vaccine mRNA levels were detected in the heart, lung, testis, and brain tissues, indicating tissue biodistribution.4 We speculate that, following the vaccine administration, lipid nanoparticles containing the vaccine mRNA are carried to mammary glands via hematogenous and/or lymphatic routes.5,6 Furthermore, we speculate that vaccine mRNA released into mammary cell cytosol can be recruited into developing EVs that are later secreted in EBM.
The limitations of this study include the relatively small sample size and the lack of functional studies demonstrating whether detected vaccine mRNA is translationally active. Also, we did not test the possible cumulative vaccine mRNA exposure after frequent breastfeeding in infants. We believe it is safe to breastfeed after maternal COVID-19 vaccination. However, caution is warranted about breastfeeding children younger than 6 months in the first 48 hours after maternal vaccination until more safety studies are conducted. In addition, the potential interference of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA with the immune response to multiple routine vaccines given to infants during the first 6 months of age needs to be considered. It is critical that lactating individuals be included in future vaccination trials to better evaluate the effect of mRNA vaccines on lactation outcomes.
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