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Frank Harrington mocked unvaccinated: Aggressive post-injection cancer diagnosed, dies three weeks later
(FRONTNIEWS 2022/5/7)
■ 悲しい皮肉と死
■ 接種後のがんは100%に近い確率で死亡する
2022年、特に米国では、医院や病院は危険な場所になる。この人たちは、自分が誰で何なのかを完全にさらけ出してしまっている。医師でさえ、これらの注射で大量に死亡している 。しかし、彼らはファイザーやモデナなどの忠実な営業マンであり続けている。注射を打ってしまってからでは遅いのだ。予防接種を受けたと言ったら最後、医師は助けてはくれない。しかし、この世界的な心理作戦の間、正気を保っていた人たちのために、間違いを犯さず、「彼ら」の一員となることだ。
内科勤務医KAITO氏 「『コロナワクチン接種後に急激に癌が進行する』例が間違いなく存在します」
(拙稿 2022/8/7)
「ライアン・コール博士 『"敵がいない状態の癌"は驚異的なスピードで成長して、あっという間に増殖します』
(RED VOICE MEDIA/タマホイ訳)」 (拙稿 2022/6/15)
「バイラム・ブライドル博士 「ワクチン接種後ガンの進行が完全に制御不能」 (連新社)」
(拙稿 2022/2/16)
(拙稿 2021/11/12)
E and 44-year-old father, grandfather, and long-time employee for a heat transfer equipment manufacturer is dead as post-injection cancer continues to claim lives around the world.
Mr Frank Harrington Jr. practically lived on social media. Since April 2021, he has been posting to Facebook at least 15 times a day. So it is difficult to scan his whole profile because Facebook overloads and freezes. One thing is clear. Mr Harrington has never posted the patch “I've been vaccinated” pictures on his profile. It is also clear that Mr. Harrington was a mask zealot, a vaccine zealot and very loyal to the common COVID-19 belief, writes .
The mask and COVID fervor started very early in the so-called pandemic. Remember that Mr. Harrington rarely posted original thoughts. Most of his Facebook posts were memes and pictures.
He made fun of people who caught the flu in May 2020 at a Wisconsin protest against lockdowns.
A few days later, he compared the American Revolution to wearing masks.
On August 31, 2021, Mr Harrington made fun of people who had died from the so-called COVID-19. It is reasonable to assume that by then he had received his first two injections.
Three weeks later, Mr Harrington equated parents who oppose masks for their children at school with Casey Anthony.
Then, on October 12, 2021, he called the unvaccinated “drama queens,” comparing the experimental mRNA injections to the measles and tetanus shots of the 1970s.
Mr Harrington also misleadingly equated 1950s polio vaccines with experimental mRNA injections in late December 2021.
The liberal vaccine zealot would not be complete without their misconceptions about Donald Trump. For whatever reason, these types are so eager to believe Trump is an “anti-vaxxer” when, in fact, he's among the top 20 vaccine zealots in the United States.
Sad irony and death
Mr Harrington continued his attacks on the unvaccinated after the turn of the year. He mockingly posted on January 11 that the unvaccinated would rather drink urine than receive experimental mRNA injections.
Again, Mr Harrington never posted his bandage/needle pictures. But he made it clear on January 20, 2022, “I will be vaccinated again” to see Rage Against the Machine in concert.
The sad parts of this story unfolded from this point. Mr Harrington apparently lost 70 pounds from January 2021 to January 2022.
He wrote on February 3 that friends and family were teasing him, asking if he had cancer, because of the major weight loss.
Almost exactly two months later, on April 2, 2022, Mr. Harrington was diagnosed with grade IV glioblastoma multiforme . It is one of the most aggressive brain cancers known to man. It's also the same brain cancer that news anchor Jovita Moore got in Atlanta less than two weeks after her second Pfizer mRNA injection in April 2021 . Ms. Moore died six months later, on October 29, 2021, which is about the longest prognosis patients with this condition can expect.
Mr Harrington underwent brain surgery on Friday 8 April to remove as much of the malignant tumors as possible. Unfortunately, some of the masses were inoperable.
Mr Harrington underwent several rounds of chemotherapy and radiation over the following weeks to treat the inoperable tumor. But the cancer was far too aggressive. Mrs. Dawn Draper Harrington, Frank's widow, said her husband passed away on Monday morning, April 25.
Post-injection cancer is a near-100% killer
Two weeks ago we wrote about Mrs Kristen Manwaring. Not only was she from Upstate New York, but she also died of post-injection cancer . There is no doubt that the mRNA injections accelerate the development of cancer. But there is now also a consistent pattern in these cases. Almost all of the victims mentioned die within six months . Actress Kathy Griffin is the only one alive that we have reports of. But she has now received four mRNA injections . We will continue to follow her case.
This blogger would like to see someone with aggressive cancer like Mr Harrington try high-dose Ivermectin a few weeks after being diagnosed . You have nothing to lose. Mr Harrington would die anyway. There is no point in giving the hospital $100,000 or whatever for chemo and radiation that will only kill you faster and leave your family with the bill. Ivermectin is becoming more accessible every day in the United States, and, as linked herein, is seen as an effective cancer treatment.
In 2022, doctors' offices and hospitals will be dangerous places, especially in the United States. These people have completely exposed themselves to who and what they are. Even doctors die in large numbers from these injections . But they remain loyal sales pitchers for Pfizer, Moderna, and others. It's too late for you when you get injected. The doctors won't help you anyway, especially if you say you've been vaccinated. But for those who have kept their natural human blood during this global psy-op, make no mistake now and become one of "them".
Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
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