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「Special Issue "Adverse Events of COVID-19 Vaccines"」 (MDPI)
Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,
Although the vaccination is one of the effective protection against COVID-19 through the rapid development of COVID-19 pandemic, the unexpected adverse events (AEs) of vaccination has not been systematically reported.
Among the adolescent, rare severe adverse events associated with vaccines may not be identified in phase 3 trials because of the small sample size, restrictive inclusion criteria, limited duration of follow-up, and trial participants who may differ from the population ultimately receiving the vaccines [1].
Moreover, it has been widely reported that diabetes is undoubtedly associated with a poorer prognosis after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection [2,3]. However, since most of the studies on side effects after COVID-19 vaccination are case reports, it is not accurately considered for type 2 diabetes.
In order to identify adverse reactions after COVID-19 vaccination, safety studies considering various covariates, such as race, age, and specific diseases, are needed. In particular, research to secure safety for adolescents and children, as well as high-quality clinical studies to understand the association of side effects with cardiovascular diseases, such as diabetes, is urgent from a health perspective.
青年期において、ワクチンに関連する稀な重篤な有害事象は、第3相試験で確認されない場合があります。その理由は、サンプルサイズが小さい、対象基準が限定的、追跡期間が限られている、試験参加者が最終的にワクチンを受ける集団と異なる可能性がある、などです[1] 。
Determining the Health Problems Experienced by Young Adults in Turkey,
Who Received the COVID-19 Vaccine
by G khan Do ukan Akarsu
「米国におけるCOVID-19 mRNAワクチン2回投与後の静脈血栓塞栓症、2020-2022年」
Venous Thromboembolism following Two Doses of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines
in the US Population, 2020 2022
by Daoyuan Lai, Yan Dora Zhang and Junfeng Lu
「ChAdOx1 nCoV-19ワクチン接種後のNETおよびカルプロテクチン値の上昇は、
Elevated NETs and Calprotectin Levels after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccination Correlate
with the Severity of Side Effects
by Geir Hetland, Magne Kristoffer Fagerhol, Markus Karl Hermann Wiedmann,
Arne Vasli Lund Soraas, Mohammad Reza Mirlashari, Lise Sofie Haug Nissen-Meyer,
Mette Stausland Istre, Pal Andre Holme and Nina Haagenrud Schultz
「mRNA-1273ブースターに対するmRNA COVID-19ワクチン接種歴による反応性」
Reactogenicity to the mRNA-1273 Booster According
to Previous mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination
by Oleguer Pares-Badell, Ricardo Zules-Ona, Lluis Armadans, Laia Pinos,
Blanca Borras-Bermejo, Susana Otero, Jose Angel Rodrigo-Pendas,
Marti Vivet-Escale, Yolima Cossio-Gil, Antonia Agusti, Cristina Aguilera,
Magda Campins and Xavier Martinez-Gomez
Risk Factors and Incidence Rates of Self-Reported Short-Term Adverse Events
of COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose
by Po-Yu Chen, Bih-Ju Wu, Mei-Chin Su, Yen-Hsi Lin, Shu-Chiung Chiang,
Jau-Ching Wu, Tzeng-Ji Chen and Yu-Chun Chen
Surveillance of Post-Vaccination Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines
among Saudi Population: A Real-World Estimation of Safety Profile
by Abdulaziz Ibrahim Alzarea, Yusra Habib Khan, Ahmed D. Alatawi,
Abdullah Salah Alanazi, Sami I. Alzarea, Muhammad Hammad Butt,
Ziyad Saeed Almalki, Abdullah K. Alahmari and Tauqeer Hussain Mallhi
Adverse Events and Safety Profile of the COVID-19 Vaccines in Adolescents:
Safety Monitoring for Adverse Events Using Real-World Data
by Chae Won Lee, Soonok Sa, Myunghee Hong, Jihyun Kim, Sung Ryul Shim
and Hyun Wook Han
「症例報告: COVID-19に対するBNT162b2 mRNAワクチン接種後の
A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis
after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19
by Michael Morz
Adult-Onset Familial Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Presenting
with Annular Erythema following COVID-19 Vaccination
by Yifan He, Yun Hui, Haibo Liu, Yifan Wu, Hong Sang and Fang Liu
「COVID-19 mRNA-1273ワクチンによる遅発性皮膚反応: 症例報告および文献レビュー」
Delayed Skin Reactions to COVID-19 mRNA-1273 Vaccine:
Case Report and Literature Review
by Ruei-Lin Wang, Wen-Fang Chiang, Chih-Chiun Chiu, Kuo-An Wu, Chia-Yi Lin,
Yung-Hsi Kao, Chih-Pin Chuu, Jenq-Shyong Chan and Po-Jen Hsiao
「ChAdOx1 nCoV-19ワクチン接種後の心タンポナーデと両側難治性胸膜滲出症を伴う
Acute Polyserositis with Cardiac Tamponade and Bilateral Refractory Pleural Effusion
after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccination
by Guan-Yi Li, Chang-Ching Lee and Chin-Chou Huang
Clinical Manifestation, Management, and Outcomes in Patients
with COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Acute Encephalitis:
Two Case Reports and a Literature Review
by Shiuan Shyu, Hua-Tung Fan, Shih-Ta Shang, Jenq-Shyong Chan,
Wen-Fang Chiang, Chih-Chien Chiu, Ming-Hua Chen, Hann-Yen Shyu
and Po-Jen Hsiao
「BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19ワクチン関連筋炎のまれな症例の
Clinical and Molecular Characterization of a Rare Case of
BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated Myositis
by Eli Magen, Sumit Mukherjee, Mahua Bhattacharya, Rajesh Detroja,
Eugene Merzon, Idan Blum, Alejandro Livoff, Mark Shlapobersky,
Gideon Baum, Ran Talisman, Evgenia Cherniavsky, Amir Dori
and Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern
「COVID-19ワクチン接種後のVogt-小柳-原田病 と思われる症例:
Probable Vogt Koyanagi Harada Disease after COVID-19 Vaccination:
Case Report and Literature Review
by Xinyi Ding and Qing Chang
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