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「Doctor Turns Against Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines, Calls for Global Pause」
(By Z. Stieber and J. Jekielek Epoch Times 2022/9/26)
英国の心臓専門医でエビデンスに基づく医療の専門家であるAseem Malhotra博士は、「ワクチン接種を一時停止するには十分すぎるほどの証拠がある -- 圧倒的な証拠と言ってよい」と、The Epoch Times紙に語った。
その中で、ファイザー社とモデルナ社の臨床試験の最近の再分析が引用され、ワクチン接種を受けた試験参加者は重篤な有害事象のリスクが高いと結論づけている。彼はこの研究を "決定的な証拠 "と呼んだ。
この論文は、査読を経てJournal of Insulin Resistance誌に2回に分けて掲載された。
■ 意見を180度翻す
Malhotra氏は2021年1月にファイザーの初期接種を受けた。彼はワクチンの推進者となり、「グッドモーニング・ブリテン」に出演して、インド人映画監督のGurinder Chadhaにワクチンを接種するよう薦めたほどだ。Chadhaはそのすぐ後に接種した。
Malhotra氏は、父親のKailash Chand博士がファイザーのワクチンを接種した約半年後に自宅で心停止を起こしたことをきっかけに、ワクチンのデータを調べ始めたという。
「私は常に不確実性を持って医学や科学に取り組んできました。なぜなら、物事は常に変化しているからです。そして、当時私が持っていた情報と、今持っている情報とは全く違うのです」と、彼はEpoch Timesに語る。「そして実際、情報が変わった以上、その情報に基づいて行動することが私の義務であり責任なのです。そして、それが私のやっていることなのです」
■ 批判への対応
この新しい論文が発表された後、批判者たちは、彼がJournal of Insulin Resistance誌の理事であることを指摘した。
■ 論文は支持を集める
国際血管外科学会の会長であるSherif Sultan氏は、「我々は、ワクチンは、寿命を劇的に改善した医学における偉大な発見の一つであると十分に信じています。しかし、mRNA遺伝子ワクチンは、長期安全性評価が欠けており、それは公共の安全を確保するために必須なので、その点が異なっています」と声明の中で述べている。
スタンフォード大学の医学・疫学教授であるJay Bhattacharya博士は、Malhotra氏が「ワクチンの予想される利益と副作用プロファイルには、年齢層や他の併存疾患によってかなりの不均質性があることをうまく説明している」と述べ、「高齢者にとっては利益が予想される害よりも大きいのでワクチンを接種するケースがあるかもしれないが、若い人にとっては必ずしもそうではないことを見出した」と述べた。
王立総合診療医学会の顧問を務めるCampbell Murdoch博士は、この研究が 「安全で効果的なエビデンスに基づく医療の提供における複数のシステム上の失敗を説明している」と述べ、この状況が 「患者や公衆が、自分の健康や人生にとって何が最善かを十分な情報に基づいて選択することを不可能にしている」と指摘している。
ほかには、インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドンの免疫学者であるVictoria Male博士など、この論文を批判する人もいる。
鳩山由紀夫氏が引用して、毎日新聞が誤情報と中傷したPeter Doshi博士らの論文でした。
(You) 動画 日本語字幕 1分37秒
説明している。 鳩山元首相もこの質の高い論文のデータに基づいて同じことを言っていた。
9:24 AM Sep 28, 2022
「ワクチン巡り鳩山由紀夫元首相がまた誤情報 専門家「影響大きい」 (毎日新聞)」
(拙稿 2022/9/25)
A doctor who promoted COVID-19 vaccines is now calling for health authorities around the world to pause the administration of two of the most-widely utilized COVID-19 vaccines, saying that the benefits from the vaccines may not outweigh the risks.
“There is more than enough evidence―I would say the evidence is overwhelming―to pause the rollout of the vaccine,” Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a British cardiologist and evidence-based medicine expert, told The Epoch Times.
A paper from Malhotra detailing the evidence was published on Sept. 26.
Among the citations is a recent reanalysis of the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials that concluded that vaccinated trial participants were at higher risk of serious adverse events. He called the study a “smoking gun.”
Malhotra also pointed to the lack of reduction in mortality or severe disease in the trials, which were completed in 2020.
Taking into account death rates and other figures since then, the number of people who need to be vaccinated to prevent a single COVID-19 death ranges from 93,000 for people aged 18 29 to 230 for people aged 80 and older, according to an analysis of UK safety and effectiveness data by the Health Advisory & Recovery Team.
The author also noted that serious side effects have been detected after the trials, such as myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation.
Overall, looking at the absolute benefits and drawbacks of the vaccines, it’s time to halt their usage and allow authorities and other experts to closely examine the data to see if the vaccines should be used again down the road, according to Malhotra.
The paper was published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance in two parts following peer review.
Pfizer and Moderna didn’t return requests for comment.
Reversal of Opinion
Malhotra received the Pfizer primary series in January 2021. He became a promoter of the vaccine, even appearing on “Good Morning Britain” to advise Indian film director Gurinder Chadha to get the vaccine. Chadha did so shortly after.
Malhotra said he began digging into vaccine data after his father, Dr. Kailash Chand, suffered a cardiac arrest at home approximately six months after receiving Pfizer’s vaccine.
The post-mortem showed two of Chand’s major arteries were severely blocked, even though Malhotra described his father as a fit person who didn’t have any significant heart problems.
Malhotra began reading about post-vaccination issues, including a study abstract in the journal Circulation that identified a higher risk of a heart attack following vaccination with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and a study from Nordic countries that identified a higher risk of myocarditis.
While authorities have claimed that myocarditis is more common after COVID-19 than vaccination, many studies have found otherwise, at least for certain age groups. Some papers have found no increased incidence of heart inflammation for COVID-19 patients.
Malhotra has come to believe that his father’s death was linked to the vaccine.
“I’ve always approached medicine and science with uncertainties because things constantly evolve. And the information I had at the time is completely different to the information I have now,” Malhotra told The Epoch Times. “And in fact, it is my duty and responsibility as the information has changed to act on that information. And that’s what I’m doing.”
Response to Criticism
After the new paper was published, critics noted that Malhotra is a board member of the Journal of Insulin Resistance.
He acknowledged the position but said the article went through an independent peer review process and that he has no financial links to the journal.
The doctor encouraged people to view his publication history, which includes articles in the British Medical Journal and the Journal of the American Medical Association.
He said he chose to submit the paper to the insulin journal for several reasons, including it being “one of the few journals that doesn’t take money from the pharmaceutical industry.”
“I don’t think that there’s any validity to question the integrity of the piece,” he said. “People can argue I’ve got an intellectual bias. We all have intellectual biases, but there’s certainly no financial bias for me.”
Paper Gains Support
Leading scientists say the new paper is important.
“We fully believe that vaccines are one of the great discoveries in medicine that has improved life expectancy dramatically, however, mRNA genetic vaccines are different, as long-term safety evaluation is lacking but mandatory to ensure public safety,” Sherif Sultan, president of the International Society of Vascular Surgery, said in a statement.
Sultan also noted that the findings “raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side effects and underscore the established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals.”
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at the University of Stanford, said that Malhotra “makes a good case that there is considerable heterogeneity across age groups and other comorbid conditions in the expected benefits and expected side effect profiles of the vaccine” and “finds that while there may be a case for older people to take the vaccine because the benefits may outweigh expected harm that may not be the case for younger people.”
Dr. Campbell Murdoch, who advises the Royal College of General Practitioners, said the study “describes multiple systemic failures in the provision of safe and effective evidence-based medicine” and the situation has made it “impossible for patients and the public to make an informed choice about what is best for their health and life.”
Some others criticized the paper, including Dr. Victoria Male, an immunologist at Imperial College London.
Male wrote on Twitter that the table in the paper outlining the number of people in each age group estimated to need a vaccination to prevent a COVID-19 death “is quite in favour of vaccination.”
- アシーム・マルホトラ博士 「今すぐにシステムを変えねばならない」 (Red Voice Media 字幕大王訳) 魑魅魍魎男 2022/9/29 12:48:57
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