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「Mother Blames “Vaccinated Blood” for the Death of Her One-Month-Old Baby
Who Died from Blood Clot Following Blood Transfusion」
(By Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit 2022/9/27)
「生後1ヶ月の赤ちゃんが輸血後の血栓で死亡したのは『ワクチン接種者の血液』のせいだと母親が主張 」
「その後、私たちの許可が無効になった後(手術中の緊急事態の場合のみ輸血を許可しました) ヘモグロビンの値が少し低かったので、医師が輸血をした。私たちは輸血の許可をしておらず、私たちが血栓の心配をしていて予防接種した人のの血液は希望しないということを医師も知っていました。輸血の翌日、血栓が発見されました」とハーツラーさん。
井上正康氏 「輸血が危ない。できれば無輸血手術を」 (拙稿 2022/9/12)
「ワクチン接種者の血液が危機的な状態 (字幕: 連新社)」 (拙稿 2022/5/3)
「ドイツの医師が、ワクチン接種した人の血液に恐るべき異常を見つけた (Stew Peters Show)」
(拙稿 2021/8/19)
Losing a child is the most painful trauma any parent will ever experience.
Cornelia Hertzler of Hot Springs, Montana, gave birth to Alexander on January 3, 2022. Unfortunately, Alexander died on February 17, 2022.
Mrs. Hertzler told The Gateway Pundit that her one-month-old baby died from a blood clot caused by receiving “COVID-vaccinated blood” during a blood transfusion.
“He died after getting a blood transfusion of vaccinated blood,” Hertzler claimed. “He got a blood clot instantly after receiving his transfusion. A blood clot that no blood thinner could resolve.”
“It got steadily worse until it went from his knee to his heart and his organs shut down. That’s why his body swelled up and his veins looked like they were exploding,” she added.
Alexander was born with a throat problem that can only be treated with surgery. Hertzler claimed that her son was given the blood by the doctor at Sacred Heart in Spokane, Washington, without her or her husband’s permission.
“He had an operation to fix an issue in his throat he was born with. He did not need a blood transfusion during the operation. Most babies do not.”
“Later on, after our authorization had expired (we only authorized a blood transfusion in case of an emergency during an operation). The doctor gave him a blood transfusion because his hemoglobin levels were a little low. We had not given permission for this and the doctor knew we did not want vaccinated blood because we were worried about blood clots. The next day after the transfusion, they discovered a blood clot,” Hertzler said.
Hertzler stated the doctor had ruled out the possibility that the incident was caused by the blood transfusion.
“They would not even consider it was the blood transfusion that killed him. They did admit it was the blood clot that killed him. I’m hoping it can warn others about the danger of the blood from the blood bank,” she said.
According to American Red Cross, they don’t “label blood products as containing vaccinated or unvaccinated blood as the COVID-19 vaccine does not enter the bloodstream & poses no safety risks to the recipient.”
“While the antibodies that are produced by the stimulated immune system in response to vaccination are found throughout the bloodstream, the actual vaccine components are not,” said Jessa Merrill, the Red Cross director of biomedical communications.
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