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「The New Normal: Kids Myocarditis Awareness Commercial Running in New York State (VIDEO)」
(By Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit 2022/9/15) 動画 31秒
ニューヨーク・プレズビテリアン病院は、9月6日に、「小児患者ストーリー - Suri (30s version)」と題した動画をユーチューブ・チャンネルに公開した。
「Suriはひどい腹痛に襲われ、心筋炎、つまり心臓の深刻な炎症であることが判明しました。多くの専門分野からなる私たちの小児重症治療チームは、彼女の心拍を正常化するために努力しました - 彼女は自分が自分らしく感じられよう回復しました」とキャプションが出る。
ある人は、「これは悲しいし、腹が立つ 」とコメントした。
しかし、心筋炎(心臓の炎症で生命を脅かす可能性がある)は、決してワクチンの「軽い」副反応ではない - 特にVAERSに記録された症例の90%が入院に至っている - つまり、話の半分は全くの嘘だったのだ。
今年初めに米国医師会雑誌(JAMA)から発表された新しい研究では、mRNAベースのCOVID-19ワクチン接種後に心筋炎と心膜炎が発生し、それが思春期の男性と若い成人男性で最も高いことが明らかになった、とThe Gateway Punditは報じた。
1991例の心筋炎のうち、1,626例が、可能性の高い、あるいは確定した心筋炎というCDCの定義に合致していた。 詳しくはこちらをご覧いただきたい。
(連新社)」 (拙稿 2022/8/22)
「【検証】厚労省データ 心筋炎リスク情報も不適格〜新型コロナワクチン未接種扱い問題だけじゃない!
2つの不適格データ問題を独自検証〜 (サンテレビNEWS)」 (拙稿 2022/6/8)
「米VAERS報告 ワクチン接種後、心筋炎・心膜炎が全年齢に渡って起きている」
(拙稿 2021/12/6)
「心筋炎を「重大な副反応」に 厚労省、警戒度引き上げ (共同)」 (拙稿 2021/12/4)
「NZ当局、ファイザー製ワクチンと死亡例の因果関係認定 心筋炎で (ロイター)」
(拙稿 2021/12/22)
It has been reported that the state of New York is now airing a commercial to raise awareness about myocarditis among children.
Is this the new normal?
The NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital recently uploaded a video to its Youtube channel titled “Pediatric Patient Story Suri (30s version)” last September 6.
According to the NewYork-Presbyterian website, it has more than 200 locations in Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Westchester, and Putnam Counties, and offers ten hospital campuses.
“Suri had a bad stomach ache that turned out to be myocarditis, a serious inflammation of the heart. Our multidisciplinary pediatric critical care team worked to regulate her heartbeat and got her back to feeling like herself,” the caption read.
Instagram user, Cops4Freedom posted the video with the caption, “Do Not Normalize Myocarditis in Children Wonder what caused it.”
The public voiced their disapproval of the video in several comments.
One commented, “this makes me sad and angry.”
Another user said, “Absolutely disgusting.”
“Geez and now they are making it sound “Oh! It’s normal and you’ll be fine!” another user commented.
For several months, the US public health regime and the bootlicking media have been routinely downplaying the risk of developing myocarditis after taking the vaccine, calling the occurrence “mild” and “rare,” and systematically burying any evidence to the contrary.
However, myocarditis a potentially life-threatening inflammation of the heart is in no way a ‘mild’ adverse reaction to the vaccine especially when 90% of cases that have been recorded in VAERS ended up hospitalized so, in other words, that half of the narrative was just an outright lie.
Recent data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) indicates an increase in reports of myocarditis and pericarditis in 2021 and 2022 compared to previous years.
A new study released earlier this year by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) revealed the development of myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination which is highest in adolescent males and young men, as reported by The Gateway Pundit.
The study was based on the data from VAERS on reported cases of myocarditis that occurred after receiving the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine between December 2020 and August 2021 in 192, 405 ,448 individuals older than 12 years of age in the US. These data were processed by VAERS as of September 30, 2021.
The primary outcome after the vaccination was the occurrence of myocarditis and the secondary outcome was pericarditis.
According to the study, VAERS received 1,991 reports of myocarditis (391 of which also included pericarditis) after receipt of at least 1 dose of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine and 684 reports of pericarditis without the presence of myocarditis.
Of the 1991 reports of myocarditis, 1,626 met the CDC’s case definition for probable or confirmed myocarditis. Read more here.
The New York State Department of Health, CDC, and pediatricians across New York and around the country, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, urge all eligible babies, toddlers, and children 6 months and older to get COVID-19 vaccines.
“The COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and provides the best possible protection for your child against getting very sick from the virus,” the New York government said on its website.
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