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「World Economic Forum Suggests There Are “Solid, Rational” Reasons For Children to Be Microchipped」
(By Paul Joseph Watson 2022/8/22)
このアイデアは、拡張現実(Augmented Reality)と "拡張社会 "の将来について議論しているダボス会議のエリートのウェブサイトのブログ記事で推進されている。
― Mary Harrington (@moveincircles) August 22, 2022
ファイザーCEOのアルバート・ブーラがダボス会議の観衆にファイザーの新技術を説明する。「この錠剤は、小さなチップを搭載し、医薬品が消化されると関係当局に無線信号を送ります。「服薬順守 について想像してみてください」と述べている
― Jeremy Loffredo (@loffredojeremy) May 20, 2022
「このようなことが起こる未来を予想する人々が陰謀論者として退けられるのはそれほど昔のことではないが、今や世界のエリートたちの意見が最も注目される場で、チップ埋め込みがやがて単なる日用品になると予測している」と、Didi Rankovicは書いている。
拡張現実技術(Augmented Reality)とマイクロチップ埋め込みは直接関係ありません。
及川幸久-BREAKING-】」 (及川幸久THE WISDOM CHANNEL YouTube動画 14分7秒 2022/8/26)
陰謀論ではなく明らかに陰謀である」 (拙稿 2021/8/31)
「ワールド・エコノミック・フォーラムの正体 みな人類の家畜・ロボット化をもくろむ
クラウス・シュワブの手下だった」 (拙稿 2022/2/20)
Predicts they will become fashion accessories.
Not doing their Bond villain reputation status any favors, the World Economic Forum published an article suggesting it would be a “solid, rational” move for children to be implanted with microchips.
Yes, really.
The idea is promoted in a blog post on the Davos elite’s website which discusses the future of augmented reality and an “augmented society.”
“As scary as chip implants may sound, they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent. Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma,” the article argues, perhaps forgetting that glasses and hearing aids aren’t embedded inside the body, nor can they be controlled by outside forces.
“They are accessories and are even considered a fashion item. Likewise, implants will evolve into a commodity,” writes scientist Kathleen Philips, suggesting that mainstream culture and influencers will be tapped to promote implantable chips as a trendy status symbol.
The article pushes the notion that augmented humans are inevitable and that global elites need to establish a power monopoly over the technology in order to “ethically” regulate it.
The cyborg age is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed
― Mary Harrington (@moveincircles) August 22, 2022
The technology is in need of “the right support, vision, and audacity,” which of course will be provided by your technocratic overlords, the same people who are desperately trying to censor the Internet so they can’t be criticized.
“The augmenting technology will help in all stages of life: children in a learning environment, professionals at work and ambitious senior citizens. There are many possibilities,” writes Philips.
“Should you implant a tracking chip in your child?” asks the scientist, adding, “There are solid, rational reasons for it, like safety.”
As we previously highlighted, World Economic Forum chief Klaus Schwab wrote in his book ‘The Great Reset’ that the fourth industrial revolution would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” which he clarifies is implantable microchips that can read your thoughts.
During this year’s Davos meeting of global elitists, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explained to Schwab how soon there would be “ingestible pills” a pill with a tiny microchip chip that would send a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been consumed.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explains Pfizer's new tech to Davos crowd: "ingestible pills" a pill with a tiny chip that send a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been digested. "Imagine the compliance," he says
― Jeremy Loffredo (@loffredojeremy) May 20, 2022
“Imagine the compliance,” said Bourla.
“It wasn’t that long ago that those speculating on a future where this is happening would get dismissed as conspiracy theorists, but now the world elites’ most vocal outlet is predicting that chip implants will eventually become just a commodity,” writes Didi Rankovic.
As we previously reported, an Australian primary school predicted “microchips in student’s brains” within 10 years before subsequently deleting the newsletter that contained the creepy prophecy.
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