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「Were deadly covid vaccine lots shipped to red states on purpose? Shocking 196% excess mortality recorded in Florida and Georgia in third quarter of 2021」
(By Jance D Johnson Natural News 2022/8/26)
「致命的なロットが意図的に共和党州に送られたか? フロリダとジョージアで2021年第3四半期に衝撃的な196%の超過死亡を記録」
(Natural News)保険数理士会研究所(SOA)は、covid-19のパンデミック時(2020年4月〜12月)と緊急用covidワクチン展開時(2021年1月〜9月)の超過死亡率に関するデータを収集した。この報告書では、2020年および2021年の団体定期保険死亡率の結果を、パンデミック前の期間(2017〜2019年)の基準死亡率の結果と比較した。データセットには、930億ドル以上の保険料に相当する200万件以上の保険金請求が含まれている。
■ 2021年第3四半期に若年層と中年層で死亡率が急上昇
■ 共和党が率いる南部州では、covidワクチン展開後に衝撃的な死亡率の超過が確認された
■ covidワクチンのロットは政敵に対して武器になったのか?
その大半が米国の共和党州へ送られていた (The Expose)」 (拙稿 2021/11/5)
(Natural News) The Society of Actuaries Research Institute (SOA) gathered data on excess mortality during the covid-19 pandemic (April December 2020) and during the emergency use covid vaccine rollout (January September 2021). The report compared Group Term Life Insurance mortality results during 2020 and 2021 to baseline mortality results from a period prior to the pandemic (2017-2019). The data set includes over two million claims worth over $93 billion in premiums.
The excess mortality data provided shocking results. The first shocking result was that young and middle-aged individuals died in excess (208%) in the third quarter of 2021, after they were coerced to take the covid vaccines. The second shocking result was that red states (Republican-led states) saw extreme excess in mortality (196%) after the vaccine was rolled out in quarter three of 2021.
Excess mortality spikes in young and middle-aged adults in third quarter of 2021
Excess mortality was observed in 2020, but the excess mortality was much greater in the second and third quarter of 2021, after the “lifesaving vaccines” were rolled out to the population. This is shocking data, considering that governments and corporate media outlets advertised covid-19 as the dominant cause of death during 2020 and that the vaccine would be the lifesaver in 2021. It turns out, the pandemic mortality statistics in 2020 hardly compared to the excess mortality that showed up in young and middle-aged people in the third quarter of 2021.
In the third quarter of 2021, young adults ages 25-34 saw a 181% excess mortality rate. A year prior, this age group witnessed a smaller 135% excess mortality rate. Only 11.4% of the deaths were related to covid-19. Likewise, the 35-44 age group saw a 217% excess mortality rate in the third quarter of 2021. A year prior, it was 136%, and only 19.8% of the deaths were related to covid-19. The 45-54 age group also saw a sharp increase in excess mortality (208%) in the third quarter of 2021. A year prior, that same age group saw much smaller rates of excess mortality (127%).
Republican-led states in the south see shocking excess mortality rates after covid vaccine rollout
Even more shocking, the greatest excess in mortality was seen in Republican-led states during the third quarter of 2021. For the most part, these states rejected lockdowns, mandates, and other forms of medical tyranny and vaccine coercion. Florida opposed the Democrat’s vaccine passport, school closures, and workplace mandates. Because these states did not follow along with the controls, were they ultimately targeted? The Biden regime rigorously studied and mapped out “vaccine hesitancy” among communities and states. The government even marked the southern states as “public health threats” for not following along with the government’s controls.
Were some covid vaccine lots more deadly and were they intentionally shipped to red states on purpose? In Florida, there was an excess mortality rate of 196% in the third quarter of 2021. After the vaccine rollout, there was an excess mortality rate of 195% in Georgia, 153% in Texas, and 170% increase in Tennessee. Only 15.5% of the excess was covid-19 related… so what was causing all the excess death in these red states?
In 2020, Florida, Texas, Georgia and Tennessee witnessed near-normal mortality rates (105%), and fared much better than blue lock down states like Michigan (129%), Illinois (114%), and New York (163%). By the third quarter of 2021, the excess mortality rate in these northern states stayed roughly the same, as very little improvements were made in hospital treatment programs. By then, Michigan’s excess mortality was 128%; Illinois 125%; and New York 103%. In contrast, the free states in the south fared well during the initial lockdowns in 2020, but they became excess-death hot-spots in quarter three of 2021, after the vaccine was pushed onto the people.
Were covid vaccine lots weaponized against political enemies?
During the covid vaccine clinical trials, researchers found out that a higher dose caused greater rates of sickness, hospitalization and death. In the Moderna trials, participants were injected with various dosages, 25 ug, 100 ug or 250 ug. As the volume increased, the rate of adverse events increased.
A study published in 2021 concluded that “all vials are not the same” and discovered the “potential role of vaccine quality in vaccine adverse reactions.” Moreover, adverse events data taken from the government’s pharmacovigilance systems shows that some Pfizer vaccine lots were more reactive and caused 25 times more adverse events and hospitalizations than other lots.
These covid vaccines are shipping from different manufacturing plants around the world and could have different compositions. Even the Department of Defense (DOD) has not been forthcoming about thee vaccine’s origin, label, or manufacturing plant, as they illegally force-inject service members with EUA vaccines. To make matters worse, the DOD is purposely harming the most mentally tough members in the military, threatening them with discharge for not getting clot shot vaccines.
This brings up the obvious question: were some covid vaccine lots purposely manufactured with a higher dose of the spike protein mRNA? Were these weaponized vaccine lots intentionally sent to red states to punish them for not following along with the forced narrative of lockdowns, mask mandates, test mandates, vaccine passports, and medical tyranny? If the government has been hesitant to provide informed consent to the public in regards to an obviously flawed and dangerous product; if the government has already tried to destroy people’s careers and freedoms for not following the narrative; then how can they be trusted NOT to harm people intentionally with weaponized vaccine lots?
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