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「Ivana Double-Vaxxed Days Before Death」 (By Michael Baxter Real Raw News 2022/7/18)
しかし、公にされていないのは、イヴァナがCovid-19の血栓注射で副反応を起こしたことである。初回接種では一時的に顔面神経麻痺を起こしたが、2日後には治まり、2回目接種後は夜間の震えと40℃の高熱が出た。さらに1回目のブースター接種では、足のしびれや痛み、神経損傷などの末梢神経障害が現れた。彼女の医師と看護師から、ワクチンの副作用は軽度で一時的なものであり、"ニューノーマル "の一部であると説明された。
7月13日(水)、彼女の邸宅のメンテナンス・スタッフが、彼女が階段の下で死んでいるのを発見した。昨日、Real Raw Newsは当時の調査結果を詳しく紹介する記事を掲載した。イヴァンカはニューヨークの霊安室で母の遺体を確認し、野球のバットで殴られたようなアザがあったと述べ、彼女が単に階段から落ちたのではなく、殴り殺されたことを暗に示した。
Ivana Trump was double-vaxxed days before she died, according to sources close to the Trump family.
The former socialite and ex-wife of Donald J. Trump reportedly received a second Covid-19 booster shot and a Monkeypox vaccination as a precautionary measure in advance of a vacation to St. Tropez. Her vacation never happened because she was found dead in her New York City townhouse only a day before her scheduled excursion.
Although Trump and Ivana had maintained an amicable friendship since they separated in 1990, they seldom spoke, and their daughter Ivanka had been Trump’s primary conduit for information on his ex. Ivanka, sources said, periodically shared with her father details on her mother’s health.
Ivana became paralyzed by fear in December 2019, as the Deep State began its Plandemic hysteria. She bought into the Plandemic―hook, line, and sinker. She was so paranoid of catching Covid that she metamorphized into a recluse, got all her shots, masked up, and limited visitors to her home. Groceries were dropped at her door. If she sneezed or coughed, a masked R.N. from New York-Presbyterian, the city’s most prestigious hospital, came to her home to administer a Covid test. Ivanna even quoted Covid advice from the late Dr. Anthony S. Fauci. This much was told to news outlets by Ivana’s longtime friend, Nikki Haskell.
What has not been mentioned publicly, however, is that Ivana had adverse reactions to the Covid-19 clot shots. Her initial vaccination caused temporary facial paralysis, which subsided after two days, and after the second dose she developed night tremors and a fever that spiked to 104. The first booster really did a number on her: she manifested a peripheral neuropathy in her legs that caused numbness, tingling, and nerve damage. After each incident, she had voiced concern to both her R.N. and primary care physician, both of whom told her vaccine side effects were mild, temporary, and part of the “new normal.”
On or about 5 June, Ivanka told her father that Ivana had conquered her Covid fears and booked a trip to St. Tropez, her first vacation since the Plandemic onset.
“Good, good. She needs it. It will be good for her, really good,” Trump reportedly said.
That she defeated Covid anxiety was questionable.
Weeks ahead of her scheduled trip, Ivana told her R.N. she wanted a second Covid-19 booster. The nurse not only encouraged her to get another Covid booster, but also recommended that she get a Monkeypox vaccination because NYC was an epicenter of the emerging disease and the city’s health commissioner, Ashwin Vasan, was on the verge of opening mass vaccination sites to thwart the spread of a new “killer disease.”
Ivanka would later tell her father that Ivana got the second booster on June 26, and the Monkeypox shot on July 7.
“Oh, that’s not good,” Trump told his daughter.
Maintenance staff at Ivana’s brownstone found her dead at the bottom of a staircase on Wednesday, July 13. Yesterday, Real Raw News published an article detailing our findings at the time. Ivanka had identified her mother’s body at the New York City mortuary, and said it looked as though it had been beaten black and blue with a baseball bat, implying that Ivana had been pummeled to death and not simply fallen down a flight of stairs.
Admittedly, the new vaccine info muddies the waters on what might have caused Ivana’s untimely demise. RRN is not asserting an opinion on Ivana’s cause of death; we’re merely presenting what information is known so astute persons can draw their own conclusions.
「トランプ氏の最初の妻、イヴァナ氏が73歳で死去 死因は胴部の「鈍的損傷」と検視局」
(BBC 2022/7/15)
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