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「CDC Quietly Drops Vaccine-Status Discrimination
Finally Admits Their Vaccines Do Not Prevent Anyone from Getting or Spreading the Virus」
(By Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit 2022/8/13)
「CDCはひそかにワクチン接種状況による差別を削除 ワクチンは感染予防効果がないことをついに認める」
・ ウイルスにさらされた人の隔離が不要となった。
・ ワクチン未接種者もワクチン接種者と同様の指導を受けることができる。
・ ワクチンに曝露しても授業に参加できる。
・ 症状のない人へのスクリーニングは推奨されなくなった。
― Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2023) August 11, 2022
** 政府の要求や規制に逆らったために、官民両セクターで何万人ものアメリカ人が雇用と家計を失った。
** オープンVAERS ウェブサイトによると、29,981人以上がCOVIDワクチンによって死亡したと報告されている。
** 17万人以上の入院がこのワクチンが原因であるとされている。
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly released new guidelines on the COVID vaccination status this week.
In a news briefing on Thursday, Greta Massetti, chief of the CDC’s Field Epidemiology and Prevention Branch, said, “The current conditions of this pandemic are extremely different from those of the prior two years.”
“High levels of population immunity due to vaccination and previous infection and the many available tools to prevent to the general population and protect people at higher risk allow us to focus on protecting people from serious illness from Covid-19.”
― Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2023) August 11, 2022
New COVID-19 guidance from CDC focuses on individual decisions
・ Those exposed to the virus are no longer required to quarantine.
・ Unvaccinated people now have the same guidance as vaccinated people.
・ Students can stay in class after being exposed to the virus.
・ It's no longer recommended to screen those without symptoms.
For over a year now the CDC, Joe Biden, Dr. Tony Fauci, Democrats, and the WHO demanded the American population from primary school-aged children to senior citizens be vaccinated with the government’s experimental mRNA vaccines.
** Tens of thousands of Americans in both the public and private sectors lost their employment and household income for defying the government demands and regulations.
** Over 29,981 people were reportedly killed by the COVID vaccines according to the Open VAERS website.
** Over 170,000 hospitalizations have been blamed on the vaccines.
On Thursday, the CDC finally admitted that there is no logical reason to treat vaccinated people differently than unvaccinated people when both can readily get and spread the COVID virus.
From the CDC website.
“CDC’s COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur, though they are generally mild, and persons who have had COVID-19 but are not vaccinated have some degree of protection against severe illness from their previous infection”
「Summary of Guidance for Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19 on Individual Persons,
Communities, and Health Care Systems -- United States, August 2022」 (CDC 2022/8/11)
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