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「Report: Casket Maker Fears Bulk Orders of Child Size Coffins Signal Impending Vaccine Deaths」
「レポート: 子供サイズの棺桶の大量注文に怯える棺桶メーカー ワクチン死が差し迫っていることを示唆」
(InfoWar 2022/7/8)
「私の家業は北米での棺桶製造です。5フィート以下の棺(子供サイズ)の大量注文を、6ヶ月足らずの間に2件受けています。30年以上のビジネスで、子供サイズの棺を大量に販売したことは一度もありません」 @highesthalfling は月曜日にツイート。
-- SonovAbeach (@highesthalfling) April 5, 2022
-- SonovAbeach (@highesthalfling) June 8, 2022
サブスタック「Clown World - Honk」に書いたEtana Hechtは、この情報を裏づけたようで、事業を営む家族に話を聞き、この男の話を確認したと主張している。
衝撃的な報告書を発表、COVIDワクチンが子供を殺していることを認める (The Expose) 」
(拙稿 2022/7/10)
A man whose family purportedly runs a casket manufacturing business says for the first time ever they’ve received bulk orders for children’s coffins, a sign he fears could be indicative of impending childhood Covid vaccine deaths.
Replying to a Twitter user who claimed he’d spoken with funeral directors about an unusual rise in children who died after being vaccinated, Canadian Twitter user @highesthalfling asserted his family’s casket business recently received two bulk orders for child size coffins.
“My family business is casket manufacturing in North America. We have received 2 bulk orders for sub 5 foot units (children size) in less then 6 months. Never in 30+ years of business have we ever sold child size coffins in bulk,” @highesthalfling tweeted Monday.
The same user made similar announcements over the past three months, once in April and again in June, though those tweets did not receive as much attention as his recent message.
“Vaccines are killing children. If not, what is?” the user wrote last month.
My family owns a casket manufacturing plant. I've said this publicly many times, we make coffins.
I’m currently at a funeral.
Been chatting with the funeral directors who will remain nameless about the recent surge in deaths
They made me aware or the large number of kiddies they’re burying within a few months of the kiddie jab.
They’ve been told they can’t talk about it.
午後8:54 2022年7月3日
My family business is casket manufacturing in North America. We have received 2 bulk orders for sub 5 foot units (children size) in less then 6 months. Never in 30+ years of business have we ever sold child size coffins in bulk.
午後0:09 2022年7月4日
Yesterday my cousin received a request for a bulk order of under 5 foot caskets. Never has that ever happend in 37+ years.
For you idiots, those are children sized coffins.
― SonovAbeach (@highesthalfling) April 5, 2022
FYI to anybody who's paying attention to what I say. My family received another bulk casket order for youth sized coffins. That marks the 2nd ever bulk order in almost 50 years. Both of which were placed in the last 7 months.
Vaccines are killing children. If not, what is?
― SonovAbeach (@highesthalfling) June 8, 2022
Discussing the topic further, the man said, “The sudden demand for small caskets is undeniable,” adding, “the only thing that is a mystery is the reason why. I think we all know what is actually happening at this point.”
The man confirmed to another Twitter user that a bulk order would consist of 100 or more units.
Writing at the Substack, “Clown World Honk,” Etana Hecht appears to have corroborated the intel, claiming she spoke to the family that runs the business and confirmed the man’s story.
I spoke to the family who owns one of the largest casket manufacturers in North America. They supply caskets to huge chains across the US and manufacture Prime Caskets, among others. It’s horrific to have to report on such a thing, but the owners said that their sales of typical caskets have increased by 20%, and since Dec 2021 their sales of small-size caskets (under 5 feet, i.e, for children) have increased by 400%. He’s not the only one talking about it, those in the funeral industry are well aware of the sudden change in the nature of their business.
The rumors of bulk child casket orders come as the US government last month became the first nation to approve Covid vaccines for infants as young as six months old, while the Canadian government is set to approve jabs for the age group later this month.
God help us if the man’s story is true.
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