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「Only One Percent of Vaccine Reactions Reported to VAERS 」
(The Vaccine Reaction 2020/1/9)
■ VAERSへの深刻な過少報告
さらに、VAERSに提出される多くのワクチン反応報告は、特にワクチン製造業者から提出されるものについては、不完全、不正確、あるいは誤解を招く可能性がある。2009年にJAMAで発表された 「 ヒトパピローマウイルス四価ワクチンの承認後の安全性調査」の研究では、VAERSにはデータ分析の限界があり、「過小報告、報告データの品質と完全性における矛盾、大規模報道による煽られた報告、報告の偏り」などがあることが明らかにされている。研究者は次のように述べている。
qHPV(4価HPVワクチン)接種後のVAERS報告のさらなる限界は、大半(68%)が製造業者からで、これらの報告の大部分(89%)には、個々の症例の医学的検討を可能にする十分な識別情報が含まれていないことだ。例えば、追加の臨床情報を確認できた場合、約半数の症例がGBS(訳注 ギランバレー症候群?)と横断性脊髄炎 を確認できなかった。
■ VAERSへのワクチン反応報告の障害となるもの
・ 医師、看護師、その他のワクチン提供者は、ワクチン接種後に発生した健康問題をVAERSに報告することが法律で定められていることを認識していない。
・ ワクチン提供者は、どのような臨床症状を報告する必要があるのか分からないか、接種後の重篤な健康問題を、最近接種したワクチンとは関係ないとして片づけている。
・ VAERSの「報告すべき事象の表」は各ワクチンに固有のもので、ワクチン提供者は「ワクチンの追加接種の禁忌としてメーカーの添付文書に記載されている事象」を報告するために、時間をかけてワクチン製品の添付文書をよく理解することが必要である。
■ 誰でもVAERSに報告を提出することができる
・ 患者情報(年齢、生年月日、性別)
・ ワクチン情報(商品名、投与量)
・ 投与日時、投与場所
・ 有害事象の発生日時
・ 有害事象の症状および結果
・ 医学的検査および臨床検査の結果(該当する場合)
・ 医師の連絡先(該当する場合)
・ ワクチン反応の見分け方を知っていますか?
・ ワクチン反応の兆候と症状の見分け方を学ぼう
・ ワクチンを接種したら、8つの質問をしよう
・ ワクチン報告システム - いくつか選択肢があります
「人口8万8千人の滋賀県甲賀市で、ワクチン接種後死者が244人 おそらく全国で
30万人以上が亡くなっている」 (拙稿 2021/12/12)
(The Defender)」 (拙稿 2022/6/24)
「米VAERS報告 ワクチン接種後、心筋炎・心膜炎が全年齢に渡って起きている」 (拙稿 2021/12/6)
「米国VAERSの過去30年のワクチン接種後死亡者数の推移 これは大量殺戮だ」 (拙稿 2021/9/20)
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was created by Congress under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and became operational in 1990 in response to growing public concern about the safety of vaccines, particularly the DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) vaccine.1
VAERS is jointly operated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Since VAERS began collecting reports in 1990, as of Nov. 14, 2019 there have been 8,087 vaccine-related deaths reported and about 47 percent of those death reports were for children under the age of three.2 There have been 17,394 reports of permanent disability following vaccinations, with about 30 percent occurring in children under age 17, while about 40 percent are in adults between 17 and 65 years old.3
Significant Under-Reporting to VAERS
A 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated that fewer than one percent of all vaccine adverse events are reported to the government:4
Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed.
There have been 8,087 vaccine-related deaths reported to VAERS, but that number likely represents only one percent of the total number of deaths that have actually occurred and the real number may be 808,700 vaccine related deaths. Similarly, 17,394 reports of permanent disabilities have been reported to VAERS, but that number likely is closer to 1,739,400 vaccine-related disabilities.
Although the 1986 Act legally requires doctors and other medical workers who administer vaccines in the U.S. to report vaccine reactions, Congress did not include legal penalties in the law for those who refuse to comply with the reporting requirement.5 Therefore, VAERS is really a “passive” reporting system because there is no mechanism to compel compliance and hold vaccine administrators accountable for failing to report serious health problems, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths that occur after vaccination to the government.
In addition, many vaccine reaction reports that are submitted to VAERS are incomplete, inaccurate or open to misinterpretation, especially those that are submitted by vaccine manufacturers. A 2009 study published in JAMA on “Postlicensure Safety Surveillance for Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Recombinant Vaccine,” found that VAERS has data analysis limitations that include “underreporting, inconsistency in the quality and completeness of reported data, stimulated reporting due to extensive news coverage and reporting biases.” Researchers stated:
A further limitation of VAERS reports after qHPV [quadrivalent HPV vaccine] is that a large proportion (68%) come from the manufacturer and most of these reports (89%) do not include sufficient identifying information to allow medical review of the individual cases. For example, when additional clinical information was available for review, approximately one-half of the cases of GBS and transverse myelitis were not confirmed.6
Obstacles to Vaccine Reaction Reporting to VAERS
Several factors have been cited as potential barriers to accurate reporting of vaccine reactions to the government:
・ Doctors, nurses and other vaccine providers are not aware it is a legal requirement to report health problems that occur after vaccination to VAERS;
・ Vaccine providers either are unsure about what types of clinical symptoms need to be reported or dismiss serious health problems that follow vaccination as unrelated to the vaccine(s) recently given;
・ The VAERS “Table of Reportable Events” is specific to each vaccine and requires vaccine providers to take the time to become familiar with the vaccine product insert to report “events described in manufacturer’s package insert as contraindications to additional doses of vaccine;”7
Also, there may be confusion about how to report a possible reaction, or an objection to spending the perceived time and effort it takes to report an event to VAERS.8 Reporting requirements also vary with the type of vaccine reaction, as well as by vaccine, and adverse events that occur after receipt of newer vaccines are more commonly reported than those that occur with vaccines that have been used for many years. One study reported,“68 percent of cases of vaccine-associated polio are reported to VAERS, but only four percent of MMR-associated thrombocytopenia are reported.”9
A proposed solution to underreporting of vaccine reactions has been to include a “proactive, spontaneous, automated adverse event reporting imbedded within EHRs [Electronic Health Records] and other computerized medical records and vaccine tracking systems.10
Anyone Can File A VAERS Report
If a doctor or medical worker, who has administered a vaccine, either does not recognize a vaccine reaction or refuses to make a report to VAERS, an adult patient or parent of a minor child who has developed a serious health problem after vaccination can make a report.
According to VAERS, the information needed to fill out the report includes:11
・ Patient information (age, date of birth, sex)
・ Vaccine information (brand name, dosage)
・ Date, time, and location administered
・ Date and time when adverse event(s) started
・ Symptoms and outcome of the adverse event(s)
・ Medical tests and laboratory results (if applicable)
・ Physician’s contact information (if applicable)
Following is more information about identifying, reporting and preventing vaccine reactions:
・ Do You Know How to Recognize a Vaccine Reaction?
・ Learn How to Recognize the Signs and Symptoms of Vaccine Reactions
・ If You Vaccinate, Ask 8 Questions
・ Vaccine Reporting Systems You Have Options
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