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「Shocking Escape: Covid Whistleblower John O’Looney Abused in UK Hospital, Rescued by Friends (Interview) 」
(The Liberty Beacon 2022/1/4)
「間一髪の脱出: COVID内部告発者、葬儀業ジョン・オルーニー氏が病院で殺されそうになり、友人たちが救出」
ER編集部 葬儀屋のジョン・尾ルーニー氏が入院したのはクリスマスの直前だった。彼は、すべての死をCovid死亡とするよう検視官に課せられている圧力と、致死レベルの鎮静剤ミダゾラム によりいかに多くの人が死んでいるかを暴露していた。オルーニーは最近、ミダゾラム の捜査で証拠を提供した。
ER Editor: Funeral director John O’Looney found himself in hospital just before Christmas. He had exposed the pressures put on coroners to list every death as a Covid death and how the sedative Midazolam had been implicated in many deaths at lethal levels. O’Looney had recently provided evidence in the Midazolam investigation.
Dr. Sam Dub , a Canadian physician, gives an interview on this topic to the Rair Foundation USA. He had been enlisted to assist John once it was learned John was in medical trouble. Here are some notes from that interview:
・ On Dec 23 Dr. Dub received a call about John O’Looney, who had posted on his telegram channel that he was in hospital diagnosed with Covid. So Dub contacted friends in the UK, who confirmed that they knew he hadn’t been feeling well. A policeman friend tracked John down, and found that John was on 10 litres of oxygen and could be transferred to an ICU. Many had tried to contact him via his phone but weren’t successful. How did John end up in the hospital? His wife was also ill. Some prominent people who are friends of John knew he was ill. There’s a window of time where we have no idea what happened, nor how he ended up in hospital.
・ Several people were instrumental in putting together a team to get O’Looney out. Physicians, lawyers and ex-police officers all mobilized to extract him. When the team arrived there early in the morning, the hospital ward co-ordinator wouldn’t speak to them. Two ex-police officers were involved; a physician at some 4 hours away from the hospital also went there. The ex police officers convinced the hospital staff that he was being held against his will. The hospital staff tried to invoke the Coronavirus Act but the policemen understood the law and informed them this was all unlawful. Eventually the ward co-ordinator agreed to speak to the team and release John into the care of the physician. So he was released in the early afternoon.
・ (see O’Looney’s statement upon his release) O’Looney posted another statement on his telegram channel in which he claims he was berated by the ambulance crew for not being vaccinated even though he couldn’t breathe; in ICU, they threw him on an oxygen mask, with somebody from Oxford trying to get him to sign waivers to try experimental drugs. All the useful drug protocols that work well for Covid have been developed already by established doctors, but at the hospital they wanted him to sign experimental drug waivers. Then the consultant offered him Remdesivir, which he refused and the doctor became aggressive, claiming it would be the only thing to save him. Meanwhile he was fighting for breath and wasn’t allowed to see his family members. He had already stated that he wanted to leave the hospital but wasn’t allowed to.
・ He’s since made a rapid recovery with the physician sent in to rescue him, who employed normal drug protocols.
See the full Rumble interview given by Dr. Sam Dub here:
Shocking Escape: Covid Whistleblower Abused in UK Hospital Rescued by Friends (Interview).
A few days ago, O’Looney’s name was implicated in the ICC court action of December 2021. See Top Public Health Figures Accused of Genocide in Historic Complaint Sent to the International Criminal Court.
「ワクチンによる死亡は、医学・葬儀業界では広く知られている (連新社)」 (拙稿 2022/2/10)
「英国の葬儀屋John O'Looney氏によるアップデート 血栓症・塞栓症が驚くほど増えている」
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「葬儀屋の証言 大量ワクチン死 COVID-19隔離収容所 John O'Looney (Stew Peters Show)」
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