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「EXC: The Infamous Wuhan Lab Recently Assembled Monkeypox Strains
Using Methods Flagged For Creating ‘Contagious Pathogens’」 (The National Pulse 2022/5/22)
Are we here because of China’s experiments again?
武漢ウイルス研究所は、研究者が「伝染性の病原体」を作り出す可能性があると指摘した方法を用いて、サル痘ウイルスゲノムを組み立て、PCR検査でウイルスを特定できるようにしたことが、The National Pulse誌で明らかにされた。
武漢ウイルス研究所の研究者9名が執筆し、研究所の季刊科学雑誌『Virologica Sinica』に掲載されたこの論文は、COVID-19陽性者を特定するためのポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(PCR)検査が広く行われるようになったことも追認している。
「定量ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(qPCR)は、オルソポックスウイルス(MPXVを含む)検出のためのゴールドスタンダードである。汎オルトポックスウイルス検出では、E9L(DNAポリメラーゼ)遺伝子がqPCRアッセイの優れた標的であることが示されている。MPXVの検出については、Li らはMPXVコンゴ盆地株のqPCRターゲットとしてC3L(補体結合タンパク質)遺伝子を使用できることを報告した」と論文で説明した上で、中国にはPCR検出のためのウイルスに関する十分な遺伝情報がないことを指摘している。
「MPXV感染は中国での集団発生に関連していないため、qPCR 検出に必要なウイルスゲノム材料を入手することはできない。本報告では、二重選択的TARを用いて、MPXVや他のオルソポックスウイルスを検出するための貴重なqPCRターゲットであるE9LとC3Lを含む55kbのMPXVゲノム断片を組み立てた」
同論文は、TARが 「ウイルス学的研究に適用された場合、特に組み立てられた製品が伝染性の病原体に回復される可能性のある遺伝物質一式を含む場合、潜在的な安全上の懸念を引き起こす可能性もある」と認めている。
「Efficient assembly of a large fragment of monkeypox virus genome as a qPCR template
using dual-selection based transformation-associated recombination」 ( 2022/2/28)
qPCRテンプレートとしての効率的なアセンブリー )
EXC: The Infamous Wuhan Lab Recently Assembled Monkeypox Strains Using Methods Flagged For Creating ‘Contagious Pathogens’. (The National Pulse 2022/5/22)
Are we here because of China’s experiments again?
The Wuhan Institute of Virology assembled a monkeypox virus genome, allowing the virus to be identified through PCR tests, using a method researchers flagged for potentially creating a “contagious pathogen,” The National Pulse can reveal.
The study was first published in February 2022, just months before the latest international outbreak of monkeypox cases which appear to have now reached the United States.
The paper, which was authored by nine Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers and published in the lab’s quarterly scientific journal Virologica Sinica, also follows the wide-scale use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests to identify COVID-19-positive individuals.
Researchers appeared to identify a portion of the monkeypox virus genome, enabling PCR tests to identify the virus, in the paper: “Efficient Assembly of a Large Fragment of Monkeypox Virus Genome as a qPCR Template Using Dual-Selection Based Transformation-Associated Recombination.”
Monkey pox viruses referred to as “MPXVs” in the paper have strains that are “more pathogenic and [have] been reported to infect humans in various parts of the world.”
“Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is the gold standard for the detection of orthopoxvirus (including MPXV). For pan-orthopoxviruses detection, the E9L (DNA polymerase) gene has been shown to be an excellent target for qPCR assays. For MPXV detection, Li et al. reported that the C3L (complement-binding protein) gene could be used as the qPCR target for the MPXV Congo Basin strain,” explained the paper before noting that China lacked sufficient genetic information on the virus for PCR detection:
"Since MPXV infection has never been associated with an outbreak in China, the viral genomic material required for qPCR detection is unavailable. In this report, we employed dual-selective TAR to assemble a 55-kb MPXV genomic fragment that encompasses E9L and C3L, two valuable qPCR targets for detecting MPXV or other orthopoxviruses.”
“The primary purpose of assembling a fragment of the MPXV genome is to provide a nucleotide template for MPXV detection,” reiterated the study, which relied on the process of transformation-associated recombination (TAR) to isolate a genomic fragment of the monkeypox virus.
“As an efficient tool for assembling large DNA fragments up to 592 kb in length, TAR assembly has become essential for preparing infectious clones of large DNA/RNA viruses,” explained researchers.
The paper acknowledged that TAR “applied in virological research could also raise potential security concerns, especially when the assembled product contains a full set of genetic material that can be recovered into a contagious pathogen.”
“In this study, although a full-length viral genome would be the ideal reference template for detecting MPXV by qPCR, we only sought to assemble a 55-kb viral fragment, less than one-third of the MPXV genome. This assembly product is fail-safe by virtually eliminating any risk of recovering into an infectious virus while providing multiple qPCR targets for detecting MPXV or other Orthopoxviruses,” posited researchers.
The unearthed study follows the Wuhan Institue of Virology conducting similar research into strains of bat coronaviruses that could infect humans while admitting its facilities lacked proper laboratory safety protocols.
「Efficient assembly of a large fragment of monkeypox virus genome as a qPCR template
using dual-selection based transformation-associated recombination」 ( 2022/2/28)
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