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「Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos Invested in Lab-Produced Breast Milk to Prevent Effects of ‘Climate Change’」
(By Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit 2022/5/14)
2020年6月19日にDaily Mailが掲載した記事で、ビル・ゲイツ、マーク・ザッカーバーグ、ジェフ・ベゾスや他の大富豪が、培養したヒト乳腺上皮から人工母乳を製造する新しいスタートアップ企業に投資していることが明らかになった。
Daily Mailの報告:
カリフォルニア大学デイビス校の人乳研究者兼BIOMILQ技術顧問のJennifer Smilowitz博士によると、「人乳は組成も構造も非常に複雑で、授乳中の親以外には再現することが不可能でした」 今までは。
Candace Owensはこうツイートした。 「ビル・ゲイツは最高の幸運の持ち主ではないか?COVIDワクチンのときと同じようだ。彼は投資をして、突然パンデミックや品不足が起こり、誰もが彼の製品を求めて列を作ることになる。もちろん、彼は実験室で生産された母乳に投資している!"
- Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) May 12, 2022
「BIOMILQもファンドの出資も、今回の物資不足とは関係がありません。BIOMILQの共同創業者で最高科学責任者のLeila Strickland氏は5月3日、CNNに対し、同社が製品を市場に投入するまでにはまだ3〜5年かかると語っています。この品不足は、米国の大手ベビーフードメーカー、アボット社が2022年2月に行った粉ミルクのリコールで、ミシガン州スタージス工場の生産が停止したことが一因となっています。また、すでに乳児用粉ミルク業界に影響を与えていたCOVID-19のパンデミックに伴うサプライチェーンの問題によるものです。高いインフレも問題を悪化させたようです」と、ポリティファクトは事実確認で述べている。
アメリカの家庭は、粉ミルク不足に悩まされている。Gateway Punditが以前報告したように、赤ちゃん用粉ミルクの最大の生産者はバイデン/オバマによって3ヶ月間閉鎖された。バイデンは、彼のFDAがミシガン州の粉ミルクを製造する巨大な工場を閉鎖したため、非難されている。
NRCCコメント: 「ジョー・バイデンと民主党が政権を握る前なら、親が子供に飲ませる粉ミルクを見つけられないなんてことは考えられなかった。民主党の驚くべき無能と経済への不手際は際限がない。" - NRCC広報担当 Mike Berg
An article published by Daily Mail on June 19, 2020, revealed that Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and other billionaires invested in a new startup company to produce artificial breast milk from cultured human mammary epithelial.
According to the article, U.S. firm BIOMILQ has received $3.5 million from an investment fund that is co-founded by Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and Mark Zuckerberg to ‘prevent climate change due to gases created in formula manufacturing.’
Daily Mail reported:
An artificial breast milk start-up that offers a green alternative to baby formula has received $3.5 million (£2.8m) from an investment fund co-founded by Bill Gates.
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It has been estimated that around 10 per cent of the global dairy industry ― a major producer of greenhouse gases ― is used to manufacture baby formula.
The $1 billion (£800 million) fund, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, was established to help prevent the worst effects of climate change arising from carbon emissions.
Alongside Mr Gates, the group’s other members include Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Virgin group founder Sir Richard Branson and Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg.
According to the company’s website, in 2021, they successfully produced the world’s first cell-cultured human milk outside of the breast.
Our team is thrilled to announce that we have produced the world’s first cell-cultured human milk outside of the breast. We find ourselves at the frontier of lactation science, helping to advance the entire field by putting mothers and babies at the forefront.
According to UC Davis Human Milk Researcher & BIOMILQ Technical Advisor Dr. Jennifer Smilowitz, “human milk is tremendously complex in both composition and structure which has made it impossible to replicate outside of the lactating parent.” Until now.
In just 11 months, we have moved the field of lactation science from proof of concept to proof of complexity, producing milk compositions that look more like a symphony than a concerto. We’re a HUGE step closer to empowering parents with another infant feeding option, one that provides much of the nutrition of breastmilk with the practicality of formula.
We can now confirm that BIOMILQ’s product has macronutrient profiles that closely match the expected types and proportions of proteins, complex carbohydrates, fatty acids and other bioactive lipids that are known to be abundantly present in breastmilk.
Netizens find this news timely, considering the recent news of the baby formula shortage.
Candace Owens tweeted, “Doesn’t Bill Gates just have the best luck? Just like with the COVID vaccine― he makes an investment, and then suddenly there is a pandemic or shortage and everyone must line up for his product. Of course he’s invested in lab produced breast milk!”
Doesn’t Bill Gates just have the best luck? Just like with the COVID vaccine― he makes an investment, and then suddenly there is a pandemic or shortage and everyone must line up for his product.
Of course he’s invested in lab produced breast milk!
― Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) May 12, 2022
According to far-left Politifact, “there is no evidence that investments involving Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg in artificial breast milk have anything to do with the formula shortage.”
“Neither BIOMILQ nor the fund’s investment in the company have anything to do with the current shortage. Leila Strickland, BIOMILQ’s co-founder and chief science officer, told CNN on May 3 that the company is still three to five years away from getting a product to market. The shortage is due in part to a February 2022 formula recall by Abbott, a major U.S. manufacturer of baby food, that halted production at its Sturgis, Michigan, plant. It’s also due to supply chain issues associated with the COVID-19 pandemic that were already impacting the infant formula industry. High inflation also appears to have compounded the problem,” Politifact said in their fact check.
American families are suffering from the baby formula shortage. As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, the largest producer of baby formula was shut down by Biden/Obama for 3 months. Biden is to blame because his FDA shut down a huge plant that makes baby formula in Michigan.
The NRCC shares this:
NRCC Comment: “Before Joe Biden and Democrats took control of our government, it would have been unthinkable that parents would not be able to find baby formula to feed their children. Democrats’ stunning incompetence and mismanagement of the economy knows no bounds.” - NRCC Spokesman Mike Berg
「全米で粉ミルク不足が深刻化、購入数制限も」 (CNN 2022/5/11)
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