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「Pfizer, government regulators hid smoking gun data showing that covid jabs cause birth defects and infertility」 (By Ethan Huff Natural News 2022/5/11)
(Natural News) オーストラリアの情報公開請求により、製薬大手ファイザーが、同社の武漢コロナウイルス(Covid-19)「ワクチン」について実施した唯一の妊娠・不妊研究の結果を隠蔽したことが明らかになった。
「これらの決定により、医療規制当局を無条件で信頼している医療関係者が、妊娠中のCovid-19注射は全く安全であると誤って妊婦に伝え、多くの妊婦が予防接種を受けろという圧力を感じるようになった」とDaily Expose(英国)は報じている。
■ ファイザー社のcovid注射で死亡した胎児は、過去30年間、他のすべてのワクチンを合わせたよりも多い
(Natural News) A Freedom of Information (FOI) request out of Australia has revealed that pharmaceutical giant Pfizer hid the results of the only pregnancy and fertility study that has ever been conducted on its Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” because they showed that the injection causes birth defects and infertility.
Government regulators did the same thing, we now know, which points to collusion between Big Pharma and Big Bureaucracy in keeping the general public ignorant about the risks associated with Pfizer’s mRNA (messenger RNA) Fauci Flu shot.
Both Pfizer and the government have known for a while now that the company’s mRNA injection causes abnormalities in unborn babies. Even so, government regulators downgraded the risk by suppressing clinical trial data. (Related: It has also come to light that Fauci Flu shots cause AIDS.)
“These decisions led to medical professionals, who are far too trusting of Medicine Regulators, to wrongly inform pregnant women that the Covid-19 injections are perfectly safe during pregnancy, leading to many pregnant women feeling pressured to get vaccinated,” reported the Daily Expos (UK).
“This fraud and deception has [sic] caused at least 4,113 foetal deaths due to Covid-19 vaccination in the USA alone, and a further study shows Covid-19 vaccination actually increases the risk of suffering a miscarriage by at least 1,517%.”
■ More unborn babies have died from Pfizer’s covid injection than from all other vaccines combined over the past 30 years
In the “Pregnancy Category B2” section of the now-unearthed Pfizer documents, the company explains that there is “limited experience” with the use of COMIRNATY, as the jab is now called, in pregnant women.
It goes on to explain that a combined fertility and developmental toxicity study in rats showed that unborn babies exposed to the shot’s contents via their mothers developed supernumerary lumbar ribs.
“Administration of COMIRNATY in pregnancy should only be considered when the potential benefits outweigh any potential risks for the mother and fetus,” the document warns.
Official data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also shows that 3,209 unborn babies have died because of COMIRNATY, though this figure is likely underreported.
“The CDC has admitted that just 1 to 10% of adverse reactions are actually reported to VAERS therefore the true figure could be many times worse,” the Expos reports.
“But to put these numbers into perspective, there were only 2,239 reported foetal deaths to VAERS in the 30 years prior to the emergency use authorisation of the Covid-19 injections in December of 2020.”
Another study found that the risk of miscarriage following injection for covid is 1,517 percent higher than the risk of miscarriage after getting a flu shot.
“The true risk could however actually be much higher because pregnant women are a target group for Flu vaccination, whereas they are only a small demographic in terms of Covid-19 vaccination so far,” the Expos explains.
Pregnant women and their babies could have been protected for this had Pfizer and the government simply told the truth. Instead, they lied to the public, and many thousands of lives are now gone because of it.
It was also revealed in the FOI documents that women who get a third “booster” shot of COMIRNATY have a significantly reduced chance of getting pregnant. The shots, it appears, are a sterilizing agent that blocks fertility that also kills unborn babies who were already conceived.
“Despite scientific evidence proving otherwise, medicine regulators and Pfizer falsely claimed ‘Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy,'” the Expos concludes, noting that the government’s “outrageous campaign of propaganda and lies” has led to thousands of fetal deaths.
「大量中絶:妊娠第1期にワクチン接種を受けた女性の75%が赤ちゃんを失っている (Natural News)」
(拙稿 2022/4/19)
「米軍医が内部告発 コロナワクチン接種開始後、流産、癌、各疾病が激増中」
(拙稿 2022/1/28)
「米国CDC 新型コロナワクチン有害事象データ 2021年6月18日 流産も報告されている」
(拙稿 2021/6/27)
「ファイザー社は、妊娠に関して動物実験しかしていない」 (拙稿 2021/6/27)
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