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Neutralizing Activity and SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine mRNA Persistence in Serum and Breastmilk After BNT162b2 Vaccination in Lactating Women
(NIH 2022/1/11)
Kee Thai Yeo, 1 , 2 , 3 , † Wan Ni Chia, 4 , † Chee Wah Tan, 4 , † Chengsi Ong, 3 , 5 Joo Guan Yeo, 2 , 3 , 6 Jinyan Zhang, 4 Su Li Poh, 2 Amanda Jin Mei Lim, 2 Kirsten Hui Zhi Sim, 1 Nursyuhadah Sutamam, 2 Camillus Jian Hui Chua, 2 Salvatore Albani, 2 , 3 , ‡ Lin-Fa Wang, 4 , 7 , ‡ and Mei Chien Chua 1 , 3 , 5 , 8 , * , ‡
PMID: 35087517 PMCID: PMC8787073 DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.783975
Background: There is limited information on the functional neutralizing capabilities of breastmilk SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies and the potential adulteration of breastmilk with vaccine mRNA after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination.
Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort study of lactating healthcare workers who received the BNT162b2 vaccine and their infants. The presence of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies, antibody isotypes (IgG, IgA, IgM) and intact mRNA in serum and breastmilk was evaluated at multiple time points using a surrogate neutralizing assay, ELISA, and PCR, over a 6 week period of the two-dose vaccination given 21 days apart.
Results: Thirty-five lactating mothers, median age 34 years (IQR 32-36), were included. All had detectable neutralizing antibodies in the serum immediately before dose 2, with significant increase in neutralizing antibody levels 7 days after this dose [median 168.4 IU/ml (IQR 100.7-288.5) compared to 2753.0 IU/ml (IQR 1627.0-4712.0), p <0.001]. Through the two vaccine doses, all mothers had detectable IgG1, IgA and IgM isotypes in their serum, with a notable increase in all three antibody isotypes after dose 2, especially IgG1 levels. Neutralizing antibodies were detected in majority of breastmilk samples a week after dose 2 [median 13.4 IU/ml (IQR 7.0-28.7)], with persistence of these antibodies up to 3 weeks after. Post the second vaccine dose, all (35/35, 100%) mothers had detectable breastmilk SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD-specific IgG1 and IgA antibody and 32/35 (88.6%) mothers with IgM. Transient, low intact vaccine mRNA levels was detected in 20/74 (27%) serum samples from 21 mothers, and 5/309 (2%) breastmilk samples from 4 mothers within 1 weeks of vaccine dose. Five infants, median age 8 months (IQR 7-16), were also recruited - none had detectable neutralizing antibodies or vaccine mRNA in their serum.
Conclusion: Majority of lactating mothers had detectable SARS-CoV-2 antibody isotypes and neutralizing antibodies in serum and breastmilk, especially after dose 2 of BNT162b2 vaccination. Transient, low levels of vaccine mRNA were detected in the serum of vaccinated mothers with occasional transfer to their breastmilk, but we did not detect evidence of infant sensitization. Importantly, the presence of breastmilk neutralising antibodies likely provides a foundation for passive immunisation of the breastmilk-fed infant.
背景: 母乳中のSARS-CoV-2特異的抗体の機能的中和能や、SARS-CoV-2 mRNAワクチン接種後の母乳にワクチンmRNAが混入する可能性についての情報は限られたものしかない。
方法: BNT162b2ワクチンを接種した授乳中の医療従事者とその乳児を対象とした前向きコホート研究を実施した。21日間隔で2回接種した6週間にわたり,血清および母乳中のSARS-CoV-2中和抗体,抗体アイソタイプ(IgG,IgA,IgM)およびインタクトmRNAの存在を代替中和アッセイ、ELISAおよびPCRを用いて複数の時点において評価した。
結果: 授乳中の母親35名(年齢中央値34歳(IQR32-36))が対象となった。2回目投与直前の血清中では,全員が中和抗体を検出可能であり,投与7日後には中和抗体レベルが有意に上昇した[中央値168.4 IU/ml(IQR 100.7-288.5)に対し,2753.0 IU/ml(IQR 1627.0-4712.0),p < 0.001]。2回のワクチン接種を通じて、すべての母親の血清中にIgG1、IgA、IgMアイソタイプが検出され、2回目の接種後に3つの抗体アイソタイプすべて、特にIgG1レベルの増加が顕著であった。2回目接種後1週間の母乳から中和抗体が検出され(中央値13.4 IU/ml(IQR 7.0-28.7))、3週間後まで中和抗体が持続していた。2回目のワクチン接種後,すべての母親(35/35,100%)で母乳中のSARS-CoV-2スパイクRBD特異的IgG1およびIgA抗体が,32/35 (88.6%) の母親でIgMが検出可能であった。ワクチン投与後1週間以内に,21人の母親の血清の20/74(27%)と4人の母親の母乳5/309(2%)で,一過性の低いインタクトなワクチンmRNAレベルが検出された。また,中央値8カ月(IQR 7-16)の乳児5人を対象としたが,血清中に検出可能な中和抗体やワクチンのmRNAを有する者はいなかった。
結論: 授乳中の母親の大部分は,特に2回のBNT162b2ワクチン接種後,血清および母乳中に検出可能なSARS-CoV-2抗体アイソタイプおよび中和抗体を有していた。ワクチン接種を受けた母親の血清中には,一過性の低レベルのワクチンmRNAが検出され,母乳に移行することがあったが,乳児の感作を示す証拠は検出されなかった.重要なことは,母乳中和抗体の存在が,母乳栄養児への受動免疫の基礎となる可能性が高いことである.
「未接種の子供の肝障害の急増は、接種済みの母親の母乳が原因か (Investment Watch)」
(拙稿 2022/5/4)
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