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「Be warned: The World Health Organization’s “Pandemic Treaty” will destroy all remaining freedoms and unleash a global MEDICAL DICTATORSHIP」 (by Ethan Huff Natural News 2022/4/27)
「警告: 世界保健機関の「パンデミック条約」により、まだ残っている自由のすべてが失われ、グローバルな医療独裁体制の思うがままになるだろう」
(Natural News)国連は地球を奴隷にする使命を帯びており、それを達成する一つの方法が、世界保健機関(WHO)が推し進める新しい「パンデミック条約」である。
「Covid-19の大流行を受けて、WHOは新しいパンデミック条約を提案しており、2024年までに有効になるために十分な数の加盟国に受け入れられることを望んでいる」とThe Pulseは報告した。(関連記事 WHOによるこの攻撃からアメリカの主権を守るために、この請願書に署名してください)
■ もし、わが国がわずかしか残っていない国家主権をWHOに委ねたら、健康の自由はなくなる
「この道を歩む前に、この条約には世界の人々が考えるべきことがいくつもある」と、The Pulseは警告している。
以下のビデオでは、The PulseのJoe Martinoが、World Council of Healthの運営委員会のメンバーであるShabnam Palesa Mohamedにインタビューし、パンデミック条約がWHOに与えるものについて指摘している。
Joseph Mercola博士が説明するように、パンデミック条約は基本的にWHOに、現実であれ想像であれ、病気に対して画一的なアプローチを適用する支配権と権力を与えるものであり、「個々の国で見られる様々な状況を全て無視したもの」である。
(Natural News) The United Nations is on a mission to enslave the planet, and one way it seeks to achieve this is through the new “Pandemic Treaty” being pushed by the World Health Organization (WHO).
If adopted by WHO member nations, the Pandemic Treaty would remove all national sovereignty while granting the WHO the power and authority to mandate whatever it deems as necessary to treat a public health threat, whether real or imagined.
More than two years have passed since the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic was declared by the WHO, and the time is apparently ripe for a total transformation of the global medical paradigm.
If the UN gets its way, the WHO will soon be able to mandate covid “vaccines” and associated “passports” globally. The WHO would also be allowed to do the same for any future bioweapons that “escape” from Chinese or Ukrainian laboratories.
Negotiations for the Pandemic Treaty began on March 3, 2022, but they have received little attention due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has swept global headlines.
“Coming off the back of the Covid-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization is proposing a new pandemic treaty they’re hoping will be accepted by enough member countries to become a reality by 2024,” reported The Pulse. (Related: Sign this petition to protect America’s sovereignty against this assault by the WHO.)
If our country gives up what little national sovereignty remains to the WHO, it’s game over for health freedom
As you may recall, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus infamously stated that upholding individual autonomy, or even national autonomy, when it comes public health policy and interventions is selfish and gets in the way of the WHO’s global agenda.
This “me-first” approach, as he called it, “stymie[s] the global solidarity needed” to fight global health threats. The solution? Just give the WHO all power and call it a day.
“There are a number of things in the treaty that the people of the world need to consider before going down this path,” warned The Pulse.
In the featured video below, The Pulse‘s Joe Martino interviews Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, a member of the steering committee for the World Council of Health, who points out that the Pandemic Treaty gives the WHO:
“… an inordinate amount of power to make decisions in sovereign countries as to how people live and how they deal with pandemics, from lockdowns to mandates over treatment.”
As explained by Dr. Joseph Mercola, the Pandemic Treaty basically gives the WHO total authority and power to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to disease, whether real or imagined, and “without regard for all the varying situations found in individual countries.”
“The treaty is a direct threat to a nation’s sovereignty to make decisions for itself and its citizens, and would erode democracy everywhere,” he adds.
Not only is it a threat, but the Pandemic Treaty is invalid and unlawful, Mohamed says. And there is a possibility that the WHO might try to implement it before 2024, which is not even all that far off in the first place.
All that has to happen is for the World Health Assembly to vote it in come 2023. If a majority passes it at that time, all member countries will be bound by its tenets, possibly immediately that same year.
“The proposed WHO agreement is unnecessary, and is a threat to sovereignty and inalienable rights,” Mohamed says.
“It increases the WHO’s suffocating power to declare unjustified pandemics, impose dehumanizing lockdowns, and enforce expensive, unsafe, and ineffective treatments against the will of the people.”
まずプランデミックを引き起こし医療から世界支配を進め、 次に金融など他の領域でも独裁独占を拡げて世界統一政府を樹立させ、 世界支配を完成させることが彼らの計画でしょう。
このパンデミック条約は、国家主権を脅かす極めて深刻なものですが、 政治家を含め大半の人々は全く知りません。
国家の主権や民主主義を崩壊させるパンデミック条約には 絶対に賛成しないよう、政治家に働きかける必要があります。
「[最重要] ウクライナ侵攻のドサクサに紛れて、WHOが世界統一政府へ向けて権力拡大を画策中」 (拙稿 2022/3/2)
「実質的にWHOを支配しているのはビル・ゲイツ 莫大なワクチン投資をしながら 公的機関を操るのは完全な利益相反だ」 (拙稿 2021/7/13)
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