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「Immortalized cell lines used in lab-grown meats can cause CANCER」
(By Ramon Tomey Natural News 2023/2/20)
(Natural News) 実験室で育てられた肉は、気候にやさしい未来の食品として、グローバリストのエリートたちにもてはやされてきた。しかし、この同じ食品は、製造に使われる不死化細胞株を通じて、おそらく癌を引き起こす可能性がある。
Raw Egg Nationalist(REN)は、2月17日付のNational Pulseの記事で、この問題についてブルームバーグの記事を引用して光を当てた。ブルームバーグの寄稿者ジョー・ファスラーによる2月7日の記事は、偽肉会社がなぜ不死化細胞株を製品に使用するのかを説明したものである。
■ 偽肉に含まれる他の成分も、健康上の問題を引き起こす可能性がある
実験室で育てられた肉に含まれる不死身の細胞が発がん性物質である可能性はもちろん、本物の味や食感を模倣したこれらの製品に含まれる成分も、健康上の問題を引き起こす可能性がある。Children's Health Defense(CHD)は2022年9月、カリフォルニア州に本社を置くインポッシブル・フーズ社の偽肉製品に焦点を当ててこの問題を報じた。
健康自由団体は、同社が行ったインポッシブル・バーガーをラットに食べさせた研究を引用した。この研究は、偽の肉製品は、全くないとしても、最小限の影響しか与えないという前提で行われた。しかし、その研究結果は異なるものとなった。(関連記事: "フェイクミート"インポッシブル・バーガーに含まれる遺伝子組み換え原料が健康問題につながる)
この研究では、大豆レグヘモグロビン(SLH)が "ラットの生態内に不可解な変化をもたらす こと"が判明した。SLHを与えたラットは、原因不明の体重増加と、炎症や腎臓病の発症を示す血液の変化、貧血の兆候の可能性を示した。SLHは遺伝子組み換え(GM)酵母に由来し、インポッシブル・バーガーに肉のような味を与え、切ったときに動物肉のように出血させる役割を担っている。
擁護団体「Moms Across America」が依頼したテストでも、この結果は確認された。アイオワ州にある健康研究所で行われた検査によると、インポッシブル・バーガーのグリホサート濃度は10億分の11.3であった。これは、遺伝子組み換えを行っていない植物由来の原料を使用したビヨンド・ミート・バーガーから検出されたグリホサートよりも11倍も高い値であった。
このビデオはBrighteon.comのTKWK T.V.チャンネルからのものである。
「Lab-Grown Meat Has a Bigger Problem Than the Lab」
(Bloomberg 2023/2/7)
「ビル・ゲイツの偽肉産業、消費者の拒絶で財政破綻寸前に (News Punch)」
(拙稿 2023/2/9)
(Natural News) Lab-grown meat has been touted by the globalist elites as the climate-friendly food of the future. However, this same food can possibly cause cancer via the immortalized cell lines used to manufacture it.
Raw Egg Nationalist (REN) shined a light on this issue in a Feb. 17 piece for the National Pulse, citing a Bloomberg story about it. The Feb. 7 piece by Bloomberg‘s contributing writer Joe Fassler explained why fake meat companies use immortalized cell lines for their products.
“Normal meat cells don’t just keep dividing forever. To get the cell cultures to grow at rates big enough to power a business, several companies … are quietly using what are called immortalized cells, something most people have never eaten intentionally,” Fassler wrote.
While immortalized cell lines “are a staple of medical research,” Fassler noted that these are technically pre-cancerous and can be fully cancerous at times.
“The problem is that the materials used to make the product ‘immortalized cell lines’ replicate forever, just like cancer. Which means, in effect, that they are cancer. Industry types are ‘confident’ that eating such products poses no risk. But it’s not difficult to see, even if the products are ‘proven’ safe, how people might be put off by the thought that they’re eating a glorified tumor.”
According to REN, the dangers of fake meat made using immortalized cell lines come from the fact that long-term safety data for its consumption are not yet available. Fassler pointed out that immortalized cells in these products can multiply indefinitely if placed under the right conditions.
“This brings with it safety, but also image concerns,” he wrote.
To back up Fassler’s point, REN cited an instance where New York City Mayor Eric Adams a vegan attended a VIP event sponsored by cultured salmon manufacturer Wildtype. While several attendees enjoyed tasting the cultured salmon, Adams excused himself and left the event without taking a single bite of the fake fish.
Other ingredients in fake meat can also cause health issues
Aside from immortal cells in lab-grown meat being possible carcinogens, ingredients in these products that are meant to mimic the taste and texture of the real thing can also cause health issues. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) reported on the issue in September 2022, zooming in on the fake meat products from the California-based Impossible Foods.
The health freedom group cited a study conducted by the company involving rats fed with the Impossible Burger. The research was done under the assumption that fake meat products would have minimal impacts, if none at all. But the study’s findings came out differently. (Related: GMO ingredients in “fake meat” Impossible Burgers linked to health issues.)
The study found that soy leghemoglobin (SLH) caused “inexplicable alterations within rat biology.” Rats fed SLH experienced unexplained weight gain and changes in blood indicating the onset of inflammation or kidney disease and possible signs of anemia. SLH, which is derived from genetically modified (GM) yeast, is responsible for giving the Impossible Burger its meaty taste and making it bleed like animal meat when cut.
Another ingredient in Impossible Burger that caused health issues is herbicide-tolerant soy protein (HTSP). Impossible Foods introduced HTSP to the burger recipe in 2019 to improve the product’s texture and avoid gluten, the wheat protein that some people are unable to tolerate. As a result, fake meat burgers can contain residues of the herbicide glyphosate sprayed on soybeans which are then processed into HTSP.
Tests commissioned by the advocacy group Moms Across America confirmed this finding. Based on tests performed at the Iowa-based Health Research Institute Laboratories, Impossible Burgers had glyphosate levels of 11.3 parts per billion. This was 11 times higher than the glyphosate detected on the Beyond Meat Burger, which used plant-based ingredients that did not undergo genetic modification. has more stories about the dangerous ingredients in lab-grown meats.
Watch this Newsmax report about the Food and Drug Administration approving the first lab-grown meat product.
This video is from the TKWK T.V channel on
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