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「Video: Doctor KICKED OUT of Hospital Board Meeting
After Testifying to Effectiveness of Ivermectin to Treat Covid」
(INFOWARS 2023/2/22) 動画 13分50秒
「動画: イベルメクチンによるCovidの治療効果を証言した医師が、病院の理事会合から追い出される」
速報! Covid-19の治療にイベルメクチンが有効であることを証言したジョン・リッテル博士が
- Chris Nelson (@ReOpenChris) February 21, 2023
会場の外でリッテル博士は、サラソタ記念病院の多数の人々が、イベルメクチンやワクチン以外の治療法も患者のために利用できるというこの姿勢に賛同しているが、"報復を恐れて "口に出すことを恐れていると主張した。
リッテル博士のインタビューのパート2 Covid-19に関してサラソタ記念病院の会議から追い出された後。
― Chris Nelson (@ReOpenChris) February 22, 2023
イベルメクチンの最近のメタ分析では、COVID の治療に関して、この薬は"圧倒的に肯定的な"結果を示したが、これはイベルメクチンは"避けるべきである"という FDA の指示と真っ向から対立する。
-- ロバート・F・ケネディJr氏が弁護士として見解を語る (BonaFidr)」 (拙稿 2022/10/22)
A Florida physician was kicked out of a hospital board meeting Tuesday after testifying to the effectiveness of ivermectin to treat COVID-19.
Dr. John Littell, a family practice physician and former U.S. Army soldier, was expelled from the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Board meeting after highlighting several anecdotes of patients who quickly recovered from COVID after he treated them with ivermectin, a cheap and readily-available medicine used mostly for its anti-parasitic properties.
“I have dozens of cases I can share with you. But let me just tell you this. If you’re going to be the best, be the first to admit wrongdoing. Just think about how many lives could have been spared. And I was disciplined for giving ivermectin,” Littell said as a board member tried interrupting him.
Littell was promptly escorted from the venue by security following his remarks.
BREAKING! Dr. John Littell KICKED OUT of Sarasota Memorial Hospital Board Meeting after testifying to the effectiveness of Ivermectin to treat Covid-19!
― Chris Nelson (@ReOpenChris) February 21, 2023
Outside the venue, Littell claimed that numerous people at the Sarasota Memorial Hospital agree with this stance that ivermectin and other treatments besides the jab are available for patients, but are afraid to say so out loud “for fear of retribution.”
He also said during the pandemic he’d get calls from physicians and experts from across the medical spectrum asking him for ivermectin.
“All over the state I got calls from doctors and lawyers and mayors and teachers, and I just treated them with stuff that I knew worked and kept them out of the hospital,” he said.
Part 2 of my interview with Dr Littell after he was removed from the Sarasota Memorial Hospital meeting on Covid-19
― Chris Nelson (@ReOpenChris) February 22, 2023
Littell also admitted he may have somehow violated protocol during the meeting which may explain why they escorted him out.
“I guess I violated protocol. I have to confess, I’ve never been to a hospital board meeting ever,” he said, adding he was surprised he was still escorted off the property “as though I’m some kind of a criminal and all I did was speak my mind.”
A recent meta-analysis of ivermectin found the drug showed “overwhelmingly positive” results when it comes to treating COVID, which flies in the face of FDA talking points that ivermectin “should be avoided.”
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