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「Egg shortage and inflation strangely timed with revelation that yolks naturally mitigate
covid “vaccine” spike proteins」 (By Ethan Huff 2023/2/10)
「我々の得た結果は、抗スパイク-S1 IgYsが、SARS-CoV-2偽ウイルス、様々なスパイク蛋白変異体、さらに人為的環境下でSARS-CoVに対して、中和効力を示したことである。現在進行中のCOVID-19の予防と抑制のための現実的な手段になるかもしれない」
2022年11月に発表された2つ目の研究は、 「スパイク1、スパイク糖蛋白の受容体結合ドメイン、SARS-CoV-2のヌクレオキャプシドを標的とする卵黄免疫グロブリンがRBD-ACE2結合相互作用を阻害する」[2]。その要旨の一部は以下の通りである。
「我々の結果は、S1, RBD, N-IgYが人為的環境下でRBD-ACE2結合相互作用を阻害できることを示し、ウイルス侵入阻止への利用の可能性を示唆した。また、本研究では、産卵鶏が、ウイルスの結合を防ぐこの特異的IgYを産生できることを概念的に実証し、特異的IgYの大量生産が実現可能であることを示した」
■ あなたの健康を守るものを、政府は排除しようとする
卵の価格は過去1年間で60%急騰し、一部の店舗では卵の販売を客一人につき2箱までと制限している。これは、イカサマ大統領ジョー・バイデンが、彼の政権の計画の一部として、「食糧不足をより急速に(原文のまま)進め広める」と脅したことそのものである。-- これは、ヨーロッパの指導者との会話の中での幼児性愛最高司令官の言葉そのものだった。
「それはニュース価値のある出来事のように思えたが、この国のどの報道機関もそれに気づかなかったようだ。また、ホワイトハウスも訂正しなかった。しかし、他の人たちは見ていた。だから、数日のうちに、そのクリップはソーシャルメディアに流され、フェイスブックはすぐに "偽ニュース "としてフラグを立てたのだ」
[1] 「Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants
to human ACE2 」 (Shuangshi Wei, et al. Epub 2020/11/3)
[2] 「Immunoglobulin yolk targeting spike 1, receptor binding domain of spike glycoprotein
and nucleocapsid of SARS-CoV-2 blocking RBD-ACE2 binding interaction」
(Meliana Eka Saputri et al. Epub 2022/9/28)
[3] 「Fire at Waikato farm kills 50,000 chickens」 (NZ Herald 2023/2/5)
[4] 「アメリカの鶏飼育者たちから『鶏が卵をまったく生まなくなった』との報告が相次ぐ。
原因は『飼料』の可能性があると」 (BrainDeadWorld 2023/2/2)
[5] 「八千代の養鶏場 鳥インフル感染か 確認で111万羽処分へ」 (NHK 茨城 2023/2/2)
[6] 「Third-Largest Egg Farm in US Mysteriously Catches Fire, 100,000 Chickens Killed」
(21st Century Wire 2023/1/31)
[7] 「農家は、グローバリストの「食糧危機」計画の一環として、何百万羽ものニワトリが毒殺されたと
警告している」 (メモ・独り言のblog 2023/1/25)
[8] 「卵50万個が焼ける被害 ヒヨコふ化場が全焼」 (FNN 2022/11/29)
(Natural News) Prior to the sudden shortage of eggs and associated price inflation we are now seeing spread across the country, which they are blaming on “avian flu,” two studies were published to suggest that egg yolks are a cure for covid.
The first study, published in January 2021, is titled: “Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2.” Part of its abstract reads as follows:
“Our results show that the anti-Spike-S1 IgYs showed significant neutralizing potency against SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus, various spike protein mutants, and even SARS-CoV in vitro. It might be a feasible tool for the prevention and control of ongoing COVID-19.”
The second study, published in November 2022, is called: “Immunoglobulin yolk targeting spike 1, receptor binding domain of spike glycoprotein and nucleocapsid of SARS-CoV-2 blocking RBD-ACE2 binding interaction.” Part of its abstract reads as follows:
“Coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection has become a global pandemic disease that has social and economic chaos. An alternative mitigation strategy may involve the use of specific immunoglobulin (Ig)-Y derived from chicken eggs.”
“Our results demonstrated that S1,RBD,N-IgY was able to inhibit RBD-ACE2 binding interaction in vitro, suggesting its potential use in blocking virus entry. Our study also demonstrated proof-of-concept that laying hens were able to produce this specific IgY, which could block the viral binding and large production of this specific IgY is feasible.”
Both studies, published two years apart by different authors, make the same conclusion: that ordinary egg yolks contain nutrients that function as neutralizing agents for covid spike proteins. And right on cue, eggs are now disappearing from store shelves while what little supply remains becomes unaffordable for the average person.
If it helps protect your health, the government wants it gone
It is no coincidence that once the cat was let out of the bag about the anti-covid benefits of eggs, laying hens suddenly had to be purged because of “bird flu,” leaving behind empty shelves and high prices at the grocery store.
Egg prices have spiked up 60 percent over the past year while some stores limit the sale of eggs to two cartons per customer. This is exactly what fake president Joe Biden threatened would happen as part of his regime’s plans to “increase and disseminate more rapidly [sic] food shortages” these were the Pedophile-in-Chief’s exact words during a conversation he recently had with European leaders.
“So here you have the president [sic] of the United States pledging to increase food shortages at a press conference,” reported AllNewsPipeline about Biden’s admissions.
“That seemed like a newsworthy event, but not a single news organization in this country seemed to notice it happened. Nor did the White House correct it. But others were watching. So within days, that clip wound up on social media and Facebook flagged it immediately as ‘false news.'”
Tucker Carlson of FOX News is one of the few to address Biden’s statements, which point towards the intentional destruction of the United States food supply as the globalist-led deep state launches the next phase of its Great Reset: replacing meat and eggs with insects and worms.
Then we have all the food processing plant and egg-laying facilities that have mysteriously exploded or caught fire over the past year. There is simply no way that all of this happening together at the exact same time is just a coincidence.
“Everybody should start raising chickens today,” one commenter on a story wrote. “Even just a couple of chickens will help guarantee you have some high-quality protein every day.”
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