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「Changes of ECG parameters after BNT162b2 vaccine in the senior high school students 」
(Shuenn-Nan Chiu, et al. PubMed 2023/1/5)
結論: BNT162b2ワクチン2回目接種後,心臓症状はよく見られるが,重大な不整脈や心筋炎の発生率は0.1%に過ぎない.連続心電図スクリーニング法は,重大な心臓の副作用に対して高い感度と特異性を有するが,費用対効果についてはさらなる議論が必要である.
既知であること: ・ BNT162b2 COVID-19ワクチン2回目接種後の心臓の副作用の発生率は,報告制度に基づき,若年男性で1万人あたり1.5人と高いことが報告されている。
新たに判明したこと: ・今回のBNT162b2ワクチン2回目接種後の集団心電図スクリーニング試験を通じて、我々は次のことを発見した:(1)ワクチン接種後の脱分極および再分極パラメータ(QRS時間およびQT間隔)は心拍数の増加とともに著しく減少する;(2)ワクチン後の心筋炎および重大不整脈の発生率は0.02%および0.08%;(3)連続心電図スクリーニング法は重大心臓副作用に対して高い感度および特異性を有している。
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The purpose of this study is to determine the ECG parameter change and the efficacy of ECG screening for cardiac adverse effect after the second dose of BNT162b2 vaccine in young population. In December 2021, in cooperation with the school vaccination system of Taipei City government, we performed a ECG screening study during the second dose of BNT162b2 vaccines. Serial comparisons of ECGs and questionnaire survey were performed before and after vaccine in four male-predominant senior high schools. Among 7934 eligible students, 4928 (62.1%) were included in the study. The male/female ratio was 4576/352. In total, 763 students (17.1%) had at least one cardiac symptom after the second vaccine dose, mostly chest pain and palpitations. The depolarization and repolarization parameters (QRS duration and QT interval) decreased significantly after the vaccine with increasing heart rate. Abnormal ECGs were obtained in 51 (1.0%) of the students, of which 1 was diagnosed with mild myocarditis and another 4 were judged to have significant arrhythmia. None of the patients needed to be admitted to hospital and all of these symptoms improved spontaneously. Using these five students as a positive outcome, the sensitivity and specificity of this screening method were 100% and 99.1%, respectively. Conclusion: Cardiac symptoms are common after the second dose of BNT162b2 vaccine, but the incidences of significant arrhythmias and myocarditis are only 0.1%. The serial ECG screening method has high sensitivity and specificity for significant cardiac adverse effect but cost effect needs further discussed. What is Known: The incidence of cardiac adverse effects was reported to be as high as 1.5 per 10 000 persons after the second dose BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine in the young male population based on the reporting system. What is New: Through this mass ECG screening study after the second dose of BNT162b2 vaccine we found: (1) The depolarization and repolarization parameters (QRS duration and QT interval) decreased significantly after the vaccine with increasing heart rate; (2) the incidence of post-vaccine myocarditis and significant arrhythmia are 0.02% and 0.08%; (3) The serial ECG screening method has high sensitivity and specificity for significant cardiac adverse effect.
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