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「Duke University Hospital Denies Life Saving Kidney Transplant to Dying 14-Year-Old Girl
for Being Unvaccinated」 (By Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit 2022/12/7)
「デューク大学病院は、ユリアが予防接種を受けていないことを理由に、彼女の腎臓移植手術の実施を拒否しました。ヒックス家は、ユリアと母親だけでなく、ドナー候補の渡航、宿泊費を負担しなければなりません。 これはひどい不公平な話です。移植は簡単ではないし時間もかかります。手術前の数多くの検査、手術、回復、そして何年にもわたる定期的な診察など、大家族のヒックス家にとって経済的に不可能なことなのです」とグレイスは言う。
Duke University Hospital is now denying a life-saving kidney transplant operation to a dying teenager for refusing the experimental Covid-19 vaccine.
Yulia Hicks, 14, was adopted by North Carolina Army Veterans Chrissy and Lee Hicks in 2021 after being brought from Ukraine to the United States in December 2018.
Chrissy and Lee knew they were adopting a child with a genetic kidney condition that would eventually require surgery when they decided to bring Yulia home in January 2021.
“She fit in right away with Lee and Chrissy’s 10 other children, 2 of which are also adopted,” according to a fundraising campaign created by Emily Grace. “14-year-old Yulia is outgoing and always positive despite the hardships in her life, to include the last 15 months of DAILY dialysis.”
According to Grace, the Duke University Hospital denied life-saving surgery because of Yulia’s vaccination status.
“Duke University Hospital REFUSED to conduct Yulia’s kidney transplant surgery because she is not vaccinated. A horrible injustice in itself, now the Hick’s family must pay for out-of-state travel and lodging expenses for not only Yulia and her mother but also her potential donor! The transplant process is not easy nor quick. Between the numerous pre-surgery tests, the procedure itself, recovery, and the years of regular appointments, the whole endeavor is now financially IMPOSSIBLE for the large Hicks family,” Grace said.
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