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「For the “crime” of promoting vitamin D during covid, a Missouri doctor faces $500 billion in FTC fines」
(By Ethan Huff Natural News 2022/11/22)
「Covid流行中、ビタミンDを宣伝した "罪 "により、ミズーリ州の医師がFTCの罰金5000億ドルに直面」
(ナチュラルニュース) 連邦取引委員会(FTC)は、プランデミックの間、健康でいるためにビタミンDと亜鉛を摂取すればよいと伝え、COVID-19消費者保護法に違反したとされるミズーリ州の医師兼カイロプラクター、エリック ネピュート博士に5000億ドルを要求している。
■ FDAと同様、FTCはアメリカ人が天然ビタミンやミネラルにより健康を維持することを望んでいない
「彼らが私を狙う唯一の理由は-彼らはこう言った-私が彼らが標的にした最初の医師であり、前例を作りたいからだ」とネピュートは言う。「彼らは 『剣から血が滴る』まで止めないと言った。これは文字通りFTCの口から出た言葉だ」
(Natural News) The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) wants half a trillion dollars from Dr. Eric Nepute, a Missouri doctor and chiropractor who allegedly violated the COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act by telling people they could take vitamin D and zinc in order to stay healthy throughout the plandemic.
Because Nepute also sold vitamin D and zinc many chiropractors sell vitamins and dietary supplements to patients who want them the FTC is accusing him of committing fraud.
“The federal government is suing me for half a trillion dollars … for telling people to take vitamins,” Nepute says about this latest political circus and abuse of taxpayer dollars by the feds.
Nepute’s case is scheduled to go to trial in Missouri federal court next March. A jury will decide if the FTC’s 27-page complaint against him, which was issued in April 2021, holds any merit.
The 41-year-old licensed chiropractor owns and operates the Nepute Wellness Center in St. Louis. He also owns Quickwork, a limited liability company that does business under the name of “Wellness Warrior.”
That Wellness Warrior entity advertised, promoted, and sold a product called “Wellness Warrior Vita D,” along with other products, that contain anti-covid ingredients such as vitamin D and zinc.
“Starting no later than June 2020, [Nepute] began advertising a protocol that customers should follow to protect against, prevent, or treat COVID-19,” the FTC complaint states. “This protocol, which has varied over time, advises consumers to take [daily] substantial quantities of emulsified Vitamin D3 and zinc.”
According to the FTC, there are “no published studies” that “prove Vitamin D protects against, treats, or prevents COVID-19.”
Like the FDA, the FTC doesn’t want Americans to stay healthy with natural vitamins and minerals
Truth be told, there are no published studies that suggest covid “vaccines” protect against, treat, or prevent the Fauci Flu either. In fact, a bulk of available evidence suggests that the jabs make things worse for a person’s immune system.
There is, however, plenty of evidence that points to vitamin D being effective against colds and the flu, which is basically all the Chinese Virus ever was (with a few bio-engineered modifications).
Even so, the FTC says Nepute’s “lack of factual or scientific bases for these claims [are] frequently accompanied by equally unsupported assertions regarding applicable science.”
“In short,” the FTC adds in its complaint, “defendants are selling their products by disseminating information, exploiting fears [amid] a pandemic, and posting a significant risk to public health and safety.”
Once again, these are all the very same things that Rochelle Walensky at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Tony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) did concerning face masks, stay-at-home orders, the jabs, and more.
None of those interventions bear any anything scientific to support them, and all of them were propagated on the masses to stoke fear and panic. And yet the FTC is not going after any of them, nor is it going after the likes of Pfizer and Moderna for lying about the safety and efficacy of their covid injections.
The reason is because the federal deep state and its Big Pharma partners are a protected class that owns the “science” on all matters. Only they are allowed to produce “cures,” in other words.
“The only reason they’re coming after me and they said this is because I’m the first doctor they went after, and they want to set a precedent,” Nepute says. “They said they wouldn’t stop until they had ‘blood on their sword.’ That’s literally from the FTC’s mouth.”
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