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「Australia recommends against fifth vaccine dose as fresh COVID wave builds」
(By Lerwis Jackson Reuters 2022/11/14)
シドニー 15日 ロイター] - オーストラリアの保健当局は、COVID-19ワクチンの5回目の接種を行わないよう勧告しているが、同国のCOVID感染が急速に拡大していることから、対象者には残りのブースター接種を申し込むよう促している。
バトラー氏によると、オーストラリアの予防接種技術諮問グループ(ATAGI)は、シンガポールの最近の流行から、予防接種を受けた人の間で重症化や死亡はまれであり、5回目の接種がウイルス感染に与える影響はほとんどないという証拠を示し、5回目の接種、すなわち3度目のブースターを推奨しなかったと述べた。 (以下略)
SYDNEY, Nov 15 (Reuters) - Australian health authorities have recommended against getting a fifth COVID-19 vaccine shot, even as they urged those eligible to sign up for their remaining booster doses as the country's latest COVID wave grows rapidly.
Average daily cases had been 47% higher last week than the week before, said Health Minister Mark Butler at a press conference on Tuesday, announcing new vaccination recommendations. But cases remain 85% below the previous peak, of late July.
Butler said the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisations (ATAGI) had recommended against a fifth dose, or third booster, after evidence from Singapore's recent wave showed that severe illness and death were rare among the vaccinated and that a fifth shot had minimal impact on virus transmission.
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