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「COVID-19 vaccines are crazy cocktails that contain toxic metals warns dr. trozzi」
(Natural News 2022/10/20)
「トロッツィ博士が警告 『COVID-19ワクチンは有害金属を含むクレイジー・カクテルだ』」
・ 明視野顕微鏡(BFM)
・ 暗視野顕微鏡(DFM)
・ エネルギー分散型X線分光器(EDX)
・ 誘導結合プラズマ分析 (ICP)
・ 血液画像診断
・ 質量分析装置(MS)
・ 走査型電子顕微鏡(SEM)
その結果、ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン、ファイザー、モデルナのバイアルには、人体には存在しないものを含む、多数の公表されていない元素が含まれていることが判明した。(関連記事: わずか数カ月で、モデルナのcovid「ワクチン」の効能が自己免疫疾患に変わった)
・ アルミニウム
・ クロム
・ コバルト
・ 鉄
・ シリコン
・ 硫黄
・ チタン
■ データはワクチン接種者が血栓を生じるリスクが高いことを示唆する
科学者たちは、ワクチン接種者と非接種者の血液サンプルも調査した。データによると、ワクチンを接種した人は、100%一貫して、傷ついた赤血球がしばしば互いにくっつき、"連銭形成 "という極端な状態にまで変化した血液であることがわかった。
トロッツィ博士はまた、注射されたウイルスのmRNAがヒトのDNAに逆転写されるという重大なリスクについても話した。つまり、ヒトの細胞がスパイク・タンパク質の工場になる可能性がある、それも"患者が生存している限り "である。
・ 炎症を引き起こす食品の摂取を控えるよう、食生活を改めること。低ヒスタミン食をとる、加工食品や遺伝子組み換え食品を避けること。
・ 断食や、断食と非断食の間を行き来するような食事タイミングを試してみる。断続的な断食を実践している人は、毎日6〜8時間以内に1日分のカロリーをすべて消費することが多いようだ。このダイエット法は、細胞が成分を分解して再利用するオートファジー、つまり人間の細胞内で行われる「リサイクルプロセス」を誘発するのに役立つ。オートファジーは、傷ついた細胞のタンパク質を除去するために体内で使用され、有害なウイルスや細菌を感染後に破壊することができる。
・ ビタミンA、C、D3、E、ヨウ素、セレン、微量元素などの基本的な栄養素を補給するために、マルチビタミンを毎日摂取すること。
・ スパイクタンパクのデトックスに効果的な温熱療法を試してみること。
Preventing Spike Protein
これらの白塊は「血栓」ではないことが判明した (Mike Adams Natural News)」
(拙稿 2022/8/20)
(The Expose)」 (拙稿 2022/5/30)
「独占記事: 『突然死』した人から抽出された血栓の衝撃的な顕微鏡写真
- 結晶構造、ナノワイヤー、チョークのような粒子、繊維状構造物 (Natural News)」
(拙稿 2022/6/14)
(Natural News) Even before the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Big Pharma and the mainstream media have been claiming that vaccines are safe to use and not linked to any negative side effects. But data shows this claim isn’t true, with many reports confirming adverse effects and deaths linked to COVID-19 vaccines.
Dr. Mark Trozzi, a practitioner of emergency medicine, revealed in a recent interview that coronavirus vaccines contain traces of toxic metals.
Trozzi discussed the findings of an extensive laboratory analysis done by the international group of scientists of the German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis.
Talking about the undisclosed content of different coronavirus vaccines from different brands, Trozzi said the pandemic and the reaction to it has been unusual because the “crazy cocktails” have never been used on such a large scale.
The German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis is an international network of over 60 experts, including medical doctors, scientists, mathematicians, lawyers and others who analyze coronavirus vaccines and report their findings to the public.
Members of the group conducted their research in several laboratories and countries and they studied COVID-19 vaccines from AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna. The experts also studied the blood of people who have received the vaccines.
The team of researchers used the following tools:
・ Bright field microscopy (BFM)
・ Dark field microscopy (DFM)
・ Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX)
・ Inductively coupled plasma analysis (ICP)
・ Live blood image diagnostics
・ Mass spectroscopy (MS)
・ Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
The researchers also used artificial intelligence to analyze images.
The results revealed that vials of Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna contained numerous unclaimed elements, including several that do not belong in the human body. (Related: Within mere months, Moderna’s covid “vaccine” efficacy turns into AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE.)
・ These elements include:
・ Aluminum
・ Chromium
・ Cobalt
・ Iron
・ Silicon
・ Sulfur
・ Titanium
None of these harmful elements were declared by the manufacturers.
Data suggests vaccinated people have greater risk of developing blood clots
The scientists also studied blood samples from vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Data showed that those who were vaccinated had 100 percent consistently altered blood with damaged red blood cells that often stuck to each other, even to the extreme of “rouleaux formation.”
This suggests that there is a greater risk of blood clotting in vaccinated people.
Trozzi also talked about the critical risk of reverse transcription of viral mRNA from the shots into human DNA. This means that human cells can become factories for the spike protein or “for as long as the patient survives.”
He warned vaccinated people not to take any additional doses of COVID-19 vaccines and to detoxify their bodies from the spike protein.
Follow the tips below to clear viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins from your body:
・ Change your diet to reduce the consumption of pro-inflammatory food items. Consider a low histamine diet and avoid processed foods and GMOs.
・ Try intermittent fasting or implementing meal timing schedules that switch back and forth between periods of voluntary fasting and non-fasting. People who practice intermittent fasting often consume all of their daily calories within six to eight hours each day. This method of dieting can help induce autophagy or a “recycling process” that takes place in human cells, where cells degrade and recycle components. Autophagy is used by your body to eliminate damaged cell proteins and it can destroy harmful viruses and bacteria post-infection.
・ Take multivitamins daily to provide your body with a basic supply of vitamins A, C, D3 and E, iodine, selenium and trace elements.
・ Try heat therapy, which is a good way of detoxing spike protein.
Think twice about getting COVID-19 vaccines, especially if you don’t want to get exposed to toxic metals like aluminum and cobalt.
Visit to learn more about the adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines.
Watch the video below for more information on how to prevent spike proteins.
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